Technique of correct fortune telling and detailed decoding of hexagrams from the Book of Changes

One of the most ancient systems for predicting the future is the Book of I Ching, which came to us from the depths of centuries. In addition to the fact that this fortune telling is characterized by amazing accuracy, it is also a cultural monument of a great ancient civilization, the inventions of which we use to this day.

This section presents the interpretation of the hexagrams of the I Ching Book of Changes, and their interpretation with detailed decoding for various options for online fortune telling, as well as some texts from the book itself.

The worst hexagrams of the Book of Changes

It is impossible to name clearly negative symbols due to the difference in the interpretation of individual lines, but some of them are still the most unfavorable. Among these:

  • Hexagram 3 Zhun;
  • Hexagram 6 Sun;
  • Hexagram 39 Jian.

But be careful, their interpretation can also have positive aspects.

On our website you can conduct fortune telling using the I Ching Book of Changes in any of the existing options, for example - Money Toad, Past and Future, Life according to Feng Shui, Love Book of Changes, as well as Yin-Yang and the I Ching Oracle. The ancient Chinese predictions collected on our website have a long history, their reliability and accuracy have been tested by time, so there is every reason to trust this method and apply it in practice. You can also predict the future yourself, using the interpretation of each hexagram and its description presented in this section.

Interpretation of hexagrams with detailed interpretation

The titles of the paragraphs, although they sound specific, should be interpreted as broadly as possible, since 64 prophecies cover all possible life situations.

Decoding the prediction itself will help you find a complete answer to the question posed if you think about the meaning of the hexagram in the context of current problems.

1 – Qian – Creativity

This is a hexagram of male energy, the peak of creative activity. Any undertaking will be within your reach if you distribute your forces correctly. You should become vigilant and judicious so as not to lose your head from easy victories.

Major changes are coming no later than six months later. Opportunities will need to not only be seen, but also used. The realization of creative intentions and career growth are guaranteed to those who show determination and perseverance in achieving their goals.

2 – Kun – Execution

It may seem that things are hardly moving forward, but there is no need to despair. The wish will certainly come true, although you will have to wait. If you don’t rush things and be patient, then everything will turn out exactly as you wanted.

The main thing is not to give in to selfish motives, this will ruin relationships with others. Now more than ever, outside support is important. In the near future, it is recommended to give up long trips and direct energy in a peaceful direction.

3 – Zhun – Initial difficulty

This is an extremely unfavorable time. Failures and difficulties will lurk in business at every step.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to “wait out the bad weather” for several months without doing anything. The situation will not change. You will have to show perseverance and choose a period more suitable for new achievements. At this time, it is time to turn to moderation in needs and start thinking about the future.

4 – Myn – Mistakes of youth

Since there is a lot of anxiety and uncertainty at this time, there is no need to make hasty decisions. It is impossible to make the right choice if you are confused.

Communication with children and advice from older relatives or management will help you calm down. Everything will change soon - new prospects are just around the corner, and it is possible to succeed only by focusing your efforts on one intention.

5 – Xu – Waiting

This hexagram should be interpreted as expectation. Haste and carelessness will become a source of problems.

You need to pay attention to planning and forecasting, then your financial situation will improve. Support from new friends is possible. It also helps to be careful when approaching friendships and romantic relationships.

6 – Song – Conflict

The symbol means disharmony in all areas. Restraint and tolerance can improve the current situation.

Until circumstances change, it is undesirable to enter into confrontation. This will significantly shake your mental balance and require a lot of strength. It is better to turn to the principle of cooperation - joint projects will be successful.

7 – Shi – Army

The current situation will require taking the position of a commander. When taking any actions, we must not forget about sole responsibility for them. Therefore, in future cases one should be guided by the arguments of reason and fair treatment. This is the only way to gain allies and overcome obstacles along the way.

8 - Bi - Approach

The stage of active decisions has arrived - it’s time to put plans into action. Collaboration is very important at the moment.

