Paintings for the bedroom according to Feng Shui: features of selection and design

We have created the most complete guide on the topic of paintings in the bedroom. This guide is unique. Both from the point of view of truly practical and applicable advice, and from the point of view of an ironic attitude towards all the advice on the Internet on this topic.

We are pros when it comes to choosing paintings. Therefore, our main advice for choosing a painting for the bedroom is - do not listen to any advice! There are no uniform rules required for choosing a painting specifically for your bedroom.

But we understand that if you are choosing a painting for the first time, you still need some guidelines. And we will give them to you - honest, adequate and professional.

In the meantime, let’s look at circulation tips on this topic. So:

What paintings are suitable for the bedroom?

Paintings with flowers in the bedroom

Everything, literally all sites advise placing paintings with flowers in the bedroom, and even more specifically, paintings with peonies. Further, botany lovers recommend paintings with roses, paintings with orchids, paintings with wildflowers, etc.

Friends, pay attention! - this is a banality. Let's explain why. There is, of course, nothing wrong with the flowers themselves. Flowers are beautiful and it's great that you love them. But if we are talking about a work of art, then there is no genre more banal, more hackneyed than a still life with flowers. This genre has been discredited by a huge, incredibly huge amount of such writing with colors of very poor quality. And it is, of course, difficult for a non-specialist to distinguish high-quality work from technically weak ones.

But the point is not even this, but the frantic circulation of this topic. A work of art is unique.

Conclusion: our answer to the question “Is it possible to hang a picture with flowers in the bedroom?” - yes, it’s possible. Technically. But we understand that if these are mass-produced and technically weak works, then this immediately reveals that you are a weak connoisseur of painting.

What to do: look for paintings with flowers, made in avant-garde styles. Or with an unusual composition, an unusual angle, etc. For example:

The reaction to such paintings is “I’ll never hang something like that!” indicates only one thing: a person has an extremely low level of observation (with regard to works of art). Of course, no one will force these particular pictures (or any others) on you. But - if you are looking for information about which painting to choose for the bedroom, you still need to try to understand the basics a little.

Paintings with a couple in the bedroom

Paintings of couples in love, paintings with a man and a woman in the bedroom are also among the top tips for choosing paintings. Let's say right away - this is a much more advanced option than flowers. Less hackneyed and promising that you can come across some good work.

What to look for when choosing paintings with couples? On the style in which the picture was made, and on the technique of execution. What do we mean by style? We try to avoid paintings in a realistic style, as well as in the style “everything here is smeared by the rain and it’s all love and nostalgia”... Because, friends, this is also banal and widespread.

What's not trivial? Any avant-garde stylistics that do not fit into the sugary marshmallow-pink story. This could be very cool! And this does not mean that there will be no love, sincerity and tenderness in the works. Moreover, when it comes to a couple, it doesn’t have to be people, it can be animals, birds and even paired objects)

But finding work in a unique, interesting style is half the battle. It is important that the execution technique is at a high level. It's more difficult here. You need to have at least a superficial understanding of such issues as composition, perspective, and color. But with absolutely free access to Internet knowledge, this is not a problem.

We won’t give you bad examples; there are more than enough of them on the Internet. Here are some good ones:

Paintings for the bedroom with a woman

Let's go further? Paintings with women for the bedroom are also in the top tips. Yes, this is a possible option. The bedroom is generally a woman’s territory and boudoir stories of the past confirm this. In addition, if we mean nudity (usually female, less often male), we are talking about the beauty of the body, about the maximum closeness of loving people - this is great! We remember the wonderful examples of old art that we see in museums - history has already confirmed that the human body can be an object of admiration.

