The cure for loneliness is the Mandarin duck, the meaning of the Feng Shui talisman and secrets of use

Eastern practitioners recommend keeping figurines in the house in the form of a pair of ducks in love, which act as a symbol of real feeling. Birds will help strengthen a marriage, restore love or mutual understanding. For singles, the symbol will also help them soon meet their soulmate. However, for ducks to bring positive changes to life, they must be made from natural materials. The more often the owners communicate and pick up magic figurines, the more happiness there will be in the family. If you do not pay attention to the purchased talisman, then you should not expect any effect.

The history of mandarin ducks

The colorful duck mascot seems like an ordinary fiction, because we all know that in reality ducks are gray and plain. But this is only one of the species of these birds, and there is another, known in China under the name “Yuanyang”. Such motley ducks were the original source, which was later taken as the basis for the souvenir.

But why exactly can the symbol of the mandarin duck influence love relationships? This is due to one feature of this type of duck. Similar habits are observed in swans, which is why these birds are often compared.

Surely you have already guessed that we are talking about choosing a mate for life. Mandarin ducks who choose each other behave in a similar way - they do everything together. They swim together, find food and raise their offspring. If one of the birds dies, the second soon follows after it, dying of melancholy.

The legend of the appearance of the talisman and its name

Once upon a time, a mandarin became disillusioned with his marriage. At one point, he realized that over the years of married life he was tired of his wife, and the sacred union concluded before the gods no longer brought joy.

The mandarin decided to send his wife to her relatives, but still did not dare to tell her about this news. Thinking about how to talk about his decision, the man went for a walk by the pond. But I couldn’t get lost in my own thoughts. The Mandarin was immediately distracted from his thoughts when he noticed a couple of ducks near the water. These bright ducks swam side by side and seemed to be having fun with each other.

This sight touched the nobleman’s hardened soul, which is why he began to remember the past years of married life, the joy and happiness that they brought. Thus the bird's love inspired the mandarin. He stayed with his beloved and made the relationship what it was at the very beginning - romantic and happy.

It was this old story that gave rise to the belief that ducks protect family ties. The name of these birds also appeared thanks to the tangerine. Rich Chinese nobles were called mandarins. To demonstrate their high status, they wore fluffy and colorful clothes that closely resembled duck feathers.

Legend of the appearance

It is said that a wealthy Chinese official had been married to a worthy woman for a long time. One day he realized that love had passed and he was tired of his wife. He decided to divorce his wife and send her back to her parents' house.

Before informing her of his decision, the official decided to take a walk in the garden and collect his thoughts. But at some point his thoughts were interrupted.

The man saw on the mirror surface of the lake two beautiful mandarin ducks swimming side by side and seeming to whisper words of love to each other.

At that moment he remembered the wonderful time spent with his wife and changed his mind about getting a divorce. He realized that it was impossible to escape from problems by destroying relationships.

Gradually, the situation in the family improved and good feelings returned. Over time, a belief arose that ducks preserve the family hearth. If the birds helped one couple, they will definitely help other people. Since then, ducks have been considered a symbol of love, home and good relations between spouses.

Mandarin duck symbol in feng shui

In Feng Shui, mandarin ducks play a very important role. With their help, a person can activate a certain aspect of life - relationships.

This does not mean that mandarin ducks will only help those who are looking for love. No. Ducks are capable of not only attracting romance into the life of their owner. They also know how to protect what they already have.

In addition, a symbol of fidelity and love can bring a fading relationship back into bloom. This influence manifests itself in the fact that a spark seems to reappear in the communication between two people. That same spark from the candy-bouquet period.


