Myrtle - signs and superstitions: the flower of love and family happiness

In its natural environment, myrtle is found in Mediterranean countries and reaches a height of up to 3 meters. This small branched tree has always been considered a symbol of peace, tranquility and protection; it was planted around temples and churches.

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But what superstitions and signs associated with indoor plants are explained in more detail below.

This is what a myrtle tree looks like

What does the flower symbolize?

The first mentions of myrtles come from biblical chronicles. A branch of this plant, expelled from the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve took with them to earth and planted there. That is why the myrtle tree in many countries is considered a symbol of love, beauty and eternal youth.

In different parts of the world, the myrtle flower has different superstitions and signs.

  1. In European countries, myrtle symbolizes a strong, happy marriage. It is believed that if a young couple grows it in their home, then the family hearth will not be in danger of quarrels and scandals.
  2. In Asian countries, myrtle is associated with love, financial well-being and prosperity. People who grow myrtle attract good luck and wealth. In China, this plant is considered a symbol of fertility, and in Japan, this tree is considered a symbol of the emperor.
  3. In the Middle East, Muslims discourage young men and women from growing plants in pots. According to local fortune telling, the plant brings misfortune and loneliness to unmarried men and women.
  4. In the Buddhist religion, the myrtle tree is associated with symbols of purity and the purity of the bride. That is why wedding dresses in India are made from myrtle branches and flowers.

Blooming myrtle tree

Interesting! In England, palace bouquets are decorated with flowering myrtle branches. A bouquet of snow-white flowers of this plant traditionally brings family happiness and a strong marriage to the Slavic peoples.

Amulets and amulets made of myrtle

The simplest amulet is a bag filled with the leaves of this plant. It will attract success and wealth.

The following amulets are used in love magic:

  • Pieces of the trunk, on which the names of lovers are carved, strengthen the union.
  • Beads and rosaries - give purity of thoughts, beauty and health.
  • A pillow filled with aromatic herbs with the addition of myrtle leaves strengthens marriage if placed at the head of the marital bed. Source:

Magical properties of the plant

Over the long history of observing this plant, humanity has discovered many magical properties of the home tree.

  1. To have a happy dream, just place a sprig of myrtle under your pillow.
  2. A bracelet or necklace made from myrtle branches will help you find peace of mind and patience.
  3. To ensure financial well-being, a twig or leaf removed from a plant can be placed in your purse.
  4. To maintain health and youth, myrtle branches are used to make various jewelry.
  5. Wood neutralizes negative energy in the house, creating a comfortable and calm environment in the house.
  6. Sharing myrtle amulets with your spouse will protect your family from adultery and divorce.

Twig bracelets for the bride and groom

Important: To ensure that your baby sleeps peacefully at night, place a bag of dried myrtle leaves under the baby’s pillow. The pleasant, unobtrusive scent has a calming and relaxing effect.

Where is the best place to put the plant?

The location depends not on signs, but on the time of year. In summer, myrtle needs fresh air, so the tree can be located on the balcony or in the garden. This will be beneficial, but the scorching sun can endanger the myrtle tree. In winter, myrtle also needs light, otherwise it may die. Room temperature will be an ideal indicator for its growth, so it is not recommended to place the tree on the balcony outside of the summer.

Myrtle does not like outside attention, so large numbers of people should not accumulate in the room where it is located. Ideal option - bedroom

The practice is popular among married couples if superstitions are followed.

Is it possible to keep myrtle at home?

In the Middle East, the myrtle tree is considered a symbol of solitude and is therefore not recommended for home cultivation by young people.

But in other countries, a home flower has an extremely positive effect on the home and family well-being.

Positive signs of having myrtle at home:

  1. A tree placed in a couple's bedroom helps them gain understanding and harmony in their relationship.
  2. A houseplant at the entrance to a house or apartment will protect the house from the evil eye and damage, and also purify the air in the room.
  3. In European countries there is a belief that the myrtle tree will help find a lonely person and create a strong family.
  4. People who grow the flower of peace attract wealth, financial independence, prosperity and prosperity into their home.

A reliable protector of family and home from difficulties and troubles.

