Find a key: the meaning of signs by day of the week, time, what to do with found other people’s keys? What does it mean to find a key in a dream? How to protect yourself from a negative sign if you find a key?

Keys and locks themselves are symbolic - they are signs of openness or, conversely, a hidden secret, and ancient conspiracies are simply filled with these concepts: the conspiracy itself very often ends in “closure,” i.e. pronouncing the word "key". Signs of many nations are also associated with keys and can both close the way to evil forces and open it to new knowledge or opportunities.

It is the latter properties of keys that are most often interpreted in superstitions and signs associated with this subject. And if you happen to find someone’s keys, then there is a whole science on this matter that explains what such a find means, depending on when and where it happened.

Find the key: the meaning of signs by day of the week

  • Finding a key on Monday means that you can expect career advancement. It is also possible to take a shortcut that will be successful.
  • Finding a key on Tuesday is a sign that foreshadows quick acquaintances that will be useful to you.
  • Find the key on Wednesday - your efforts and diligence in mastering a new business will be adequately appreciated and rewarded.
  • Finding the key on Thursday means you can count on an increase in your fortune. For women, such a find promises a romantic acquaintance, and men can count on good luck in business.
  • Finding the key on Friday means personal affairs and concerns will be resolved very successfully.
  • Finding the key on Saturday - if something is not going well for you, then the key found indicates that soon the difficulties will be successfully resolved and everything will change for the better. Large purchases are also possible.
  • Finding the key on Sunday is a sign that a person close to you, who is currently feeling unwell, will soon recover. As for you personally, the key foretells a successful coming week.

Nakhodka depending on the day of the week and time

Find a bunch of keys on the street

And again - a controversial sign. Some practitioners are sure that this is a sign of happiness and wealth, others suggest being wary of the evil eye and avoiding the find three miles away. The best option: take note of the positive sign that Fate sends, but do not pick up a bunch of keys and do not take them to your home.

If you find a bunch of keys, what is it for?

The sign is usually interpreted depending on the gender of the person who was lucky enough to make the find.

  • For men, finding a bunch of keys on the street means getting an answer to some important question. We must try to remember more details and our feelings, and during the day pay attention to the signs sent by Fate.
  • When a woman manages to find a hefty bunch of keys on the way home, she is expecting an addition to her family - this could be the birth of a child, meeting her husband’s relatives, or the first meeting with her future son-in-law or daughter-in-law.
  • For a young girl or young guy, such an incident symbolizes finding true love and marriage.

Find the key: the meaning of signs by time

  • In addition to the day of the week on which the discovery occurred, the time of day when it happened also matters. For example, a key you find in the late afternoon means successfully overcoming obstacles that stand in your way and successfully moving forward.
  • And if you find a key during the daytime, it is possible that it literally hints to you at new doors, i.e. housewarming associated with pleasant and good events and news.
  • If the key is found at night (including in a dream), then the sign is interpreted as advice to reconsider your views on life, on people, to think about changing your behavior - in a word, as a warning against making a mistake.
  • Morning time indicates that the key has been found as a symbol of upcoming success.
  • As for the period of fulfillment of the signs, morning and daytime indicate that it will take a couple of months . Night and evening hours have a longer time for incarnation - about six months.

Lose and then find

Losing and finding your own key is simply a great sign! If not much time has passed since the loss, then the return of the loss will symbolize success in every sense. Any wish will come true, any plans can be realized without global efforts. For a childless couple, the sign has an additional meaning - the imminent birth of a long-awaited baby.

From an everyday point of view, the loss of keys is an unpleasant event, but from a magical point of view, it’s the opposite. Dropping a key on the street means receiving a large sum of money, and forgetting it in a lock means positive changes in your personal life.

In cases where you discover a loss many months later, after changing the locks, you can make an excellent security amulet from a “non-working” key - it will lock your home at the energetic level.

What does the place where the key was found mean: sign

  • Crossroads - no matter what day of the week you find the key, it is unlikely to bring good luck if it lies at a crossroads. It is known that the crossroads is a place that has long been used for magical rituals associated with paying off negativity . So a key picked up at an intersection may well bring you someone else’s misfortune, which you yourself will take upon yourself if you pick up someone else’s discarded negative charge.
  • A sign of finding a key along the way - in general, such a find promises a successful turn , and in what exactly you will be lucky, it’s worth looking at the interpretation by day of the week.
  • In water - in general, finding a key in water , especially if it is a stream, river or other clear and babbling body of water, is a positive sign. It is believed that in this case, guys should expect wealth, and girls - love victories and joys. If the waters are dark and stagnant, then the omen on any day of the week will be bad - illness, failure, grief, etc.
  • The forest is a good place to find the key. Wherever you find it, it is good luck: the grass will predict a new successful job, a forest path will predict a meeting with a powerful friend, a tree branch will predict a new residence, and a key crushed by a boulder symbolizes the discovery of the right approach to solving an urgent problem.
  • It is considered a great success to find lost keys in the forest under a stone: this promises a solution to an important life problem.
  • At your own door - this is a higher power confirming its support for you. The same applies to a key found simply in one’s own entrance. This key suggests that those who bother you will soon disappear from your life.

