Is it possible to keep ficus at home, useful and magical properties

The benefits and harms of ficus have long been discussed not only by flower growers, but also by doctors, pharmacists, and Feng Shui masters. Opinions of representatives of different directions, as a rule, diverge. Some consider the plant useful, others see it as a threat to human health and well-being.

Therefore, before you bring a ficus into your apartment, you need to understand its features, become familiar with the signs and superstitions.

Is it possible to keep ficus at home, useful and magical properties

What does ficus look like?

Ficus is a representative of the Tutov family. Evergreens are native to hot countries. Ficus plants with a height of no more than 2 m are more suitable for growing in an apartment:

  • Benjamin,
  • Benedicta,
  • Bengal,
  • Lyre-shaped,
  • Dwarf.

Despite the fact that the flowers may differ in appearance, they do not tolerate cold, shading, or drafts.

Attention! Plants with beneficial properties are difficult to tolerate relocation, as they get used to one place.

Is it possible to keep ficus at home, useful and magical properties

The stem of an adult plant is woody. But young shoots are flexible. For indoor ficus plants planted nearby, you can intertwine the stems, as in the photo below. The shape of the bush needs to be shaped and trimmed so that the ficus does not grow one-sided.

The leaves of the plants are often round in shape with a waxy coating. There are patterns on the green leaves. Ficus blooms rarely and only if it is cared for with love.

Ficus Benjamin: description

Ficus benjaminaFicus Benjamin
The habitat of Ficus Benjamin is countries located in the equatorial and subequatorial climate zone: China, the Philippines, the Asian Southeast and the north of Australia. In its homeland it is a tall (up to 30 m) and well-leaved tree. In a humid climate, the trunk and branches produce aerial roots that grow into the ground, creating a special life form - the banyan. In countries where rainfall is rare, ficus benjamina is a common, albeit rather majestic, tree. Because of its drooping branches, it is sometimes called the “weeping fig tree.” If you plant a plant in a pot, its height limit is 2-3 m. Compared to other indoor flowers, it looks like a giant. The tree has other features.

The plant is decorated with smooth, glossy elongated leaves with a sharp tip, located in the same plane. Their size largely depends on the variety. The color is usually green, in different shades. Variegation occurs.

Flowering at home is very rare. There is no chance at all of getting fruits - pollination requires tropical insects, which are not found in apartments.

The roots of the plant are powerful. The volume and depth of their penetration into the soil in nature is equal to the height of the plant and the width of the crown. At home, ficus benjamina has to be content with the volume of the pot.

Advice ! This plant is a rubber plant. Its milky juice, which is released at the site of damage, can cause allergies, so you need to work with it carefully.

The benefits of ficus for the home

The flower fits perfectly into the interior of any home. A beautiful plant with green leaves not only decorates the apartment, it also has beneficial properties:

  • saturates the air with oxygen and cleanses it of foreign impurities,
  • converts harmful substances into amino acids.

According to ancient beliefs, the plant has powerful energy.

Is it possible to keep ficus at home, useful and magical properties

Popular varieties of Ficus Benjamin

For its unpretentiousness and high decorativeness, ficus benjamina enjoys deserved popularity among phytodesigners. Many varieties have been bred to decorate offices and apartments. Let's present a description of some of them in the form of a table.

