Why do they put a coin under the rug on the threshold of the house? A sign you need to know!

Why do they put a copper coin under the rug?

There is a belief that if you put a copper coin under the doormat, you can attract good luck, success, and prosperity in your home. This ritual is recommended to be performed alone.

The lunar phase does not matter. But the day of the week is better to choose Tuesday. This is due to the fact that the patron of Tuesday is Mars, the planet with the most powerful energy.

It is important to remember that prosperity loves order. Before the ceremony, it doesn’t hurt to completely clean the house. Be sure to throw out old and unnecessary things from the hallway. The energy of well-being should not coexist with damaged things.

Make a wish. Concentrate completely on it. It is important to believe that your wish will definitely come true. Otherwise, you can invite trouble. Place the copper coin under the mat on the inside of the front door. Nobody should touch him.

Advice! When cleaning, lift it yourself and then put it back in place.

What to do with an unknown coin

Be careful if you find a coin under the mat that you did not place there yourself. Metal is an excellent conductor of any energy, including negative energy. Using a coin can really cause damage. Therefore, if you find an item of unknown origin, do not pick it up under any circumstances. Pick up the coin using tweezers. Or arm yourself with a broom and dustpan.

Throw a coin into running water and say the following words:

I will burn misfortune and misfortune in the fire, and drown it in the river. If it falls to the deep bottom, no one will find it or pick it up. Amen.

A coin under the door can cause damage

Pay special attention to the copper coin under the door if you did not personally leave it. Of course, it can accidentally fall out of your pocket and roll away, but you shouldn’t rule out the fact that someone decided to do some damage.

There is a sign: if there is a small copper under the threshold, then someone wants to take away wealth and family well-being from your home.

It should be swept away with a broom and thrown as far away from the house as possible. Another effective method is to throw the find into the fire.

Having performed such a ritual, the damage will return to the one who tried to cause it. If in an hour someone comes and asks for something, you cannot give anything, as you can bring trouble on yourself.

Signs of Feng Shui

  • If you put a piece of seaweed or dried moss under the carpet, it will attract money.
  • Water from the tap in the house should not drip - this will result in money leakage.
  • The trash can should not be placed near the wealth area.
  • A money tree standing in the southeast means improving your financial situation.
  • If the room faces southwest, then you need to place a floor lamp or a lamp with a red shade.
  • A turtle standing in the northern corner of the apartment means increased wealth.
  • If you collect money and store it at home, then it is better to put it in the south-eastern or eastern sector of the home, in a red box.
  • If you took out a loan, and in order to avoid problems with late payments, you need to put paid receipts in a separate red folder and then there will be no problems with repaying the debt.

Rituals for prosperity

  1. It is recommended to sweep the house from the center towards the front door.
  2. Go outside during the full moon. Stand facing the moon. Hold out a bill (it is recommended to take the largest denomination you have at home). The light of the moon must fall on the money.
  3. On the full moon, place a coin in each room in the house. When the full month has passed, on the first day of the new moon, you need to spend everything.
  4. When going to bed, check if your wallet is on the table - it needs to be removed. If you treat it with such disdain, then wealth will definitely leave the house.
  5. It is forbidden to place empty bottles on tables at night. Since this will be the reason why prosperity will cease to reign in the house.
  6. You cannot pass something over the threshold to someone. If you need to transfer, it is better to enter the premises or leave the house.

Sat, 18 Sep 2022 16:12:33 +0300

Bychkova Rada

What to put in your wallet to attract money and good luck to your home?

Usually, to attract money, you must have three Chinese coins tied with a thread in your wallet. Specialized stores sell ready-made bundles, but it will be better if you purchase coins and thread separately. Saying how much you love money, tie three coins together yourself. Feng Shui advises putting a small card with the image of a bunch of grapes, a mint leaf or green tea in your wallet. These symbols have the ability to improve the financial situation of their owner. Beans and cinnamon attract and keep money in your wallet.

The one dollar bill has enormous energy for attracting finance. Hexograms and runes hidden in one of the wallet compartments will also help preserve and increase wealth. To get rich, you can also use a proven folk remedy: put a small piece of horseradish root in the place where you store your money. He will collect material energy in large quantities. For these purposes, it is better to use a root you dug yourself, rather than one bought at the market. A sprig of heather in your wallet will also come in handy.

If you find small change in the house. How does the lining affect a person?

If you are unlucky enough to find a lining at home that was planted on you, then you should be armed and remember what the operating principle of this phenomenon is, so that later you can get rid of the lining in the right way.

Some pads can act immediately after they are thrown into your home or personal belongings.

A person will feel the negative effects within a couple of days. Only a person who practices magic can perform a spell from the lining.