Find the key: the meaning of the sign depending on the type of key

  • If the key is deformed , rusty , in a word, has the most unpresentable appearance, or, moreover, it is bent, or even completely broken - this is not the most pleasant sign. Even if raised, it can cause destruction and theft from your home, especially if it is missing a few teeth . If such a key caught the eye of a woman, then she should be wary of possible quarrels with her family and friends.

A rusty key can be turned into an amulet - and then it will help you in solving material problems. To do this, it is advised to bury it in a flower pot for a week and read the following spell: “Open the door key, let my pocket become golden!” . And after a week, take out the key and hide it so that it does not catch the eyes of strangers.

  • A new or just a whole key (even if old and rusty), on the contrary, promises a material reward that will fall into your hands completely unexpectedly. Also, if you find such a brand new shiny key, the sign portends success both in business and in your career.
  • If the key you find is small, this promises you the discovery of some important secret of someone who is close to you, and such a discovery may lead to a certain cooling in your relationship, which may even end in a complete break.
  • If you happen to see a bunch of several keys on your way, then the sign speaks of getting rid of various adversities, as well as minor troubles, which include, among other things, misunderstandings with family and friends, with a loved one.

Sign: find the car keys

  • By all accounts, everything connected to the car, including the keys, symbolizes the upcoming journey . Another meaning of the sign may be success with members of the opposite sex.
  • At the same time, the same signs “work” for car keys as for all others. Therefore, if you find car keys , pay attention to the day and time of day when this happened, and to the place in which the key was found.
  • The main thing you should pay attention to is that the key is not found in a dirty puddle. Such a find, if picked up, can cause you problems with movement and make your path dangerous.

What to do with the find

If on the way they come across a little thing made of metal, then many people immediately wonder what to do with it, should they pick it up or leave it in place? In any case, it is worth considering many factors - the type and condition of the key, the location of the find, the time of day, etc.

Finding a key promises life changes

If, according to esotericists, the place in which the key was found is not dangerous and does not harbor negative energy, then you can safely take the thing for yourself. It can become an excellent talisman and amulet. But first the product must be cleaned and neutralized from the energy aura of the lost one.

Cleaning should be done like this:

  • To begin with, it is worth calcining the thing over a fire; the best option would be a church candle;
  • Afterwards, the item must be cleaned under running water;
  • Next, the product is buried in the ground and left for a day.

All signs associated with finding keys have different meanings, signs and interpretations. In any case, only knowledgeable people can explain them - esotericists, magicians, superstitious people. A lost key promises new changes and changes in life, they may not always be positive, it may depend on the place where they are found, the appearance and condition of the thing.

What does it mean to find lost keys: signs

  • And again - one of the favorable signs, it is believed that the once lost and re-found key is to great luck, which will follow after overcoming difficulties. The sign advises in this case to actively implement all your plans - this will lead to their successful implementation.
  • It is unlikely that you, of course, lost the key and did not change the lock. And, most likely, the old key found will no longer be useful for unlocking the doors. Therefore, the most correct thing would be to make an amulet from such a find that will help get rid of difficulties. It can be done in the way described above, i.e., by removing possible negativity with the help of any natural element, speaking the key and tying a red ribbon on it.
  • And for the key to become a real talisman , hide it under your pillow and don’t take it out for a week. After this, the key will begin to fulfill its function, just do not forget to properly hide it from prying eyes.

What to do with found foreign keys?

  • If the key is found in a favorable place, you can pick it up and make it your talisman to enable the good omen to come true. Pick up the key and put it in your pocket. Do not show or tell anyone about your find.
  • When you are left alone, try to resort to the help of the forces of nature to remove the previous negative from the key. Resort to the help of the element to which you yourself belong based on your date of birth. The key can be cleaned with a stream of running water , an open flame (just hold the key over a candle), or earth , for which you bury it in the ground for several hours (or better yet, a day or two).
  • When you clear the key of someone else’s negativity, read a spell over it for success, wealth - this is how your talisman key will begin to “work.” Any of the conspiracies aimed at profit will do. And most importantly, hide the charmed amulet so that no one can see it, much less pick it up.
  • If you happen to find a bunch of keys on the street, then first of all count them. The sign says that an even number of keys can cause some spontaneous troubles, but an odd number, on the contrary, will contribute to a successful combination of circumstances. In this case, it is better not to even try to deceive fate and remove one of the keys from the ring so that their number becomes odd - luck will still not turn its face on you, since magic does not work with fraud. A more detailed interpretation attributes to two keys on the bunch the ability to bring trouble upon you, to three – great luck, and to four – a quick separation from your lover.