NameLeaf colorSheet sizeLeaf shapeedgeThe power of growth
ExoticGreenUp to 8 cmExtendedSlightly wavyHigh
DanielDark green, shinyUp to 8 cmExtendedSmoothGrows 30 cm per season
Benjamin BaroqueLush green4 cmCurved along the midrib, similar to a ringSmoothLow, short internodes, thin trunks, weak branching
MoniqueGreen, in the variegated form – golden-green with dark lines, turning green as they matureWidth is 3 times less than lengthElongated, elongatedWavyLow, weeping branches
NatashaHerbal3 cmSlightly curved in the center, boat-shapedSmoothVery slow
ViandiGreen3cmExtendedSmoothLow, bonsai-like
NaomiDark green, in the variegated form young ones are light green, old ones are green6-7cm, wideElongated-rounded with a pointed tipSlightly wavyBig
AnastasiaDark green with light edging and midrib7 cmExtendedWavyBig
CurlyGreen with lighter and milky spots of varying sizes6 cmBent or twistedSlightly wavySlow, complex crown
KinkyThe edging is light green, the spots are creamy white4 cm, short petioleSlightly elongatedSmoothModerate, small size, short internodes
StarlightThere is more white than green6 cmBent in a boatSmoothBig
FantasyMay be pure green or with white spots7cmStraight and curvedSlightly wavyModerate
SafariMarble with white streaks and spots4 cmBoat-shaped at the centerSmoothGrows slowly
RegidanLight edging and central vein7 cmExtendedSmoothBig
NinaGray-green with light yellow edging and central veinSmallLong, tip slightly raisedSmoothModerate

Advice ! If you want to grow ficus benjamina in bonsai form, the Natasha variety is perfect for this.

'Ficus benjamina' Ficus Benjamin "Exotic"
All variegated varieties remain this way as long as the lighting is sufficient. If there is not enough of it, the leaves turn green and will not return to their original color. Correcting the light flux will cause the growth of new variegated leaves.

Medicinal properties of ficus

Each of the ficuses, regardless of the type, including Benjamin, has beneficial and medicinal properties. Plants contain biologically active substances. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of the flower are widely used not only by traditional healers, but also by pharmacologists. Infusions, decoctions, ointments, and juice are prepared based on ficus.

What are the benefits of ficus for humans:

  1. A decoction of ficus leaves relieves pain from hemorrhoids and also helps to reduce nodes.
  2. The same decoction can remove warts.
  3. Ointments and juice based on a healthy flower help heal some skin diseases and relieve back pain.
  4. You can use the medicine for problems with the motor system and mastopathy.
  5. An infusion or decoction is useful for coughs.
  6. Alcohol-based infusions are an excellent remedy for relieving toothache and for rinsing the mouth (removes unpleasant odor).

For some diseases, decoctions, infusions and juice are taken orally. But most often the healing agent is used externally in the form of ointments and balms.

Is it possible to keep ficus at home, useful and magical properties

Weeding ficus according to Feng Shui

Ficus is a unique plant, the energy properties of which have long been the subject of attention of the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui. There are many plants in the service of Taoist practice, and ficus occupies one of the main places among them.

Its main qualities are the ability to cleanse the energy in the house, tame the anger of household members and give strength and confidence to those who need it. But that’s not all, ficus will actively attract wealth into your home and allow you to spend wisely. It will give you a charge of positivity and vigor, you just need to choose a suitable place for it in your apartment, from the point of view of Feng Shui.

Where to place ficus in the apartment

According to Feng Shui, immediately discard the earth zones for this plant, since, being under their influence, the ficus is capable of turning its owner into a greedy and mercantile person who cares only about money.

Such an imbalance will not benefit anyone, because it will primarily affect spiritual qualities, and Feng Shui values ​​them above all else.

Prosperity is, of course, wonderful, but at such a price it definitely shouldn’t come to your home.

The ideal Feng Shui zone for ficus is the southeast of your home. If you place it here, it will bring long-awaited harmony, happiness, calmness and the ability to think soberly to your family.

Putting a ficus in the bedroom is worth it for couples who have been trying to conceive children for a long time and unsuccessfully. It is also worth placing a ficus in the bedroom for those spouses who want to find a calm, serene sleep. The next morning, ficus owners will wake up cheerful and rested.

According to Feng Shui, ficus will drive away nightmares and will not allow evil spirits to harm a person.

If you place it in the kitchen, this plant will reliably protect you and your family from poverty and hunger. There is an opinion that ficus is of great importance for women's happiness.

And this is true, you just need to place it near your place of rest or frequent pastime, and it will quickly help its owner meet true love and establish strong family ties.

In general, it is worth noting that the ficus, no matter where it is located in the apartment, will have a positive influence on all household members; this is not so difficult to achieve. Another thing is care.

