Arcana Tarot Two of Pentacles: ups and downs in fate, vanity

Pentacles, or Coins, are under the protection of the Earth. This suit symbolizes a practical approach to life. Responsible for wealth, material well-being, relationships with the opposite sex. Look closely at the picture drawn on the map. You see a jester on it, easily manipulating two coins. The Two of Pentacles is a symbol of a free person, devoid of prejudices, who knows how to adapt to life circumstances. He is calm about changes and uses chances to gain benefits.

The meaning of the card in a broad sense

2 Coins indicates a capricious, flighty, fickle nature. Traditional meanings that are used in decoding the symbol.

  1. A superficial, infantile person who cannot and does not want to take responsibility for his actions.
  2. Controversial character.
  3. Indifference to others.

Positive properties.

  • It indicates the ability to easily withstand difficulties.
  • You are not afraid of adversity and defeat.
  • The card encourages you to be calm about changes, even if they seem to be for the worse.

The meaning of the card depends on the wording of the question and the situation you want to clarify.
The jester is a multifaceted figure; he cannot be clearly called good or bad. This short educational video explores the meaning of the Two of Pentacles Tarot:

Direct card position

Changes that are not always pleasing. This is how the direct position of the Two of Pentacles is briefly characterized. The appearance of a sign in a reading indicates unexpected turns of fate: a sudden move, a change of job, or type of activity. Remember, the simpler you approach life, the easier the period of adaptation and getting used to in a new place will be. The Two of Pentacles card is unstable, symbolizing the precariousness of the situation, the duality of prospects. Be prepared, this is a period of change and transformation.

  • What you do at work will bear fruit. It's too early to talk about remuneration. The result is characterized as fifty-fifty.
  • The time is coming to count profits. In a reading for study and career prospects, the cards recommend taking up the exact sciences or accounting.
  • In matters of health, the card speaks of recovery. But it won't come soon.
  • If the issue concerns business, the cards advise focusing on one problem. Otherwise it will turn out like the saying about two birds with one stone.

Look at the neighboring cards, they will tell you what perspectives the 2 Coins symbol hides.

Two from the classic Tarot and Two of Pentacles from Evgeniy Kolesov

Reversed meaning

In an inverted meaning, the card promises the questioner disorder, chaos and destruction. But don’t be afraid of the forecast; take the upcoming changes philosophically.

  • You may have to spend a lot of money on an unpromising investment. Limit your purchases and control the cash in your wallet so you don’t regret pointless spending.
  • Don't take on new projects in the near future. There is a high probability of financial loss.
  • In matters of health, the inverted Two of Pentacles promises a strange, incomprehensible state. You are not sick, but you don’t feel well either. Exacerbation of chronic diseases, loss of strength, somatic problems.
  • Pointless, unpromising acquaintances and connections. Don't waste time on unnecessary people. Mouse fuss at work, loss of interest in what you love.

Having received a warning in the form of an inverted 2 of Coins, think about whether you are setting your life priorities correctly. Don't try to change your position right away. Patience and endurance are the motto for the near future.

Brief meaning of the tarot 2 of pentacles.

Straight position:

Balance, trying to find balance, resourcefulness, ups and downs, adaptability, flexibility, juggling life.

Juggling money, settling bills, transferring money, profit and loss, income and expenses, financial decisions, financial stress, partnerships.

Inverted position:

Lack of balance, lack of organization, poor financial decisions, overwhelm, overexertion, biting off more than you can chew.

Too many balls in the air, financial loss, no contingency plan, financial chaos.

Meaning for fortune telling about business and work

A two in the reading for work questions says that the fortune teller is a purposeful, cunning, resourceful person. He is used to adapting to the situation, finding loopholes, and knows how to get along with colleagues.

Much comes easily to him thanks to his innate intuition.

Depending on the neighboring cards, the Two of Pentacles is a signal to be wary. Probably, the performer is tired of the work, he performs the assigned duties reluctantly, without initiative. The bosses will not indulge a lazy employee and will show him the door.

