Lo Shu Square. The basis of harmony in your home is the magic square of lo shu.

» Numerology » The importance of the Luo Shu square



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How often have you had ups and downs in your life? Did you know that you can predict them? Luo Shu square is one of the ancient Chinese ways of calculating numbers by date of birth. The square is often used in Feng Shui practice. The numbers in a square are arranged in a certain order, no matter how you add the numbers, you will always get a total of fifteen.

Lo-shu square by date of birth

Lo Shu Square. The basis of harmony in your home is the magic square of lo shu.

According to ancient Chinese legend, during the legendary Xia Dynasty (2200 BC), a giant turtle crawled ashore from the stormy waters of the Lo River. This event might have gone unnoticed, but the turtle had an unusual shell, on which nine numbers were clearly visible, arranged in a three by three square. This is how the gods presented people with a valuable gift - the magic square of Lo Shu.

The numbers and sides of the Luo Shu magic square have a geographic direction - north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west and northwest. Four main directions, four additional ones and the center. The main feature of the square is the unique arrangement of numbers, which are arranged in such a way that adding them in any direction - horizontally, vertically or diagonally - you can get the same number - 15.

Luoshu Square. According to the art of Feng Shui, any aspect of our life, be it love or work, relationships with relatives or hobbies, has its exact reflection in a clearly defined area of ​​the house or apartment. There are nine such zones, remember the nine numbers on a turtle’s shell? Each zone is tied to a certain side of the world and has its own element and color. To understand where this or that Lo Shu zone is located in your home, you need to apply the magic Lo Shu square to the plan of the house or apartment. There is, however, one caveat. In different interpretations, the square is applied differently. Feng Shui gurus have not come to a common opinion; some advise to navigate by the cardinal directions, while others insist on proceeding from the layout of the home. Only if you adhere to the first option, then zone 1 is located in the northern part of the house plan, the second option involves placing the first zone at the front door. It is believed that the entrance to the home is at the bottom of the square. You can choose any of the presented versions, but in the future stick to the chosen strategy so as not to harm yourself and others. Square zones. 1. northern zone. Represents a person’s career and life path.

The element of the zone is water. The zone colors are black, blue and blue. There should be no flat shapes, yellow color or its shades, or earth in this zone. The zone contains everything that may be directly related to your work and career. The shapes of the zone are predominantly round and wavy. The creative cycle for this zone is metal, circle, white. To activate this zone, you need to place in it any objects that are somehow related to water, for example, an aquarium with fish or a small fountain. Successful activation will be affected by the placement of metal products, these could be Chinese coins, metal jewelry or figurines. 2. southwestern zone. Represents our relationships, marriage, love. The element of this zone is earth. The zone colors are red, pink, yellow and orange. No trees should be placed in this area and there should be no green flowers. The shapes of the zone are predominantly triangular and square. The creative cycle for this zone is the red triangle, fire. This area should always be perfectly clean and free of broken objects. It is very important! Ideally, two red candles should be installed in the zone. All items must be placed in pairs only. Symbols of love are very appropriate in this sector, for example, heart-shaped pillows, chocolate, oriental sweets, etc. You can activate the zone with earth; place a flower pot here. Please note that the flower does not have to be green. 3. eastern zone. Represents family, mutual assistance, support. The element of this zone is a large tree. The colors of the zone are bright green, light green. This zone of the Luo Shu square does not tolerate metal. The zone shapes are rectangular. The creative cycle for this zone is water. Careful care of this area will help you improve your family relationships. For the well-being of the family, it is important to have a “Family” tree in this area. Carefully monitor the health of the plant and its appearance, because this tree represents the well-being of the family and its growth. In addition to the main “Responsibilities”, this zone feeds the financial well-being sector with positive energy. The zone bears direct “Responsibility” for vital things, such as timely payment of an apartment, quality food, and expenses for basic necessities. By placing living plants in the area and lighting it well, you will receive an influx of necessary vitality. 4. south-eastern zone. Represents abundance, wealth. The element of this zone is a small tree. The zone colors are gold, red, purple and green. There should be no metal in the area. The shape of the zone is strictly rectangular. The creative cycle for this zone is water. To activate the zone, you need to place a small fountain in it, an aquarium with fish, flowers with round or oval foliage. Be sure to provide high-quality lighting in the area, because plants need light to grow well. And no waterfalls, the magic square of Luo Shu is very strict in its rules. 5. central zone. Represents health.