  • If the bunch is “odd”, then it is best to make a talisman out of it using the already known method, and after cleaning the keys, hang the entire bunch above the door . This amulet has been known in Rus' for as long as the horseshoe, and is no less popular for protecting the house. By the way, if there are a pair of large keys and one small one in a bunch, this portends a new addition to your family.

Why find the key of signs and superstitions

Superstitious people believe that finding keys on the street is an event that means major changes will occur in the future. This item symbolizes wealth, prosperity, joy, wisdom. In ancient times, people often used it in rituals, the power of which was aimed at attracting good luck and success in the future.

What does the discovery of keys promise? It is worth considering the meaning of this sign, mysteries and secrets. After all, many superstitious people claim that if a bundle falls under your feet, then they will expect changes in the future. But whether they will be bad or, on the contrary, good, it depends on the place.

From the apartment

There are situations when it is not possible to find the keys to the apartment. It’s unpleasant when you come home from work and want to quickly find yourself within the walls of your home, to take a break from a hard day at work. After a long search in your pockets, bag and other places, it is not always possible to find them right away. If, nevertheless, a loss appears, then this may promise changes in fate in the future.

Finding lost house keys

If you come across keys to someone else’s home, then you should try to find out who their owner is. If it is not possible to determine whose item it is, then it is not recommended to keep the bundle at home. Any foreign thing stores the owner’s energy, and it is not always positive.

Finding the keys to an apartment is a positive sign that promises changes in the future. This is a good sign of fate. New opportunities open up for a person.

From the car

Losing a car key is a real shock and stress for many. But the search for it does not always end successfully. If you manage to find it, then this will be a warning from above that a person who clings to material wealth should not forget about his spiritual state and values.

Car keys

Finding a key to a car that belongs to a stranger is a bad omen. It’s better to immediately hand them over to the police or the lost and found office, but you shouldn’t keep them. Superstitious people claim that such a find can bring a lot of troubles in life.

On road

If you manage to find an interesting find on the road, then changes will come in the future, but they can be both positive and negative. This is a place where different people constantly walk, they are imbued with the energy of passers-by.

It is recommended to treat the discovery of keys with the utmost care. It can bring not only positive changes, joy and happiness into life. After all, no one knows how she ended up in this place - she was lost by accident or deliberately planted with malicious intent.

At the crossroads

The intersection of two roads is an unfavorable place for finds. The place is often used for rituals, conspiracies, and spells. These actions can be carried out using objects.

If you managed to find a charmed thing at a crossroads, then you should expect troubles in the future:

  • The onset of a sudden illness;
  • Financial difficulties that may lead to poverty;
  • The appearance of serious failures in your personal life;
  • Trouble at work, demotion, dismissal;
  • Loss of loved ones.

But there is still an exception. Sometimes there are situations when a person lost his keys at a crossroads, and then found them himself. It is advisable to rinse them well and sprinkle with holy water. All these same actions are carried out with the hands, otherwise all the negative energy will remain with the person, and soon it can bring trouble.


Old objects evoke positive emotions in many people. In their opinion, they conceal many secrets. And touching them will mean involvement in other people's stories and secrets.

If you managed to find a rusty key, this will not mean that they are antique. The find has neither cultural nor historical value. But many magicians, sorcerers, and fortune tellers claim that this item can be used as an amulet or talisman for good luck. Surprisingly, an unsightly thing will attract good luck, wealth and positive energy.


A broken key shows that nothing good can be expected from it. He definitely won’t open the door, but negative energy will emanate from him.

The meaning of finding a broken key

What will a found broken key bring to life?

  • Large financial losses;
  • Deterioration of health;
  • Family quarrels;
  • Demotion, job loss;
  • Failures and endless problems in life.

Under no circumstances should you even try to open the door with a broken key. People say that this can provoke troubles and problems in the family.

In the forest

Finding a metal key in the forest will bring good luck in life. But still, do not forget about the location of the find:

  • Among the thickets of grass. This will bring success, good luck in work, profession, all positive changes will be associated with what you love;
  • On the path. A find in this place promises an acquaintance with a certain person who can subsequently become a true friend;
  • On a branch of a woody plant. A move will be expected soon.

Keys on a branch
If the key lies under a stone, then this will be a lucky find. This will mean that only good things will await you ahead, and all problems will be easily resolved.

In a pond

Finding keys in a body of water is rare, but it still has positive energy. If a metal object is found in a river or running water, then this will mean that soon life will improve, life will become much better.

If the object is found by a man, he will expect an increase in financial well-being. But for women, their personal lives will improve significantly.