  1. If a young couple wants their first child to be born early, they should plant myrtle seeds and care for them.
  2. A myrtle tree will help a shy girl gain self-confidence, and a little boy will be a faithful friend or soul mate.
  3. The myrtle tree is a talisman of security for a happy and strong marriage, helps to avoid disagreements and disputes.
  4. Children born in a house where myrtle grows develop faster than their peers, becoming smarter and smarter.

Important! Myrtle trees are sensitive to negative energy and large crowds of people. The plant recognizes only the owner and his immediate environment. For this reason, myrtle trees are not suitable for public establishments.

The house tree is considered a rather demanding plant. If you do not follow the growing process, the myrtle will quickly wither and dry out.

  • During this period, it deprives its owner of positive energy, happiness and well-being. Therefore, you should never allow the myrtle tree to exceed its comfort level.
  • Also, choose only a beautiful pot to grow the tree. In an ordinary pot, myrtle quickly fades and dries out.
  • The appearance of pests on a plant warns of possible problems with the apartment.
  • Yellow leaves signal a deterioration in family relationships.

Withered, yellowed leaves warn of a possible deterioration in family relationships.

  • If a plant dries out and dies for no apparent reason, you can expect trouble in the near future.
  • If the myrtle blooms too much, it will warn you about additional costs.

You should also remember to increase the plant's production of essential oil. For people suffering from allergies and respiratory diseases, a houseplant can cause significant damage.

Where is the best place to put it?

Myrtle trees grow and thrive best in remote, less-travelled corners of an apartment. He needs good light and fresh air. In the warm season, we take the flower pot out onto the plot, balcony or loggia. In winter, the tree is additionally illuminated.

Important: Based on signs and superstitions, a woman should plant myrtle and further care for it.

How myrtle behaves at home

Myrtle is a houseplant that has long been familiar to many gardeners. Its evergreen, leathery leaves have a shine, and when this plant blooms, a delicate aroma spreads throughout the room. This delicate plant comes from the Mediterranean region. Myrtle grows wild in the subtropics; there are many species of it.

The fruits of this plant are even eaten. Myrtle has been grown for hundreds of years; this tree grows up to one meter in height. People who decide to grow myrtle at home describe its properties ambiguously. Some consider it a symbol of health and beauty, others prefer to use it in various rituals.

In apartment conditions, myrtle grows well, it is even possible to form its crown so that the tree has an attractive appearance.

Myrtle grows well in well-ventilated rooms where the humidity is quite high.

In summer, it is better to take myrtle out into the sun, onto the balcony, as it loves fresh air.

In the spring, myrtle can be replanted; if it is a young plant, then it can be replanted every year, and adult plants can be replanted once every two years. When replanting, it is necessary to take into account that a layer of drainage must be placed in the pot.

Healing properties of the myrtle tree

Myrtle has not only magical properties, but also healing properties. In the Middle Ages, alchemists and scientists used it to make cosmetics and perfumes. In the last century, scientists discovered and proved the antibacterial properties of the essential oils of this plant.

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A houseplant has a beneficial effect on the health of people in its vicinity. Households get sick less often, and the immune system is strengthened.

  • Infusions are prepared from the leaves of the plant. A useful infusion is used in the treatment of lungs, bronchi, viral and colds.

Leaf infusions and decoctions

  • Extracts are used to prepare drugs for diseases of the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.
  • Preparations containing extracts of this plant are used in oncology, in the treatment of depression and insomnia.
  • Cosmetics based on essential oils of this plant rejuvenate the skin and give it elasticity.
  • Myrtle is also used in perfumery for its aromatic essential oil.
  • Myrtle is also used as a base for creams and ointments for skin and eye ailments.
  • Tea made from myrtle leaves is used for diseases of the oral cavity.
  • Decoctions and infusions are used to heal wounds and other skin lesions.

Myrtle is also used in cooking. It is also used in marinades for meat, vegetable and fish dishes. In Mediterranean countries, aromatic tinctures are made from the berries and leaves of this plant.

Myrtle berries

Useful properties of myrtle

Myrtle has many beneficial properties:

  • Antibacterial;
  • Painkillers;
  • Tonic;
  • Diuretics;
  • Expectorants;
  • Antifungal.

Phytoncides released by leaves and flowers destroy germs and bacteria in living spaces, purify the air, relieve fatigue and improve mood.