The fulfillment of desires depends on the ability to listen to the advice of others. Sensitivity and attention to loved ones will help strengthen family ties and find a reliable rear. Don't forget about honesty and trust; these qualities are now more important than ever.

9 – Xiao-chu – Raising children

The situation is not suitable for confident actions and global plans. It's better to pay attention to small tasks.

Changes are expected in the future, but now all that is important is to monitor the situation. Improving your home life will be beneficial. By turning to pressing problems, you can wait out the turbulent period and tune in to a favorable outcome in the material sphere - it is inevitable.

10 - Lee - Offensive

It is worth taking time for introspection and reflection. Based on the experience of the past, it is not difficult to create a productive strategy for future actions.

Being polite and friendly will ensure the support of others. It will be needed, as a series of unexpected troubles will soon occur. Perseverance and determination will help you deal with troubles.

11 – Tai – Dawn

Decoding the symbol reads happiness and carelessness. Wishes will come true, success awaits both in finance and in love.

In order not to lose the gifts of fate, one must not become wasteful and go to extremes. It is better to remember that nothing lasts forever and invest in the future. Determination will prolong prosperity and preserve existing wealth.

12 - Pi - Decline

The situation is characterized by extreme instability; you should be attentive to your friends; unpredictable sides of their nature may appear. Taking on a large-scale undertaking now means exposing yourself to thoughtless risks.

At the same time, wise advice from an outsider will be a useful help. Now it’s better not to neglect society, take a break from work and thoroughly understand your relationships. Soon the situation will become clearer and the long-standing plan will be implemented.

13 – Tong ren – Like-minded people

The Chinese Book of Changes marks this period by the fact that unity with loved ones becomes a source of strength. Joint projects and various kinds of interaction with friends and relatives are favorable.

Grandiose undertakings will be possible, things will go smoothly. You can boldly enter the fight and pursue high goals. Help can be expected from everywhere, even from the most unexpected quarters.

14 - Tao yu - Possession of the great

The prevailing feeling is contentment and prosperity. However, there is no need to rush; the hexagram promotes the success of those who systematically move towards the goal.

You shouldn’t waste energy on trifles and be distracted by everyday trifles. If you concentrate on solving an important problem, everything will work out as well as possible, and you will be able to gain independence in the material and spiritual spheres.

15 – Qian – Humility

The interpretation of the symbol indicates the precariousness of the current situation. Difficulties come, and you can cope with them by showing calm and restraint.

Many reasons can cause confusion, but there is no need to worry. By showing humility and waiting time, achieving what you want will be easy. After a few months, the need will arise to again become the master of the situation, then there will be a need to take active action without rejecting outside help.

16 – Yu – Liberty

Enjoying life is more appropriate than ever. There will be a need to relax and succumb to new hobbies and temptations. The opposite sex will show unprecedented interest, and you will be able to make useful acquaintances. However, by allowing yourself too much, there is a risk of being left with nothing. Avoiding extremes is the main principle of action.

17 – Sui – Following

The situation has become unclear, and it is difficult to understand what is happening. You will need to strengthen your financial situation, this will help you survive in difficult times.

You will have to take time to observe yourself and rethink your life strategies. To make your wish come true, you need to learn from the past. Change will not keep you waiting; you must adhere to these principles, even if the goal becomes different.

18 - Gu - Correcting what's broken

There is a discord in relationships with loved ones, this will cause trouble. Forethought can protect you from rash actions and helps clarify the situation.

Now it is better to rely on intuition; following someone else’s advice is undesirable for success in business. If you don’t reproach yourself for failures and learn from mistakes, you can gain irreplaceable benefits and become the master of the situation.

19 – Lin – Approaching

The victorious period is approaching. Success will accompany all areas of activity. Courage and perseverance will soon be rewarded. The harder you go towards your goal, the faster your wishes will come true and new prospects will open up.

