The main Feng Shui talismans and their placement in the house.

Hi all. In this article we will talk about Feng Shui talismans. We will look at the most powerful in influencing and attracting wealth, love, luck and health.

Chinese Feng Shui talismans for the home have special energy, especially if they are in the right place and complement the interior. All these items are based on a legend. See what you can buy to attract good luck, health, wealth and love.

golden peacock


Money talismans are the most common in Feng Shui. Material well-being is the most important part of life. Having a means of subsistence makes a person feel more confident and happier. It is not surprising that amulets to attract money are the first to be sold out.

Which wealth talismans are considered the most powerful:

Money tree or Crassula

This plant has round, fleshy leaves that resemble coins. It is customary to place a bill or coin under a pot of fatty grass so that the money “grows.”

Money Tree

Three-toed toad

A talisman with an interesting legend. In ancient China, they believed that there once lived an evil robber who robbed indiscriminately and even attacked the lower gods. They turned to Buddha for help, and he turned the robber into a toad, depriving him of one paw. Since then, the three-fingered talisman has been paying for its stinginess and rewarding its owner with money.

There is a sign: if a coin falls out of a toad’s mouth, then expect an increase.

Place the money frog near a window or in the southeast, no higher than table level - these animals are afraid of heights.



As in the famous fairy tale, wishes come true, especially in quantities of three or nine. Carps are powerful money magnets. Let one of the nine carps be black to protect against the evil eye.

A ship sailing inside a house

This could be a painting or a figurine of a sailboat. Material wealth arrives on the ship. Such an amulet is placed near a window or front door and filled with coins and jewelry.

feng shui symbols of wealth


Laughing god of prosperity and fun. It’s good when the figure is holding a bag of money or a fish in his hands.

Purple colors

Violet shades are used in the interior of the southeastern zone of Wealth. For women, violets with purple flowers are considered especially successful. And in the office it is customary to keep a small purple object - for the favor of the authorities and salary growth.

Where to place it in the house

Place money talismans in the southeast sector of the house. This is the Wealth Zone.

Flowing water helps to strengthen this zone - aquariums, fountains, paintings with the water element. It’s great when in the southeast of the house there is an aquarium with nine fish, one of which is black.

water fountains

On the office desktop, the money talisman is placed in the far left corner.

Where to hang paintings according to Feng Shui?

According to Feng Shui, not only the theme and plot of the image is important - where exactly you hang it is also important. The entire house is divided into special zones, each of which is responsible for a specific life aspiration. Therefore, by placing the work in the wrong place, you will block the flow of positive energy, but correct placement will attract and increase good luck. Here are the rules to follow when hanging paintings and posters for your interior:

  1. North – education, work and career sector. There is the right place for awards related to your professional activities, diplomas, medals, certificates and certificates. southern zone has a similar effect - it attracts the energy of fame and respect from others;
  2. The southwest zone affects relationships and the emotional sphere. It is worth hanging pictures depicting two animals, a pair of birds, a man and a woman in love. Those panels that depict mountain landscapes, rivers, waterfalls or seas are also suitable;
  3. the east and southeast are the center of family and health. This direction is patronized by the element of Wood, so place portraits of family members here in wooden or bamboo frames. This will also strengthen the family budget and improve well-being;
  4. West – the sector of creation, self-realization, as well as a children's area. If you dream of experiencing the joy of motherhood or fatherhood, decorate the western wall with paintings of children playing. And those who want to develop their creative potential will need landscapes that open up perspective - a road going into the distance, a wide field, a flowing river. Since the element of the West is Metal, you can place coins, coin collections, and any decorative items made of silver, gold, and bronze here.

Feng Shui paintings


Talismans of love are often paired. They symbolize the harmony of two people. Couple amulets work both to attract love and to preserve it in marriage.

  1. Two swans. This talisman means love and loyalty for life. A pair of mandarin ducks and dolphins have a similar effect.
  2. Red Chinese lanterns. If you hang a couple above the front door, then love will soon stop by for a visit.
  3. A pair or a flock of butterflies - to create a romantic atmosphere.
  4. Live or painted red peonies are a powerful magnet of love and passion. A single woman should place the flower in the bedroom, and when a partner arrives, move them to the living room.
  5. A pair of candles in candlesticks: one red, the other white.

All feng shui symbols can be used not only in the apartment and office, but also for wish cards.

Creating an atmosphere

First, let's create the necessary atmosphere in the Health zone so that it is pleasant for the energy to be there. Firstly, as I said in the previous article, the center of the house (or room) should not be cluttered or cluttered with things.

Secondly, you need to create good lighting. The ideal option is crystal

Health Zone in Feng Shui
chandelier. I have already talked several times in my articles about the effect of crystal pendants on a chandelier - when light hits and refracts, small “rainbows” are created in the faces of the crystal balls. They have an extremely beneficial effect on the entire atmosphere in the house, including the health of all household members.

But when choosing a chandelier, you need to comply with some conditions. A chandelier should not be bulky. There should not be an impression that the chandelier “dominates” the room!

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