2 Coins is a symbol of routine, monotonous activity. You deserve better. Take the situation into your own hands, do not wait until they offer you a job change. Stay ahead of the curve.

In some cases, the card indicates a painful choice between benefit and preference. This often happens to people who want to replace boring work with a hobby.

Arcana Two of Pentacles: Card of the Day

Try not to be as serious as possible about the tasks you receive today. The Two of Pentacles encourages playfulness, lightness and flexibility. This mindset is extremely beneficial because it will allow you to dare to experiment and try something new. If it doesn't work, try it a second time.

There is a high level of adaptation, which will allow you to quickly navigate in an unfamiliar environment. Certain business transformations are expected that will contribute to revenue growth. The Two of Pentacles helps to unwind and get rid of a sad state.

Fortune telling “Card of the Day for today”

The next 24 hours can be perfect for you and present a lot of invaluable opportunities if you use the right tips. Listen to the Universe and appreciate its clues that can improve your life.

Meaning when divining relationships

When guessing about relationships, remember the duality of the card’s meaning.

Two of Pentacles from the Psycho Tarot deck

  • If we are talking about an experienced married couple, then the card means the absence of a stable, serious relationship.
  • The card is a symbol of infantility in the union of a man and a woman. Life “on a cloud” will sooner or later fail. If you want a strong family, run away from your current lover.
  • The map may indicate that you are being used as an alternate airfield. The partner cannot make a choice and keeps the questioner nearby just in case, so as not to be left alone.
  • Arkan says that the husband or wife is indifferent to the other half. They don’t care how the situation in the family will develop further.
  • If you are guessing about a partnership, then the card indicates calculation and a desire for profit.
  • Another meaning is possible betrayal on the part of a husband or wife. It’s as if a person is comparing partners, but doesn’t know who to choose.

Having pulled out 2 Coins from the deck, think about whether it’s worth complicating your life. Flirt, make new acquaintances.

The Two of Pentacles advises single people to refrain from hasty marriage. It will not bring the desired happiness. The time to start a family has not yet come, do not rush things. If your relationship with the opposite sex has reached a dead end, look at the neighboring cards, they will tell you the reason for the situation.

Inner meaning

Ability to maintain balance in any situation. The art of balancing act, only in life. Joy and sadness, success and failure, bankruptcy and prosperity, spirit and body - all these pairs cannot be broken, but a middle ground can be found.

Every rise is followed by a fall for a fool - this is enough to get stuck in self-pity, despondency and inaction. The sage knows that after the fall there will be a rise, so he lets go of the past and prepares to ride the wave of luck.

The ability to feel the changing times in life, to act in accordance with the cycles. Adapt and find benefit even in this.

2 Dinariev promises joy, good news, good luck, fun.

Surrounded by gloomy cards, it warns that one will have to sacrifice one thing in favor of another. The prospects are vague. Complete uncertainty in the planned business.

Even under good circumstances, difficulties will arise. Result is uncertain.

People and places

The card characterizes a person as an opportunist and an egoist. He has an excellent sense of humor and knows how to find answers to complex questions. Such natures move through life easily, playfully, and are difficult to confuse or confuse. Be careful if you come across such a fellow traveler! Do not take his words on faith, do not be tempted by promises. 2 Coins shows an enthusiastic but fickle nature.

When divining places, the Two of Pentacles means places of entertainment: casinos, nightclubs, vacation spots.

Two of Pentacles - a card of money and more from Elena Remneva:

Human consciousness and two coins

Today, man is in a state of weightlessness. It is surprising for him that after many years of heaviness, burden, yoke around his neck, he can breathe a sigh of relief. This is such a strong feeling that for some time it can shake a person’s resilience and even lead to an emotional crisis.

But if a person is not particularly susceptible to such stress, this will mean relief, the end of a period of failure. If the attribute is surrounded by negative cards, then the situation should be regarded as a manifestation of infantilism, the person constantly complains, constantly feels misunderstood, which irritates others due to the fact that he constantly accuses them of lack of attention.