It doesn't hurt to be careful in your relationships with friends - successful achievements are the subject of envy. In a relationship with a loved one, misunderstandings are possible, but they will quickly pass.

20 – Guan – Contemplation

There is no point in managing the situation now. All attempts to change it will bring opposite results. The time has come for a detailed understanding of reality.

Attention to pressing problems and hidden aspects of reality will speed up the return of control over the situation. The source of strength will be concentrated in calmness and patience, careful planning will be the key to contentment in the future.

21 - Shi-ho - Clenched teeth

A gloomy view of the world does not help solve the problem; it only spoils the mood of loved ones and takes away energy. My soul is anxious, and the best solution in this case is a new business. Circumstances will change through conscientious work.

Having gathered courage, you need to step over the acute feelings of injustice and learn a lesson from your mistake. Soon your hopes will come true, but for now it’s worth paying attention to your family, taking care of household chores and calming down.

22 – Bi – Decoration

The meaning of this hexagram is masquerade and trickery. People around you behave insincerely. If you play by their rules, then falsehood and pretense will become a source of problems. You can get out of the network of intrigue by consciously demonstrating your true feelings.

Fortune favors those who:

  • art;
  • show business;
  • politicians.

Everyone else should be on guard. You need to recognize false motives in time, then the fulfillment of desires will not keep you waiting.

23 – Bo – Destruction

Now there is a risk of getting into trouble, so you can’t be zealous in starting big things. Troubles are brewing both financially and in the family sphere.

You must be sensitive and careful to save the situation. There is no point in despairing over the lack of support from loved ones - by strengthening confidence in your own abilities, you will be able to overcome the difficulties that have arisen.

24 - Fu - Return

A situation arises in choosing landmarks for a new path. It is necessary to realize past mistakes so that the next step is correct, because it will mark a turning point in fate. You may have to start a lot from scratch, but this will not be a retreat, but a return to your true nature and intentions.

The number 7 will play an important role - in seven days, weeks or months an event significant for the next life will occur.

25 – U-wan – Purity

The peak of activity is not near, it’s time to receive pleasant surprises from fate. However, you should not lose your vigilance, since deception or damage from a loved one is likely.

Clarity and simplicity will come to life if worthy plans are realized by appropriate means. Understanding reality will help you outline a plan of action.

26 - Da-chu - Raising Great

There has been a pause in all aspects of life. Instead of ethereally wasting energy on trifles, you need to wait for the end of stagnation in readiness for the unexpected. Soon the energy will find a useful and pleasant use.

The desire will come true if it is clearly formulated and realized. Financial difficulties will overshadow the situation, in which case you need to look for a new source of income. Help will come from people who have had similar problems.

27 - I - Food

Gluttony and indulgence will be detrimental. Gossip will also be a source of trouble. It would be useful to adjust the rhythm of life and take care of your health.

Soon the situation will change, in order not to miss a good moment for action, you need to distract yourself from pleasures and reconsider your priorities. In turn, problems with property and money are solvable - you just have to wait.

28 - Da-go - Excellence of the Great

The period is extremely favorable. A surge of energy will allow you to solve accumulated problems and begin to implement your urgent plans.

It is advisable to pay attention to temperament. Excitement associated with good luck will create impatience in relationships with family. If you become proud, you can make mistakes and lose everything. Modesty will help you soberly assess what is happening and preserve family ties.

29 - Si-kan - Repeated danger

Fate this time is generous only with defeats and losses. To resist her means to make the situation even worse. All that can be done is to try to adapt to the surrounding adversity and wait for a favorable period. It will come in 2-5 months. Until then, you need to maintain composure and deal with everyday issues.

30 – Li – Radiance

Outwardly things are great, but in reality they are not. There is a high risk of being captured by illusions or conscious self-deception. If you rely entirely on fate, you may not notice impending troubles and suffer significant damage. It is more appropriate to take a closer look at the circumstances and surroundings, then possible prospects will open up. The support of loved ones is essential, and the advice of elders will play an important role in achieving success.