Tuesday, April 03, 2012 09:06 + to quote book Duck as a gift. ————————— The First Television Channel has been broadcasting the “Fazenda” program for many years. Many, of course, saw her. At the end of the story, the presenter gives the participants a traditional duck, calling it the mascot of the program. These ducks for “Hacienda” are painted by artist Anatoly Turov. Author of the project M. Shakhova: “I once read that a duck is a symbol of the hearth. She doesn't have a name. She should stand in the most comfortable place and see the whole house. She creates comfort." In Ukraine, mandarin ducks are considered a talisman of love and marital relationships. I remember my childhood and my bath toy. There is also a known utilitarian use for the seemingly simple word duck. Someone might have met her in the hospital; this nameless bird is known as the term “duck” in fabric production. But it turns out she does have a name. And not just a name. Behind the duck is the ancient philosophy of the Vedas. To this day, in Ukraine, women tie headscarves, pointing the ends of the scarf upward as a symbol of the Mokosha duck’s nest. And the nest is located on the head of Veles himself. Mokosh is the female hypostasis of the Slavic Supreme God, Veles is the male. Apparently, the Ukrainian ascetic, a long forelock on an almost completely shaved head, as a special haircut model is not accidental. Illustration by Alexey Tomilin for the book “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka”, ed. 2007. The Slavs filled their everyday life with stylized images of Mokosha. ———————————————————————————————— Mokoshi figurines in home decoration. Embroidery on a holiday towel. Reading the legends about Mokosh and Veles, you see the semantic meaning of the weaving duck term “duck”. The weaving process involves interlacing warp threads and weft threads. So Veles and Makosh weave the cosmic fabric of the Universe. They weave the matter of space from spiritual energy. They are always together in ancient figurines and images, together they are in the sky. From the symbolism of the World Duck Mokosh, sitting on the top of the withers of Veles, the folk headdress of Russian women, the kokoshnik, was formed. In pre-Petrine Rus', the kokoshnik existed among the boyars and below, and with the arrival of Peter I it remained only among the merchants and peasants and so survived until the 19th century. Development of the image and symbolism of the kokoshnik, from left to right: 1 – Slavic god Veles with the Makosha duck on his head; 2 – Egyptian goddess with two birds on her head; 3 – King Khafre (mid-26th century BC!), Egypt; 4, 5 – Russian kokoshniks. And we can’t count how many duck ladles our skillful ancestors created. Ladle 5. - symbolic meaning of fertility, it is a duck sitting in a nest on eggs. The Kiev prince Vladimir knew and revered Mokosh. Since Mokosh is a goddess, then she will be in heaven. And indeed. Turning their gaze to the stars, our ancestors “drew” ritual constellations with their imagination. Source of drawings: These images were used in the way of life, rituals and amulets. The “Buckets” of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor are known as Mokosh’s Buckets, and the constellation of the Pleiades in Rus' has been called Mokosh’s Hall since ancient times, and also the “Duck’s Nest” or Heaps (modified in Ukrainian kachki - “ducks”). [] The nickname of the Moscow “boyar” Kuchka, killed by the Christian Gyurgiy (Yuri Dolgoruky) in 1147, comes to mind. It is ordered to believe that our Moscow began from this murder. The murder is described somewhat casually in the chronicles. And everything turns out to be extremely clear. Speaking about Mokoshi, the thought arises about the involvement of the “boyar” in the sanctuary on Red (Tagansky) Hill with the once Bolvanovsky streets. And from everything it turns out that this sanctuary was dedicated to Mokoshi. The hydronym Yauza, and in the past Yavuz, without beating around the bush or equivocating, speaks of the Slavic Giving. The ancient sanctuary was surrounded by two rivers Yav (Yavuza) and Nav (the current Sarah in the pipe), and the modern Moscow River is nothing more than the Mokosh River itself, connecting the World of people Yav and the World of spirits Nav. This is the reason for the death of the Kuchka, not the boyar, but the prince-magician of the sanctuary on the Red Hill. Source However, we are still amused by beautiful stories. Either, they say, Kuchka did not respect Prince Gyurgiy, then his wife became the prince’s mistress, then... The construction of a city on Borovitsky Hill next to Red (Tagansky) Hill, on which Mokosh was revered and glorified, also becomes clear. They built Christian Moscow as an antipode to the Slavic sanctuary of Mokosha, because the faith of the fathers was strong then, and the people did not accept the new foreign faith. Christian princes built bridgeheads for the new faith. The fog is lifting over the seven hills on which Moscow is built. The number seven is from the seven stars of the Buckets of Mokosh and the seven stars of the Pleiades - the Hall of Mokosh. There are a great variety of earthly hills in Moscow. In fact, all its hills are sacred and are located up there in the Hall of Mokoshi (constellation Pleiades). And even the seditious thought creeps in to begin the very chronicle name “Moskov” on behalf of the ancient Slavic goddess. It’s not just that two centuries ago the emphasis was placed on the first syllable Moscow, Moskov. Remember how it is written in the chronicle: “my brother came to me in Moscow.” If we take into account that the Hall of Mokosha is located among the stars, then the version about the meaning of the name of the city “Moscow” as a “Binding Star” is quite real. At the Krasnokholmsky sanctuary, many things were connected - earthly and heavenly. This is the story of our “nameless” duck. For some it is a toy, for others it is a family talisman, and for the Slavs it is a philosophy of life.