Combination with the Major Arcana

Don't be alarmed if an unstable deuce appears in a reading. It indicates the need to change your views and attitude towards life. Take advantage of every lesson and incident.

Combinations with the Major Arcana can be anything.

  • The Jester, appearing next to the Pentacles, symbolizes loss of money and material problems.
  • The magician indicates financial fraud. Be careful when choosing business partners.
  • The High Priestess (Popesses) recommends stocking up on new knowledge. Sign up for courses and start learning a foreign language.
  • The Empress in combination with the Two of Pentacles is a sign that money channels will soon open. Financial income will come from an unexpected source.
  • Emperor - patronage of senior management, cash bonus, encouragement. In a broad interpretation - the possibility of sudden enrichment.
  • The hierophant and the deuce are a symbol of lack of spirituality. A person does not have clear moral guidelines.
  • The chariot in combination with the deuce - everything is in your hands, you can’t go wrong. The probability of losing money is very high.
  • Strength advises to show firmness and determination in financial matters. Lack of will and purpose is the cause of failure.
  • The Hermit and the Two of Pentacles indicate that the questioner is in a bad mood. Depression, loss of strength, emotional burnout. The cards advise you to relax and retire.
  • The Wheel of Fortune warns against taking risky steps. Don't play with fate.
  • Fairness and two indicate that the person asking is in debt.
  • Hanged. The situation changes so quickly that a person is unable to adapt to it.
  • Death in combination with the Two of Coins is a symbol of global changes in life.
  • Moderation, which falls next to the 2 of Pentacles, advises not to waste money.
  • The devil is a whim and a temptation. Don't give in to provocations.
  • Tower - financial losses, collapse of hopes and illusions, unstable situation at work, dismissal.
  • The star and two of Pentacles symbolize hope for better times.
  • The moon falling next to the deuce means illusions and delusions.
  • The sun in a deuce scenario guarantees a happy, measured life. Provided that the remaining cards come out positive.
  • Judgment and 2 Coins is a good sign. The efforts of the questioner will be rewarded according to their merits.
  • The world next to the deuce opens up new horizons for a person. You are on the verge of discovery. Bright prospects will come true.

Interpretation in layouts:

All twos in the deck indicate precariousness and instability of positions. The Two of Coins is a very mobile, mutable card; it is greatly influenced by other cards in the layout, and it can change its meaning from positive to negative. But, although with a different shade, doubts and hesitations always remain with the 2 Pentacles. You will definitely need resourcefulness and dexterity to keep things at least at the current level, and not allow them to slide downhill. Of course, when the mind is preoccupied with doubt, this is very difficult to do. Moreover, this is most likely caused by the first signs of deterioration in your affairs. You have become worried and are now frantically looking for a way to improve the situation. And here, of course, the main advice is not to fuss, so as not to mess things up. A state of stress and panic has never helped anyone make the right decision.

  • With the Magician (1st Arcana) – successful financial manipulations.
  • With Lovers (6 Arcana), as well as with the Three of Swords – adultery, betrayal, separation.
  • With the Wheel of Fortune (10 Arcana) – winning, playing on the stock markets, betting.

2 of PentaclesPentaclesTarot

Combination with the Staves suit

  • An Ace in combination with a Two of Denariev indicates problems. You will have to choose the lesser of two evils.
  • Two of Staves - take advantage of the moment, take advantage of the chances that Fate gives.
  • Troika Posokhov - partnership does not promise profit. Instability, high probability of deception.
  • Four - do not rely on outside help.
  • Five of Wands – don’t try to plan anything. Events will develop without your intervention.
  • Six symbolizes changeable luck.
  • The Seven of Wands in combination with the Two warns of the questioner’s precarious position.
  • Eight is a lingering dark streak. Permanent troubles.
  • Nine of Staves and 2 Coins - use all the leverage over your rivals and ill-wishers.
  • Ten warns that a person should not take on impossible obligations.
  • Page of Staffs in combination with the Two of Pentacles - chaotic vanity, unsystematic, thoughtless activity.
  • The knight warns of a worsening situation. Don't try to fix anything, it will only get worse.
  • The Queen predicts changes on the personal front and in her career.
  • King – uncertainty, depression. Unreasonable fear.