Nuance! We are far from the goal of instilling puritanism in you, but the eroticism of naked nature must still be distinguished from pornography. And if you do not have an internal “thermometer”, an internal scale, and you find it difficult to classify this or that work as erotica or pornography, it is better to abandon this idea. Otherwise, the picture will say everything for you and about you)

Remember - not everything that artists write is art. There are a lot of second-rate and low-quality paintings that use the theme of nudity, among other things. Here are some decent options for paintings for the bedroom (both female and male images are included here):

Paintings with the sea in the bedroom

Paintings with the sea in the bedroom are less popular. We believe that this is due to “feng shui” problems) We are not adherents of feng shui, so if suddenly our views on this issue differ, then you better not read further)

The sea, seascape - of course, a possible option for the bedroom. What advice will we give to orient you in the diversity that you will see on the Internet:

  • Avoid as realistic seascapes as possible. They are suitable only for interiors in the style of traditional classics (which we have never seen among our clients over the last 4 years) and such a landscape would be more suitable for an office.
  • avoid banal pictures with Venetian canals (see the section about paintings with flowers - a similar story). Venetian canals, especially in the “smudged, nostalgic style,” are the height of banality. We mean, of course, the poor technique of such work, which includes 90-95% of all these souvenir products.
  • don't be afraid of avant-garde styles. The sea is the sea everywhere and is always recognizable) Even if it is an abstract sea.
  • It is hardly worth placing a picture with an aggressive sea and sinking ships in the bedroom. Although, of course, no one sets any prohibitions. If you feel more comfortable falling asleep in a cozy and safe bedroom, when you know that the storm is only in the picture or even on the other side of the world - why not? This is only a matter of your emotional and psychological perception of a particular plot.

And, as you already understand, the issue of technique in executing a painting is always important. You can determine this yourself if you are an expert in this yourself and deeply understand the issue. It is almost impossible for a non-specialist to appreciate the technical side of painting.

Here are good examples of sea and other water landscapes for the bedroom:

Paintings with angels for the bedroom

Paintings with angels (we don’t mean icons, but paintings in which the image of an angel is present) come to mind less often and appear less often in online advice. In our opinion, this is quite a possible story for the bedroom. If you are a believer, then such a picture is like a trigger that will remind you that you and your family have a guardian angel. Good story, why not? If you are an atheist, the very image of the angel can be perceived in conjunction with the plot. If you like the plot, great, let's take it. If you don’t like it, “we don’t take it,” and the point here, in general, is not the angel.

The general recommendation is to avoid “sweet chubby boys”, because they are extremely hackneyed and overused (we include them in the rating of banal images). Again, we look towards avant-garde styles. We live in modern interiors and we need to select paintings in modern styles so that there is no dissonance.

Let's show good options for paintings for the bedroom (and expand the theme with angels to religious themes in general; in principle, it is all possible in the bedroom, if this is consistent with your life views on religion):

Please note that in the selection we included an image of a cubic cross and a shirt in the form of a crucifix. The cross (in any design) – very often refers to religious themes.

Abstraction in the bedroom

Abstraction in the bedroom (and not only) – yes, this is a modern option. But, just in case, let’s say in case you didn’t know: you don’t have to like her. And even more - you may categorically not like her. This is also normal. It’s just that abstraction in this case is not your thing. See other options.

For those who, at a minimum, do not object to abstraction, let us explain: there are abstract works by serious artists who have been working in this direction for decades, who have been exploring color, line, and form. Whose works have been acquired by state art museums. Such works are not about a spot of color in the bedroom (although in any case the painting is purchased for the interior). And this is the first option.

And there are abstract works by Instagram girls: everything is pink, lilac, blue, with gold leaf and in one plane. Such works will never end up in a museum. Art history essays will never be written about these girls. Why? Because this is not art. This is not a research work. These are just beautiful decorative pictures. The color of your sofa. And they are also replicated with terrible force - we can make you “Pink Wind” in the size of 50x70cm, or we can make it in size 100x100, we can make it “Turquoise Wind”)) We also classify such works as banal images that do not claim to be art. Again, there is nothing bad or shameful in purchasing them, but from your home it will be clear that they are not particularly versed in art here. Whether it’s important for you or not is up to you to decide.

So - abstraction in the bedroom. In a modern interior style, it is at least logical and fits perfectly. It is usually advised not to use paintings with too active a combination of colors in the bedroom. But we will still say that this choice is always at your discretion. If your eye is pleased with active, bright abstract work, why not?

Here are examples of good abstract works for the bedroom:

Modular paintings for the bedroom

Well, first of all, as lawyers say, “let’s decide on the definitions.” What are modular paintings? This is often the name for budget versions of posters printed on paper or canvas using a typographic method, which consist of 2-3-4-5 parts. If we are talking about a work of art, then: a painting consisting of two parts is called a diptych; a painting consisting of three parts - a triptych. Quadriptychs (4 parts) and polyptychs (with more parts) are less common.