Zone properties. The element of this zone is earth. Zone colors: yellow, orange. There should be no trees or green color in the area. The zone shapes are square. The creative cycle for this zone is the red triangle, fire. This area is responsible for health, and therefore ideal order and good lighting should reign here. You can activate this sector of your home with a beautiful crystal chandelier. Various funny toys, funny postcards and illustrations displayed in the center will have a beneficial effect, because laughter is the best medicine. 6. northwestern zone. Represents help, mentoring, and influences good luck in travel. The element of this zone is large metal. Zone colors are metallic, silver, gold, gray and white. Objects of triangular shapes and red color should not be present in this area. The zone shapes are round. The creative cycle for this zone is square, earth and yellow. The Lo Shu square considers this sector to be the possessions of the owner of the home, his kingdom. Activating this zone will give you the opportunity to receive help from the most incredible sources. Here it is appropriate to place photographs of people whom you consider your teachers. Metal bells in this area can work wonders. It’s enough to call them, ask for help - it will come even from where you couldn’t even imagine. The zone is also responsible for travel; put in it the views of the countries you want to visit, and you will definitely get to these places. 7. western zone. Represents creativity and children. The element of this zone is small metal. The zone colors are metallic, silver, gold and white. There should be no triangular shapes, red color or fire in the area. The creative cycle for this zone is square, earth and yellow. This sector should represent everything that is directly related to children, both present and future. A gallery of children's drawings or photographs of your children is quite appropriate here. The magic square of Lo Shu is favorable to Feng Shui figurines; figurines of children, for example, a boy with a sparrow, are very popular in this zone. Such a figurine symbolizes future happiness and gives divine protection and protection to your children. Another interesting talisman is a figurine of a child with a peach. It will bring happiness and health to children and protect them from various misfortunes. Such figurines can be placed in all zones; each sector has its own magical talismans, and in the following articles we will talk about them in more detail. 8. northeast zone. Represents knowledge, learning, intelligence and wisdom. The element of this zone is small land. The colors of the zone are beige, yellow and shades of brown. There should be no water or black color in this sector. The zone shapes are square. The creative cycle for this zone is fire. To activate this sector, stones, various natural crystals are suitable, a globe or map is very good. The ancient wisdom that fills the Loshu square will help you achieve unprecedented success in learning and retain the knowledge gained. You will become wiser, which means you will use the funds that come to you much more wisely. After all, only a wise person can save everything he receives, this also applies to money. 9. southern zone. Represents the reputation, glory and attitude of others towards you. The element of this zone is fire. Colors: red and all its shades. This area should be free of black, wavy lines and water. The zone shape is triangular. The creative cycle for this zone is green, tree and triangle. This sector will support you as an individual, help you achieve success and gain recognition in society. The ancient power contained in the Luo Shu square will help you achieve fame and success much easier, and the effect will last forever. Traditionally, this zone is activated by your diplomas and awards; a pyramid or anything that tends upward, for example, a model of a spaceship, would be appropriate. But peacock feathers installed in the zone will have the most beneficial effect - they are the ones who activate your full potential. Try to properly decorate each sector of your home. If all zones are designed as they should, the magic square of Lo Shu will attract chi energy into your home, with the help of which you can easily complete everything you have planned.

Remedies for Correcting Bad Feng Shui


Here we will look at the main means that are used in Feng Shui to correct unfavorable situations. These are lighting, candles, mirrors, crystals, pendants, bells, moving objects, plants, water, electrical appliances, sound, etc.

Light powerfully stimulates chi energy both outside and inside the home. Since light is closely associated with the element of fire, its effect is most pronounced in the southern part of the house or individual rooms. It also complements the qualities of the land in the southwest and northeast. The best light source is natural light. If you think that your home is not lit enough, you can change the curtains to lighter ones or hang a mirror on the side of the window.

If the lighting is too bright, which means yang energy predominates, it is better to hang thick curtains, since bright lighting is not favorable everywhere. Rest rooms, in particular the bedroom, should not be lit as brightly as rooms in which you do some work or receive guests. The light can be either strong or weak, but it should not irritate the eyes.

Fluorescent lighting is considered unhealthy in Feng Shui. You shouldn't place powerful lamps directly above your head, especially if you spend most of your time near them. Such lamps would be inappropriate near a desk, living room or dining room.

Candles only provide light when you light them, so don't keep a candle in your room just as decoration. Light it from time to time, and the fire will fill your home with favorable chi.

Lighting a candle in an alcove or corner of the room will help disperse the stagnant chi energy there. You should not light candles in the southern zone of the room, since the fire element activated in this part will begin to dominate the environment, and this is not always favorable.

