Minor Arcana Tarot Queen of Wands: meaning and combination with other cards





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In the upright position, the meaning of the Queen of Wands tarot is a fairly mature person who has achieved success in life. Impressiveness and self-confidence are the key qualities of the person being told fortunes. But, despite his fairly quick independent decision-making, he needs moral support from the outside.

Thanks to perseverance and professionalism, a person will be able to achieve a lot and rise in life on his own. Ambition and pride will allow him to legitimately claim leadership positions. Also, thanks to the predominance of positive qualities, a person can count on significant support in the eyes of people around him of different social status.

Tarot Arcana Queen of Wands – meaning in reversed position

When inverted, the Queen of Maces lasso speaks of a person’s independent character, prone to impulsiveness. Due to a lack of life experience, a person often underestimates the situations he encounters along the way.

Under the influence of the Queen of Staves tarot card, a person becomes overly rude and influential towards others - he should learn patience.

Despite such qualities, you should be wary of an enemy in the person of a person under the influence of the card, since his actions are based not on emotional impulses, but on pure logic.


In the financial scenario, the Lady in the upright position is interpreted as the implementation of plans, achieving what you want with minimal effort, and getting rich quick. All stars and planets converged during this period, so any undertakings are doomed to dizzying success. But the Queen itself is already a call for composure and prudence; only thoughtfulness of all steps guarantees the positive development of the matter.

In an inverted position, this lasso predicts the failure of all plans. Now is not the best time to take risks; it is important to be able to restrain your vain impulses. The inverted Queen of Wands is a loss of finances, the past will overtake and begin to destroy the future already in the present tense.

Queen of Wands Tarot 78 Doors

Learn more about the 78 Doors Tarot.

Interpretation in relationships

When interpreting the Lady of Staves in the love sphere, it should be understood as a positive sign. The partners’ relationships with each other are quite objective, they contain sincere love and mutual respect. A slight subordination of a person to a loved one is possible under the influence of the Lady of Sceptres card. But, despite this, submission is beneficial, the relationship is strong and trusting. The Queen of Staves tarot card promises the opportunity to enter into a marriage that will be long and quite harmonious.

The meaning of the Queen of Wands arcana in the tarot when inverted

The reversed position of the Lady of Wands card interprets relationships as vain and without much love. It costs such a person nothing to make his partner dependent on himself and to rule without remorse. This meaning in the Queen of Wands tarot often falls on people prone to greed and hypocrisy. They should learn sincerity and responsibility for the feelings of those around them.

Description of the map and plot

In almost all popular tarot decks, the Queen of Wands is depicted as a wealthy woman in rich clothes with a scepter in her hand.

In the Age of Aquarius deck, the Queen of Staves is drawn as a fire element, symbolizing a passionate nature. The purple color of her clothes and throne corresponds to the Ajna chakra - unity with the divine principle.

In Aleister Crowley's Thoth deck, the Queen of the Salamanders is represented as a beautiful woman with red hair. The red-orange background of the card represents fire. The throne is depicted in the form of geometric rays, symbolizing order and stability. The Lady's crown is decorated with a winged ball, and a leopard sits at her feet. The woman is focused and immersed in her thoughts. The rod in her left hand, representing power, is more like a mace.

Many tarot readers are afraid to use the Manara deck because of the overt eroticism of the drawings. The Queen of Fire in this deck is depicted as a girl caressing herself. The symbol of the card is awakening sexuality, lack of experience and the expectation of initiative from a partner.

In Dürer's deck, Sevilla is depicted as a woman wrapped in a cloak with a mace in her hand. The lion lying at her feet is a reflection of power. The woman’s figure is tense - she is ready to defend her interests. The mountains in the background reflect the desire for creative development.

The journey of the gnome Siken, guided by a unique deck created by Pietro Alligo and Antonio Lupatelli, takes us into the world of unusual designs on cards. The characters of the major arcana and “pictures” in suits are more like cartoon characters. The interpretation of the layouts also differs from the decoding of classic tarot. These are rather answers to everyday, everyday questions.

In the Dwarven deck, the Lady of Staffs is depicted as a plump, not very young gnome. She leans on the mace. The crown resembles a helmet. In this interpretation, the Queen of Wands takes on the meaning: “The questioner needs inspiration.”

Some tarot readers interpret this card as a controversial personality. On the one hand, she is a highly moral person, on the other hand, her passion and sensuality constantly push her to break the rules. This is the eternal struggle between morality and the sphere of feelings.

The Queen of Wands Tarot has a more familiar image in the Rider-Waite deck. The clear graphic designs of all 78 arcana have deep symbolism. On the card in this deck, a richly dressed lady sits on a luxurious throne decorated with lions. Sunflowers in the background signify joy of life, optimism and happiness. A black cat sitting at your feet is independence and denial of restrictions. This inconsistency of the card largely determines its meaning.