Since the ficus personifies your luck in any area of ​​life, both its well-being and appearance directly affect your condition.

Therefore, proper care for it is simply vital for both the plant itself and you.

Types of ficuses and caring for them at home

The most common are two types of ficus. This is rubber (also known as ficus robusta or elastica) and benjamina.

The rubber-bearing ficus, with its proud appearance, is quite unpretentious, does not require constant attention, reproduces well and effectively purifies the air from various harmful compounds.

Feng Shui also attributes to it such properties as cleansing the aura of a person and the entire room.

The microclimate of Ficus Robusta will suit almost anyone; this plant adapts well to different conditions. Does not require much light and can easily grow in a shaded area.

However, if you want the brightness and juiciness of its leaves, you will still have to expose your rubber-bearing pet to light. Or compensate for its lack with artificial ones.

Just keep in mind that under no circumstances should you place ficus Robusta near heating sources.

The humidity of the house is also no less important, since in dry air, below 50%, the rubber-bearing ficus will quickly lose its moisture and begin to wither. Watering is not difficult, but requires an adequate attitude.

It should be carried out as the soil dries out and ensure that waterlogging does not occur. In winter, watering procedures should be reduced. Fertilizing is carried out in the spring using nitrogenous fertilizers.

Replant once a year for young plants and once every three years for older plants.

Pinching and pruning should be done in order to rejuvenate the plant and to obtain cuttings. When performing this procedure, remember that any ficus, including Robusta, secretes milky juice that is extremely toxic to human skin. Therefore, be especially careful when using gloves and wiping the cut area with a sponge.

The same rules apply to caring for Ficus Benjamin. By following them, you can grow your own happiness with your own hands. After all, feeling a warm attitude towards him, the ficus will return all your expenses in double volume.

So, by listening not only to the advice of Feng Shui, but also to the basics of gardening, you can easily grow your own living talisman for your home.


Where is the best place to place a ficus in an apartment?

Since ancient times, ficus has attracted flower growers; it has been used to decorate the interior, taking into account its magical properties. In order for the plant to be beneficial, you need to find it an ideal place in the apartment.

Where can a pot with a flower stand in the house:

  1. According to Feng Shui, the best place is the southeastern part of the house or apartment.
  2. Living room. Not only household members, but also guests gather in this room to talk and spend time together. The plant helps create a pleasant atmosphere and has a positive effect on friendly communication.
  3. Personal Area. People who dream of a career should place a flower with beneficial properties on the table in the office and in the workplace in the apartment. According to psychics, the flower emits positive energy that helps fight uncertainty.
  4. Ordinary room. If a person spends the most time in a certain place in the apartment, then this is where you need to put a pot with a useful flower. For people who react violently to any news and events, it is advisable to grow not one, but several ficus trees.
  5. Kitchen. This is a good place for a plant. The fact is that the kitchen room needs constant air purification and oxygen enrichment.

Attention! It is believed that a ficus standing in the kitchen attracts money.

Undesirable places

Positive energy for the home is important because everything that happens to the owners of the property depends on it. In order not to disturb the soft and measured flow of favorable energy Qi in space, you should not place objects in its path that could interfere with the free circulation of energy flows. For example, family relationships may suffer if the ficus is placed in the center of a room or apartment. The flower should not be the dominant feature in the interior.

It is not advisable to place a large plant in a hallway or narrow corridor. It should not block the light from the window, since the sun's rays carry favorable energy, and nothing should prevent them from entering the house. The bathroom and toilet are also not suitable for placing symbols and talismans symbolizing wealth there. And that’s exactly what ficus is.

The southwest, center and northeast of the apartment are not the best places to place flowers. A ficus tree located here can drain the energy of the residents of the house.

Is it possible to place a ficus in the bedroom?

According to experts, the plant can stand in any room. Is the bedroom suitable for this?

  1. Philosophers from Ancient China advised placing a flower next to the bed. The benefit of ficus in the bedroom is that it purifies the air, a person’s sleep is normalized, and sleepless nights are a thing of the past.
  2. Ficus is considered a useful plant that helps cope with infertility. Therefore, it is placed in the bedroom, in close proximity to the marital bed.