31 – Xian – Interaction

Your state of mind will determine further events. If you set yourself up for luck and success, they won’t keep you waiting.

Like-minded people will help you find what you want many times faster; it doesn’t hurt to enlist outside help and show your organizational talents. There are pleasant surprises and events ahead. If you share the joy of victories with friends, this will become the basis for fruitful joint endeavors.

32 – Han – Constancy

The spirit of contradiction will lead to troubles. Internal uncertainty will manifest itself externally. It is necessary to understand feelings and motives, to identify guidelines before making plans.

In order not to give rise to gossip and fuss, you need to be more careful in choosing friends. New projects should not be implemented until the old ones are resolved.

33 – Dun – Flight

An atmosphere of anxiety will prevent the immediate implementation of plans; now it is better to put things aside and listen to yourself. Intuition will tell you how to proceed.

The hexagram favors active recreation and entertainment. Physical exercise and meditation will help put your thoughts in order. This stop will not be a retreat, it will serve to accumulate resources before the next step.

34 - Da-zhuan - The power of the great

Inner wisdom should prevail over excessive emotionality and impetuosity. Therefore, assertiveness and fussiness are useless. When ambition comes to the fore, there is rarely room for everything else. You can avoid troubles only by establishing balance in your soul and realizing your true motives.

Conflicts with others are very likely during this turbulent period. You should take into account the interests of your loved ones and listen to their opinions, then in two months the difficult situation will be resolved.

35 – Jin – Sunrise

The meaning of the symbol promises good luck in all aspects of life. Do not be upset by minor troubles, they will be replaced by a series of happy events. You can confidently move forward; fate favors initiatives. Your cherished wish will certainly come true, but not in the near future.

Generosity will be fully rewarded - recognition and respect are guaranteed. However, saving in the financial sector will not hurt.

36 - Min-i - Eclipse of Light

At first glance, things are great, but this will not always be the case. A series of troubles are visible ahead.

The fulfillment of desires in the near future is unlikely; you need to be patient and resilient. It's time to start saving and saving money.

Self-confidence in love is also unnecessary now; you should pay attention to your partner and not give strangers a reason for gossip.

37 – Jia-ren – Family

This ancient hexagram emphasizes the importance of family. The support of family and friends will play a paramount role in the implementation of plans.

It is better to postpone trips to other countries and take care of your home and take care of the well-being of loved ones. If you listen to the advice of a significant person, it will bring harmony and prosperity to your relationship and things will go smoothly.

38 – Kui – Discord

It may seem that everyone around you is critical, and any trifle can make you angry. It is unlikely that you will be able to fight fate, but coping with irritation is quite possible. By resting and reflecting in a relaxed atmosphere, you can find a way out of an unstable situation.

Starting a large-scale project now means plunging even deeper into the abyss of worries. Housework, on the contrary, will relieve stress.

39 – Jian – Obstacle

A difficult period of failure will test your endurance. Expenses are inappropriate now; you should be more economical and wait out the difficult days. The more forces you put into resisting circumstances, the worse everything will turn out in the future.

To stay calm, you should take a break from large-scale plans and switch to small tasks. Immersed in study and family matters, you can expect help from a loved one.

40 – Jie – Liberation

Profitable prospects for new business and career growth open up. In order not to miss a lucky chance, you need to make every effort to work.

The circle of acquaintances will expand, and there will be an opportunity to acquire useful connections.

Traveling will bring a lot of pleasure; a fateful meeting will happen on the road.

41 – Sun – Decrease

It is necessary to introduce a little charity into life, and it does not matter whether to help loved ones or strangers. In any case, fate will generously reward you for your kindness.

It is possible to realize your plans only if you believe in yourself and hope for the best. Success in money matters is guaranteed, income will grow steadily. The period also promotes rethinking of actions and life principles.

