Coincidence of numbers on the clock - what do the same numbers say?

  1. Angelic numerology: concept and essence
  2. How and what the Higher powers talk to us about
  3. Angelic combinations of the same numbers: what do they say?
  4. Interpretation
  5. What can we read on the clock?
  6. Meanings of combinations of numbers on a clock

Our ancestors believed in the existence of Guardian Angels who remain close to their charges throughout their entire life journey. These creatures help in difficult times and protect from troubles. In addition, they assist a person in self-development. They talk to us in their own way, telling us with different signals and signs how best to act in a given situation. Another thing is to see whether a person hears them. Let's talk about scientific knowledge that can decipher the hints and warnings sent to us by the angel.

Angelic numerology: concept and essence

The most ancient knowledge that helps explain and interpret what angels want to tell people about is called angelic numerology.
Let us recall that numerology studies the vibrations of numbers, numbers, their influence on people and their life processes. In the 16th century, the English mathematician and astrologer John Dee wrote a work on numbers, which he considered a universal angelic language for communicating with people.

The founder of the relatively young teaching of Angelic Numerology is Doreen Virtue. Clairvoyant from America, psychologist and philosopher, author of many books. She dedicated her works to the Supreme Beings, including Gods, angels, and saints. For many years she has been researching unexplained phenomena. But it was worth it. After all, she has created a tool that can help you interpret the messages of your helpers from heaven. According to Doreen Virtue, we regularly receive signs from angels that warn of dangers and suggest solutions to problems in a person’s life.

Read our article “The Magic of Numerology of Numbers”.

Angels talk to humans using numbers, letters, and signs. Doreen Virtue's works talk about clues from invisible guardians, which are encoded in repeating numbers or their combinations. Namely:

  • on license plates;
  • on the clock;
  • in house, apartment, office numbering;
  • in dates of birth;
  • on ticket forms, both in transport and public institutions, etc.

All such combinations and numbers hide data that can make adjustments to people’s future. Doreen Virtue has done a lot of research on the topic of numerological calculations based on date of birth. Such calculations help identify children who have unique abilities from birth, and not only.

We often don’t notice coincidences of numbers or combinations. But you should pay attention to this, because such a phenomenon can be an important warning. It’s not for nothing that the angels send us such a sign.

Lucky combinations

In Feng Shui, the energy of numbers is always assessed in terms of their combination with other numbers. The following combinations are considered the most successful in ancient Chinese teaching:

  • 1; 6; 8 in any order, since the combination symbolizes primacy and constant increase in wealth;
  • 6; 8 allows a person to build a successful career, rewarded with material wealth and psychological comfort that are associated with the realization of potential;
  • 2; 8 helps to realize desires related to the acquisition of expensive things;
  • 7; 8 provides a person with financial prosperity, but only if he begins to use the opportunities presented by fate;
  • 4, 8: in this combination the negative number 4 takes on a good meaning;
  • 7; 8; 9: The combination of energetically strong and lucky numbers allows you to get all the opportunities to gain financial prosperity.

Do not forget about unfavorable combinations of numbers, which contain symbols with zero or negative energy according to Feng Shui:

  • 2; 4 in combination will bring into a person’s life the loss of significant aspects in fate - friendship, love, respect;
  • 5; 8: the number eight itself attracts wealth into life, but if it is combined with the number five, the energy of wealth becomes zero;
  • 9; 5: their connection symbolizes sudden losses caused by natural disasters or accidents;
  • 6; 4: a person will be rich, but he will quickly lose his savings and be left with nothing;
  • 5; 6: this combination is a block that prevents the fulfillment of any desires, even if a person begins to make every effort to realize his plans.

In order for numbers to bring well-being to a person, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a car and mobile (home) number.

Selecting a lucky number

How and what do the Higher Powers talk to us about?

This practice does not involve the addition and reduction calculations used in most cases in numerology. This explains the regular appearance of number combinations in your life. This is notifying us of a change in life, perhaps so that we can reconsider our goals, our thoughts. They try in different ways to convey important messages to your consciousness. They can also be the answer to your questions. Or be the messengers of events that have the power to change your life aspirations and goals.