If a lining is placed on a quarrel that was started over a long period of action, then the impact will occur according to the snowball principle. First, a person will feel discord in his personal life, which will end in separation. Due to stress and depression, then problems at work, worsening financial situation, mild illnesses will appear, then severe ones. If you wished for death, then everything will end in death.

There are instant pads. This means that the harmful effect is activated immediately after you pick it up, step over it, etc. There is also a mortgage that affects a person’s thoughts and nervous system. The victim becomes irritable, apathy and indifference to everything and everyone appear, and a gradual descent into depression appears. As a result, there is an obsessive thought to commit suicide.

Ritual for successful trading

A conspiracy for trade must be carried out in the room where the goods are located:

  1. 1. Take a coin of any denomination and say the words on it: “I give tax to the trading roads. If you accept my coin, you will send me good luck. So that sales go uphill, and buyers crowd in crowds and swarm around the goods. Yes, so that they sweep everything off the counter and buy it quickly. So as not to waste money, my product (pronounced the name of the product) made me happy. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".
  2. 2. The spell is cast three times.
  3. 3. Then the coin is tossed in the center of the hall with the exclamation: “Paid!”
  4. 4. The coin should remain in the center of the trading area. It is necessary to ensure that it is the client, and not the employee, who lifts it from the floor.

The conspiracy begins to take effect immediately.

What money is suitable

The next important question is what is best to use to achieve the effect?

  1. Gold and silver are valued for their rarity, brilliance and their ability to perfectly purify energy. Such coins can be placed in corners, but they are still too valuable and rare to be scattered even for the purpose of future financial improvement.
  2. Copper is an excellent metal that has healing and protective properties. It can bring wealth to your home, and coins made from it are more affordable!

Therefore, I recommend taking the advice and scattering a handful of copper pennies around the secluded places of your home. Perhaps they will bring a promotion at work or a nice cash bonus!

Numbers on banknotes

A lucky bill will attract a lot of cash into your wallet like a magnet. How to determine it?

  • According to Feng Shui, the number 8 is considered a digital symbol of prosperity and wealth. If the serial number of the banknote contains most of the eights (at least 4), then the bill will definitely bring wealth and prosperity.
  • A bill with three sevens in its number is considered to bring material benefits. The best option is when they are located in a row, one after the other. This number carries a deep sacred meaning and personifies good luck and success achieved not by labor, but by luck.
  • The letters of the series will also bring good luck; they must correspond to the initials of the owner of the note. For example, for Inna Vladimirovna, a banknote with the letter series IV will be successful.
  • It would be great if you could find a banknote with the numbers on it corresponding to your date of birth. For example, the date is 12/05/1979, then the banknote number in random order should contain the following pairs of numbers: 0 and 5, 1 and 2, 7 and 9. Moreover, both numbers from each pair should be next to each other.
  • When searching for a lucky banknote, you can also turn to numerology. First you need to calculate the Personal Numerical Code, that is, the numbers that you should look for on the bill. You need to write your last name, first name, patronymic on paper and put the corresponding number under each letter.

After this, you need to add the numbers of the last name until you get a simple number - it will be the first lucky one. Then repeat the same with the first and patronymic. For example, Prut Anna Viktorovna. First digit by last name: 8+9+3+2=22, 2+2=4. The second one by name: 1+6+6+1=14, 1+4=5. Third by patronymic: 3+2+3+2+7+9+7+3+6+1=43, 4+3=7. As a result, a banknote that brings wealth must have the numbers: 5, 4, 7.

Coins in the corners of the house so that there is money: what is the meaning of the sign

Coins in the corners of the house so that money can be found - this and other signs have been known in Rus' for a long time. Although it is believed that in order to be wealthy you just need to work hard, it often happens that with daily work and a stable salary you cannot get rich.

Money is an integral part of life for any person, and if it is not there, a person experiences disappointment. Both modern man and our ancestors have all tried and are trying to avoid the fate of being poor. Following certain simple rules can help with this. If you follow the recommendations of some signs, you can get rich and no longer worry about your status as a poor person.


Greetings, Guest
06.03.2022, 01:17

Feng Shui in the house (apartment).

Home is a reflection of your inner space. If you want to attract something new, you should first cleanse the house.

Secret No. 1 is to keep in the house only those things that we constantly use!

Walls, floors, furniture and other objects in the house contain the energy of previously occurring events. Negative or repeated events “settle” in the room and affect its occupants. Debris of things interferes with the flow of favorable energy, and after cleaning, negative energy quickly disappears not only from your home, but also from your life.

It is believed that people prone to depression are more likely to store junk in the lower level of the house. If the space at home is cluttered, then this prevents new things and events from entering your life. To create a prosperous tomorrow, you need to get rid of the past. Probably everyone is familiar with the desire to do something unusual, which often arises after cleaning the house. The piles of things in the attic and mezzanines limit our forward progress, aspirations and opportunities. Thus, false restrictions are created.