The only difference between such paintings and “ordinary” ones is that they are a composite work of art. Sometimes there are additional benefits to this. Typically diptychs/triptychs are placed on the wall so that the parts are side by side. But in the case of some abstractions, the parts can be hung separately. When might this come in handy? For example, when you need two paintings of approximately the same size and color (for example, to be placed on the left and right of the entrance to the bedroom). Or if the bedroom has several windows and large partitions between the windows, you can fit individual parts of a diptych or triptych into them.

We will show options for different diptychs and triptychs:

Acceptable decoration for your bedroom

To everything listed above, you will need to add a few more points.

So, when decorating a bedroom, it is worth giving up sharp corners, teeth, ribbed decorative elements, plaster relief ceilings - all these are not the best solutions for how to decorate a bedroom. According to Feng Shui, the greatest danger is found in decorative elements similar to spears and arrows. Free your interior from everything that carries some kind of threat or energy of aggression.

Instead, you should use different crystals that form an interesting play of light. They will contribute to successful conception, plus they will harmonize relationships in a couple. In this case, both individual jewelry and entire compositions can act as crystals. In order to continue the play of light under artificial lighting conditions, crystals should be hung on a chandelier or lampshade.

The science of Feng Shui expresses an extremely negative attitude towards mirrors in the bedroom. Experts of this teaching are confident that reflective objects have an extremely negative effect on relationships between partners. In addition, mirrors act as conductors to parallel realities, through which various otherworldly entities can penetrate into the home.

And this attitude towards mirrors is accepted not only in Feng Shui - many other mystical teachings practice various rituals using mirrors, and the custom of hanging mirrors when someone dies is also popular in many nations.

In the same cases, if mirrors for the bedroom, in your opinion, are a necessary attribute, you need to come up with a way to reduce the reflective surface. For example, at night you can cover the mirror with a curtain. It is important that in no case does it contain a reflection of sleeping people.

Also note that the bed in the bedroom must be placed in such a way that the soles of your feet are directed towards the door. Do not place the head of the bed towards a window, sharp corners or closets, or towards the toilet. If this is not possible and you are forced to face one of the listed factors, it is worth isolating yourself from the problem with the help of a screen or curtain - this will help protect you from adverse influences.

Where to hang a picture in the bedroom?

We will not just list the locations where paintings can be placed, but also talk about our experience, because we work in the “Gallery will come to your home” format and we see where our clients place paintings.

Paintings in the bedroom above the bed

The picture above the bed is the most common location for the bedroom. This is most likely due to the fact that the head of the bed is rarely very high. And with a low headboard, a lot of free space is created above the bed, which you want to decorate with something. And yes! - painting!

Sometimes our clients express concerns about the painting hanging overhead (or maybe falling at night). But we'll talk about this later.

In the meantime, we will give advice on the size of the paintings and the height at which it is best to place them.

A common mistake in terms of size is choosing a painting that is too small. There is a rule we call “3/4” (three quarters) that helps us determine the ideal size of a painting.

It works like this: measure the width of the head of the bed. Let's say the width is 180cm. And we calculate ¾ of this length (180x3/4= 135). This means that the ideal width for the painting above this bed is 135cm.

As for the height at which it is better to hang pictures. There are no strict rules. But we will give a museum guide. When you and I come to an art museum and look at paintings, we do not pay attention to how they are hung and at what height. However, all these rules are spelled out in museum nomenclature documents. The general idea is that the center of the picture should be approximately at eye level (157-158 cm from floor level). Please note that we are talking specifically about the center of the picture, and not about the lower or upper edge.

This rule should be taken into account as a guideline. Since in a living space there may be various factors (structural, aesthetic, etc.) that affect the change in this height. For example, if there is a doorway next to the headboard, then you want to hang the picture so that the top edge of the picture is approximately at the same level as the top frame of the door. Usually it looks harmonious indoors. In this case, the center of the picture can be either higher or lower than the “correct” point. It's not scary.