Because mirrors attract and transmit chi energy, they are used in different ways in feng shui. If, due to the layout of the room, there is no area of ​​the Bagua octagon, using a mirror you can create a “presence effect” and thus restore the lost balance. A mirror can reflect the harmful effects of sharp corners, direct the flow of energy along a narrow or cluttered passage, and visually disguise certain places, for example, a toilet located next to the front door.

Mirrors double the objects they reflect, so place something useful or pleasant in front of the mirror. For example, using a mirror can double the amount of food on the table in the dining room (maybe that’s why you see mirrors so often in prestigious restaurants?). But this method is unlikely to be appropriate in the kitchen, where food is just being prepared and does not always look so appetizing.

In the bedroom, mirrors should under no circumstances reflect the spouses' bed, since this creates a “double image” of the marriage, which is very unfavorable from the point of view of Feng Shui.

Crystals are one of the main symbols of the earth element, so they should be placed in the southwest, northeast and central areas of the rooms. Usually transparent rock crystals are used, but you can put on a shelf a “brush” of amethyst or green garnet (uvarovite) crystals, that is, intergrowths of small crystals in the form in which they are found in nature.

A crystal or glass ball placed in the southwest corner of the living room will strengthen relationships; a crystal ball placed in the northeast will stimulate the desire for knowledge and education; in the east it will allow you to successfully implement your career plans.

Chinese numerology by date of birth online square Lo Shu. Luo Shu Square

Just look at the photo below to understand what it looks like. Lo Shu is a magic square in which the sum of the numbers in all its rows (diagonal, vertical and horizontal) is 15. It is oriented towards the lunar calendar.

Lo Shu is believed to play an important role in negative systems and metaphysics. It helps not only to determine the inclinations and character of a person, but also to find out how productive a certain period of his life will be.

How to calculate it? Nowadays, there are various online services for this, where everything is automated. You just need to indicate the date of your birthday and compare it with the date in the Chinese calendar. Then all that remains is to write the resulting numbers in the cells of the square.

How to figure all this out? Ideally, go deeper into studying the topic. But here's some quick information to help you understand the basics:

  • The top row is identified with the human mind.
  • The middle one represents spirituality.
  • The lower one relates to the physical body, business and financial success, as well as greed and selfishness.
  • The first vertical column is identified with the ability to generate ideas and express thoughts.
  • The second has to do with qualities such as persistence and determination.
  • The third vertical column demonstrates the ability to relate words to actions.

When studying the meaning of Chinese numerology and its principles, it should be noted that there are 20 lines in the Lo Shu square. Here's what you need to know about them:

  • 8 lines of power: any row is completely filled with numbers. It doesn't matter if it's diagonal, vertical or horizontal.
  • 8 lines of weakness: the rows are not filled with numbers.
  • 4 small lines. Key in terms of revealing character and personality. Although sometimes they are completely absent. In this case, personality analysis is carried out based on digital values.

This is all very interesting. Many people, having begun to get involved in this topic, study books of the Chinese school of numerology and become acquainted with the works of practitioners. But if you just want to compose your own square out of interest, then this will not cause any difficulties - modern services will compose it automatically in a second, and will also provide brief information about the meaning of each digit.

System compatibility analysis

Numerology will tell you the compatibility of partners based on their date of birth. How to calculate? If the family graph is strongly manifested in both partners, then this is a good sign. The money column must be strong for at least one of the partners.

If one person is born with a strong spirit, and the other is very domineering, then it is difficult for them to be together, but there are exceptions here too.

Basic square of Lo Shu. What is the Lo-Shu mesh?

The LO - SHU square is a square (or rectangle) divided into 9 sectors, which, like Bagua, serves as a means for analyzing the energy of rooms. There is a legend according to which, four thousand years ago, a large, divine turtle crawled ashore from the Lo River, on whose shell were numbers, the locations and order of these numbers, which form the basis of all Feng Shui formulas.

Lo Shu square calculation online. The Importance of the Luo Shu Square

How often have you had ups and downs in your life? Did you know that you can predict them? Luo Shu square is one of the ancient Chinese ways of calculating numbers by date of birth. The square is often used in Feng Shui practice. The numbers in a square are arranged in a certain order, no matter how you add the numbers, you will always get a total of fifteen.

Lo-shu square by date of birth


The square contains 9 numbers, very often they are called nine stars. They say that they are like cosmic energy, which endows a person with certain, unique qualities and characteristics. Numerology is a unique science.

Many Feng Shui masters think that these nine numbers refer to the Big Dipper, but in fact this is not the case. Oddly enough, this legend was invented by us and for us. We are all inquisitive, and in order to somehow explain the meaning of this energy, this story was invented. It’s just that, in fact, there is no explanation for where these 9 “patrons” came from, they just exist. In fact, these nine numbers symbolize nine different strong energies that descend to us on Earth and live, helping us in different situations.

