Two of Staves (2 staves) - Minor Arcana of Tarot cards

Tarot cards are an amazing tool that will allow every person to get answers to questions that trouble their soul and provide guidance in a difficult life situation. The Two of Wands (in other sources called the Two of Staves, the Two of Scepters or the Two of Spears) will predict success, which will be accompanied by disappointment. A person is lucky, rich and powerful, but all this does not make him happy. Later in the article we will reveal the fuller meaning of the 2 of Wands.

By the way! On our website there is a Collection of fortune telling using Tarot cards online - use it for your health!

Two of Wands: General Meaning

The direct position
of the Arcanum indicates that a person is ready to fight for himself, his ideas and endeavors, even if he has to take risks. The person exhibits marked impulsiveness and reckless courage. He no longer wants to take a neutral position, so he reacts to everything immediately, without reasoning or thinking.

A person wants to demonstrate his temper to others as a property of his nature. Only he acts clearly contrary to his nature; he is also controlled by external stimuli. At such a moment, a person is not able to think sensibly; he commits rash actions that, in principle, could have been avoided. He challenges any circumstances, acts boldly and assertively. Perhaps that is why the card has a positive interpretation.

A person is able to obtain harmony between what he has already achieved in the past and what he will achieve in the future. And the fact that a person strives for power and conquest is also a positive aspect of this card.

Reversed position
Under the influence of the Two of Wands, a person acts imprudently and recklessly. Or maybe, on the contrary, he is afraid to go beyond the boundaries of familiar and outdated reality. A person who does not feel worthy of potential can easily get this card. This is an insecure person, although he himself is not ready to admit it.

There is a lot of responsibility in his life, but not enough power. He is demoted and internally experiences his failures, which come out in the form of apathy and severe depression. If he travels, then in an unexpected way, he will have to return back due to some difficulties. Because people are dishonest, he will become embarrassed, worried, and frustrated.

The card implies deceptions and unrealized plans. Most likely, he simply will not have enough potential to realize his ideas and plans. When the card is laid out, a person will face troubles, some obstacles and restrictions.

Master of Dominion

Lord of Dominion is an important card. Especially if we are talking about freedom of choice. Because the Two of Wands is about how we live according to our own will and the results that flow from that. The card indicates that we are in charge of how our lives unfold and that it happens as we expected.

two of wands

This does not exclude the occasional pleasant surprise or obstacle, but it promises us success. We are in a state of mind that allows us to satisfy our needs and pursue our destiny.

Two of Wands - recommendation

Harmony and contentment can be achieved. Only when we manage to achieve this position in life. Events proceed in an orderly and positive manner. Things unfold around us the way we want them to. Everything is going according to plan. In fact, this is probably a natural state for a healthy person. The fact that we have to fight tooth and nail to achieve it and then maintain it is pathological. When we can bring ourselves into harmony with the forces of our Universe, achieving our dreams becomes much more possible than before.

  • Element: Fire
  • The planet Mars
  • Astrological sign: Aries
  • Key dates: March 21-30

Two of Wands - symbolism

two of wands

The Two of Wands represents a man in a castle overlooking a vast area. He holds a staff in his left hand and a small ball (globe) in his right. The rod he holds symbolizes his new and growing plans, and the flowering leaves represent growth. The globe tells us that the world is in his hands. The landscape shows his great potential and aspirations. The red color of a person's hat represents his passion and adventurous nature. On the side there is an image of a rose, lily and cross. The rose symbolizes love, the lily symbolizes hope, and the cross symbolizes faith. And all together - these are the three guiding lights of decision making.

Two of Wands: Meaning in Love and Relationships

The direct position
of the Arcanum manifests in people a desire to test the strength of a loved one. And to the one who got this card, we can say the following - the person is fighting for the place of leader in the family. This can relate to many issues, for example, who should be in charge in the family.

The card indicates that something will happen in life that will cause surprise and amazement among others.
For relationships, this card is called sad, as it carries indifference, lack of love and real interest in the partner. If a person is not married, then he can have relationships with the opposite sex, but there is no inspiration from these relationships. The inverted position
of the Arcana is characterized by the fact that a person feels unattractive to the opposite sex. In addition, she points to loud confessions and promises that will ultimately turn out to be meaningless and empty. Words can be said just like that, or out of habit, or in connection with some benefit or calculation.

There may be people around you who know how to imitate their good attitude, while they themselves simply find out some important and necessary information. With such a card, there is no point in proposing to your girlfriend; she will undoubtedly refuse.


In Waite's deck, the Two of Wands is represented as a man of high standing looking out over the sea from the tower of his castle. One staff is clenched in his hand, the other stands nearby. The man holds a small model of the Earth in his palm. The previously achieved material benefits are left behind. It's time to get ready to explore the world.

Tarot card, Two of Wands: meanings

The 2 of Wands card of the Thoth Tarot depicts crossed Tibetan daggers (doje). The background is formed by the colors of Mars (red, emerald, azure). The handles of the dodge are crowned with the heads of demons, which personify fear and overcoming; 6 flames burst out from the crossed blades. The symbols of Mars and Aries are visible at the top and bottom of the card.

The Papus deck represents the Two of Wands simply as 2 crossed staves. The French school of Tarot does not draw the minor arcana in detail.

Two of Wands: Meaning in Situation and Question

Direct position
In a situation, a person expects tough competition and a desire to strengthen his previously won positions. Under the influence of Arcanum, it is worth preparing for difficult professional tasks in which it is important to show your personal enthusiasm and activity. The person will hope for the best, it will seem to him that everything planned will soon come true, although he will experience unconscious anxiety and excitement.