Preparations based on myrtle normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, calm the nervous system, and strengthen the immune system. Inhalations with myrtle essential oil help with colds, acute respiratory infections and flu. Tinctures on myrtle leaves alleviate bronchitis and pneumonia. The plant increases performance and vitality, it is recommended for increased stress.

Who can I give a flower to?

A myrtle flower can be the best wedding gift for newlyweds. According to legend, this plant helps love and fidelity bloom, strengthens marriages and helps avoid quarrels and disagreements.

A homemade Christmas tree will also be an excellent gift for a young unmarried girl. Thanks to the flower, a modest, shy girl will gain a permanent character and find her other half.

Great gift for a young girl

Also a houseplant as a gift for families in which mutual understanding has been lost. Myrtle helps the couple reconcile with each other and take their relationship to the next level.

Reviews from people

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There are actually a lot of reviews. But when growing a plant, it is very important to know how to properly care for it.

Magic rituals with myrtle bush

To enhance the magical properties of the plant, there are several interesting rituals that are designed to maintain positive events and energy in the life of the plant owner. If a girl grows this plant herself and gives a sprig to each guest at the wedding ceremony, the marriage will be joyful, long and happy for the newlyweds.

Myrtle as a gift from mother or mother-in-law will bring understanding and harmony in a young family. A gift in the form of a plant will prevent any quarrels and conflicts in a young, fragile family.

The myrtle tree symbolizes fidelity and eternal love between spouses. In houses where a magic tree grows there is always joy, happiness and prosperity.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

The essential oil of the plant is used to introduce a girl to her future husband. While showering, add a few drops of essential oil to the water. According to superstitions and superstitions, the smell of myrtle will certainly help in finding the chosen one.

Myrtle essential oil

Love spell

To strengthen love, beautiful bracelets are made from the branches of this tree. The decoration was created for a girl and her significant other. As long as lovers wear jewelry, their feelings will increase and will definitely lead to marriage.

Ritual to attract money and good luck

There are several ways to attract wealth and good luck using indoor flowers.

  1. To forget about financial problems and poverty, gold decorations are placed on the Christmas tree at night.
  2. A myrtle leaf or a twig in a wallet helps the owner of the flower forget about lack of money and financial problems.
  3. The flowers of the plant are used to attract finance. The collected flowers are placed in a linen bag and always carried with them. The ritual attracts material well-being, protects a person from making wrong decisions and various frauds.

Myrtle flowers

Myrtle bushes are considered an excellent amulet for the home and life of those who care for them.

Signs associated with myrtle

Despite the good symbolism, the plant can predict danger. Ultimately, any unpleasant and difficult situation will end well. The person will gain life experience.

For a correct explanation of the signs, it is important on what day of the week the flower came home:

  • Monday - disappointment in friends awaits. Friends will turn away and not help in difficult times;
  • Tuesday - there will be a promotion at work. Recognition in the team, support from superiors;
  • Wednesday - to meet a friend with whom communication has long ceased. Trust will be restored;
  • Thursday - portends a break with your loved one. There will be quarrels, people will grow cold towards each other. Separation is inevitable;
  • Friday or Saturday - a personal crisis is possible. A person will not cope with troubles and will become despondent. Communication with family will help you get out of depression;
  • buying a flower on Sunday promises good news from distant relatives.

If myrtle is purchased for your own home, it determines events that will affect each family member. It is important not only to receive a warning, but also to try to avoid trouble:

  • a lush crown of a flower - to disappointment in love. The ideal image of the chosen one(s) will be broken forever. This will lead to melancholy and prolonged melancholy;
  • Pests have appeared on the myrtle tree - an unpleasant move awaits. Due to circumstances, you will have to change housing and solve many problems;
  • the sluggish, unhealthy appearance of the plant portends danger. A bad event will affect the whole family;
  • beautiful, strong myrtle - worth waiting for the birth of a child. Will be born either to relatives or to the person himself;
  • lush flowering of a tree - the sense of proportion will disappear. It will be difficult to stop on time. Money and time will be wasted;
  • watering a flower on Wednesday or on weekends - the appearance of small joys in life;
  • throw away the plant - scare away good luck. Fortune will turn away. You will have to provide different options in advance or the result will be bad.

