Magic herbs and plants for money and material wealth

Herbs for attracting money and material success

This section is devoted to plants that, to one degree or another, influence well-being in a material sense. This knowledge will be useful to you if:

  • You are always sorely short of money
  • You can't find a well-paid job
  • You find it difficult to repay a bank loan
  • Do you want to save money for some purpose?

Use the following magical herbs to attract wealth! They are easy to get - either collect them yourself in nature or buy them at a pharmacy or market. Study the list of witchcraft herbs to put your knowledge into practice.


The lemon tree softens the atmosphere in the family, eliminates conflicts and improves the financial situation of the owner. Especially when the lemon bears fruit, so it is important to care for it properly. You should follow the watering regime and maintain the temperature in the room no higher than 18 °C. In winter, citrus fruit should not be allowed to overcool.

In order for a lemon to have an attractive appearance, it must be pinched and trimmed regularly.

Plants for entrepreneurs and businessmen

Sandalwood stick or sliver. In addition to the stick itself, you will need a container for burning. This could be an ordinary ashtray or a tin. Write your wish on a sandalwood stick and set it on fire, placing it in a prepared container. As soon as the wood burns, the smoke from it will fly into the sky, and your desire will be heard by the Universe, after which it will begin to activate.

Hawthorn sprig. This plant enhances energy, increases male strength and performance. To recharge yourself with success and stimulate your activity, you can put a sprig of hawthorn with thorns in the drawer of the desk where you usually work. Or put a blooming hawthorn in a vase on the edge of the table.

yellow flowers on a stump

Church incense. This is sacred boswellia tree resin, which helps to successfully negotiate with partners and contractors. Put a piece of incense in your pocket when you are about to have a business meeting.

Basil. Plant the seeds of this herb in a flower pot and place it in your office. Basil leaves will not only fit beautifully into the interior, but will also fill you with the necessary energy to solve important strategic tasks.


Another name for the flower is dollar tree. It does not require special care and can go without watering for a long time. Financial difficulties will be resolved on their own; the main thing is to provide the zamiakulkas with regular watering and bright lighting.

The plant contains poisonous sap, so pruning and replanting should be done with gloves. Keep small children and pets away from it.

Zamiakulkas are propagated in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • tubers;
  • leaves.

Plants for job seekers

Bay leaf. This is a powerful magical remedy for an unemployed person. To get a good position in a prestigious company, you need to write your wish on a piece of fragrant laurel and carry it with you in your pocket everywhere. You should wear laurel until you are comfortable. However, as practice shows, this magical method works one hundred percent!

bay leaves with inscriptions

Hazelnut (hazelnut). Do you want to pass the interview successfully? Put three hazelnuts in your pocket. A potential employer will not find a reason to refuse you a vacancy.

Bergamot. Put a few leaves of dried bergamot leaves in your wallet, and a high-paying position will find you. Leaves can be taken from a package of bergamot tea. This magical remedy also works to increase cash income. Rub a few leaves between your fingers and sprinkle the powder on the bills you have. The money will return to you and “bring” “friends” with it.


Pachira is an exotic plant belonging to the baobab family. In China, for a long time, they have believed in its unique properties and treated the flower with great respect. The Chinese are absolutely convinced that this is the only real money tree in the whole world.

This opinion is confirmed by a legend that says that a poor peasant accidentally passed under a pachira tree and saw that banknotes were growing on it instead of ordinary fruits. Without thinking twice, he collected them and became a wealthy man.

Pachira is also said to have a positive effect on the owner's health, which improves with each new leaf. With it, your financial condition also increases.

Magical plants for monetary gain

Chamomile flowers. This plant is most popular for increasing monetary wealth. Surround yourself with this plant if you want to not need for anything! Place meadow chamomile flowers in a vase on your desk and you will notice how the money begins to flow. Also brew chamomile tea and let its aroma waft throughout the room. Place dried chamomile in one of the compartments of your wallet and let it always be there. This will help you avoid making unnecessary purchases.

chamomile in the field

Bay leaf. If you don’t have enough money for a large purchase, you don’t need to borrow it from a bank or from relatives! Perform a magical ritual. On the next new moon, burn a bay leaf, on which you first write the required (missing) amount for the purchase. As soon as the leaf burns, monetary energy will begin to activate. But don’t order the impossible from the Universe—don’t write too large a number. Greed can be punished by higher powers. Write exactly as much as you need before purchasing.