42 - I - Increase

The symbol indicates success in demonstrating leadership qualities. You can safely take on the management of a project, organize events - good luck will accompany important matters. With the help of an influential patron, it will be easy to get a promotion in your career.

In the near future, a happy accident will resolve financial difficulties and fulfill an old dream for which there were previously not enough funds.

43 – Guai – Breakthrough

Courage and perseverance can do a lot, difficulties will recede. An initially reckless idea will turn into a profitable enterprise; you should listen to your intuition.

During this period, well-being will depend on the ability to resist temptations. Excessive self-indulgence and gambling will only bring negativity and take a lot of energy. By pacifying stubbornness and becoming more tolerant, you will be able to maintain harmony in your relationships with your environment.

44 - Go - Arriving at a meeting

Problems in interacting with people will affect all areas of life. It’s better to leave complaints for later and focus on the merits of your interlocutor.

An unexpected circumstance will soon change the situation; you need to prepare for the consequences. Disputes take energy, and it will be needed to solve other significant difficulties.

45 – Tsui – Reunion

Relationships with friends and loved ones are marked by harmony and mutual understanding. If you start a new business now in collaboration with like-minded people, it will turn out to be a success. No less favorable are meeting the right people, which can develop into productive partnerships and strong friendships. The efforts previously spent on development and creation will now bear fruit.

46 – Shen – Rise

Waiting and procrastination are useless; you need to consistently achieve your goal. Patience and perseverance will help you enjoy a period of general well-being longer. The obstacles will turn out to be insignificant, common sense will overcome the persistent prejudices of others.

Conscientious work will soon pay off. This is only the initial stage of stability and prosperity.

47 – Kun – Exhaustion

There is no need to keep going when resources are depleted. It's time to stop and take a break from routine worries. All difficulties will end sooner or later. Weakness and lack of faith in one’s strength will only make the situation worse.

You shouldn’t take everything to heart; it’s better to pay attention to the people around you. Someone superior is able to selflessly provide a service to get out of a difficult situation.

48 – Jing – Well

At present, although circumstances do not promise problems, they are more likely to contribute to everyday activities. It is better to postpone major undertakings.

No changes are expected in the financial plan; profits will remain at the same level. However, it is advisable to help someone in need, even if your own affairs are not in order. This will turn out to be beneficial in the future.

49 – Ge – Change

The turmoil is behind us and a stable period of abundance is approaching. Recent plans will change due to new opportunities to influence the outcome of the planned enterprise. There may not be confidence and calm, however, everything will work out.

The hexagram favors:

  • innovative ideas and initiatives;
  • travel;
  • long journeys.

50 – Din – Altar

Instead of paying attention to envy, you should act steadily and decisively towards achieving your goal. Hobbies and entertainment are inappropriate now; luck is on the side of work and family matters.

In the interpretation of the symbol, the number 3 is of great importance. Therefore, it is better to start any project with two like-minded people. Only then will you be able to surpass your rivals. The wish will soon come true, although not in the way previously imagined.

51 - Zhen - Awakening, thunder

Someone will try to prevent you from carrying out your plan, but the obstacle will turn out to be insignificant. You can relax and watch what is happening, in the end, everything will turn out favorable.

The situation will involve you in a whirlpool of unexpected circumstances and changes, require active participation and drain your strength. So there is no need for overexertion, and rest will be useful for restoring health.

52 – Gen – Concentration

For now, it’s worth putting up with stagnation in work and canceling meetings and negotiations - you won’t achieve success there. The period of progress has passed; vigorous activity must be left behind.

Studying and hobbies, planning and thinking will be beneficial. In a few months, the current situation will be reversed and will require persistent intervention.

53 – Jian – Development

The wish will come true as soon as vanity and chaos disappear from life. Trying to achieve everything at once will only lead to difficulties and delays. If further steps are carefully planned, then success will become a reliable companion. Relying on someone else's opinion, there is a risk of losing; it is better to rely on your own judgment.

