How to be treated with Tibetan singing bowls and how this technique works

Singing bowls are healing in nature; when used, there is a quick change from nervousness to a peaceful state, a surge of creative insights is observed, the mind calms down, and pain, if a bowl is placed in place of its projection in the body and sound is extracted, gradually goes away.

The history of the Tibetan singing bowls

The countries of East Asia (North India and Nepal, Tibet) are considered the birthplace of resonating vessels.

Musical instruments were used to facilitate meditation and ceremonial rituals.

There are several versions of their occurrence:

  1. Bowls were invented by the Iranian-speaking peoples of the Himalayas, from where they subsequently spread to other countries. The oldest bowl found was found in the foothills of the Himalayas. Its age is 5 thousand years.
  2. The creators of sounding bowls were the sages of the ancient Chinese Shang Dynasty.
  3. Japanese Kannushi priests were the first to use sound therapy as part of religious rituals. It is believed that the predecessor of the bowls was the Japanese gong.
  4. This musical instrument was originally created in Tibet through the Dalai Lama (spiritual ruler). This is the most common version.

The influence of vibrations on the human body

In ancient times, Tibetan sages noticed that the sound of the Tibetan singing bowl had a healing effect on listeners. Many diseases are weakened or completely cured thanks to sound therapy.

In the 21st century the influence of sounds and music on living organisms was revealed and it was found that each internal human organ has its own resonant frequency.


Vibrations, as well as binaural rhythms that are created as a result of sound production, promote calm and relaxation. In addition, playing the bowl allows you to cleanse a person’s energy and relieve the stress accumulated during the day.

During the listening process a person:

  1. Strength is restored.
  2. Tissue regeneration improves.
  3. Physical and energy clamps are removed.
  4. Your mood improves.

Strength is restored
When listening to the bowls, a person's strength is restored.

Meditation background

Indian bowls are used both for group meditations and for individual yogic practices.

Their use for spiritual practices can be different:

  1. Creating a background to stop internal dialogue.
  2. Improved concentration, increased duration of practice.
  3. Strengthening emotional health.
  4. Dive into deeper layers of the subconscious (compared to meditation without sound).


It is important to note that spiritual practice does not guarantee a cure for a serious illness. However, proper and regular use of singing vessels can improve a person’s well-being, give him strength and motivation in the fight against the disease.

To relieve headaches
To relieve headaches, bowls should be placed near the head.

To have one or another beneficial effect on the body, you need to know some rules:

  1. To relieve headaches, so that the sound of the bowl is quiet, place the instrument near the head. The meditator’s position is sitting (in the lotus position).
  2. To improve sleep and combat insomnia, listen to the sound of the bowl while lying on your back, with your eyes closed.
  3. For stomach pathologies, lie on your back, legs bent, palms gently rubbing your stomach.
  4. For skin diseases, stay close to the bowl - 10–20 cm (so that you can physically feel the vibrations emanating from it).

Loud, high-pitched sounds help improve blood circulation and cleanse blood vessels of waste and toxins. Low overtones have a good effect on bone tissue and stimulate regeneration processes.

Vibration massage

The benefit of sound vibration massage is that it simultaneously affects all systems of the body.

Both playing and listening to singing vessels allows you to:

  • improve the activity of the hematopoietic organs and heart;
  • regulate blood pressure (low sounds reduce it, high sounds increase it);
  • strengthen or restore extinct reflexes of the musculoskeletal system;
  • activate metabolic processes;
  • increase the performance of tired muscles;
  • stimulate motor activity of the stomach and peristalsis.

Arterial pressurePlaying singing vessels regulates blood pressure.
To use Tibetan bowls for massage purposes, you must have primary skills (or better yet, undergo training). If vibration massage is performed incorrectly or for a long time, a person may experience discomfort, cramps, sensory disturbances and other disturbances.

Harmonization of space

Every room in a house or apartment is filled with energy flows. They have a strong impact on the well-being of those who live in this area.

Harmonization of space with the help of a resonating bowl leads to:

  • neutralization of geopathogenic zones (places causing energy leakage);
  • creating an atmosphere of comfort and coziness;
  • dispersal and transformation of stagnant energy flows;
  • cleansing the space and protecting it from any negative influences.

You can also use this musical instrument during long stays away from home, frequent quarrels, moving, or frequent stress.

Working with chakras

For practices related to the opening of energy centers, only forged bowls are suitable. Experienced yogis recommend using sound vibrations primarily to work with the first 4 chakras. This is due to the fact that in most cases it makes no sense to improve the higher centers until the lower ones are developed.

Yogis recommend using sound vibrations to work with chakras.

