Feng Shui desktop wallpapers that attract favorable energy (15 photos)

Author: Andrey

19 April 2016 19:10

Tags: desktop screensaver stories desktop pictures desktop wallpaper DIY facts  



By turning to the art of Feng Shui, we strive to become happier and, importantly, more successful. Even those who are far from esoteric and look at life pragmatically will find feng shui recommendations useful. What Feng Shui wallpaper is best to put on your desktop or computer?

How the power of a mandala attracts love to you

Sacred patterns are used to unleash one's inner energy. The love mandala has a certain symbolism. It can only be used when a person is really trying to attract happiness and good luck into his life. While coloring a picture, powerful energy is released, which contributes to the fulfillment of desires. The work of mandalas is based on cleansing a person from negativity. In this way, positive energy and love spells begin to act on the individual.

It is forbidden to use a mandala to get a specific person. You can acquire the magic that it gives if you strongly believe in the effectiveness of the drawing. Then the person will be able to achieve what he wants. The mandala will work if he is truly ready for a relationship.


The mill has long been attributed magical properties. Of course, because grain was ground there - a symbol of abundance and prosperity.

The building itself with a constantly rotating wheel symbolizes perpetual motion and the wheel of fortune.

If you are attracted by beautiful village landscapes with mills, then feel free to place them on the main screen of your smartphone.

For health and longevity

The positive content of the background constantly corrects the subconscious. The process is a targeted effect on problematic areas of the body. Energy flows are straightened, the body is restored.


Tired of being sick? Feeling overwhelmed? Install wallpaper with our little brothers and get rid of oppressive ailments. You cannot use aggressive, pressing types.

Kittens, dolphins, puppies are the best option.

Strong image

Contemplation of a muscular body helps to reorganize the subconscious into a wave of health and endurance. A photo of a slender gymnast, favorite sports competitions, acquaintances who are associated with strong-willed personalities will do.


Indicated for elderly and energetically weakened people. Additionally, they are nourished with life-giving juices. At the same time they perform the function of protection against the evil eye.

According to Feng Shui, flora means:

  • pine forest - longevity;
  • bamboo grove - a peaceful state of mind and relaxation;
  • blooming garden - spring renewal, increase in physical strength.

Fruit basket

Ancient texts talk about it as the embodiment of a fortress. When choosing images of fruits, trust your intuition.

Fruit energies:

  • grapes turn bad luck into prosperity;
  • pineapple - tones;
  • orange - increases vibrations, refreshes and gives strength.

Baskets with ripe apples and peaches are the basis of youth and love of life.


Another analogue of perseverance and endurance. The best color for this theme is green:

  • land - to maintain health;
  • waterfowl - healing from psychological suffering.


The deity attracts happiness like a magnet, protects from envious eyes, damage, helping to achieve what you want. Especially shown to public, successful individuals.


It’s not for nothing that we call a million a “lemon.” This slang word energetically connects fruit and money.

To attract financial luck, it is useful to apply a drop or two of citrus essential oil to a “lucky” bill.

The golden color of oranges, tangerines and grapefruits also attracts monetary energy. By installing a picture with a lot of these fruits on your phone screensaver, look forward to imminent joyful events in the business field.


This item has been a symbol of possession for centuries. The matter concerns not only material assets (a car or an apartment). The keys will help you find yourself, determine where to go next, and find your other half.

Also, thanks to the talisman, you can gain new knowledge, solve a difficult problem and open all the doors on the path of life.

A silver item will help improve your personal life. To quickly resolve your housing issue, decorate the screen with an image of a bunch of keys.

The main feng shui zone for love and marriage in the home

The territorial direction of marriage relations, according to ancient teaching, is considered to be the southwestern zone of an apartment or private house. This is where the foundations of relationships are laid not only between spouses, but also family members, relatives, friends, and colleagues.