The meaning of the lasso Lady of Scepters when divining the situation

When interpreting the question, the Queen of Maces card speaks of the need to accept the dynamics of life. It is necessary to apply the skill of quickly and competently resolving any matters and tasks. In the professional industry, the Lady of Staves advises not to start working for someone else, but to go beyond, and gradually but surely develop your own business and skills.

The inverted lasso Queen of Wands speaks of obvious failures that every now and then prevent a person from achieving the professional level that interests him. Annoying troubles in everyday life are also possible. If the question was asked about the matter, then it can be considered unpromising. A person will not have enough strength and experience to implement it, and the funds will slip through his fingers.

Queen of Scepters in the interpretation of work and finances

Interpretation of the map in work, affairs, finances

With a direct position, the Queen of Wands speaks of a person’s desire to move forward. He is ready to set himself serious tasks and achieve their successful implementation. A person is open to the world and is not afraid to try new things. When questioning your career, the Queen of Maces is a very favorable card. She can talk about both promotion and the full realization of her talents in the work field. It also indicates that a person is ready to take on great responsibility and not make mistakes.

When asked about business, the lasso portends success and profitability.

If the questioner is thinking about starting his own business, then the Queen of Staves indicates excellent prospects for his idea. In financial matters, the card speaks of success and obtaining the desired income.

Sometimes it indicates an excessive thirst for pleasure or a task that requires a very large supply of strength.

When reversed, it indicates that the questioner has chosen the wrong course of action. The lasso can also say that a person’s chosen profession is not suitable. When fortune telling about work, the Lady of Wands shows that such a person is disliked in the team. The reason for this is his greed, the habit of getting what he wants at any cost. Things go unsustainably in business, and the human factor is often to blame. The questioner cannot cope with the situation and stabilize it.

Queen of Wands in fortune telling

Questions that can be answered by drawing a card

The card has both positive and negative interpretation depending on the theme of the layout, but the main questions that can be answered by drawing the Queen of Wands are:

  • What causes internal contradictions and the tension associated with them?
  • Is it necessary to be a hypocrite and show off?
  • What tedious and unpleasant things are you trying to get away from?
  • Haven't you come up with too strict moral standards for yourself?

The Queen of Wands advises to be independent, to show more determination to achieve the goal, since at this moment a person knows exactly what he wants to get from life.

The meaning of the Queen of Wands tarot in matters of health

In a straight position, the lasso speaks of good health and vitality. However, the direct card has one negative manifestation: having fallen ill, such a person tries with all his might not to show his illness to others, thereby worsening not only his physical health, but also his mental health. This behavior can provoke intestinal problems (constipation, hemorrhoids and other inflammatory processes).

The reversed Lady of Wands indicates a general broken state of health without clearly defined reasons. The card can also warn about the unpredictable course of the disease.

The meaning of the card when characterizing a person

With a direct position, the Lady of Scepters describes a very insightful person who knows how to competently build relationships with others. Such a person knows who he can open up to and with whom it is better to keep his distance. This is a confident and prudent person, fearlessly moving towards achieving his goals. She exudes positivity and easily makes new friends. She has the personality and makings of a leader; she is able to influence others and is often an unspoken leader at work, in the family or in a public organization. The people described by the Queen often have an active life position. They take part in all areas of activity that provide scope for their self-expression. Such people are no less active in family affairs.

The reversed Queen indicates these same qualities, but they all take on a negative connotation. A person has a desire to control everyone and everything, cruelty towards others, excessive stubbornness. In order to achieve his goals, he is ready to go over his head. He is greedy for money and can deceive someone without a twinge of conscience. In relationships, he shows strong, often unfounded jealousy.

Combination of the Queen of Staves with other arcana

Card of the day:

Today you rule the roost, a trail of admiring glances and compliments is guaranteed. You are confident in yourself and what you want. We are ready to do more than usual and dare to do what we were previously afraid of. Thanks to your optimism and wise support, people are ready to follow you. This card also foreshadows a meeting with a strong-willed, temperamental woman who will influence your affairs.

Card tip:

Showing confidence will help.


Egocentrism, pride, vanity, arrogance and getting what you want at any cost are your worst qualities.

Learning to tell fortunes using Lenormand

Queen of Wands Tarot - meaning in combination with other arcana

When combined with the suit of Wands:

  • Ace: creative enthusiasm, desire for self-expression;
  • Two: making adjustments to your plans;
  • Three: an inspired start to a new business;
  • Four: complete success in the task;
  • Five: the emergence of contradictions with partners;
  • Six: a favorable outcome of the case, the opportunity to emerge victorious from the situation;
  • Seven: unshakable fortitude;
  • Eight: good news from a woman;
  • Nine: the need to show restraint;
  • Ten: the planned enterprise is doomed to failure;
  • Page: amazing news;
  • Knight: unnecessary haste, danger of burning out at work;
  • King: harmony and mutual understanding.