Many have probably heard the phrase that angels in heaven may cry. It is usually said when someone commits an absurd and senseless, but life-destroying act. And the angels shed tears in a way that even they could not prevent such consequences. Although everything was done that was in their power. But they were not understood or the sign was simply ignored.

Who is Doreen Virtue

Many people notice patterns and relationships that repeating numbers show. However, it was relatively recently that it was possible to organize knowledge and turn it into a whole system. This was done by the American writer, esotericist and practical philosopher Doreen Virtue. She studies spirituality and human psychology and has extensive experience working with indigo children.

According to the writer, she communicates with angels from a young age. Doreen Virtue has published more than fifty books about mysticism, esotericism, inpots and fortune telling. One of the most famous is the work on angelic numerology. In the book, the writer talks about how higher beings communicate with people using matching numbers.

Interesting! Doreen Virtue willingly appears on television. Esoteric took part in such famous programs as “The Oprah Winfrey Show” and “Good Morning America”.

The doctrine of angelic numerology is extremely popular among millions of people. Now Doreen Virtue has a lot of followers. For example, predictions by numbers are practiced by the witch Anaconda and personal growth coach Nata German.


1 or 11, as well as 111, 1111 - call for control of thoughts. The Higher Powers watch their charges and hear everything. These are moments of materialization of your desires, so think creatively and only in a positive way. The angels will support you, you just have to ask them for help. 1 – something new, bold, creative. 11 – from karmic numbers. This is a sign of a guardian angel, warning about the need to combine our aspirations and the goals of the Soul. This is how we will overcome or avoid difficulties on the material level of life. Three ones - this combination of numbers is warning. You should control the direction of your desires. Only positive thoughts guarantee success. And 1111 indicates a chance to make a discovery.

Combinations with a deuce catching your eye indicate that your idea is beginning to grow. But it needs to be regularly fed with energy and not interrupt work, follow the same course. You definitely need to pay attention to such a message. After all, this is a great chance given by the Universe. A positive attitude and visualizations will bear fruit. Two gives a message of energy of balance, diplomacy, emotions, intuition. Your prayers have been heard by heaven. And this is proven by the frequent occurrence of the combination of numbers 22. The angel communicates that only the best awaits you in the future with the help of the trinity of twos. And if you meet 2222, change is already rushing towards you.

If you received angelic twigs encrypted in threes, one, two, three or even four, then this is a warning from them. The Great Ascended Masters are in control and you can expect their help in all your endeavors. Pray to your patrons from heaven more often, and the way for new projects will certainly open. One three is a sign of development, expansion, prosperity at any level. “Master Number” 33 delivers a message about the possibility of realizing everything you have planned. The request that we not stop believing comes with the combination 333. The angels offer their help and support by sending you a signal in the form of 3333.

4, 44, as well as 444 or 4444 - the angels are with you, remember this. In any situation you can expect their help. The number four symbolizes concretization, work. Its vibration is a symbol of passage to everything bright, to enlightenment. Sequence 44 shows the strength of your connection with the angel and that everything was planned this way. If 4444 occurs frequently, then this proves the reality of the existence of your patrons from heaven. It also indicates that your dream will come true.

Fives foretell a major change. All you need is your thoughts in a positive way. This will give a positive result. The meaning of five is freedom, change, transformation. 55 reports a period of liberation from old thoughts, views, prohibitions, pulling us back, not allowing us to a new life. Angel's message 555 warns us that a transformation for the better is approaching. 5555 – this combination of numbers convinces that it’s time to change all the old habits of your life.

6, 66, as well as 666 or 6666 - a combination that warns of the need to pay more attention to spiritual values. Reminds us of the unimportance of pursuing the material side at this moment in life. The appearance of one six indicates that for success you should use your intellectual abilities and imagination. With two sixes, the angels call on you to trust them in achieving their goals regarding family issues, public and personal life. And the combination of numbers 666 signals the need to return to the development of the spiritual plane to balance all sides. Four sixes are a warning about the lack of positive energy and the need to balance the spiritual and material.

Read our article “Vedic Numerology”.