How to calculate?

In fact, calculating lo-shu by a square on your own takes a long time and is not so easy. Calculations are based on date of birth. Example: 06/30/1987. Let's sum each number together: 3 0 0 6 1 9 8 7=20. At the same time, you must convert everything to the Chinese calendar. With decoding numbers online you can find out what awaits you.

The meaning of the first is interpreted as Tai Lan - translated from Chinese as a greedy wolf. Tai is immeasurable greed and thirst for jewelry. Lan is a wolf, although the word has a double meaning. They say that the first part is translated as a dog, and the second part has the meaning of a good and wise person. And the most ancient meaning of the word is a gift sent from heaven. That is, the first is the image of a greedy wolf who seeks to gain a gift from heaven. On the one hand, it is good that a person strives to learn new things, but at the same time is ready to go over his head and not think about the people around him.

What else do you need to know about values?

Chu-men - the great gate, is considered the most evil and not good of the existing series, which brings disease. Translated: Monarch of Disease. The second meaning is that the star brings fertility and longevity. And the third meaning is that the star is a big Doctor who treats many diseases. Let's also consider other existing star designations.

  1. Conservation 3. Lu-Xin is the savior and saver of the salary. Again two words and two different meanings. Lu is the God who gives wealth, and Xin is the God of disaster and destruction. One of the many names for this star is the Spirit of Misfortune or the Ghost of Accidents. And according to many reviews of people and observations of masters, this is true. The star really carries bad energy, which leads to sad consequences.
  2. Strength 4, interpreted as a civil official. The Chinese name is Wen Chu. The star carries difficult life paths, another of its meanings is “six troubles.” In ancient China, it was believed that people who held high positions were required to pass a couple of important exams to prove their strength and loyalty to the people. And it is believed that when a person occupied high positions, he relaxed and became lazy, as a result of which work for the people decreased. Another meaning is a smart nymph. This star can help you solve many problems and give love, but on the other hand it can bring discord and misfortune.

From five to nine - star interpretations

Star five stands out from all the stars. She embodies purity, faith and honesty. The Chinese name for Leno Chen is honesty and integrity. Oddly enough, with such good qualities, she is considered unfavorable. The second meaning is the Devil of cruelty, the Ghost of misfortune. But they say that it has a beneficial effect on people with the number 5.

Star 6 is a warrior who will always get his way and protect his family and friends. It is considered one of the most auspicious stars, which brings success, tranquility and good luck. The Chinese name is Wu Chu - Angel of Courage. Power 7, star 7 – Chinese Po Chun, means defeated army. Another meaning is the Phantom of Destruction or Hard Fate. Symbolizes the breaking of dreams and hopes. Very often he can deceive, give hope, and then cruelly take it away.

Luck 8 – carries the meaning of “emperor”. A star for big and hardworking people, those who always help. The star is said to be associated with the sun and it brings happiness, luck and joy. Another name is the Angel of Wealth and Glory. Energy 9, Chinese meaning – Yu Pi. The star draws its magical and energetic powers with the help of the Moon. And, as you know, the Moon is a strong recharge of energy. Translated as Angel of mighty power. Feng Shui masters, as well as ordinary people who are interested in such topics, are sure that this particular star can bring happiness and good luck to a person. They say it all depends on the environment. If she is in a negative environment she is bad, if she is in a positive environment she is good.

Bad stars: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and good ones - 1, 6, 8, 9.

Square Lo Shu juli po. How to calculate the code

To obtain numbers for interpretation, the Lo Shu square is used - a combination of magic and astrology. It is based on the lunar calendar. Consists of nine cells. The peculiarity of a square is that the sum of all the numbers horizontally, vertically and diagonally is 15.

To calculate the personality card, the date of birth is used, which is compared with the same date in the Chinese calendar.

The resulting values ​​are written into one of the cells of the square.

The numbers are analyzed by line: there are eight lines of strength, eight lines of weakness and four additional small lines. The result is a code based on the levels of the square (three rows and three columns). The top row speaks of the human mind, the middle row speaks of spiritual development, and the bottom row is responsible for the bodily shell. The sum of the numbers in each row corresponds to one code, which is converted to universal values.

Teaching in Numerology

The Pythagorean square is a special teaching in numerology that came to us from the priests of Egypt. It was they who came up with the idea of ​​recognizing a person’s character by numbers. Pythagoras developed his theory using the square as a basis. The psychomatrix or Square will also help you find out the main character traits, compatibility and much more.

A square is the numbers of the date of birth, added according to a certain system. Then these numbers need to be written according to the squares of the matrix from 1 to 9.

