Where to put your old wallet so that you can keep money in the new one 5 options

How to properly throw away an old wallet?

You can throw it away only after purchasing a good new wallet and after analyzing the role of the used wallet.
If he was with you in moments of success, promotion at work or increase in wealth, then his aura can be beneficial even after his physical shell has ceased to be functional . You just need to transfer the cash flow from a worn-out wallet to one that was recently purchased.

When transferring, it is very important not to create an artificial barrier to the financial flow. To avoid this, the lucky tattered accessory is not burned or buried.

Fire and earth cleanse and help put an end to the chain of events. That is, these methods of getting rid of things that have lost their attractiveness are resorted to when a particular thing was a source of trouble or a witness to tragic life circumstances.

Is it even possible to do this?

If a particular wallet brought good luck or money was never transferred in it, then you should not throw away such a “helper” . Better make a piggy bank out of it. You can get rid of an ordinary accessory that is not associated with financial well-being. However, this must be done correctly, otherwise you can invite disaster.

Important! If you already have a lucky bag at home, then increasing their number will not contribute to positive changes. According to Feng Shui, there is nothing worse than hoarding. Cluttering your home is a sure way to doom yourself to failure in all areas, including financial ones.

When choosing between throwing away your old wallet and giving it to other people, choose the first option. This is done even if the wallet has hardly been used and it looks like new. And you definitely shouldn’t make a toy out of your wallet. Parents should under no circumstances give their children their personal belongings that carry strong energy.

Important! Feng Shui gurus insist that old wallets should be disposed of every 12 months. This frequency allows you to avoid the accumulation of negative energy and weakening of cash flow.

The meaning and energy of a wallet

Signs about a wallet take into account the role of an old wallet as the only place to store money. A person who stuffs bills into his pockets, crumples them or throws coins anywhere loses the favor of higher powers and is punished by poverty for disrespect for money.

For the longevity of your wallet, superstitions dictate that you never take out money while in a bad mood. You can’t even pick up small change lying under your feet. Many people perform magical rituals on small coins, designed to convey to others their lack of money and need.

The person who picks up the coin, placing it in his wallet, puts future financial failures there.

Signs associated with throwing away a wallet

The following behavior is fraught with failure:

  • showing the contents of an old wallet to strangers or relatives;
  • the last time taking money out of your wallet when you are in a bad mood;
  • the story that the ceremony was performed.

Those to whom financial misfortunes have been transferred from a battered wallet cannot expect good things either. If you see small change at an intersection, do not pick up the money . Perhaps they were thrown out to the “farm”.

This is a ritual aimed at cleansing the karma of the owner of a worn-out wallet. A person who raises such money will take on someone else's financial troubles . Very soon his wallet, which until recently was full, will be empty. The funds will go to the person who performed the ceremony.

Another sign is associated with starting to use a new wallet. The first few days they don’t tell anyone about it, they keep the purchase secret . Well, immediately after going to the store, you need to look into your old wallet and take out a banknote of the highest denomination. This money should be immediately spent on inexpensive sweets. Sweets are distributed to loved ones and children they meet.

Important! Under no circumstances should you take change. Try to make sure it doesn't appear at all. Spend the entire amount on sweets.

Dreams about throwing away your wallet deserve special attention. If the wallet was very old, worn out and had holes, then this is a warning . Events are coming that will shake your financial well-being. Moreover, this streak of failures will be difficult to overcome. You will have to save up and save a lot.

Unintentional parting with your wallet promises even more misfortune. A similar plot in a dream is a harbinger of bankruptcy. But a dream in which a bright red wallet was present is considered an omen of joyful changes. First of all, financially.

Important! Burgundy is a good shade for a wallet. Feel free to purchase a model of this color if you intend to increase your wealth or achieve a promotion at work.

What not to do?

To begin with, it is important to say what to do with an old wallet:

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  • send the former income storage to the trash can . Throwing away your wallet is a very bad omen. By throwing it away, you lose your money luck. However, this only applies to those wallets that have always been full of money. And you can safely get rid of those that are always empty. But it is worth doing this with the help of rituals. You can also read more about them in this article;
  • give the wallet to friends . By handing your wallet to another person, you are giving them all the positive energy. Thanks to this, your friend will probably become more successful financially, but failure will overtake you.

Rituals to help you properly get rid of your old wallet

The first ritual will allow you to say goodbye to the unlucky thing.
If your wallet is empty all the time, and money flows out of it, then you need to wait for the waning moon. The phase is ideal for cases aimed at suppression and completion. On such a day, go into your room and make sure that no one follows you . Being alone with yourself, take out all the money from your used wallet. These funds will need to be distributed within a few days (be sure to do this with a calm heart, do not be greedy and do not worry). It is important to meet the deadlines so that the moon does not have time to start growing.

Important! Banknotes and coins for alms are not transferred to the purchased replacement wallet. They are placed in a very simple package, which is then disposed of.

As soon as the money has been distributed, you need to wrap the old wallet in a thick black rag and whisper over it:

Thank you for your service. I give away poverty and need.