The most important principle of harmonious design is the overall balance of all elements:

  1. The strongest elements are Fire and Water, so their presence in all rooms should be moderate unless they become dominant;
  2. Metal and Wood are calmer materials, so their quantity can be increased;
  3. Earth is the most neutral element, so it is used everywhere.


Flowing water symbolizes the movement of the energy of money. This is why the Chinese are so fond of paintings and embroideries depicting waterfalls.

A waterfall is a sign of wealth and financial independence.

For the screensaver, it is better to choose an animated picture, so the effect will be even better.

For material wealth

Today on the Internet you can find many pictures that help attract finance, prosperity and abundance, and increase wages. Among them:

  1. Maneki-neko cats.
  2. Hieroglyph "wealth".
  3. Fan in the form of banknotes.
  4. Dragon on the background of money.
  5. Waterfall.
  6. Boat of abundance.
  7. Tangerines and oranges.
  8. Gold fish.
  9. Three-legged toad.
  10. Money Tree.

You can use a wish-fulfilling mantra as wallpaper. The mantra font made up of symbols that are associated with wealth has powerful energy.

All these images can influence a person’s fate. They can be used as a screensaver on your computer desktop, and the original picture on your mobile will allow you to always carry good luck with you.

Experts' opinion

Astrologers advise to sincerely believe in your dream. If deep down you think support from above is stupid, then nothing will work out. The stars, whatever one may say, rule our world. Shocks and rewards are the work of their ray-hands.

Optimal installation on a birthday or new moon. The screensaver should be changed several times a year.

Bioenergetics experts know for sure about the interdependence of visualizations and financial situation. It is recommended to use the phone as an energy amplifier. For example, the Yera rune promotes wealth and maintains the budget.

Avoid saving photos with negative associations in your mobile memory - they hinder financial growth. It is not advisable to choose a family photo as a background. The screen is seen by others, among whom there are many envious, ogling, and simply angry people. The negative easily penetrates through the photograph into the family field. If you still decide, then turn the device upside down in the presence of colleagues, friends, and clients.

According to psychologists, the drawing expresses the state of the owner. This is our internal resource, a visualization of desire and a reminder of the goal. A successful process is built on faith in implementation. According to studies, those who have photos of families are more successful and less likely to find themselves in unpleasant situations. But provided that the picture was taken independently.

But in fact, when a person selects a picture, the request has already been generated. And if so, then it will definitely work.


For love happiness

Harmony in a couple is lured with other pictures. Wallpaper contributes to: improving the current cordial partnership, finding a chosen one by fate.


When there is no room for harmony and joy, you need to take care of it yourself. Let positive emotions into your being - the image of a butterfly creates lightness in your soul and relieves you of painful feelings.

It is desirable that the number of winged insects be even.

Flowers and bouquets

This background will undoubtedly bring harmony to the relationships of single girls and married ladies:

  1. Red peonies promote the expression of passion and strengthen family ties.
  2. Snow-white and pink provoke femininity and true sexuality. The spouse will feel like a real knight and protector.
  3. Blooming lilac is the personification of romance and prosperity.
  4. Lotus - revives fading feelings, protects from troubles.
  5. Lilies of the valley—discovery of talents and self-development in the heart area.
  6. Roses are a sign of growth, renewal and prosperity.
  7. Blooming sakura - affection and loyalty.
  8. Plum - peace in the house.
  9. Lavender - turning friendship into love.
  10. Orchids and lilies are a fiery passion, especially if there is also an image of a heart.

Bouquets of bright flowers - the revival of love, strengthening of inner potential. Field - to marriage and peace.

Swan couple

Do you want to find your true soul mate? Let there be a cute snow-white bird couple on your smartphone. They are associated with affection, love and peace.

Yin Yang

The sign will help in finding your soul mate. Has great strength. Positively affects the energy field. The mental and physical balance of the owner of the amulet will change: he will feel happiness and peace.

The fusion of the feminine and masculine will help you emerge victorious from any complication.

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