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The meaning of the talisman

Chinese mandarin ducks are used as a love talisman for a reason, although it is difficult for an ignorant person to trace any connection in this at first glance. The fact is that the bright ducks themselves are known for their monogamous lifestyle. This quality of theirs was transferred to the amulet.

Therefore, in the form of a figurine, beautiful mandarin ducks symbolize the conclusion of a lifelong union. Couples who buy such an amulet do not have to worry about ending their relationship.

You also don’t have to worry about the fact that it will be impossible to break the hateful connection. After all, these lovebirds will change relationships for the better - they will add a romantic note, help you remember all the good things your partner has done for you, and strengthen the connection between two souls.

If Slavic culture is closer to your spirit, we recommend paying attention to the folk doll Lovebirds. Its meaning and functions are very similar to the Chinese mandarin ducks.

What should you avoid?

What should not be allowed in relation to the talisman:

  • never separate a couple;
  • if one of the figures breaks, you will need a new pair;
  • do not leave broken figurines, they are not talismans;
  • do not place figurines in a dark place, darkness weakens the effect of the magic item;
  • No matter how many ducks there are in your house, their number should be even. By placing a third bird next to a pair of birds, you thereby invite someone else into your family life.

Features of the talisman

According to Feng Shui, mandarin ducks are not just a souvenir, but a real symbol of true and eternal love. In China, very often, on a wedding day, exactly these ducks are given as a present, which should then stand in the newlyweds’ house.

According to Eastern philosophy, mandarin ducks are a talisman for married couples, helping them maintain fidelity, love, passion and devotion to each other. In addition, there is another meaning of this talisman. Such figures attract prosperity, happiness and harmony to the home.

Not only married couples can purchase or give such figurines. For example, ducks can be an excellent talisman for a lonely woman who has not been able to find her soulmate for a long time.

It is also recommended to present such a talisman to those who have recently experienced a divorce or separation from their significant other. The energy of these ducks will help restore all lost resources and attract new love and happiness into life.

Where to place it in the house?

In order for a feeling of comfort to appear in the home, and the relationship between spouses to improve, followers of the ancient teachings of Feng Shui recommend placing a figurine or picture in the southwest. It is believed that this is the love zone on which the strength of a marriage depends. To enhance the effect of the magical talisman, you should place a symbol of the water element nearby - an aquarium with live fish or a fountain. A fireplace, candles or stove should not be nearby, because they symbolize flame, and swimming birds do not get along with fire.

To strengthen marriage and revive love, the rings of husband and wife should be placed next to birds from time to time. This way they will be charged with positive energy and turn into a magical talisman.

Another good position for ducks in the house is the bedroom. The painting is hung at the head, and figurines are placed on the bedside tables. Next to it is a joint photo of the married couple. The moment should be happy and filled with positive emotions. If you choose a photo taken during a quarrel, this will only weaken the magical effect of the symbol.

How to choose mandarin ducks

Don’t rush to run to the magic goods store as soon as you learn about mandarin ducks. The choice of this love talisman, like any other, should be approached wisely. Otherwise, you will simply be disappointed in your own expectations and waste your money.

Manufacturers often neglect the rules for making amulets. Hoping that buyers are unaware, they make magic attributes in a hurry, saving materials and time. Unfortunately, such amulets do not always turn into just an ordinary trinket - in some cases they can ruin a person’s life.

It's very easy to avoid all this. To avoid getting into an unpleasant situation, learn the rules for choosing mandarin ducks and keep this information in mind while shopping.