Believe it or not is up to each person. But those people who managed to conceive a child look with tenderness at the ficus as a savior.

Is it possible to keep ficus at home, useful and magical properties

Diseases and pests

The main problem when growing ficus benjamina is leaf fall. It can be natural - the plant is preparing for a dry period. If the reason is different, they analyze the care and look for possible errors: overwatering or excessive dryness, drafts, uncomfortable temperature, lack of nutrition, sudden change in living conditions. After eliminating them, the plant will stop losing leaves.


Infrequently, traces of diseases can be seen on ficus benjamina. They may be fungal in nature:

  • anthracnose - yellow spots, which then turn brown, the leaves die off;
  • botrytis - brown or black spots on leaf blades;
  • Phomopsis - the death of various parts of the plant.

There is only one method of combating them - removing the affected parts with a sterilized instrument and subsequent treatment with fungicides containing copper.

Bacterial diseases are also dangerous:

  • Agrobacterium tumefacienc - anaerobic rod-shaped soil bacteria that cause damage to the root system, stems, leaves in the form of galls that look like a tumor;
  • Xanthomonas - brown fringed bubbles swell on the leaves.

Bacterial diseases cannot be treated; the plant will have to be destroyed so that it does not become a source of infection.

Harm of ficus and contraindications

A plant that has beneficial and magical properties is not so harmless; sometimes it can cause harm. When the leaves and stems are cut, a milky juice appears, which contains rubber. Ficus plants belong to the group of allergens that are equated to mites and pets. Therefore, if at least one family member has asthma or allergies, a ficus in the house will bring harm, not benefit.

Is ficus poisonous?

The leaves and stems of the plant do not contain any toxic oils. Therefore, the flower can even stand in a child’s room, because it will not harm the child. But for greater peace of mind, it is still better to consult a specialist.

But for cats who love to gnaw indoor flowers, the rubber ficus poses a danger precisely because of the milky sap. Animals may vomit, as the liquid is very bitter. This may harm the health of the animal.

Where is it better to place a tree according to signs and superstitions?

Ficus benjamina is a versatile plant. In order for it to have a beneficial effect on the people living in the house, it can be placed in any room.

It is very good to place a tree in the bedroom. Here it will contribute to proper rest and restoration of the body after a hard day. In addition, you can place a ficus tree near the newlyweds’ bed if they want to have a baby in the near future.

A great place for this flower is the living room . Here he can create a pleasant, friendly atmosphere. Then communication with guests, friends, relatives and household members will bring only joy and satisfaction.

It is useful to place a ficus in the office , because it helps a person make wise decisions. Near this tree, thoughts are always clear, and decisions made are justified and balanced. In addition, ficus brings calm and balance, which is often extremely necessary in work.

Ficus is appropriate even in the kitchen. It has been noticed that this is where the plant best helps to generate additional income and attract money to the house. In addition, he perfectly helps the housewife in her difficult work.

In any room, it is better to place ficus on south-eastern windows. The northwest side will also work. This is where the influence of the plant will be especially strong.

Folk signs

Any plant standing in an apartment, including ficus, affects human health. Ancestors observed indoor flowers and remembered how this or that plant interacted with the residents of the house.

According to signs, some flowers are symbols of health, prosperity, and improve family relationships. Other plants do not allow you to start a family and cause deterioration in health. After all, any representative of the flora has positive or negative energy.

Is it possible to keep ficus at home, useful and magical properties

The Slavs have a special relationship with ficus. They always believed that the plant was harmful and dangerous to health, and had a negative effect on character. If a person had this flower in his house, it means he:

  • envious,
  • prone to scandals
  • spreads gossip
  • incapable of love
  • never listens to other people's opinions.

Today, of course, the opinion about the flower has changed dramatically, but signs and superstitions still have weight when choosing indoor plants.