Examples of placing paintings above the bed:

Paintings in the bedroom opposite the bed

Let's tell you a secret - this is our favorite location in the bedroom to place a painting! Why? Because this means that people are abandoning the TV in the bedroom and dedicating this room only to relaxation. This is an example to follow! And it’s true - let the TV be in the living room, in the dining room, in the office, anywhere! And there will be silence in the bedroom)

As a rule, initially, when ordering a design project for a house or apartment, a TV is still provided for in the bedroom. Therefore, in the wall opposite the bed there are sockets and a cabinet or chest of drawers for the TV. Often - a niche for a TV or simply a visually designated area for these purposes.

In terms of choosing the size of the painting, you can do the following: vertical or square paintings will look better here. However, if the cabinet or chest of drawers is very wide, then it is better to choose a horizontal picture. In terms of size, remember the “3/4” rule, measure the width of the cabinet and calculate the approximate size of the painting.

If you have already purchased a cabinet or chest of drawers, then you can simply place the painting on this cabinet, leaning it against the wall. This composition looks very good. But if you wish, of course, you can hang the picture on the wall as usual.

Examples of paintings opposite the bed:

Paintings above the chest of drawers in the bedroom

Paintings are rarely placed above the chest of drawers in the bedroom (or above the dressing table); more often there is a mirror there. But still, this is also a good option. The placement rules are the same as in the previous case. The only difference is that the chest of drawers is usually much higher than the TV stand. Accordingly, the picture will be located higher.

In the same way, the picture can simply be placed on the chest of drawers, leaning against the wall, without additional fasteners.


Paintings on the wall in the bedroom

Well, the last option that we will consider for the bedroom is placement on the wall, not tied to any furniture. Most often, the connection in this case is carried out to the structural elements of the room. What could it be: a partition between two windows or just a wall near the window; a side wall near the bed (when the picture is hung not above the headboard, but on the side wall), a wide structural protrusion of the wall in the room (for example, if the dressing room is designed in this way), an empty wall near the doorway.

Let us repeat - all these cases are united by the fact that the painting is not tied to any piece of furniture. How to decide on the size in this case? If we have a narrow wall, it’s easier here - we apply the “3/4” rule (measure the width of the wall, multiply by ¾, get the width of the picture). And if the wall is really narrow, we choose a vertical picture.

It’s more difficult if we have a large empty wall with absolutely no furniture. Here we suggest starting from the area of ​​the bedroom. If the bedroom is very large, then you can consider options with a painting width of both 2 and 3 meters. Such a large picture will look great precisely because there is somewhere to step back to see the whole picture. If the room is small, it is better not to choose paintings of this scale. The average size for such cases is approximately 100x120cm.

Icon in the bedroom

A person has a special relationship with an icon in the bedroom. When it appears, the question is often asked, where to hang the icon in the bedroom? This is not a painting that can be hung anywhere.

Advice: Incorrect placement of the icon can violate the traditions of Orthodoxy, which are sacred. Prayer is a sacrament where strict canons must be observed. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right place to place the icon.

Placing an icon in the bedroom

Before you properly hang icons in the bedroom, you need to determine the so-called red corner. Typically stored here:

  • Iconostasis.
  • Lamps.
  • Candles.
  • Cross.
  • Spiritual literature.

The red corner is located directly opposite the main entrance, which allows people who cross the threshold of the room not to wander around in search of icons, but to immediately bow to the images. According to custom, the altar should be on the eastern side, so that those reading the prayer near the icons look east.

Advice: If it is impossible to hang the icon in the room like this, you can hang it in another place, but make sure it is light and spacious, which will make the room even brighter and more festive.

“Paintings for the bedroom in the style of...”

Neoclassical bedroom paintings

Neoclassical (or modern classic) is an interior style that has been very popular in the last 10-15 years. Let's say more: 90-95% of the interiors of our gallery clients are neoclassical.

Let us recall the main distinctive features of this style:

  • light interior, pastel shades;
  • a lot of light and air;
  • symmetry in the interior;
  • light classical forms of furniture;
  • elegance and intelligence.

From the point of view of placing paintings, this is the most favorable interior style that can withstand almost all painting styles. There is one exception - paintings in the style of academic realism. In such a modern interior, the works of even wonderful realist masters do not look organic to this space. It seems that the interior is for young and modern people, and the paintings were chosen by the grandfather.