On store shelves you can find duck figurines made from a variety of materials. However, bronze figurines or simply imitation bronze are more common than others. Under no circumstances should you buy such ducks! For oriental magic to work, these birds must have their natural color.

Mandarin ducks are a love talisman. According to the sacred Bagua polygon, the indoor love zone will be located on the southwest side. The energy of the earth is concentrated in this place. Therefore, experts advise choosing natural materials - ceramics, porcelain, clay, glass.

Jasper and jade ducks are popular in China. But such a monochromatic, albeit cute, talisman violates the previous recommendation, so it is better to purchase a figurine with a more natural color.

Color and material

Duck figurines are made from a variety of materials. But most often they sell bronze figurines or their imitation. Such products will not become talismans and serve only for interior decoration.

Photo 4
Mandarin ducks made of bronze

In order for ducks to have a beneficial effect, they must be painted in colors close to natural. The predominant color according to Feng Shui should be orange. The figures may not look the same; the drake is usually brighter.

The element of the southwest (zone of love and marriage) is Earth; accordingly, the most suitable material for figurines is natural, found in the earth. Various semi-precious stones, porcelain, ceramics and untreated natural clay are suitable.

What are the types?

Figures of mandarin ducks can be of a wide variety of types. Birds are most often made sitting next to each other or swimming together with their wings touching.

Among all the existing varieties, the most popular are the following:

  • Figurines depicting a kiss or looking at each other. They look especially impressive
  • birds placed on a stand, which is a symbol connecting two loving hearts,
  • ducks are sold separately, however, you need to purchase them only in pairs, since one mandarin duck will not be of any use, such a bird attracts loneliness to the home,
  • paintings or panels depicting mandarin ducks. Even if it is cross stitch or any other method, they must be depicted as a pair.

The same applies to the three ducks. There is a huge possibility that someone else will begin to wedge themselves between the lovers, which, naturally, is unnecessary in a relationship. You need to buy a duck with a drake. It is not difficult to determine the gender; the male individual has a brighter plumage color.

In addition to figurines, there are also birds that float or stand alone, which will not bring into the house what a person expects when purchasing a product. A prerequisite for long-term love is harmony. Such beautiful things as figurines of mandarin ducks can evoke real feelings.

This may be a coincidence, but my friend has been trying to arrange her personal life for more than five years. It so happened that she moved to another city and on occasion bought a talisman with mandarin ducks in the store. I placed them in the correct sector, which is easy to calculate.

Soon she met her future husband. They are currently happily married and have a baby. I also heard that if the couple has already taken place, then there is no need to purchase a figurine, although it seems to me that this is not true.


What is the reason for the name of ducks?

In ancient times in China, the name "mandarin" was worn by influential nobles who were allowed to wear luxurious colored robes. Mandarin ducks, in their plumage, strongly resemble the multi-colored clothes of nobles, which is why they began to be called that.

Mandarin ducks are unusually attractive in appearance and loyal creatures. Since ancient times, people have noted that they, like swans, couple once in their lives and then remain faithful only to their partner. Having created a family, ducks try to perform all actions together: raise their babies, swim next to each other and even take off together. When one of the ducks dies, the second often follows it out of sadness.

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Mandarin ducks are paired creatures

Most likely, it is because of this that in the art of Feng Shui, mandarin ducks began to symbolize pure love and fidelity. This symbol is very common among the Chinese; mandarin ducks are presented to newlyweds on their wedding day.

Where to put

Since ducks naturally settle near rivers and lakes, it is recommended to place the figures in close proximity to vegetation and water. It’s very good if these are your favorite indoor flowers, an aquarium, or a decorative fountain.

Despite the fact that figurines are an inanimate object, they require increased attention and tender care. It is important to follow simple rules:

  • Birds left to gather dust on a closet shelf or as a decorative element in the hallway will also be of no use.
  • When the talisman is correctly installed, love and mutual understanding will begin to reign between the residents of the house,
  • Single women or men begin to attract the opposite sex.

There are several zones in the house; the southwestern direction is responsible for marriage and love. It’s just perfect for placing the figures. Ideally, they will be installed in the spouses' bedroom.

What is the name of the yellow duck?

The Ogar is one of the most recognizable ducks, primarily due to its characteristic bright red plumage.

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