Why choose an apartment according to Feng Shui? Basic rules for choosing a good apartment according to Feng Shui.

A brief plan for choosing a house and apartment according to Feng Shui

Each person can do some points of this plan independently, without contacting a Feng Shui consultant at home or apartment. To do this, you need to search the Internet for information or take initial courses. But there is a point here that there is a lot of information on Feng Shui at home on the Internet and you need to be able to separate correct and important information from false. Nowadays, the so-called “popular Feng Shui” has spread greatly, which has little in common with classical Feng Shui, which has come from China since BC.

Therefore, you have a choice either to figure it out yourself, or seek advice on analyzing the apartment and house.

The auspiciousness of a house or apartment depends on the Qi energy that comes into the house - on its quality and quantity. Therefore, you need to choose houses and apartments where this energy is the best.

The best way is to turn to Feng Shui at the stage of choosing an apartment, house, plot of land, office, etc. In this case, we can make maximum use of the energy of nature for our well-being and attract good luck to our home and life.

choosing an apartment according to Feng Shui, the surroundings of the house

feng shui kitchen

The kitchen occupies one of the key places in the entire apartment in terms of its influence on the relationship between a man and a woman. First of all, the location of the stove and sink matters. The most important thing for a perfect kitchen is to avoid island stoves and island sinks.

In addition to family relationships, control of the family budget depends on the kitchen. More precisely, again, from the placement of the stove and sink.

If you have taken into account the feng shui of stoves and sinks, other appliances, devices, machines - refrigerator, microwave, bread maker, dishwasher, multicooker, freezer - can be placed where it is most convenient and functional.

The color of the kitchen is also very important - it affects appetite and mood. According to the Wu Xing principle, yellow and red colors, or their shades, are primarily good for digestion and appetite. Of course, this doesn't mean that all the walls need to be painted red or yellow. Everything requires moderation and common sense.

Home environment for good feng shui

This is the first stage and the most important, because if there is little or bad Qi energy near the house, then no direction of the front door, arrangement of rooms, design, etc. nothing will change anymore.

In some places there is more good Qi energy, in others there is less or it is generally of poor quality. A person can determine such places even without knowing Feng Shui, but purely intuitively. If a person enjoys being in some place, then with a high probability we can say that there is good energy here. Good places can be defined as follows: the area is “pleasant to the eye”, there is water nearby (a lake, a river, but not a swamp), a calm road passes near the house, a lot of vegetation, the absence of cemeteries, factories, hospitals, etc. nearby.

To choose a good feng shui house and apartment, their location must comply with certain rules: behind the house there must be a hill (mountain, forest, another house, etc.) for protection, on the sides the house must also be protected, but with smaller hills, there should be free space in front of the front door where Qi energy will accumulate, and it is also good when there is a smooth, calm river or road from the entrance.

The open space in front of the entrance to the house should be no less than the height of the house.

4 celestial animals, feng shui at home

If you look at houses in cities, the last rule is very often not observed - often the road runs behind the house, and the entrance to the house is located from the yard (if there is an open space in front of this entrance, and the house is separated from the road by dense vegetation, then this is much better ).

There are also certain rules for placing a house according to Feng Shui in relation to roads, intersections, bridges, etc.

The next thing to remember when buying a house is its shape.

The best shape for a house is a square or rectangle, spaced lengthwise along the front, so that the energy entering through the main door can easily penetrate into every corner of the house.

Long buildings or long narrow corridors inside are not welcome. The house must be of the correct shape without sharp corners and overhangs.

Sometimes there are buildings of irregular geometric shape. When designing such a building, the architect wants to create something completely different from other houses. In fact, such a creation only multiplies chaos.

Choosing a favorable direction for the front door

Choosing a favorable direction for the front door

This is the second most important point of analysis when choosing a house and apartment according to Feng Shui. To analyze the suitability of the front door to a house, you can’t do without a consultant.

In short, you first need to determine the compass direction of the front door (this can be done using a compass and online maps, or better yet, both methods. If you measure with a compass, you need to exclude magnetic interference, which is not easy to do in urban environments). We also need to take into account magnetic deviation - the geographic and magnetic poles do not coincide, and we need the magnetic pole. After measuring the direction of the front door according to Feng Shui, it is determined which of the 24 sectors this entrance falls into. And this is precisely what determines whether the entrance, and, accordingly, this applies to those living in this house, will be more or less successful.

According to the ratio of favorable and unfavorable years, all houses can be divided into 3 categories:

  1. there will be more unfavorable years for this entry;
  2. there will be an equal number of favorable and unfavorable years for a given entry;
  3. the ratio of favorable years will be greater.

Here, I think it is clear that it is better to live in houses from the third category.

How is this favorability or unfavorability determined and why can it change every year?

If you take any year, then it has its own signs, for example, in 2018 it is Yang Earth Dog, and in 2022 it will be Yin Earth Pig. It is exactly how the sign of the current year interacts with the sign of the front door sector that will determine whether this year will be good, average or bad for the residents of this house.

And what influences the auspiciousness or unfavorability of the entrance to a house and apartment according to Feng Shui?

auspiciousness of entering a house and apartment according to Feng Shui

Favorable entrance for a house or apartment: an indicator that the year will be generally good, you can start important things, will bring good luck in different areas of life, more financial success and less spending, a high probability of help from other people, if problems arise, there will be them easier to solve, etc. If you have health problems, then there is a chance to improve it (by the same principle, it is advisable to contact clinics for help - when there is a good entrance).