Questions to ask when drawing a card

The Two of Denarii falls to frivolous people who quickly build relationships with others, but at the same time just as quickly lose favor with others. This often happens due to stupid actions. When the 2 of Pentacles appears, you should think about whether your jokes offend your interlocutors. Lack of seriousness can either be beneficial or harmful, so you need to objectively assess your personal qualities.

Other cards:

Ace of Posokhov
Two of Staves
Three of Staves
Four of Staves
Five of Staves
Six of Staves
Seven of Staves
Eight of Staves
Nine of Staves
Ten of Staves
Page Posokhov
Knight of Staffs
Queen of Staves
King of Staffs
Ace of Cups
Two of Cups
Three of Cups
Four of Cups
Five of Cups
Six of Cups
Seven of Cups
Eight of Cups
Nine of Cups
Ten of Cups
Page of Cups
Knight of Cups
Queen of Cups
King of Cups
Ace of Swords
Two of Swords
Three of Swords
Four of Swords
Five of Swords
Six of Swords
Seven of Swords
Eight of Swords
Nine of Swords
Ten of Swords
Page of Swords
Knight of Swords
Queen of Swords
King of Swords
Ace of Coins
Two of Coins
Three of Coins
Four of Coins
Five of Coins
Six of Coins
Seven of Coins
Eight of Coins
Nine of Coins
Ten Coins
Page of Coins
Knight of Coins
Queen of Coins

Combination with the suit of Cups

  • An ace that appears next to a deuce speaks of an unstable state of mind and confusion.
  • Two deuces are a symbol of inconstancy in a person’s personal preferences.
  • A good sign would be the combination of the three of Cups and the two of Denarii.
  • Four says that perhaps the questioner is fed up with the current way of life.
  • Five – confusion, confusion, loss of internal and external guidelines.
  • Six - you have many successful options for the development of events.
  • Seven says that the questioner lives in captivity of illusions.
  • Eight - you are tired of the hustle and bustle, it’s time to take a vacation, move away from civilization.
  • Nine paired with 2 Pentacles is a symbol of a carefree life.
  • Ten says that you are one step away from happiness. You are about to find harmony and find a place in life.
  • The page - a new heart friend - is not the one you need. An unreliable and impractical person. A romantic acquaintance will not develop into a serious relationship.
  • Knight - it's time to show your talents. Your initiatives will be supported.
  • The Queen of Cups and 2 of Pentacles say that a person cannot decide on feelings.
  • The King appearing next to the two of Coins indicates a selfish partner.

At the event level

Straight position

Uncertainty, petty quarrels, ambiguous situations like quicksand.

Minor difficulties and slight obstacles in business. Throwing from side to side. Empty troubles.

May mean training. It is necessary to constantly adapt to ever-changing conditions, move forward, assimilate and apply new knowledge in practice. It is impossible to rest on old laurels.

Trying to sit on two chairs at the same time. You need to choose one thing. Use all available skill, dexterity and ingenuity to achieve the goal. Concentrate, do not be distracted by other things.

Inverted position

  • Being late. Delays. Delay in some matter. Errors in paperwork. Absent-mindedness.
  • Financial difficulties. In some cases, it indicates theft, forgery of documents and signatures.
  • Gossip. Empty gossip. Advertising.
  • The work of a courier, postman.
  • Internet correspondence.
  • Breach of obligations.