List of chakras indicating settings:

  1. Muladhara. A bowl tuned to C is suitable. The practice strengthens emotional stability, endurance and physical health.
  2. Svadhisthana. Note "D". Sound vibrations allow you to reveal sexuality, self-confidence and cheerfulness.
  3. Manipura. Corresponds to the note "E". The development of the 3rd chakra is associated with intelligence, willpower and leadership.
  4. Anahata. Note "F". Working with the heart chakra increases financial well-being in life and normalizes family relationships.
  5. Vishuddha. An instrument tuned to the note "G". Chakra associated with creativity, communication and intuition.
  6. Ajna. The note "A". Disclosure of extrasensory abilities (clairvoyance, telepathy, astral vision, etc.).
  7. Sahasrara. Note "B". Connection with the Universal Mind, connection to higher knowledge and Divine Love.

When to clean the room

  • After a visit from people you don't like
  • when moving into a new home
  • to protect against the harmful energy of the annual flying stars
  • after a quarrel, scandal or unpleasant conversation
  • if there is a sick person in the house
  • if you or someone in your household is upset about something or is simply in a sad mood
  • or simply if you want to harmonize the space of your home and attract good luck into your life

It should also be noted that singing bowls are used not only in the practice of Feng Shui, but are also widely used in sound therapy - sound treatment. Watch the video at the end of the article to see exactly how this is done.

You can also use a singing bowl to perform self-massage, which is very beneficial for health. Strengthens the immune system, normalizes blood flow. Look.

Scientific opinion

According to research by Japanese scientists, playing singing vessels has a positive effect on the electrical activity of the brain. A similar effect can only occur in close proximity to the instrument. When listening to recordings, no therapeutic effect on the body occurs.

Brain activity
Playing singing bowls has a positive effect on brain function.

Other studies have also been conducted:

  1. In the early 2000s. a group of Italian oncologists proved that Tibetan bowls speed up the body’s recovery after chemotherapy. Sound therapy also improved the well-being and mood of patients.
  2. Tibetan researchers discovered that while playing bowls, a person's so-called "Depression Index" This makes it possible to use a musical instrument for psychotherapy.
  3. Dutch scientists conducted a series of experiments with bowls, as a result of which their ability to disinfect water was discovered.

However, so far there is no evidence of a direct cure for this or that disease.

Scientific medicine recommends using an exotic instrument only as an auxiliary therapy, and not as a primary therapy.

How to Prepare to Play Singing Bowls

The performer does not need to know the music to play the Tibetan bowl.

However, there are several basic rules that must be followed:

  1. Before performing, prepare a small pillow or thick cloth. In this case, the vessel must stand steadily and not wobble from side to side.
  2. Wipe the wooden stick, which is moved over the surface of the instrument, with a damp cloth.
  3. Ventilate the room in which you plan to play music.
  4. For some types of vibration massage, prepare certain essential oils, candles and incense.

Prepare for the game
To play the Tibetan bowl you don't need to know the sheet music.

Sound healing

Harmonious sounds create order out of chaos. We can say that illness is a kind of chaos in the body. Over the millennia, those who have studied health science have realized that certain frequencies are extremely beneficial to the human body.

When we “engage” with healing frequencies, our body and mind vibrate in harmony.

There is a lot of healing music freely available on YouTube with different frequencies, these are the so-called Solfeggio Frequencies. Now let’s figure out what exactly they influence:

sound therapy

How to choose a singing bowl

The main aspect when choosing a Tibetan bowl is intuition. If the process of producing sound involves the phenomenon of frisson (goosebumps), then this instrument is best suited.

In addition, it is advisable to know why the vessel is being purchased - for meditative practices, treatment, professional training or playing at home.


When studying the shape of the bowl, it is important to pay attention to the correct bends. Large instruments are more likely to have physical defects (cracks, unevenness, dents).

The sound also depends on their size:

  1. Large (more than 20 cm in diameter). The sound is low, clear, without rattling, rich in undertones. Vibrations can be felt well during the game.
  2. Medium (from 14 to 20 cm). The sonority is balanced, without a predominance of the extreme registers. The disadvantage of such bowls is the rapid attenuation of sound.
  3. Small (less than 14 cm in diameter). They have high volume and sharp sound. Most often they are sold as a set, where each bowl is tuned to its own tonality.

The sound of the bowl depends on its size.


It is important to choose the right stick to make the vessel sound.

To choose a resonator, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The surface of the stick is enameled or covered with felt or soft suede fabric.
  2. Wood – beech or teak.
  3. To practice percussion technique, the mallet has a weight at the end.
  4. The length of the stick corresponds to the size of the bowl.

For beginners, it is better to focus on medium-sized resonators, because... They are the easiest way to practice the technique and basics of sound production.

Surface material

Modern instruments are made of brass or bronze, often with the addition of precious metals.

Surface material
Modern bowls are made of brass or bronze.

Moreover, the more metals a bowl contains, the better its vibration and acoustic characteristics:

  • silver – 0.002% (responsible for high-pitched sounds);
  • tin – 28.6% (gives richness);
  • gold – 0.001% (strengthens the middle register);
  • lead – 0.001% (adds harshness to the sound);
  • copper – 71.3% (provides strength to the bowl and volume to the sound);
  • iron – 0.3% (forms bass);
  • mercury – 0.01% (increases vibrations).