But you still need to remember that a lot depends on the person’s ba zi fate map . And if, for example, in a person’s fate chart, the current year brings problems with finances, then living in a house or apartment with good Feng Shui can smooth out this situation, but cannot radically change it. And if he lives in a house with bad feng shui, he will feel the full force of this year’s negative impact on his finances.

An unfavorable entry is the opposite of what is described above: the year will not be very good in many respects, breakdowns in the house, difficulties in business and affairs, it is difficult to expect outside help, unplanned expenses of money, losses for business, erroneous diagnoses and treatment may be prescribed and etc..

3. Next comes the consideration of the shape of the house, the shape of the apartment according to Feng Shui - better than the correct shape of both the house and the apartment, the location of the rooms - especially pay attention to the location of the toilet and bathroom - the best option is when they are not visible from the entrance (by at least their doors).

4. Then you can divide the apartment according to Feng Shui into 24 sectors and, on the basis of this, harmonize the house or apartment - interior design, choice of colors and materials, etc. And also, depending on the favorable sectors in a particular year, you can choose where to put a bed, a desk, where to store money and valuables - to increase their quantity, and where to place bills and medicines - so that there are fewer of them.

All these rules for a good feng shui apartment can greatly increase the luck of the residents who live in such houses.

PS If an apartment, house, office is good in Feng Shui, then it will be good for everyone who lives or works in this building. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a man or a woman, when they were born, etc.

Feng Shui hallway

When arranging a hallway or renovating it according to Feng Shui, pay attention to the speed of energy flows in this room. It is important that the flow is not too fast and does not wash energy through the windows into the street. How to find out?

You can find out where the energy is moving by the vector of your gaze: track where your gaze goes when you enter the hallway. If you immediately see the window opposite, your gaze instantly takes your attention to the street. The same thing happens with energy.

Feng Shui deals with correcting such situations with an excessively rapid flow of energy.

How it works?

In general, the space of a floor, in accordance with He-tu (orientation scheme), belongs to one of five elements: the space of the first floor - Water, the second - Fire, the third - Wood, the fourth - Metal and the fifth - Earth. From the next floor the cycle repeats ad infinitum.

Now we determine the time phase - the year in which you moved into the house also matters. The fact is that the Chinese calendar consists of the same five elements and 12 more animals. The first among them is the Rat, symbolizing success and financial well-being. The full cycle of the eastern calendar is 60 years. Each 12th anniversary belongs to one of the elements and is calculated in Rats:

We specify the year of construction of the building

Check the year the house was built, since depending on the year, the energy of buildings can vary greatly. This is especially important to consider from the point of view of the classical Feng Shui method, which takes into account the time factor - Flying Stars.

These houses would be the best choice:

  • Built in the 8th period, i.e. after February 4, 2004, is the best option.
  • Houses from the 6th period (1964-1983) are a completely acceptable option.
  • Houses of the 7th period (1984-2003) are also suitable, but somewhat worse than the previous ones.

New buildings

Often in a new building the question arises about the Feng Shui center of the apartment: what if there is a toilet in the center? Traditional Feng Shui of the School of Forms teaches that form is the most important thing for housing. First of all, pay attention to the integrity of the forms, as they will emit energies similar to themselves!

Talismans have a positive effect on Feng Shui in an apartment. If you feel that there are some unfavorable energies and harmful fields in the new building, you can hang Feng Shui talismans on the wall or place them on a cabinet or closet, which emit favorable Qi and harmonize the space, correcting the moments that confuse you.

We wish you a successful arrangement and a happy life in your apartment!

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Where is it good to live right now?

Until the end of 2022, we are in the Earth Time phase. Let's see how this affects the energy of the floors.

Through thorns to the stars: 1, 6, 11, 16 floors

Having chosen the Space of Water (1st, 6th, 11th, 16th floors) during the Earth Time period (2008−2019), get ready to solve the difficulties generously presented by fate. The advantages include character building. And the next 12 years promise to be more prosperous, because after a dark streak there always comes a bright one.

Peace to the world, and the 2nd, 7th, 12th and 17th floors to the pioneers and innovators

To succeed in their careers and creativity, they only need the opportunity to prove themselves. Students, businessmen, people of art will learn to create such opportunities for self-realization that will take your breath away! And all is the energy of Space (Fire), feeding the energy of Time (Earth).

Lack of money and loans bypass the 3rd, 8th, 13th and 18th floors

On them, the energy of Space (Wood) controls the energy of Time (Earth). What opens up favorable financial flows for residents: a long-awaited promotion, winning the lottery, a sudden inheritance, stock growth... In general, everything that can improve your financial situation.

For inner peace - on the 4th, 9th, 14th or 19th floors

It is there that the energy of Space (Metal) is created by the energy of Time (Earth), which not only stabilizes every sphere of life, but also gives complete internal harmony.

Do you want to improve your personal life? Move to the 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th floors

There, the energy of Time (Earth) and the energy of Space (Earth) are friends with each other, creating powerful positive energy necessary for working in a team, acquiring useful connections... and meeting true love, of course!

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