Regardless of the circumstances, a person should act quickly in all situations.
And this is what the Two of Wands card requires of him. You cannot doubt what you are doing for a second, and you should not think for a long time. The inverted position
of the Arcana indicates unwanted rivalry. It may turn out that someone at your workplace will bully you or provoke you to quit. All these unpleasant situations, one way or another, will have a bad impact on your reputation in the future.

The main thing is that the person himself does not make a mistake, because under the influence of Arcan such qualities as laziness and apathy are not excluded. This cannot be allowed under any circumstances. But if a person does not like what he does, when he performs work out of necessity and not out of vocation, then, as a rule, he performs his duties carelessly.

Inner meaning

The Two of Wands is not the most inspiring card. Something unexpected is about to happen or appear on the scene. What you did not allow or could not allow in your plans. At the very least, it will surprise you. But this could mean the loss or failure of your venture.

Note that some interpretations give the complete opposite meaning to this and claim that the Two of Wands brings wealth, gain, luck and power. But most of these interpretations include the assertion that with good fortune comes bad luck.

Two of Wands: The meaning of the card of the day

The day indicates that a person is showing his indecision. At the moment when it is necessary to make a decision or take on some work, he takes a step back. It’s just that under the influence of Arkan he cannot concentrate and nothing works out for him.

Let's put aside all doubts and worries, the best decision is to take a neutral side. If someone demands more from you than you can do, say so.

It is enough to clearly explain to your interlocutor your attitude to the matter, without assigning much responsibility to yourself. We can say that you would rather do this tomorrow rather than today. In this way, unnecessary problems and stress can be avoided.

Psychological condition

For the querent, the Two of Staves means emotional burnout, satiety with material goods, and fatigue from monotonous everyday life. The fire of life without goals or aspirations goes out. I want change, but forced stagnation leads to apathy and makes a person rebel. He goes against generally accepted rules and norms. Anger clears the mind by removing unnecessary attitudes.

The joy from past victories has faded, the silence is annoying, and internal discontent is growing. It seems to the questioner that there is nowhere to move further. A pause, a lull will help you more fully understand what is happening, but you cannot hesitate to make a decision.

We must learn to build relationships, seek compromises, and reconsider our own beliefs. Changes will happen soon, but something familiar must be sacrificed. The possibility of loss, fear of failure raises doubts. To achieve new things, you need to trust your intuition and think carefully about the inevitable next step.

Tarot card, Two of Wands: meanings

Two of Wands: Card Advice

A person will want to cope with all the obstacles on his road that he will encounter. He has many desires, ideas, ambitions. But we must not forget that strength is not endless; enthusiasm can dry up quite quickly. Arkan does not recommend that a person express himself by any means and methods. After all, a large charge of strength can unexpectedly give way to a lack of vital energy, apathy and loss of strength.

If a person finds himself in a difficult situation, he needs to step aside to take a neutral position. It is not advisable to make hasty conclusions and decisions. But if you need to make a decision in a short time, then it is important to make sure that they are correct. Only deliberate actions will be the most correct.

At the level of consciousness

The 2 of Wands of the Tarot in the reading speaks of a period of reflection, a forced stop, which will last until a decision is made. Doubt will destroy action. You need to quickly overcome your fears and realize your desires, intentions, and ideas. Delay will only complicate the situation and cause new doubts or apathy.

The Two of Posokhov communicates the need to respect the feelings, desires, and plans of other people. The success of interaction with society depends on the ability to take into account the interests of others without sacrificing your own. The two sides must complement each other. Self-assertion or manipulation is highly undesirable.

Key Ideas

Refusal to take initiative and inaction in general. Reluctance to enter into conflicts and showdowns. Lack of desire and desire to act, but this is not always indicated in a negative way. A person wants to distance himself from the bustle of the world. It happens that the card shows that the person making the wish has no plans, no goals, perhaps only dreams or illusions.

Sometimes, the card comes out as a sign that it’s time to stop and hide so as not to waste energy in vain. Indifferent expectations and third-party observation can also be played through this Arcana of Wands.

Combination with other arcana

Adjacent cards in the layout change the meaning of the Two of Staves. Any layout will require careful analysis. This is not a complete list. The tarot reader’s ability to compare the characteristics of the Tarot arcana and the situation will be useful for interpretation.

Major Arcana:

  • Fool. New roads, openings, justified or unjustified risks.
  • Mag. Difficulties at work.
  • Priestess. Passivity, heightened intuition.
  • Empress. You need to carefully consider the next step.
  • Hierophant. Strategy Development.
  • Chariot. Delays due to stubbornness.
  • Hermit. Missed opportunities.
  • Wheel of Fortune. Good luck in new achievements.
  • Justice. Advice to listen to others.
  • Hanged. Uncertainty, apathy.
  • Death. We need to let go of the past.
  • Moderation. Luck.
  • Tower. Enterprise failure.
  • Star. Success.
  • Moon. Doubts, despondency.
  • World. Fateful choice, moving.


  • Ace. Self-realization.
  • Seven. Obstacles.
  • King. Responsibility, maturity.


  • Troika. Unexpected good news.
  • Six. The need to get rid of thoughts about the past.
  • Nine. Illusions.
  • Knight. Luck.


  • Two. Indecision, complexes.
  • Six. Creative search.
  • Seven. Past mistakes need to be corrected.
  • Eight. Inability to think clearly.
  • Knight. Impulsiveness, recklessness.


  • Troika. Financial success.
  • Five. A hopeless enterprise.
  • Ten. Financial disagreements.
  • King. Investor, philanthropist, profitable partner.
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