Business trip
Why the Left Foot (foot) itches - interpretation of signs by day and time
People have long believed that each of us is accompanied by higher powers from birth. To the right of
What does an elephant symbolize in Feng Shui?
The elephant represents wisdom, strength and prudence. It serves as an emblem in India, China and Africa
Consultations on the website Subtleties of Metaphysics
Functions and meaning of the Pillar of the Hour in Bazi
The Meaning of the Four Pillars in Bazi Each Bazi card consists of Four Pillars: the pillar of the year,
Photo 9
The meaning of the Berkan rune in an inverted and upright position, description and interpretation on love and relationships
Berkana is rune number 18 in the Elder Futhark. The literal translation of its name is “birch”.
seven cups with major arcana
The meaning of the 7 of Cups card in readings for relationships, love, work and health
Tweet Share Share Pin 0 Shares The meaning of the 7 of Cups tarot is one of the most controversial
How to find out your element by date of birth
4 ways to find out what your element is: by year of birth, zodiac sign, Feng Shui and tarot
Once upon a time, our ancestors, who lived in ancient times, determined that the basis of all things lies
Combination of 9 cups
Element of water - card 9 of Cups meaning in Tarot layouts
From this article you will learn: What is the meaning of the “9 of Cups” Tarot card in direct
Celestial trunks in Bazi and types of their interaction. Part 1
Home › Metaphysics, Astrology, Jyotish, Ba-Tzu › What is the difference between heavenly trunks and earthly branches?
Kuigang in Ba Zi
Personal Star of Lunar Virtue
Character Traits The Boss Star is so named because it gives a person the traits of an authoritarian ruler who
Nine of Cups tarot
The meaning of the 9 of Cups card in readings for relationships, love, work and health
The meaning of the card in a broad sense The picture shows a good-natured man. The pose expresses calmness and
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