With the suit of Cups:

  • Ace: new love or pregnancy;
  • Two: strengthening the union;
  • Three: promotion at work;
  • Four: energy is wasted, a break is needed;
  • Five: the need to abandon a project that has not justified itself;
  • Six: a lucky coincidence;
  • Seven: period of uncertainty;
  • Eight: leaving the usual field of activity;
  • Nine: undeniable advantage;
  • Ten: happy, strong relationships;
  • Page: a new plan is maturing;
  • Knight: New Fan;
  • Queen: charm and self-confidence;
  • King: happy couple.

Queen of Swords combined with Queen of Staves

When combined with the suit of Swords:

  • Ace: resourcefulness;
  • Two: inability to calculate everything;
  • Three: complete disappointment;
  • Four: rest or upcoming vacation;
  • Five: Pyrrhic victory;
  • Six: change of activity or relocation;
  • Seven: ingenuity, willingness to move forward;
  • Eight: fear of doing anything;
  • Nine: a premonition of something bad;
  • Ten: complete collapse;
  • Page: meeting with an unpleasant person;
  • Knight: active opposition;
  • Queen: excessive pathos;
  • King: confrontation with a serious opponent.

When combined with the suit of Pentacles:

  • Ace: financial assistance;
  • Two: money fuss;
  • Three: the opportunity to show yourself in the best light;
  • Four: strong grip;
  • Five: unscrupulous woman;
  • Six: new ways of development in business;
  • Seven: expectation of fruits from the invested efforts;
  • Eight: hardworking woman;
  • Nine: security;
  • Ten: relative;
  • Page: inquisitive mind, desire to learn;
  • Knight: purposeful progress towards results;
  • Queen: reliable and businesslike person;
  • King: a union of two enterprising business people.

Queen of Staffs combined with the Major Arcana

When combined with the Major Arcana of the Tarot:

  • Jester: mood swings, instability in business;
  • Magician: action only in one's own interests;
  • Priestess: professional in her field;
  • Empress: a woman successful in every sense;
  • Emperor: powerful woman;
  • Hierophant: highly spiritual personality;
  • Lovers: fidelity;
  • Chariot: the desire for independence;
  • Strength: impatient behavior;
  • Hermit: lack of support and like-minded people;
  • Wheel of Fortune: fate will challenge;
  • Justice: an honest woman;
  • Hanged Man: unnecessary victim;
  • Death: getting rid of unnecessary things;
  • Moderation: internal balance;
  • Devil: self-deception, temptation;
  • Tower: destruction of the usual picture of the world;
  • Star: high hopes for the project;
  • Moon: the appearance of a competitor;
  • Sun: feeling of complete happiness;
  • Court: a breath of fresh air, the emergence of new forces;
  • World: an exceptional personality.

Interpretation of the Queen of Wands card

The meaning of the card in love and relationships

Direct card: Mature love, conscious feelings, in the name of which, nevertheless, sometimes crazy actions are committed. Harmonious, equal relationships, the finale of which will be a luxurious wedding. Love of art, beautiful gestures. A woman is a muse who inspires her man to great deeds. Strong friendship that lasts for years. Mutual assistance and reliability.

Reversed card: Lack of attention as a cause for conflict. Lack of communication culture, selfishness, painful pride, pride. Betrayal of a friend, adultery, casual or secret affair. Unstable relationships, not enriched with a spiritual component. Civil marriage, superficial feelings. A romance “without obligations”, a passing hobby, passion.

Interpretation of cards in health layouts

Direct card: Harmonious physique, mature beauty, accelerated mental development, good immunity. There are no chronic diseases, there is no cause for concern. Mental health is not a concern as long as emotions do not take over reason. An explosive temperament gives rise to increased anxiety, insomnia, and a tendency to take risks (and injuries).

Reversed card: Manic-depressive psychosis, delusions of grandeur, depersonalization, incorrect assessment of one’s own personal qualities, leading to mental disorders due to the collapse of hopes. The danger comes from false teachings, superstitions and desires divorced from reality. Unrealized potential results in obsessive thoughts, dreams and painful illusions.

The meaning of the card in finance, work and career

Direct card: The ability to communicate with people and make useful contacts will be useful for realizing professional ambitions. Pay attention to vacancies in journalism, management and advertising technology. By choosing self-employment and freelancing, you will give yourself the freedom to unleash your creative abilities. Finances will be included - there would be interest!

Reversed card: Lack of movement, poor relationships with colleagues, excessive selfishness and unsupported conceit. Behave more modestly, especially when applying for a job. Nobody likes a deliberate display of skill. The desire for a shocking appearance will cause disagreements with your superiors. Save your budget without making unnecessary purchases.

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