After whispering the right words, burn the wallet and bury the ashes from it. But don't do it near your home. The farther the pit is located from your home, the better .

The second ritual will help you get out of the debt hole. The ritual will benefit those who have a lot of loans and because of them have to deny themselves everything. In order for this period of life to end quickly and successfully, you need to do the following:

  • put your old wallet at home and don’t touch it for 3 days;
  • at the end of the term, pick up, take out all the money from the wallet and count it;
  • put the wallet on the windowsill;
  • say: I am profit. You are strength;
  • take the highest denomination banknote from your wallet and spend it on gifts for loved ones ( this must be done within the first 6 days from the moment of transferring the wallet );
  • if there is change left from purchases, then put it in the pile that is on the window;
  • a week after placing it on the windowsill, remove all the money from the wallet and bury the wallet itself in the ground.

Important! Other family members should also not pick up or touch the wallet.

Ideally, the burying process should occur during the waning moon.

With a wallet that you decided to put aside and not throw away because of its good aura, you need to perform the following ritual:

  • remove all funds from it;
  • insert a banknote or coin of low denomination;
  • put your wallet away;
  • in a month, take out your wallet;
  • replace the banknote or coin with a more expensive one;
  • remove again for 30 days;
  • repeat the procedure throughout the year.

At the end of this period, the invested banknote, no matter how high its denomination, will not seem like something significant to you, so much will your financial condition improve.


You don't have to leave your wallet as trash cluttering your home.

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There are many ways to recycle old items:

  • turn your wallet into a piggy bank . Everyone dreams of saving for a vacation, a new car or equipment. But something always gets in the way. It's not so easy not to spend money when you always have it with you. If you have a wallet in your apartment, hidden in the closet on the top shelf, it will be easier to save money, and your dreams of traveling abroad will become real. In addition, the piggy bank with its energy will attract money to your home;
  • a former wallet can become a repository for small parts . Everyone has experienced the loss of a bolt, a hairpin or an eraser. By keeping all these things in one place, you will encounter this problem much less often. You don’t have to look for them all over the house, you just need to get your old wallet;
  • make a new wallet by transforming the old one . Are you sure your wallet is that bad? You can change its design, sew on a different fabric, make a new pattern, replace the zipper, add sparkles and whatever your heart desires. Unleash your imagination!

What conspiracies need to be “applied”?

The cherished words that are said when burning a bad wallet:
Burn with a red flame, Grief, take away poverty. What was in you - let it triple, What was not in you - let it appear. Let it be as I say!

At the end of the conspiracy, a fixing word is used: Amen. They say it three times.

Important! Rituals and conspiracies only work for people who were at peace with themselves at the time of the action. You should not worry, think about bad things or show skepticism. You should also notify your loved ones so that they do not touch money or wallets that will be in strange places that are unusual for them.

What to do if you were given an empty wallet?

Place all the bills you have in your wallet

, and put it in a secluded place.
No one should see it, take it out, or open it. In exactly a week you will be able to get your wallet
and use it. In seven days, the new accessory will be charged with the positive energy of money.

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When is the best time to buy a new one?

If your old wallet was not particularly lucky, then by following some rules in buying a new one, you can attract abundance and prosperity into your life. The best period to buy a new wallet is before the New Year . It is advisable to make your wallet purchase in the morning on Wednesday or Thursday.

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When purchasing a new wallet, do not take the change from the seller and mentally say: “I won’t lose change, but more money will come to me!”

Returning home with a purchase, you need to say: “Become my money a reliable and good home, preserve and increase your existing wealth. May the Lord bless and guide me, may my guardian angel help and protect me. Amen".

When you exchange an old wallet for a new one, try to listen to your intuition in choosing, look for an item without the slightest flaw. After all, this will be a new home for your money, and it must be of high quality, beautiful, with working fasteners. Pay attention to the quality of the material and the evenness of the seams. There should be no threads sticking out of it.

It is not recommended to purchase wallets made of plastic and polyethylene. Such products reflect the flow of energy, and the right wallet, on the contrary, should work to attract and accumulate cash flows. Favorable materials are considered to be genuine leather and suede.

The shape of the future wallet also plays a role. It is better to choose a spacious rectangular wallet that can easily accommodate unfolded banknotes of different denominations. Do not crumple or bend banknotes. There should be a separate place for coins.

It will be ideal if you choose a model that organically accommodates talismans. It is believed that there are special money colors that, depending on your wishes, will help you influence the contents of your wallet. Thus, a brown wallet helps most in accumulating finances.

If you do not like to store funds for a long time, then opt for a red wallet. Even if you spend constantly, thanks to the red color, money will increase just as quickly. If you dream of saving up for an expensive purchase, then a green or pale pink wallet will help you realize this.

For creative individuals, an excellent solution would be to buy a purple or white wallet. A very good color for choosing a wallet is black. If you need to increase financial stability in your life, then buy a gold or black wallet.

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