Signs and superstitions:

  1. One of the harmful properties is the expulsion of men from home. It’s not for nothing that ficus has long been called muzhegon. A woman who likes a flower is most often left alone. If a man does find himself in a family, then his character becomes worse every day. He ends up leaving home.
  2. And residents of Asia have always believed that indoor ficus is beneficial, as it is the guardian of the family hearth. Men who had this plant next to their bed became stronger, and the ability to give a woman children increased several times.
  3. Since ancient times, it has been believed that in a house where a flower with fleshy leathery leaves grows, peace and prosperity reign, and the laughter of all family members can be heard.
  4. Special attitude towards flowering plants. According to existing legends, white inflorescences are evidence of imminent wealth or the birth of a child.

Is it possible to keep ficus at home, useful and magical properties

Ficus and pregnancy

It has always been believed that a plant with fleshy leaves can have a special effect on a woman who wants to give birth to a child. Esotericists advise placing a tub of flowers next to the marital bed: pregnancy, in their opinion, will not keep you waiting.

The rubber ficus is considered the best flower for conceiving a child. Its beneficial energy has a positive effect on the following:

  • on the woman’s reproductive system (ovaries and uterus),
  • helps normalize the menstrual cycle,
  • helps to conceive a child,
  • maintain the health of a pregnant woman.

In order for the ficus standing in the apartment to be useful and help make your dreams come true, you need to use it correctly. There are various superstitions about this:

  1. The flower needs to be properly cared for so that it gains strength and energy. The plant must be walked in circles, and the woman must be completely naked.
  2. Under no circumstances should plants be allowed to wilt or become diseased, as such a flower will cause irreparable harm instead of benefit.

Comment! If a woman wants to get pregnant, then it is best to ask for help from a donated plant - the effect is much higher.

How does the plant affect people?

According to numerous observations, Benjamin's ficus can indeed absorb energy like vampire plants. However, it absorbs exclusively negative and negative energy for people. Therefore, the plant has only a positive effect on humans and never causes harm.

Ficus works great on irritable, always tense and pessimistic people.

Being near a ficus tree, such people become much calmer and more optimistic. Thus, the ficus protects not only themselves, but also those around them, who often suffer from excess emotions of their loved ones.

It has been noticed that over time, ficus owners begin to express their thoughts clearly and correctly , to speak only to the point, even if they did not know how to do this before. This houseplant is useful for people who cannot speak well and correctly or have poor diction. If a person, on the contrary, talks too much, the plant will force him to reduce the flow of words and convey only the necessary information.

Precautionary measures

Not all types of plants with fleshy leaves are harmless. For example, rubber ficus is dangerous to the health of people suffering from asthma and allergies. The fact is that plants emit harmful rubber into the air, which causes shortness of breath in asthmatics, which is harmful to their condition.

If milky juice gets on mucous membranes, it can cause irritation and itching.

Medicines containing ficus juice will not benefit the following categories of people:

  • children under 18 years old,
  • pregnant women,
  • people with gastrointestinal problems,
  • for allergy sufferers and asthmatics.

How to get rid of negative influences?

Signs about the ficus benjamina flower can have not only positive, but also negative meanings. For example, a sign has a negative meaning when a plant dies for no apparent reason. Such signs need to be neutralized. A counter ritual will help with this. A dead flower should simply be thrown away or sprinkled with salt, which removes the negative consequences.

If you are planning to move and cannot take the plant with you, giving it to someone, you need to charge that person a nominal fee. Since the plant symbolizes well-being and prosperity in the home, giving it to someone means giving them your well-being. Payment allows you to avoid such an undesirable consequence and calm your soul. So after such a simple action, you don’t have to worry about the negative meaning of the sign.