If 7 or 77, or maybe 777, 7777 often appear in your eyes, then this is an angelic sign that your dreams will definitely come true. The seven angels advise you to continue the work you have begun. 77 - speaks of the right choice of path. And expect a worthy reward for your work. With the sequence 777, the Higher Powers confirm that your life aspirations are correct. 7777 signals the inevitability of miracles that will happen to you in the near future.

Periodic exposure of your eyes to 8, or 88, 888 or 8888 warns you of the need to prepare for the end of an important period of life. You can enjoy the results of the work done. It’s also time to say goodbye to everything unnecessary and accept the new, not forgetting gratitude. Number 8 indicates some success in the material sphere of your life. And sequence 88 warns about the need to control your finances. But three eights are a message from heaven about their approval of your life goals. You will definitely be rewarded for your work and diligence if you are being pursued by 8888.

9.99, or 999, as well as 9999 - confirmation of the completion of a life stage and that the Higher Powers believe in you and ask you to work not only on yourself, but also on the world around you. The angels call to complete the work started, and then a gift from the Universe will not be long in coming. One nine is a sign of the right time to end a phase of your life or relationship. Two 9s encourage you to listen to your heart. And three nines remind you that it’s time to take advantage of your potential. The angels support and inspire you to bring the bright light you emit to people by sending 9999.

The sequence 0, 00, 000, 0000 expresses the Creator’s love for you. This is a notification that your task has been completed perfectly. Zero looks like a circle, which means that one of the cycles has completed or is coming to an end. Two zeros warn of the need to monitor signals from heaven. 000 is a reminder of your uniqueness, that you are capable of doing anything you set your mind to. 0000 indicates the completion of something important in your life.

We already know the decoding of identical combinations of numbers from 0 to 9. But there are combinations, such as 155, you should look at the meaning of fives in the interpreter of Doreen Virtue and combinations 1 and 5. And combinations, for example, 16 and 61 mean the same. Knowing such subtleties, we can more accurately decipher the meanings of our angels’ messages.

Mobile number

If a person’s activity involves frequent conversations on the phone, then he is recommended to pay attention to the combination of numbers in the phone number. Psychologists note that people are more willing to answer calls coming from numbers containing 7 and 9, and this is no coincidence, because these numbers contribute to material and spiritual growth. In addition to the numbers 7 and 9, the number must contain at least one one and three. The first will help develop the makings of a leader, and the second will allow you to direct any energy in a positive direction.

Using the meanings of all numbers in Feng Shui, you can change your destiny for the better and achieve what you want.

In what situations do the numbers 14 44 have magical meaning?

This numerical combination can have a mystical meaning in many cases. Here are the most typical ones. A man came to the bank to apply for a card. When he crossed the threshold of the building, the clock read 14:44. The code he received via SMS contained the same numbers. These numbers are also present on the map. And the PIN code is the same. Then he went home by bus, paid for the fare, was given a ticket, and there he again saw 1444. That is, throughout the day these numbers are repeated in various places. This definitely means that the guardian angels are trying to tell him something important.

What does 1444 mean in finance and business?

The numbers 1444 are a call to abandon illusions and take decisive action. If you follow the angelic hint, you can receive not just support, but a change in your financial condition that will come from the most unexpected source.

Now even the most unlucky player can win the lottery, and a long-planned contract or deal will go “like clockwork.” Financial problems will become a thing of the past due to promotion, inheritance, change of activity, successful sale of real estate, and so on.

But it is important to take into account one thing - with passive behavior, no positive changes can be expected, since the support and help of angels will only be received by that person who shows activity and a desire to act for his own benefit.

The meaning of the numbers of a person's name

If the numbers of the date of birth determine the potential capabilities of a person, then the numbers of the name make it possible to comprehend the hidden abilities given to him from birth.

Name numerology operates with three significant numbers:

  • The number of Destiny (name, expression, expression) - reveals the essence, mission of a person on Earth. The meaning of the numbers shows what talents nature has endowed him with to achieve his cherished goal.
  • The appearance number
    is a designation of the image that his surroundings see in a person.
  • The number of Personality, Soul (Heart, Heart's desire, Passion) - shows the source that motivates action.
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