Myrtle can improve any atmosphere in the home. This amazing flower will give you comfort and excellent health. Just pay attention to the signs before purchasing.

How to avoid the consequences predicted in signs

Any negative effects can harm the plant:

  1. A tree requires communication and care. You should talk to him and look at him as often as possible.
  2. In public places, myrtle grows poorly and completely loses its magical properties.
  3. The tree must be looked after by the same person; the plant responds best to feminine energy.
  4. If you throw a tree and throw it away, happiness and prosperity will immediately leave the life of the previous owner of the flower.
  5. Quarrels and quarrels in the house will lead to the rapid death of the plant, which will bring even more trouble to the family.

You should also avoid negative statements and actions towards the plant.

By following the rules for growing and caring for a myrtle tree, there will always be a great mood, love, happiness and health in the house.

Flower care

Summer watering should be plentiful, but in winter myrtle is not watered often. In spring and summer, myrtle is watered with water with fertilizers diluted in it, and the plant is protected from pests using special preparations.

If caring for the myrtle was not entirely correct, watering was incorrect, and in winter there was a high temperature in the room, then the tree may lose its leaves. Such a plant does not need to be thrown out, and having eliminated the cause, you need to wait until new leaves appear, but you will have to form the myrtle crown again.

By growing a wonderful myrtle in your apartment, you can not only enjoy its magnificent appearance and the aroma of its flowers. You can even make healing tinctures from it that prolong beauty and youth.

Symbolic meaning of myrtle

At different times, myrtle was given a special meaning. Most often, this plant symbolized silence, peace, pleasure, love, glory and good deeds (which is why in ancient times the myrtle wreath was indispensable at weddings). In antiquity, myrtle was considered one of the attributes of Venus.

In Ancient Greece, myrtle was a symbol of power and high position in society. Heroes and victors were greeted with myrtle branches in their hands after military campaigns. During the Renaissance, the evergreen bush symbolized eternal love and marital fidelity. According to the Bible, the messenger of salvation during the global flood was a dove with a sprig of myrtle.

In the 19th century, Queen Victoria introduced the tradition of using myrtle wreaths and bouquets of the bush's lush white flowers at royal weddings. This tradition is still honored in the British royal house, where every bride always has a sprig of myrtle in her bouquet, cut from the royal garden.

Pruning and crown formation

If you do not trim the myrtle tree in time, its crown will take the shape of a pyramid. The plant must be pruned in the spring, immediately after the flowering period. Experienced gardeners do not recommend combining pruning with replanting. To keep the bush low, you need to trim the upper shoots, and if you want to form a bonsai tree, trim the lower shoots.

Common myrtle tolerates pruning well, but after the procedure, care must be competent and regular. It takes a couple of years to obtain the desired crown shape, since myrtle grows rather slowly.

Description and types

On the Black Sea coast, the decorative variety of evergreen shrub myrtus communis is popular in parks and gardens. Small-leaved myrtle (myrtus microphylla) is more often grown in homes. In indoor conditions, this tree grows up to 1 m high; in greenhouses there are specimens up to 2.5 m tall.

Myrtle leaves are small, shiny, ovoid, with a sharp tip. They are located oppositely, the stalk is missing. The leaves have a high content of essential oils, which is why a pleasant aroma appears when rubbed.

In mid-summer, the myrtle is completely covered with numerous small white flowers. They are located in the leaf axils, on long stalks. They have a cup-shaped shape, with many stamens. In autumn, juicy dark blue fruits appear from them. To get indoor myrtle berries, its flowers should be artificially pollinated using a brush. Seeds of ripened fruits can be used for propagation.

Myrtle is an indoor plant that responds gratefully to proper pruning. The ability to form a crown of any configuration makes the myrtle tree popular in the art of growing bonsai. The slow-growing variety of myrtle Boethica is most often used for this purpose. Its leaves are pointed, elongated, larger compared to the small-leaved species. The trunk of the tree has a beautiful cinnamon color and is prone to curling. Thanks to this quality, various intricate twisted figures can be formed during the growth process. Increased decorativeness is also ensured by the fact that the flowers of this variety are larger.

Basic growing rules

Myrtle is a rather capricious plant. It responds to lack of care by dropping leaves or not flowering.