Veronika Nikolaevna Baturina, 29 years old, Irkutsk region. She got married early, but had no children for a long time. Mom said that for successful conception you need to have a ficus in the house. She gave it to me herself. You can have different attitudes towards signs and superstitions associated with ficus. But today I have a son and a daughter. Stanislav Viktorovich Mukhin, 45 years old, Yaroslavl. For as long as I can remember, my mother always had a ficus growing in her house. He stood in the hall in a huge tub. Mom believed that thanks to this plant there was always harmony and peace in the family. When I got an apartment, the first thing my parents brought in was a pot with a planted flower. After all, ficus, according to legend, has strong positive energy. Svetlana Ivanovna Tarakanovskaya, 30 years old, Vladivostok. I read on the Internet that you can be treated with ficus. I often have a hacking cough; pharmaceutical medications do not help. I found a recipe for the infusion, but I don’t dare take it myself. I would like to consult with my doctor. Did you find this article useful? Not really


The plant takes excellent cuttings and is propagated by air layering and seeds.


Ficus benjamina cuttings
You can cut them at any time of the year using a sharp tool. The main condition is a length of 13 to 15 cm and a small thickness. The lower part of such branches is slightly woody and takes root well. The lower pair of leaves must be cut off and any juice that appears must be removed by rinsing with warm water. Root the cuttings in purified water, pouring it into a transparent container. It is covered with paper to prevent algae from growing.

The lower leaves should not be in water. Some of them may fall off, but this will not affect the appearance of roots (in a couple of weeks). The container with the cuttings is kept in partial shade or in diffused light at a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees.

By layering

Reproduction of Ficus Benjamin by layering
This method is good if the trunk is very bare and you need to root the top. At the designated location, cut a strip of bark about 1 cm thick into a ring. Wrap the cut with damp sphagnum moss. Cut a liter plastic bottle in half horizontally. Make a vertical cut at the bottom and a hole in the stem at the bottom. They put it on the moss, secure it with tape, and use it to tighten the side cut. The resulting cup is filled with moist soil; it should not dry out. Roots will appear after 3 weeks.


Ficus benjamina: seedlings
Ficus benjamina seeds are well stored and do not lose their viability for a long time. You will have to buy them in the store. Composition of soil for germination: 1 part each of leaf and turf humus, perlite. For 10 liters of mixture – 1 tbsp. l. bone meal. Seeds do not require preparation. Lay them out to a depth of 5 cm. Maintain the container at a temperature of about 25 degrees, not forgetting to regularly moisten the soil. You will have to wait 3 months for germination.

Magical properties of the flower

The following properties are attributed to the plant:

  • Strengthens relationships even in the largest family.
  • Helps to overcome difficulties and solve any problems.
  • Calms and makes a person more reasonable.
  • Attracts success and luck into the home.
  • Helps you gain financial stability.
  • Protects the home and its inhabitants from the evil eye and the influence of dark forces.
  • If you suddenly decide to buy yourself this flower, then luck will soon turn your face.

But these are all positive properties. Some peoples believe that ficus has a number of negative traits.

For example, in Russia it is still believed that this flower is muzhegon. It has a bad effect on a man's character.

It is also believed that this plant nurtures envy, slander, and a craving for scandals and showdowns in a person.

The meaning of a flower during pregnancy

There is a belief that a woman who wants to have a child should get a ficus. To carry out the ritual, they use a small bush, preferably grown with their own hands from a cutting.

The plant is installed in the bedroom and cared for like a small child:

  • water and wipe the leaves;
  • feed;
  • give the flower a name and talk to it.

For your information! In India and Asia, women seeking
For your information! In India and Asia, women seeking to become pregnant perform a special ritual. On the new moon, they undress and walk around the tree in a circle. It is believed that this gives strength to fertility and promotes speedy procreation.

Legends about ficus

Over the many years of growing the flower at home, many legends associated with it have developed.

The Chinese believe that ficus should be in every home. Therefore, they have a tradition of giving a pot of these plants at a wedding or housewarming. Ficus for the Chinese is a symbol of family.

There is a similar attitude towards the flower in Egypt. It is quite difficult to maintain such a plant among the sands, but Egyptians still try to buy it for their home.

In Thailand, the plant is even sacred. According to local beliefs, ficus is able to drive away evil spirits from the home.

But in the West they are more wary of the flower. For example, a plant is considered dangerous when its leaves become spotted.

Also, the flower does not like being constantly surrounded by a large number of people, especially strangers.

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