Combination with the suit of Swords

  • The Ace of Swords in combination with the Two of Denarii speaks of confusion and chaos in thoughts.
  • Two advises you to gather your strength and find harmony.
  • The Three of Swords says that the questioner relies on chance. He let things take their course and does not interfere in what is happening.
  • Four signals a lack of vital energy.
  • Five - frivolity is your enemy.
  • Six is ​​a symbol of apathy and depressed mood.
  • The Seven of Swords and 2 of Coins warns that a scammer will come your way. Or they characterize the questioner not from the best side.
  • Eight paired with the Two of Pentacles - in front of you is a person consumed by base passions.
  • Nine indicates that the questioner is hiding troubles and pain under the guise of a cheerful mood.
  • The Ten of Swords and 2 Denarii warn - be more serious, otherwise collapse awaits you. Don't joke with Fate.
  • The page and the deuce indicate a cheerful, pleasant, but frivolous person.
  • The Knight and 2 Coins say that a person should not hesitate, for the goal is close. Procrastination and indecision will ruin plans.
  • Queen. If the questioner is a man, his feelings are manipulated by a woman.
  • King. Thoughtless, unjustified use of force.

General meaning of the suit of Pentacles in fortune telling:

Interpretation in the Direct position

The meaning in the layout depends on the influence of neighboring cards, on the situation and area for which the layout was applied, as well as on the layout itself.

The generally accepted interpretations in the direct position are as follows:

  1. Balance, the result of skillful balancing. Like a tightrope walker, a person balances opposites, reaching the golden mean. Makes ends meet, having difficulty finding solutions in a difficult situation, but the ends meet in the end.

Achieving inner harmony through complex, painstaking work on oneself.

Stability based on constant perseverance, work, and the search for the right solutions.

This is a delicate balance that requires concentration. Even a feather falling on one of the scales can upset the balance.

Inner peace, lack of haste and fussiness will lead to achieving your goal.

  1. Everything flows, everything changes. Difficulties and problems are replaced by a time of calm, relaxation and vice versa. “And all this will pass,” says the book of wisdom of Solomon.
  2. A person is absorbed in the routine of everyday affairs. Behind many small insignificant troubles, he misses something important and valuable. He scatters attention and energy in vain, forgetting about the main, eternal things, and does not find the strength for the main thing.

The minor arcana advises turning your attention to the intangible areas of life. Strive for spiritual growth, self-realization, especially creative, pay attention to communication and relationships with people.

  1. Activities related to finance, business trips, contracts, letters, agreements and other documents.

Ability to benefit from change. For example, enrichment from differences in exchange rates.

  1. Change of situation, change. Their character will be suggested by the neighboring arcana. Usually there is a struggle of opposites. If it was good, it will become bad and vice versa.
  2. Sometimes it indicates a change of job, home, or moving. In this case, surrounded by good cards, changes will be for the better.
  3. May indicate spinelessness. A person accepts the point of view of the majority, says what is expected to be heard from him, and does not have his own opinion. Plays along, adapts, adapts.
  4. A second wind, a surge of strength, irrepressible energy, optimism, good mood. Ability to perform multiple responsibilities simultaneously.
  5. The Two of Pentacles carries soft feminine energy. It may be about a woman who plays a key role in the matter being asked about.

The card favors strengthening friendship and partnership. Cooperation will be favorable.

Combination with cards of the same suit

  • Ace is a good sign. You deserve a rest and you will get it.
  • Three - give yourself the opportunity to bounce back. Put things aside.
  • A four next to a two. Try to preserve what you already have. Don't chase dubious prospects.
  • A five of the same suit dropped next to the Two of Pentacles warns the questioner: financial collapse is possible. Blame yourself for failure.
  • Six indicates unexpected, pleasant monetary support.
  • Seven says it's time to get to work.
  • Eight characterizes the questioner as a person of a free profession, a freelancer. Perhaps you should think about starting your own business.
  • Nine predicts unexpected luck: winning the lottery, casino, or betting league.
  • Ten says that in front of you is an irresponsible and frivolous person. If it lands next to a deuce, it indicates chaos in the family, disorder.
  • The Page of Pentacles indicates that you do not like to study.
  • The queen next to the deuce promises a quick change in worldview.
  • The king warns against dangerous and risky steps.

Two of Pentacles from the Egyptian Tarot.