After this, the matrix should be analyzed with subsequent conclusions. According to the Pythagorean Square, a complete description of a person and his unmanifested abilities are also given with high accuracy.

Lo Shu Square 2022. Auspicious flying stars of 2019


The White Unit settled in the west in 2022. The Star of Wisdom is responsible for learning, communication and creativity. With its help, you can improve communication and social skills, gain recognition, attract the right people and make connections. It is useful to be in this sector just like that and when you study, work, create. If you need to prepare well for an exam or work project, you want to advance your career, or you want to achieve success in any activity that interests you, the Western sector is at your disposal and to help you.


The White Six moved to the eastern sector. This is the star of managers, it helps advance in career and professional activities, and is responsible for the authority that a person receives for knowledge and work in a certain field. In addition, you can use the positive energy of a star if you lack leadership qualities, self-discipline and the ability to complete things in your life.

To avoid a conflict between metal (star element) and wood (sector element), use objects representing the earth element for activation: ceramics, porcelain, clay or crystal things, brown, terracotta-colored objects, etc.


The White Eight flew to the center in 2022. This is a very useful and favorable star, especially in the current period (2004 - 2023), it symbolizes material gain and prosperity as a result of the work done. The star brings good luck as well as improved reputation. This year it cannot be activated (due to the fact that it is the center), but you can use other favorable stars and pay attention to the movement of the monthly eight.


The Violet Nine is in the northwest in 2022. The star of shows and holidays helps initiate many festive and auspicious events, including weddings, the birth of a child, career advancement, success in your activities and much more. It also means popularity, fame, reputation. Spend more time here: work, sleep, read, etc. If you have a door in the northwest, use it as often as possible to activate the energy. You can also activate energy with the help of indoor plants and green objects. Avoid blue, black, gray shades.

Jade Three (East)

This is a negative star, promoting quarrels, robberies, conflicts, and courts. As for health, the troika can bring with it problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Protection and correction of star 3

You can neutralize the flying star three using:

  • fiery Pearl (Ksitigarbha);
  • red rug;
  • “Yan Gate” signs;
  • red attribute or accessory in clothing.

Sometimes three can be useful, helping to overcome competitors. Add “fire” to your image and you will win!

Lo Shu Square meanings. How to use the Lo Shu square?

The Lo Shu square values ​​can be used to assess energy flows in any room. To do this, find the plan of your house, apartment and office. Stand with your back to the front door and determine the orientation of the room based on the cardinal directions. If there are any iron structures in the room, they may interfere with your measurements. Repeat the procedure two more times and compare the results: if they match, then everything was done correctly.

Having received an accurate plan of the house, draw a magic square on it, observing the orientation to the cardinal points. An energy map will appear in front of you, with which you can influence your life.

Feng Shui Bagua grid: what it looks like and its application

Home is the place where a person spends most of his time. Therefore, it is very important that there is an environment of happiness and prosperity. In order to determine which zones of the house in which direction of the world lie and what they are responsible for, the Bagua grid will help you. Read more about this on Horoscope Guru.

Bagua Grid

The Bagua grid is usually an octagon, each side of which corresponds to a specific part of the world. The grid is applied to the house plan. If your house plan is rectangular or square, then use the Bagua square.

To correctly determine the zones and cardinal directions, you will need a compass. Go to the front door and stand with your back to it. The red compass needle will point to the north side of the world. Now take the Bagua grid that you printed in advance, or the Bagua square. And place this device on the house plan in accordance with the cardinal directions. Draw a plan approximately the same size as the grid.

Favorable and not so favorable forms

Shapes, colors of the five elements

Square - refers to the Earth. It's great if there are square projections located in the western and northwestern corners. If they are in the northern corner with a front door, this contributes to the manifestation of the destructive effects of Water and Earth.

Rectangular – Wood element. If such forms are in the eastern and southeastern, as well as southern corners, this is good luck. Similarly, if there is an entrance door in these sectors. If the northeast and southwest are occupied by rectangular shapes, this is a sign of failure.

Triangular – element of Fire. Triangular corners should be on the south side. Here they occupy an ideal position, as in the southwest and northeast. If they are in the west or north-west, luck will leave you.

Moon-shaped protrusions - Water is responsible for them. In the east, north and southeast - these elements bring good luck. South is an unfavorable angle.

Wavy - element Water. Such forms are rare, but you need to know about them. Their best location is in the north, east and southeast. There may be various decorative protrusions, decorative elements and other forms of decoration. You should avoid placing them in the South, in the Fire zone. Water and Fire are far from the best neighbors.

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