Feng Shui forecast for September 2022 – the month of the Water Rooster

Astrological forecast according to the Ba Zi chart for 2022 - a chance to make your life better!

Every year is difficult in its own way. Each brings us both difficult trials and happiness. The year 2022 of the Yellow Earth Pig is no exception. There will be many difficult situations, but there will also be gifts from fate. How to avoid or pass the first with honor and how to make the most of the second, Ba Tzu’s individual forecast for 2022 will help you with this.

As a result, an individual forecast is conscious chances, opportunities and an understanding of the success of one’s choice at the most important turning points in one’s life, one’s destiny. For example, such as:

  • wedding, marriage, compatibility or new relationship;
  • study and self-development;
  • children and pregnancy planning;
  • work, money, profession and career;
  • real estate, financial planning, investing;
  • moving, change of place of residence;
  • travel and travel dates;
  • opening a business and new partnership;
  • health, diseases and health risks.

If you have already made a choice and the situation has developed, then it is possible to correct actions or plans within the framework of existing relationships, projects, studies, transactions, situations with your health or the health of your loved ones. During the consultation, you will find out what dangers lie in wait for the next year and understand how to protect yourself from them, how to live the next year to the maximum of your potential. You will find out what your main advantages are and understand your strengths and weaknesses in various areas of life.

Bazi. How the Year of the Pig will affect people.

What is important and necessary in describing the energies of the year? - Focus of attention.

For example, so as not to get scattered and waste energy in vain.

A person always has a choice. In the end, spending all your strength on resisting and achieving the unattainable is also a choice worthy of respect.

I practice Chinese life sciences to understand incoming energies and use them to maximum benefit. Energies come and go regardless of our desires, willpower and necessity. Using knowledge about energies and their influence on us, we can find ways to improve, and sometimes maintain, the usual quality of life.

So what energies does JiHai己亥 and how can they influence us?

The heavy, slow-moving energies of the earthmountainswill be replaced by the energies of the earthby the big water(sea).

The mountain landscape will replace the image of a sandy sea beach in winter. There is no or little snow yet. But there is a lot of cold and muddy water.

The landscape is as ascetic as in 2022, but the water of 2022 gives it dynamics.

According to the cycle of control of the 5 elements, the earth restrains (controls) water. Indeed, the most famous way to stop water since the time of Herodotus is an earthen dam. This means that the earth holds back the water and it will not be able to cause much harm as long as the earth rises above the water.

, heated debates can begin about the ability of garden soil to hold back the water of rivers, seas and oceans . I think it can. If not contained, it will significantly change the essence of water. What could this mean?

  1. the earth will not allow the elements of water to “run wild”;
  2. There is still a lot of water, it is very dirty.

The landscape is clear, it remains to figure out how people with different daytime dominants will feel on this beach.

I feel like a person who takes forfeits out of a bag. Where is whose forfeit, you can find out by using any free calculator by searching in Google “bazi calculator” (give preference to those from whom you can select the name of the place of birth from the list). You need to look at the sign in the “Day” column; information about the month of birth may be useful. You can ask me a question in the comments.

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