Symbolism of the card

The symbolism of this minor arcana is associated with mythology and astrology. The card shows a guy who looks like a jester. In his hands are two coins, tied with a ribbon in the shape of a figure eight, an infinity sign. Behind the man is an endless ocean on which ships sail.

Reading the meaning of the card is difficult. The endless sea indicates information, ships symbolize intrigue and passion. The hero himself is indifferent to them. He is only interested in coins. This is where it is necessary to delve into astrology and mythology. The infinity sign drawn in the form of a ribbon is time. Playing with coins is busy. Busy time is a cycle with ups, downs, and changes.

In astrology, this is an indicator of adaptive character traits. The ability to find a balance between the spiritual and material, and any external conditions, is determined by the presence of a strong patron - the Moon. A person builds his work with profit; the Denarius suit itself characterizes material well-being.

The infinity symbol is associated with mythology, which points to the image of Ouroboros - a snake eating its own tail. It symbolizes knowledge of oneself and eternity. In life, this often brings a lot of trouble. A person does not develop spiritually and strives for financial well-being.

The meaning of the card when divining health

In the upright position, the card indicates that the person is cheerful, cheerful and does not pay attention to annoying little things. He is not worried about his health, chronic diseases do not worsen and do not affect the usual course of life.

In a reverse position, the Two of Pentacles symbolizes instability of well-being. Today you rejoice at the new day, tomorrow you cannot get out of bed. If this card appears in an inverted position in a health reading, try not to delay your scheduled medical examination.

The card can be described as positive. She advises to take a simpler approach to life. Don't take defeats to heart: everything passes.

Tags: Fortune telling, Meaning of cards, Ksenia Likhachevskaya, Pentacles, Tarot

About the author: Ksenia Likhachevskaya

Esotericism for me is a universal key that opens many doors behind which new knowledge, opportunities and prospects are hidden. More than 20 years ago I first picked up Tarot cards. Since then I have used them for more than just predictions. The world of Tarot is an amazing reality, immersing yourself in which you will find answers to questions and be able to change your life. Tarot reader services

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Inverted position

In an inverted position, the lasso completely changes its meaning. Ostentatious calmness and carefreeness harbor a desire to give up everything and get away from problems. Dissatisfaction with life, confusion in yourself and in your affairs, constant fear of receiving unpleasant news - all this puts pressure on the psyche, takes away strength and pushes into the abyss of depression. If the lasso falls out in this position, leave the problems for later, take a break and rest.

Two of Pentacles Universal Tarot Rider-Waite

How to interpret the Rider Waite Tarot.


A period of troubles, obstacles and negative influences finally gives way to a period of relative peace. The scales swung in the opposite direction. It is important to maintain balance and gain strength before changes for the worse replace the long-awaited peace.

May indicate a complete optimist with rose-colored glasses. He is so unprepared to see the naked reality of this world that he is afraid to make a decision. It seems to him that a wrong step could destroy his Universe forever. He indulges, standing on the edge.

At the same time, the Two of Pentacles is a symbol of wise simplicity and meekness.

Personal relationships

An easy relationship, not burdened with obligations or deep feelings. There are you, me and this wonderful sunset. We'll think about the rest tomorrow. The situation is not certain. A person is searching, but is not ready to immediately accept the burden of a relationship. It takes time to understand whether there is a need for a person. And here and now two souls are resting from loneliness.

It may indicate a situation where one of the lovers deliberately keeps silent about a closer and more important person in his life in order to have a good time and then return to the arms of another lover.

For a married couple, this is a period of balance, peace and absence of conflicts.

The inverted position speaks of meaningless meetings that do not involve relationships, of a lack of intention and desire to build a personal life.

In the vicinity of good cards - flirting, sympathy, easy falling in love.

Next to lasso 0, “Jester” is a person with frivolous intentions, you cannot rely on him. There is no trust or stability.

Two of Coins with “Devil” – outright manipulation, lack of respect.

If the Seven of Swords is nearby, the relationship is insincere, often betrayal.

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