However, if the keys are found in a stagnant body of water, then you should not hope for a positive outcome. The fact is that in ancient times these places were considered a window to the other world, so they are filled with negative energy and evil spirits. It is better not to touch the metal object, let it remain in the same place.

Believers often cast spells on keys and throw them into stagnant bodies of water. Thus, they want to recover from the disease and improve their well-being. If you touch the enchanted objects, you can take over all the problems onto yourself.

Why find an old key?

Ancient keys are often used in magic when carrying out rituals and conspiracies. They serve as objects for removing the evil eye and damage, and also eliminate negativity.

Antique key

If you come across an old key somewhere on the street or in any other place, then you should not pick it up. A metal object can transmit negative energy to a person and bring failure and problems. The older the find, the more negative it will be.

Why did you happen to find someone else's bundle?

Other people's keys will bring quick changes to life. After some time, positive changes in work will come; in the future, you may expect a promotion or the appearance of a job after a long absence.

If this artifact is found by a person who has been dreaming of moving for a long time, then fate will give him such an opportunity. If you managed to find a bunch of keys to your own home, then this will have a positive impact on your life and will bring good luck and happiness. In the near future, it will be possible to improve the situation, perhaps bright and positive changes will come.

Finding a key in the cemetery

The cemetery is the house of the dead, which is filled with their energy and mysticism. This is a favorite place for carrying out all kinds of conspiracies, spells, during which sorcerers and magicians call on the powers of the dead and summon spirits from the other world. During rituals, they use various objects on which they cast a curse.

Twilight Cemetery

If you suddenly find someone else’s key to an apartment or house on the grave, then under no circumstances should you take it with your bare hands. The item should be carefully picked up in a rag, wrapped well and taken outside the fence. And after, you need to wash your hands thoroughly. Often, sorcerers cast a spell on the keys, casting a negative spell that blocks the road to success.

It happens that the key lies not on the grave, but in the passage between the graves. In this case, you should not pay attention to the find, then the bad energy will pass by. But you don’t need to step over the object, it’s better to walk around it from the side.

If an ancient key is found on the territory of the cemetery, this can promise dire consequences. Often a conspiracy is made about such things or damage is caused to death. It's better to avoid them.

Find the omen wrench

Wrenches are not used to carry out ceremonies, rituals, and they are not subject to conspiracies or damage. For this reason, if it was possible to find this instrument somewhere, then the meaning of the sign will be neutral.

Type of wrench

If you come across a key with the appropriate dimensions for carrying out certain repair work, then this will be a real gift of fate. But bent, broken, or rusty tools should not be picked up. These items are filled with negative energy, they will bring negativity into the house.

What does it mean to find a key in a dream?

  • The interpretations of dreams are very similar to those that work in real life. Almost all of them are favorable and portend good luck both in work and in personal life .
  • Dream books say that in a bunch of keys found in a dream you can read unity in the family, one key found indicates participation in some large-scale projects, and your own keys returned at random portend that in this way in a dream you are looking for a way out of a contradictory situation , and the keys are exactly what will show you the path to this solution.
  • If a girl has a dream, then the key found speaks about the attitude of her chosen one: this is pride in her other half and complete trust in her.
  • If you dreamed of a key that you cannot use to open any of your locks, then you can expect trouble, although not very serious and without consequences. And the most important thing is not to tell anyone about the keys you found, either in your sleep or when you wake up, otherwise the situation will get out of your control.

What does it mean to find rusty keys, old or broken?

Find rusty keys

Such a find means unexpected wealth. Moreover, the larger the key, the greater the wealth. Such a key should be hidden in a secluded place and then everything will come true.

Find old keys

Magicians use old keys in their spells. They can use them to remove the evil eye from someone, and whoever picks up such a key will take the damage upon themselves. In general, an old, crumpled metal thing is always negative. Not only should you not carry it into the house, but you shouldn’t even just pick it up.

broken key

Find a broken key - expect trouble. But they will not last long and will soon be forgotten. If a person opened the door and broke the key, he is warned of danger. Robbers may come or someone has already been tinkering with the castle. In any case, it is better to change it.

How to protect yourself from a negative sign if you find a key?

  • If, by all indications, the found key portends something bad, it is best not to touch it or even touch it , but simply pass by. It is considered a bad omen to drop a found key or bunch. To prevent it from working, you need to pick up the keys and throw them on the ground again.
  • If, out of ignorance, you have already taken the key (or, for example, a child did this), then get rid of it as soon as possible - throw it away or bury it , not forgetting to read the prayer, which is designed to protect and protect from harm. A talisman such as a red thread on the wrist wouldn’t hurt either – it can be done just after such an incident, by conspiring to resist negativity.
  • For the omen to come true, you need to not tell anyone about your find, much less show it.

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