To obtain a deeper timbre of sound, the bowl can be filled with water (half or 1/3). However, only forged tools of medium or large size are suitable for this.

How often should sessions be repeated and when will the first effect appear?

Sessions can be repeated as often as you want, because this is a powerful tool for self-ecology, especially if the work is associated with mental stress and stress. During class you work through these moments, relax and leave with a smile and a different energy level. The more you practice, the sooner positive changes will occur. But you shouldn’t expect a quick effect: someone falls asleep after two months, and after another two they notice changes at the level of thinking. It all depends on personal goals. If this is your way of relaxation and it brings you joy, go. If you get more pleasure from cross-stitching or running, do embroidery and run.

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More details

Ways to play the singing bowl

There are 2 main types of sound production - friction of the stick against the edge of the bowl and impact. Anyone can master them at an intermediate level. The difficulty lies in extracting sounds of different timbres and registers using the same resonator.

Ways to play
Every person can master sound production.


The most common technique. Before playing, it is important to make sure that the bowl is positioned stable and does not move when touched.

Next you need:

  1. Take the stick in one hand.
  2. Using light pressure, move it along the edge of the bowl, creating a sound.
  3. To extract additional overtones while recording, slowly rotate the stick around its axis.

During the game, the wrist should be at the same level and not move while turning the resonator. The main difficulty when playing with friction is to move the stick continuously, with the same pressure throughout the entire circumference. It is important to move the stick at the same speed, without speeding up or slowing down the pace.

Any effort contributes to an instant change in sonority.

Beginners are recommended to experiment with the pressure and speed of the stick at first in order to quickly master this technique.

Percussion technique

Similar to playing bells. To produce sound you will need a beater with a weight on the end.

Percussion technique
The striking technique is not difficult.

The basics of technology are not difficult at all:

  1. Take the stick in one hand (the other can hold a small bowl at this time).
  2. It is easy to hit the outer surface of the bowl with the resonator.
  3. For loud sound, strike the outer rim with a suede stick. A muffled sound can be achieved by striking with a heavy felt mallet just below the rim of the singing bowl.

Bell therapy

This method of treating all diseases and disasters has been used in Rus' since ancient times. Today this method is often called private resonance therapy. Modern science shows that ringing (especially low-frequency) destroys the pathogenic environment. Previously, it was prescribed to rivet (strike) bells in Russia during an epidemic.

For many years, psychiatrist Gnezdilov treated many mental illnesses with calls and blows. He was able to heal hundreds of people.

A bell and a bell can relieve a person from a stressful state, help him quickly undergo psychotherapeutic rehabilitation and quickly return to normal life after severe shocks to the nervous system. It is believed that the bell helps a person find his own voice, create an internal rhythm and find harmony.

How to massage with a singing bowl

To perform a full-fledged sound massage, it is advisable to have several Tibetan vessels of various sizes. A person will need a mattress or a thick rug.

The procedure itself goes like this:

  1. The person lies on his back, trying to relax his whole body.
  2. Bowls are placed around his body: near the feet, on the sides near the knees, hips and shoulders. One is placed near the back of the head. In some Indian traditions, instruments are placed on the person.
  3. The healer-musician plays each bowl alternately, most often alternating the friction technique with the percussion technique.
  4. If during the process any bowl suddenly changes its sound, this means that there is a painful place next to it.

How to perform a massageTo perform a massage, a person lies on his back.
The average massage time is from 5 to 20 minutes.

Gong meditation

Gong meditation is a type of yoga that is accompanied by sound and completely relaxes the body. During the exercises, the excitement inherent in thoughts is beautifully overlaid by sound waves that put the person in a completely new position.

This is a unique source of Anahata Nada - the basis of eternal and endless vibrations and internal sounds that perfectly coincide with different parts of the human body. But what are the advantages:

  • relieving anger and aggression
  • make important decisions and realize the true values ​​of life
  • feeling of warmth and hope
  • gaining trust and self-esteem
  • improving the functioning of the digestive system

According to the rules, such meditation is divided into two stages. All you have to do is lie down comfortably and rest your head on a low pillow. Covering yourself with a blanket is also helpful.

Direct meditation is usually performed by an experienced teacher who has received appropriate training. Only experience and knowledge make it possible to extract various sound vibrations from the gong, which must move at the right time and in the right direction.

In the future, unnecessary sounds will disappear and a feeling of pristineness will appear.

Uses for chakras

The practice is performed with the help of a partner. The general rule when playing to develop the chakras is that a person’s attention should be focused in the area of ​​the energy center, on how the instrument sings.

The chakras are located as follows:

  1. Muladhara - at the tailbone.
  2. Svadhisthana - at the junction of the spine and sacrum.
  3. Manipura is in the solar plexus.
  4. Anahata – close to the heart.
  5. Vishuddha - in the throat area.
  6. Ajna - between the eyebrows.
  7. Sahasrara - at the back of the head.

Uses for chakrasThe practice is performed to develop the chakras.
Experienced yogis recommend using friction rather than percussion techniques in this practice. When playing, the bowl should be placed next to the chakra.

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