It’s easy to provide your tree with proper care if you follow the rules:

  1. Lighting. Myrtle should be grown in indirect light. Although it is not afraid of direct sunlight, in hot weather it is better to shade it. Place the plant on the windowsills of western or eastern windows. In summer, it is advisable to expose it to fresh air. In winter, additional lighting is used.
  2. Temperature. Optimal temperature conditions in summer are 18-20 °C. In winter, it needs coolness, but the temperature should not fall below 6 °C. Having fully rested in winter, the plant blooms with lush and long-lasting flowers in the spring.
  3. Humidity. The plant loves high humidity. Myrtle should be sprayed even in winter. For comfortable growth, air humidifiers and water containers are placed next to the tree.
  4. Watering. This is done quite often, when the top layer of soil begins to dry out. In winter, watering is reduced, but not until the soil is completely dry. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the water does not stagnate at the bottom of the pot.
  5. The soil. To grow myrtle, the pot is filled with nutritious, light soil with moderate acidity. The best option is mixed peat, humus, turf, sand or perlite.
  6. Feeding. During the season of active growth, fertilizing is done once a week. Fertilizers should contain phosphorus in large quantities. Plus, they fertilize the shrubs with complex preparations for ornamental plants.
  7. Transfer. The first four years the plant is replanted every year. Older trees - every 3-4 years. Transplants are carried out in the spring, before flowering. The bottom of the planting pot is lined with a thick drainage layer. The size of the container depends on the crown of the plant - it should be half its diameter.
  8. Trimming. The crown of myrtle is easy to form. The right time for cutting is early spring, before the flower is actively growing. When pruned, it feels comfortable and quickly produces new shoots. In summer, young branches that are too long are pinched to adjust the crown.
  9. Reproduction.
    There are two ways - cuttings and sowing seeds. Cuttings are cut in January or July. Planted in a light substrate of sand and sphagnum, covered with film and placed in a cool, shaded place, periodically ventilating and watering the cuttings. The rooting process lasts a month. A new plant begins to bloom after 3 years. When propagated by seeds, they are distributed over the surface with a thin layer of peat mixed with vermiculite and covered with glass. Ventilate and moisturize every day. Seedlings sprout in 1-2 weeks. A tree grown from seeds begins to bloom after 5 years.
  10. Diseases, pests. Owners of young myrtle rarely have to deal with problems. Most often, mature and old plants get sick and are attacked by pests. Common troubles:
      leaves turn yellow, fade, become smaller, fall off, their edges curl;
  11. stems stretch;
  12. fungi and putrefactive bacteria appear;
  13. Aphids, spider mites, and scale insects grow on the plant.

Video about caring for myrtle at home:

For every lover of indoor plants, the presence of myrtle in the house is a reason for pride. A chic decorative tree with the ability to shape its crown and many medicinal properties serves not only as a home decoration, but also as a first aid kit in necessary cases.

Myrtle propagation methods

Propagation of decorative perennials grown in indoor floriculture is carried out by cuttings and using seed material.

Growing from seeds

Seeds are sown in a nutritious soil mixture based on one part sifted sand and one part peat with the addition of a small amount of vermiculite. It is recommended to pre-spray the substrate with any fungicide. The seed material is carefully distributed over the surface of the nutrient substrate, after which it is sprinkled with a thin layer of soil.

The container with the crops is covered with plexiglass or film. Germination of perennials should be carried out at a temperature of 18-20°C. Crops are regularly ventilated and moistened. If all requirements are fully met, seedlings appear in one or two weeks. Flowering occurs after five years.

How to propagate myrtle from cuttings

Semi-lignified cuttings should be cut for propagation in January or early February, as well as in mid-summer. Cuttings taken in the lower or middle area of ​​the crown root best. The maximum length of the cutting should not exceed 80mm. Half of the leaves are cut off completely, which will reduce moisture evaporation. Otherwise, the cutting dries out and planting it is impractical.

Myrtle propagation methods

Propagation of decorative perennials grown in indoor floriculture is carried out by cuttings and using seed material.

Growing from seeds

Seeds are sown in a nutritious soil mixture based on one part sifted sand and one part peat with the addition of a small amount of vermiculite. It is recommended to pre-spray the substrate with any fungicide. The seed material is carefully distributed over the surface of the nutrient substrate, after which it is sprinkled with a thin layer of soil.