Of course, no one will point a finger at you and say “ugh”) But the lack of harmony in this case is felt on a subconscious level. And people who value aesthetics and harmony will definitely notice this. Yes, and over time you will begin to notice it.

Therefore, we recommend paying attention to paintings by artists working in avant-garde styles.

Examples of well-chosen painting options for the neoclassical style are in the photo:

Classic bedroom paintings

Let's be honest - we almost never see interiors in the style of traditional classics in our work. Most likely, this is dictated by the fact that this style is not in trend now.

But still, not everyone should chase fashion, right? Therefore, we will tell you which painting to choose for a bedroom in the style of traditional classics.

What is a traditional classic? More often dark furniture, antiques, symmetry, stucco molding is possible, a tendency towards ostentation. This is just very brief so that you and I can equally understand what we are talking about.

In essence, this is the most conservative interior style. Accordingly, such an interior needs the same conservative painting. Realistic paintings - landscapes, still lifes, portraits - are perfect for such an interior. It is in such an interior that they will look organic.

You can also consider paintings made in a style leaning toward impressionism. They will also look organic in a traditional classic interior.

Here are a few examples from bedrooms in the traditional classic style:

Country bedroom paintings

Note that country style interiors in their pure form are very rare. Perhaps this is the specificity of the high segment in which we operate. More often we see a trend in interior design towards a kind of eclecticism and a mixture of styles. Style in its “pure form”, implemented according to all the canons, is not bad manners yet, but the desire of designers to mix different styles has long been evident.

Therefore, we propose to consider a mix of different country styles. What these styles have in common: naturalness in finishing materials, a lot of wood, absence or minimum of glossy surfaces, abrasions and aging are welcome, predominantly light interior colors, simplicity.

We look at paintings for the country style in approximately the same vein - rustic, aged, with rough edges, simple in plot and execution.

Examples of paintings in such bedrooms are in the photo:

Paintings for the loft bedroom

A loft-style bedroom is almost always a man's story. The loft style itself is deliberately rough, industrial, brutal. Even the descriptive words themselves are from masculine semantics.

The loft style is characterized by the use of brick, metal, rough wooden products - in short. Of course, the loft style, made taking into account all the canons of style, is an unsuitable room for daily living) It’s more of a backdrop for filming a post-apocalyptic scenario) However, designers know how to stylize loft interiors very elegantly.

For a bedroom in the loft style, you need to look for the same painting - brutal, masculine, rough. And these are not necessarily images of Harley Davidson)

Let's show successful examples of paintings for the loft style:

Paintings for the bedroom minimalism

Minimalism as an interior style is quite common. Including in houses and apartments of the premium and luxury segment.

Let us briefly recall that this style is characterized by laconicism (in everything), geometry, absence of small details, a desire for functionality and ergonomics, most often these are bright interiors.

Paintings for a minimalist interior should also be chosen to be laconic, with geometry and without small details - these are the main criteria.

Check out our selection of minimalist interiors with matching paintings:

Dining room and kitchen: hanging pictures according to Feng Shui

The kitchen and dining room, as you know, belong to the elements of fire and wood, so in the kitchen, according to Feng Shui, you need to hang pictures with a predominance of green. Green color just supports the element of wood. But try to still have red tones in the picture, because... red supports the element of fire, but in addition, it awakens the appetite and symbolizes the hearth. And the hearth in modern apartments is a stove. Therefore, you can hang a still life in the dining room. When hanging a picture in the dining room, place it so that you and your guests can admire it while sitting.

Paintings with wide, green fields or trees will look good in the kitchen.

What paintings are suitable for the bedroom in color?

When choosing a painting for a bedroom by color, you must be guided by general recommendations for color compatibility. If you are familiar with the concept of Itten’s color circle (or now look in a search engine what it is and how to use it), then you will not have any problems with combining paintings by color.

Let us add on our own that most often we see interiors with light gray, almost white walls (including in the bedroom). In second place are bedrooms in beige tones. And by a wide margin, in third place are all kinds of colored bedrooms.

Paintings for a gray bedroom

Choosing paintings for a light gray bedroom is both simple and difficult. Light gray is a neutral background and paintings in any color will definitely look advantageous against its background. But unlimited choice is also bad and sometimes it’s much more difficult to choose.