54 – Gui-mei – Bride

Active actions will not lead to the desired result. In a new business, prudence must be paramount. First of all, you need to look at your state of mind.

In love, everything is not so smooth, you should be careful, because the likelihood of deception is high. If you perceive what is happening with prudence and composure, you can see brilliant prospects in the near future.

55 – Fyn – Abundance

Abundance and prosperity are the first features of this hexagram. Things are going great, all that remains is to reap the fruits of hard work. Work related to agriculture or art is noted for particular success. However, there is no firm certainty that the cherished desire will come true yet.

There is no room for discord in relationships with loved ones; they will always be ready to help and support. You should trust your feelings in family matters; often the answer is already known to the subconscious.

56 – Lü – Wandering

The main message is not to stop there and slowly but surely move forward. If you focus on the real goal and reduce claims on fate, it will continue to favor you. Disappointment in the moderation of success is inappropriate; everything points to a profitable business.

Favorable endeavors in the following areas:

  • new acquaintances;
  • acquisitions;
  • travel.

57 – Sun – Penetration

The situation may seem confusing, it's time to think about the next step. Much will depend on the chosen line of behavior, so you should take the assessment of what is happening seriously. In six months, everything will return to normal, but now we need to focus on pressing tasks. Prudence and caution will help you remove obstacles and achieve what you want.

58 – Blow – Joy

People around you will try to change the order of things; you should not succumb to flattering reviews. However, communication in the company of friends and spontaneous travel will bring a lot of joy. A positive attitude will remain in life for a long time if you do not go to extremes and do not lose your sense of reality. The period was marked by particular success among representatives of the banking and trading professions.

59 – Huan – Fragmentation

The instability is over and good times are beginning. Your wish will come true if you put in the effort. A person with the makings of a leader will easily achieve everything he strives for.

If you are persistent and go to the end, you can win big. Developments in the scientific and industrial spheres, love affairs are more successful than ever.

60 – Jie – Restriction

Actions must be taken with full understanding of their consequences. Because proposals that at first glance are promising will actually turn out to be embellished and insignificant. Interesting projects and ideas will come to life in familiar circumstances. Delicacy in relationships now will help create a reliable family rear.

61 – Zhong Fu – The Secret Truth

The interpretation of the hexagram indicates cooperation. Single actions will encounter many obstacles; allies are needed to implement plans. Honesty and goodwill will become the basis of partnerships. Only sincere thoughts have a chance to come true; you should firmly defend your position in the face of temptation.

62 - Xiao-guo - Superiority of the small

Difficulties imply not only negativity, but also gaining experience. Missed opportunities cannot be returned, and constantly thinking about past troubles, it is not easy to build the future. Failures that are taken seriously only take away your mental strength, so you don’t need to take the little things so seriously.

Unpleasant news will soon appear and, along with it, new chances to implement plans, it is worth paying attention to the latter. There is probably disappointment in someone close to you; you need to wait out the unfavorable period and focus on your goals.

63 – Ji-ji – Completeness

The time has come to summarize all the achievements and failures, and, using previous experience, outline ideas for the future. Big things will now be met with difficulties, and routine activities will help put your thoughts in order.

In financial matters, scrupulousness can save you from losses; even minor inaccuracies should not be overlooked.

64 – Wei Chi – Incompleteness

The hexagram marks the beginning of a prosperous period. However, it is too early to boldly trust fate; you need to focus on following your original intentions. Things will work out best if you are careful.

In six months, the moment will come when you will have to zealously defend your interests. This is the only way to make your cherished dream come true.

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The situation of hexagram 44 Gou (Transversation) resembles 20 Guan (Observation). In the latter, the wind blows above the ground, and in the 44th it spreads under the sky. That is, in general it blows everywhere. In the 20th hexagram, the wind blows on the earth and displays the ruler who is studying the situation in his kingdom. And in the 44th hexagram it blows from above and describes the influence that the ruler exerts at the expense of his subjects. Heaven is distant from earthly things, but starts movement due to the wind. Likewise, the ruler is removed from the people, but moves them through orders.