The container with the crops is covered with plexiglass or film. Germination of perennials should be carried out at a temperature of 18-20°C. Crops are regularly ventilated and moistened. If all requirements are fully met, seedlings appear in one or two weeks. Flowering occurs after five years.

How to propagate myrtle from cuttings

Semi-lignified cuttings should be cut for propagation in January or early February, as well as in mid-summer. Cuttings taken in the lower or middle area of ​​the crown root best.

The maximum length of the cutting should not exceed 80mm. Half of the leaves are cut off completely, which will reduce moisture evaporation. Otherwise, the cutting dries out and planting it is impractical.

Signs by plant type

Fleshy (Carnosa)

This type of hoya is also feared by gardeners. It is believed that the plant scares away all residents of the house except the owner. The only option to get a fleshy hoya is to bring it into the house as a young seedling. In this case, the plant will protect all the inhabitants who were in the house before its appearance.


There are the same legends about this variety as about other types of wax ivy. However, this plant is considered even more powerful. Culture is capable of expelling not only a spouse from home, but also adult sons.

But on the other hand, Bella protects flower growers from envy and anger. Moreover, the flower saves not only the owner himself, but also his guests from negativity.

Care and cultivation of the “talisman of female happiness”

Tree starting with the letter o

Myrtle is a very demanding plant that requires special care. Many gardeners are hesitant to have this plant in their home precisely because of its demanding nature.

However, everything is not so bad, it is only important to follow all the basic rules of care, then you will be able to grow a beautiful, strong and powerful plant, thanks to which you will be able to feel physical and mental improvements in your body. In order to properly care for a myrtle tree, you must follow the following basic rules:

  • Myrtle is a light-loving plant, which has a dormant period in winter, during which it is better not to touch the plant. The amount of light for growing a myrtle tree must be in excess. Caring for this plant in winter and summer is significantly different: in summer it is necessary to place the tree in the place where there is the most light and warmth; some gardeners plant myrtle on their site in the summer, but it is worth remembering that myrtle leaves are protected from scorching sun rays may receive severe burns, from which the plant will die; in winter, it is advisable to move the myrtle to the warmest place in the house so that its dormant period lasts much less and it does not stop in its development.
  • The temperature in which myrtle should grow also depends on the time of year. In summer, the air temperature should be room temperature (18-20 degrees Celsius). However, do not forget that the myrtle tree loves a cool and humid environment, so it is necessary to constantly spray the plant. In winter, the air temperature should be quite low (preferably up to 5 degrees Celsius). This temperature must be maintained for successful wintering of the plant; only when it is at this temperature the leaves of the myrtle tree will not fall off.
  • Watering and air humidity directly depend on the time period. So in the summer, myrtle needs to be watered and sprayed generously in order to create the necessary moist environment for the plant in which it will grow and develop properly. In winter, the opposite is true: it is necessary to water less often and not spray the plant at all, since the tree must overwinter properly in a cold and dry environment.
  • The myrtle tree is very fond of various fertilizers or fertilizing, which improve its growth and development. Among the large number of fertilizers, many gardeners and flower growers prefer mineral and organic fertilizers, including nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, as well as compost and peat. In order to grow a large and strong root system for a plant, it is necessary to add drainage fertilizer consisting of broken bricks, sawdust and crushed stone to the soil before planting myrtle.
  • Pruning is a major part of successfully growing a myrtle tree. Depending on what kind of crown the owner wants to see, it is necessary to prune the plant correctly. You can do the pruning yourself at home if you have special tools and desire, or you can take your tree to special flower shops for pruning. Sometimes some gardeners pinch myrtle shoots to prevent it from bushing and turning into a shrub.
  • Replanting myrtle is a very labor-intensive process that should be done annually if you are the owner of a young plant. It is much easier with adult representatives, since they need to be replanted only when the base of the trunk goes underground. To replant, you need to choose a small container that can accommodate the plant’s root system. Ready-made soil mixture can be purchased at any flower shop. However, if you do not trust ready-made products, you can make your own soil mixture for myrtle. To do this, you need to take various organic and drainage fertilizers and mix them all in equal parts, so you will get the ideal nutritional composition for your myrtle tree.

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