Red clover leaf. Place it in an empty compartment of your wallet. May it always be kept there. If you live in a private house, then plant clover on your property - this plant attracts money to the household.

Basil. This is not only a fragrant seasoning for food, but also a cash flow activator! To attract money to your home, you need to grind dried basil leaves and sprinkle them at your doorstep.

Vanilla. Place a vanilla pod or stick in the drawer of the desk where you work. If your work is not office-related, then a vanilla stick can be used as a keychain. Always carry it with you and your money will increase over time.

ginger, cinnamon, vanilla and lemon

Lemon. Lemon zest is an excellent magical remedy for increasing money supply! On Women's Day (Wednesday, Friday or Saturday), grate the zest on a fine grater and at the same time mentally turn to the Universe with a request to save you from lack of money. The zest should be brewed in a cup of regular tea and drunk slowly, without stopping to think about your request. By regularly drinking tea with lemon zest, you will gradually get out of poverty.

Rosemary. This aromatic seasoning gives monetary energy. When preparing soups and meat dishes, use dried rosemary in moderation. While adding seasoning to the dish, say:

“As many seeds go out, the same amount of money will come.”

Which image affects us the most?

The strongest influence of images on us is the bedroom, and, funny as it may seem, the toilet. Be sure to keep this in mind. Ladies can use the flowers they need in the form of brooches, designs on clothes and on avatars on social networks - this also gives a strong influence.

However, one of the most powerful energy recipes is a photograph of yourself taken at a happy moment. You should be healthy there, reasonably beautiful, you can be with someone, the surrounding landscape is better bright and open, with flowers - that’s even better. Your gaze should often come across this image and not cause sadness, but lift your spirits, give the spark for an active life, for further opportunities.

When you begin to realize that the images on the walls are no longer influencing you in the right direction, it is advisable to update the exhibition. Life is fast now, it forces you to move and change directions, so a stationary environment can slow down your development.

When the tulip trembles under the morning dew, And the violet bows low to the ground, I admire the rose: how quietly the bud picks up its floor, drunk with sweet slumber! Omar Khayyam

Herbs for success in lottery and gambling

If you often buy lottery tickets, but luck is not in a hurry to turn your face, try these herbs for success in winning.

Pomegranate. Pomegranate seeds provide prosperity and abundance, material wealth. Add pomegranate seeds to desserts and drinks. Do not spit out the seeds - swallow them along with the pulp.

Sunflower head. There is a popular saying: if you pick a sunflower at dawn and carry it with you, the next day will bring you good luck. Sunflowers planted in the garden also attract wealth into the home.

blooming sunflower

Twig with hazelnuts (hazelnuts). Attach a sprig of nuts above the front door - and luck in the lottery will not leave you. The nuts themselves can be carried in the pocket of everyday clothes.

Clover, shamrock. In folklore, the three-leaf clover is a powerful talisman of good luck. Carry a shamrock in your pocket, wallet or handbag to win bets.

Cinnamon. Sprinkle the seasoning in the corners of your house - and good luck will never leave you. Cinnamon sticks can be used as a magical flavoring agent. The aroma of cinnamon attracts wealth into the home.

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Chamomile. If you are going to gamble, wash your hands with chamomile tea beforehand and you will have good luck at the gaming table!

Horse chestnut. Place the fruit in your pocket and keep it with you during the game. Chestnut brings success to gamblers.


Begonia is nothing more than a symbol of well-being. This plant is very common due to the fact that it absolutely does not require any special conditions for growth.

This bush can be found both in garden plots and in many apartments. Begonia feels great in any room, even with irregular care.