Secret No. 2: we define zones. The zone of financial well-being in any room is the southeast. By activating this apartment sector, you will attract cash flows. In this place it would be best to place a babbling fountain, an aquarium with goldfish, or just a container with clean water.

You can also hang a picture of a beautiful lake, sea surface or small waterfall on the wall.

Indoor plants, especially succulents and money trees, also contribute to awakening the wooden energy of the southeastern zone. It is recommended to decorate this corner in green or blue colors.

Secret No. 3: symbols and talismans. They harmonize space, protect and attract money into the house. The main symbol of money in Feng Shui is water. Therefore, in order to attract money, it is necessary to introduce water symbols into our living space.

Not everything, of course, is determined by the southeastern sector.

The hallway (more precisely, its proper setting) also plays an important role in attracting wealth. If the hallway is dark, uncomfortable, if you don’t want to stay in it for a long time, then it will be unpleasant for money to come to you. A cluttered hallway will also keep money away from your home.

Remove everything unnecessary from the hallway . Make it a rule to always put outerwear and outdoor shoes in the closet. Make sure the lighting is bright. The hallway should be bright and clean.

Place three five-ruble coins with heads facing up under the mat.

Under no circumstances hang a mirror opposite the front door: when luck enters the apartment, it will immediately be reflected and go back to where it came from.

It is quite dangerous to hang mirrors in your home with the symbols of trigrams and hieroglyphs, which are sold in abundance in esoteric stores.

Such mirrors are weapons; they exist to destroy negative influences. If used illiterately and inappropriately, they can cause a lot of harm.

It is good if the desk faces south or southeast - they attract fame and money. If you work in a room where there are many shelves and cabinets with working documentation or reference literature, review these deposits and throw out what is outdated and unnecessary.

Place items that are rarely used in the utility room . Cluttered and crowded cabinets, racks, and shelves mean an inability to perceive new things and limit your professional growth.

It is useful to place your desk behind the boss, but in no case facing him.

The arrangement of things on your desk matters a lot.

To receive money through a computer, you need to place it on the upper left corner of the table - this is the wealth sector on the table.

If you put the phone on the upper right corner of the table, it will attract partners; if you put it on the lower right corner (friends sector), then calls from friends will bring wealth.

It is good to place rock crystal crystals on the table to improve intellectual communication between people. A crystal placed in the northeast corner of the table also increases educational luck.

A glass or crystal ball is no less effective. Installed in the east, it will provide you with a successful career, and in the southwest it will help you move to a whole new level of communication with people.

If a table lamp or metal object is placed on the far left side of the table, financial success is attracted.

If you put a photo of yourself speaking at a prestigious conference in front of you, you will activate good luck in your career.

The side of the tabletop where you sit is considered the glory sector. A notepad or keyboard should be located here.

Keep “outgoing” papers on the left side of the table, which will promote relaxation after each completed task.

On the right side – hold the “incoming” documents accordingly.

Hang an image of a mountain behind your back - it will support you and protect you from the machinations of ill-wishers. It is advisable to have an image of water before your eyes - this could be a calendar on the wall or a screensaver on the monitor.

Water symbolizes the flow of creative energy. Moving water attracts great luck. So, if possible, be sure to purchase a small fountain for your office.

A strong “magnet” for attracting wealth is an aquarium with fish. The aquarium should ideally contain nine fish: eight gold and one black. The aquarium itself with the fish should be installed in the southeast.

If your fish “falls asleep”, it is believed that it takes away all the owner’s troubles, so there is no need to be upset - you need to replace it with a new one.

In general, fish (especially copper and ceramic images of carp) are widely used in the East in office interior decor as symbols of wealth and prosperity.

In Feng Shui, water symbolizes money (in Russian there are expressions “money flows like a river”, “flows away like water”).

The left corner farthest from the entrance is the “wealth zone” . This is where aquariums, fountains, and images of water should be placed. Water substitutes will have the same effect as water itself.

There are Chinese coins with a hole in the center . This is one of the symbols of increasing wealth. To get rich, they need to be stored in any place, but it is better that they come across your eyes more often (silent maxim), and each time they receive additional energy from you to work on attracting money. They can be tied with a red ribbon and placed in a wallet, under the front door mat, or in any container on your desktop to increase your salary.

Another option is to put something resembling gold on the “money corner”

desktop. You can paint your nails gold, wear shiny jewelry and clothes embroidered with sequins and beads. This image is necessary to spread an aura of wealth around yourself and activate qi energy in the right direction.

You can “grow” money . Take 9 new banknotes (in Feng Shui 9 is a lucky number), put them in a red envelope, and then under a pot with an indoor flower. Take your choice of this plant seriously. It must be healthy, strong, and growing well. Otherwise, your finances will be like a withering flower. To enhance growth, you can paint the pot gold or wrap it in foil, place it in the “love zone” and wait for the “harvest”.