In this case, we recommend starting from the “like/dislike” criterion and choose the picture that you simply liked! And then - a little trick from interior stylists:

  • look at the colors and shades in the picture
  • choose 2-3 colors
  • repeat some decor in these colors: it can be designer ceramics (vases, flower pots), interior sculpture, textiles (plaid, decorative pillows), etc.

Take a look at the photos below. Here, interior stylists used exactly this technique:

Here the color of the purple upholstery of the chair and the yellow color of the glass of the vase are “pulled” out of the picture.

Here is the color of the blanket and sofa cushion (red)

When you look at these photographs, it seems that the paintings seem to have been specially painted for these interiors. In fact, it’s the other way around: the paintings became the starting point for decorating the bedroom. Take this tool into service!

Paintings for a beige bedroom

A bedroom in beige tones is also a classic option today. As for the choice of paintings that match the color, we would note three possible options:

A. A calm option in brown and beige tones.

That is, we remain in the same color scheme, but we can look at the paintings either darker than the main color of the bedroom or lighter. This technique is often used for bedrooms in the minimalist style (but not necessarily only minimalism; sometimes you want monochrome in country styles, neoclassicism, and loft). The result will be a very calm version of the bedroom.

Suitable paintings for this method:

B. Another frequently used technique for a beige bedroom is black and white painting or graphics. In this case, the result is a strict and laconic interior. More often, this option is used only in the minimalist style. An example of such a bedroom:

B. And another harmonious color combination – beige and blue. Beige bedroom, blue paintings. It seems very simple. But depending on the saturation of these colors, whether they go cold or warm, you will get completely different combinations and, as a result, completely different rooms.

Examples of blue paintings:

These are the simplest combinations of a beige bedroom with different paintings. It is better to select other combinations with specialists - designers, stylists and decorators, since the options are limitless. Or experiment on your own - that’s also a thrill)

Paintings for colored bedrooms

Bedrooms in bright colors are much less common, but they still occur. We're talking about the bright color of the walls. Let's look at these interiors:

What do we see? That paintings for color bedrooms are selected according to the same principles as for “non-color” ones - either according to the principle of color contrast (blue/yellow), or according to the principle of proximity of colors (light blue/blue), or black and white options.

It turns out that everything is not difficult! But we note that working with color (especially when it comes to global color spots - bright walls, bright furniture) still requires certain skills and abilities, and the help of a professional designer, in our opinion, is necessary.

Wealth sector

As you know, the main emphasis in the teachings of Feng Shui is on identifying zones in a room that correspond to different cardinal directions. Each zone has its own meaning, and with the help of various objects and symbols you can activate it so that it works for your benefit.

If we talk about colors, in the southeast of an apartment or house blue, light blue or blue-green colors should prevail. All these shades are associated with the water element, which means they will be able to attract financial luck to you.

Any images of water would be appropriate here, for example, paintings, photo wallpapers or embroidery with lakes, streams, the ocean, or a water mill. But pay attention to the plot of the picture: water should evoke peace and pleasant emotions in you, so the image of a swamp or a storm at sea is not suitable for activating wealth.

In addition to water motifs in the wealth and prosperity sector, you can also place living plants in pots or tubs, for example, a lemon or money tree, any variety of ficus and any spreading flowers. Some people advise placing a palm tree here, but according to Feng Shui it is considered not the most successful tree, so it is better to avoid its appearance in the apartment altogether.

What paintings should not be hung in the bedroom?

You probably think that we will now write a list: you can’t do this, this and this) No, we won’t do that. Take a look on the Internet and see what is not recommended to place in the bedroom. It’s especially fun to read when the list is compiled in categorical terms) Well, that’s all “you can’t”!

Shall we figure it out?

Does everyone agree that the bedroom is a private space and we don’t invite guests there? Accordingly, everything in your bedroom is hidden from outside eyes. Even if you absolutely love the painting with peonies from the street fair on Krymsky Val, no one will judge you - no one) This is the first argument in favor of not establishing any restrictive requirements for paintings in the bedroom.

Secondly, if a stranger advises you not to place red or purple in your bedroom, is this person’s opinion very important to you? What will happen? Will the world turn upside down? If you like the color red and want to use it as an accent in a painting, why not?