From an aesthetic point of view, the plant is not so attractive: it is a medium-sized bush with leaves of a unique color (from soft green to rich bronze shades).

However, one of the “superpowers” ​​of begonia is the fact that its leaves secrete phytoncides that are able to cope with viruses and pathogens, thereby protecting against unpleasant colds.

Herbs for litigation (so that the case ends successfully)

Whatever process you are facing - civil, criminal or arbitration - it won’t hurt to use these simple recipes. Magic herbs and plants will come to your aid in court too!

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ginger root

Chamomile. Before going to court, take a shower and then douse yourself with chamomile tea. This will ensure a favorable outcome to your litigation.

Ginger. This plant brings good luck in court. To ensure a good outcome for your side, when entering the meeting room, chew some ginger root and carefully spit the juice onto the floor so that no one notices. There is a high probability that the judges will make a fair decision regarding you.

Zamioculcas (dollar tree)

Zamioculcas is an amazing plant native to Africa. It is considered a flower that protects against illness and brings money and luck. It is believed that the plant has a very receptive energy field. Therefore, it helps only those owners who sincerely love him. It is believed that if zamioculcas is given as a gift for a birthday or any other holiday, its magical properties are enhanced.


The life cycle of a fern is designed in such a way that the plant pleases the eye all year round with the greenery of its young foliage and is constantly renewed. Therefore, the fern is considered a symbol:

  • unfading vitality;
  • accumulation and increase of capital.

The legend that fern flowers indicate places where treasures are buried is also worth taking note. The plant is quite whimsical - remember this when choosing it for landscaping your home.

The leaves and roots of fern have many medicinal properties, which have long been used by ancient healers. I. Filippova talks about this in detail in the book “Doctor on the Windowsill. Amazing properties of indoor plants."

Fern in the house: Pixabay


Geranium is a real amulet against negativity, gossip and negative energy, of which, you see, there is a lot at work. The plant is quite easy and unpretentious to care for.

Geranium has a wonderful sweetish, not cloying aroma, thereby helping to set its owner in a productive working mood and giving him a wonderful mood.

In addition, according to various esoteric stories, pelargonium (another name for geranium) attracts money and helps to gain financial stability.


It is believed that this unpretentious palm tree is a symbol of perseverance and happiness. Its leaves tend to rise, which means that the plant helps achieve its goals if it correctly distributes its forces. If dracaena grows lushly in an apartment, then pleasant changes in life are just around the corner.

Place in a bright place, protected from direct sunlight. Water moderately.

Flowers that protect against conflicts in the home

A correctly chosen plant will allow spouses to reach mutual understanding and smooth out rough edges. Myrtle will best cope with this task. A flower often becomes a wedding gift for a young family. He must maintain the fire of love and fill the atmosphere with warmth. Myrtle leaves are suitable for making balms, tinctures, and it’s worth looking for original recipes for family dinners.

Another helper for finding mutual understanding between spouses is chlorophytum. Its green leaves are good at purifying the air from pathogenic bacteria. The flower has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calming it. It is advisable to bring chlorophytum to a new home or buy it after renovation. With its appearance, the space is filled with comfort, and prosperity comes to the house.


The unusual bougainvillea is called the paper flower because its bright red flowers appear to be made of thin papyrus. The plant came from South America. It is believed that the bright greenery, red buds and abundance of blossoming inflorescences on the bushes make bougainvillea a symbol of monetary abundance and success.

The evergreen plant loves bright places in the house, so feel free to place it in a window or in a brightly lit area of ​​the living room. There is no need to move the flower pot once again - the plant can shed all its leaves in an instant.

Green and red colors are favorable for monetary energy, and simple flower care will provide a person with a comfortable existence.

Bougainvillea indoors
Indoor bougainvillea: Freepick

A house where flowers bloom is always full of warmth and joy. Choose a plant to your taste, do not chase the number of red pots in the house. The most important thing is that the energy of the plant and the household coincide. Then the indoor flower will turn into a magnet for money, and its owners will believe in their own strength and will definitely achieve success.

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