In the wealth zone (in the southeast), it is also recommended to place a “money” plant, which symbolizes prosperity. Essentially, any plant with round or heart-shaped leaves is considered tender.

The south is also considered the place of the Crimson Phoenix , which is a symbol of happiness. In the absence of an image of a phoenix, any image of a bird will do.

Another unconditional symbol of happiness is the peacock . In India and Nepal, the peacock is considered a bird that brings favorable career opportunities for the owner of the house. It is good to store a few peacock feathers in the south corner.

You will attract chi to the wealth zone if you keep money and jewelry there, any signs of wealth and abundance.

This could be a collection of paintings, banknotes or ancient coins (such a collection in itself is of considerable value, and also attracts money into your home), a gold-plated or silver service, a gold (silver) medal received for successfully completing school or for winning a sports competitions, a painting or embroidery depicting 9 fish and the like.

The rich area of ​​the dining room or kitchen can be decorated with a vase of “golden” fruits – oranges or tangerines. This is also a symbol of money, because these fruits are not only round in shape, but also golden-orange in color - typically “money”.

The presence of a turtle at home is very favorable. Even a ceramic image (or poster) of this animal brings wealth and great luck to the owner. According to tradition, the turtle should be in the north, where it brings support from useful people.

It will be useful if you hang an image of symbols of wealth (painting, photograph, etc.) in the hallway. It could be a fish, a bowl full of fruits and heavenly fruits, a house breathing happiness and prosperity, jewelry, money symbols - freedom of creativity is possible.

Remember, Feng Shui is not a panacea for ills. He helps those who act themselves. In addition, we must remember that luck does not always come from where you expect it. Love yourself and get rich for the joy of yourself and your loved ones!

"Codes of money and wealth." M.V.Adamchik.

Love spell

A love spell is often done through the lining. It's easier than giving drinks and stealing personal items. The program works instantly.

Men make an object love spell with the help of:

  • a rag doll is the most dangerous object;
  • comb;
  • Toothbrush;
  • working hours;
  • handkerchief;
  • clothing (the most dangerous is the lining of men's underpants);
  • Shaver;
  • cigarettes;
  • toy;
  • umbrella;
  • bulk products - salt, sugar, poppy seeds, sunflower seeds, fruit seeds, buckwheat;
  • lace.

Items can be placed near the door or given as a gift. You can leave a candy wrapper in the victim's house; this item will not arouse suspicion. A rag doll is placed in a pillow. Grains are scattered in shoes, pockets, on tables, chairs. The lining of the pin is almost never used for love spells.

Why do they flip coins? TYPES OF PADS

  1. Tangled sewing threads Knotted thread is one of the most common sewing threads.
    Black sewing threads are used to spoil failures and poverty; they are used to quarrel between couples and make lapels. Wool thread is often used to take away health or make a woman infertile. Often this lining is thrown so that the victim steps over it.
  2. Needles Another “favorite” tool of sorcerers. Such damage is quickly activated, but discovering the source of evil can be very difficult. Most often they are stuck into door jambs or hidden under the baseboard. Often, needles cause damage to illness and loneliness.
  3. Hairpin or comb This type of lining is often aimed at disrupting sleep and is usually used to attack the woman specifically, but they can also be harmful to health or the family as a whole - ultimately causing a quarrel between a married couple. As a rule, such an item is hidden under the bed or under the mattress.
  4. Earth Earth in its pure form is usually rarely used, and this is a very dangerous sign.
    Most likely, it was collected from the cemetery and brought to cause serious harm to the object of damage. The soil can also be found mixed with garbage, grain, animal hair or salt. Such a surprise is usually slipped to the victim’s doorstep, so that those living in the house constantly quarrel among themselves.
  5. Money If you suddenly find money somewhere (usually it concerns a handful of small metal items) covered in something with garbage, or maybe salt, under no circumstances should you touch it with your bare hands.
    This may well be a subject of witchcraft aimed at failure in business, as well as to take away good luck and financial opportunities. They also toss small denomination coins into tears and poverty.
  6. Feathers tied in a bun And such “gifts” are placed in a pillow. So-called “dirty” damage is done to feathers - for nightmares or insomnia, quarrels and everyday failures.

How to choose a coin for a conspiracy?

It is recommended to choose non-standard money for the conspiracy. For example, an anniversary ruble or five rubles, a coin made for a memorable date and others that are different from the rest. You need to listen to yourself during the selection process. The coin should evoke a response in your soul. For example, to shine in a special way. Or look different from everyone else. Everyone has their own criteria. It is impossible to determine this in advance. Just take a closer look at all the coins that come into your hands. You will definitely recognize yours.

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