Perhaps the most important thing in setting some restrictions in terms of paintings in the bedroom is your emotional and psychological characteristics. If your psychotype is inclined to choose calm colors and calm subjects, you shouldn’t force yourself and choose something active. Choose calm color combinations, choose kind, emotionally positive scenes.

And vice versa, if your psychotype is an explosion, a volcano, you are a bully or a leader - a calm haven is not for you. You and your home need shockingness, you need color, you need contrasts! Why limit yourself?

In general, friends, listen to yourself! This is your most reliable advisor.

Symbols of wealth in feng shui

In Eastern teachings, there are a huge number of different symbols that attract material wealth to the home, help achieve career success and turn the house into a full cup of abundance. Let's talk about them in more detail.

A money toad or three-legged frog sitting on a stand of coins is perhaps the most common amulet of wealth. There are such toads with a special slot in their mouth - you need to place a real coin in it so that the frog knows what kind of benefits it should attract into the house.

The most suitable color for a money toad is gold, because it is associated with finance and gold.

It is best to plant such a frog in the living room, and it is considered doubly successful if this room is located in the southeast of the apartment. Cash flow will definitely flow into such a house.

In Feng Shui, one frog is enough for happiness and wealth, but if you have a special sympathy for them or have received several similar talismans as a gift, you can arrange them in the southeastern sector of each room, but the main thing is that the toads vary in size.

Fish are directly associated with the water element, which means they can also become wonderful talismans that bring good luck. In this case, we are talking not only about fish figures, but also about living creatures. For example, an aquarium with goldfish, especially in the southeast of the apartment, will bring to the house not only material wealth, but also harmony in family life.

However, fish figures can be placed not only in the wealth sector, but also in the career zone (in the north) and in the part of the apartment responsible for harmony in relationships (southwest). Paired fish are especially good in the marriage zone.

Since in Feng Shui wealth is associated with water, why not put a small decorative fountain in your apartment? This will not only decorate your home, but will also attract good luck to your home. It is important that the water in the fountain rushes upward - then your financial affairs will always go uphill.

Today there are a huge number of decorative fountains of different designs, and you can choose absolutely any of them. But remember that the best place for such a talisman is the south-eastern sector in the living room or study. Do not place fountains in the bedroom - this way you will constantly think about work and money in your sleep, and this is contraindicated for a harmonious state of mind.

A special vase of abundance is considered a special Feng Shui talisman for the happiness and wealth of a family. We have already talked about its creation in a separate article.

Let us remind you that it needs to be stored as far as possible from prying eyes, so the most suitable place for a vase of wealth would be a secluded corner of the bedroom.

A very popular money talisman is three Chinese coins held together with a red thread. The thread can be braided into a special mystical knot - then the energy of the amulet becomes even stronger.

You can buy coins separately and tie them together with red thread, three at a time - such an amulet, made with your own hands, will have great power. Coins can be hung in the wealth area, placed under the rug by the front door, or placed on the desktop.

Special red money envelopes can also be used to attract financial success to your home. Several of these envelopes filled with large bills can be placed in all sectors of the house so that money comes to you from all directions of the world.

If the figurine of an elephant with its trunk down is used in Feng Shui to conceive and give birth to a child, then an elephant with its trunk up is a sign of financial stability and success. Such a talisman should be placed on the windowsill facing the street - then it will attract prosperity and abundance to your home.

A beautiful figurine depicting a tree with coins or precious stones growing instead of leaves - an excellent talisman of wealth and prosperity.

This is a traditional symbol for the southeastern part of the house, bringing not only financial success, but also health to the household.

It is believed that this symbol promises prosperity in any area. So, for example, if you place it in the wealth zone, it will work to attract finance, if in the love zone, it will attract personal happiness to you and give harmony in relationships, if in the creativity zone, it will send creative ideas and interesting plans, and in the health zone will protect the well-being of household members.

How to hang according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui experts are strongly against placing any image in the area above the bed. It is believed that it attracts various currents, which are not always positive. They suggest hanging pictures above bedside tables. You can also equip a special niche in the bedroom.

To increase the effect of the image, additional equipment with backlighting is allowed.

The image looks great only on a plain wall. On wallpaper with a pattern, any picture will look like a foreign body.

Paintings must be the same size and have a similar plot

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