Symbols and numbers of Vladimir Eremeev

Circular form of writing the I-Ching Hexagrams
Particular attention should be paid to the scientific publications of the academician of oriental studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Vladimir Evstigneevich Eremeev, who devoted most of his adult life to the study of the mathematical mysteries of the Book of Changes. He believed that Hexagrams are one of the most important characteristics of existence, elements of a certain cosmic code with the help of which all world realities are shaped and organized. All of Eremeev’s scientific publications were devoted to this topic, including the very first, published by him in 1983 in a closed scientific publication of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

The academician believed that the “numerology” of the I-Ching was in fact an imperfect part of a previously unknown ancient teaching, which had the character of a completely rational ideological and methodological body of knowledge that served the religious, socio-political and scientific activities of the ancient Chinese.

Throughout his adult life, Eremeev tried to prove an important thesis to the international scientific community: “We are witnesses to the beginning of a real transformation of the world. Advanced scientific discoveries in the field of quantum physics, particle physics, astrophysics, genetics, chemistry and biology are increasingly “lighting” society’s path to the Universe of a new Renaissance.”

Eremeev was absolutely sure that the world is now experiencing a central moment - globalization and globalistics, having fulfilled their mission, are passing the baton to a new phase of world development - cosmologization and humanitarian cosmology. He wrote: “Number expresses the structural integrity of things. Numbers make things knowable..."

At the suggestion of Eremeev, a number of scientists at the USSR Academy of Sciences actively studied the works of M. Schönberger on the amazing similarity of the structure of the arrangement of the I-Ching Hexagrams and the form of recording the structure of the Human Genetic Code.

Brief Biography of Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences and Russian Academy of Natural Sciences V.E. Eremeeva

List of scientific works and publications by V.E. Eremeeva

V.E. Eremeev. Mechanics of Universal Interactions

V.E. Eremeev. Symbols and numbers of the “Book of Changes”

V.E. Eremeev. Astronomy of the Universe I-Ching

V.E. Eremeev. Theory of Psychosemiosis and Ancient Anthropocosmology

V.E. Eremeev. Time in ancient Chinese Arithmosemiotics

Lines in hexagram 44

Lines in hexagram 44

Bottom line

If an extra element is inside, it should be checked immediately. Constant checking will avoid negative influence. If you allow everything to develop as usual and do not interfere, then misfortune cannot be avoided. Even if the problem seems minor, you cannot ignore it. A thin and young pig may seem harmless. However, she is capable of becoming angry when she is satiated and increases her strength. True nature will awaken if it is not curbed.

Second line

The lower element cannot be overcome by violence, but can be overcome through gentle control. In this case, you don’t have to worry and evil will not be able to harm you. But it is extremely important to be careful not to allow him to come into contact with those above, otherwise he will become free and begin to act evil with impunity.

Third line

The temptation is great to become part of the evil element. A dangerous situation is developing, but the good news is that circumstances are preventing this. Because of this, a person begins to behave indecisively. If you clearly understand the danger of the current situation, you will be able to prevent catastrophic mistakes.

Fourth line

You have to tolerate insignificant individuals so that they remain in a good and upbeat mood. Then you can use them if necessary. If we push them away or do not meet and make concessions in time, they will turn away from us and will not come to our aid when we need them. But the blame falls entirely on our shoulders.

Fifth line

The melon symbolizes the principle of darkness. It is sweet, but easily spoiled, so it is protected by a covering of willow leaves. In such a situation, a strong, superior and balanced person must tolerate and protect his subordinates. He has clear order and inner beauty, but does not rely on it.

He does not bother his subordinates with ostentatious appearances or tedious lectures. No, he gives them complete freedom, relying only on their inner strength, morality and honesty. And so! Fate smiles. Subordinates begin to voluntarily behave conscientiously and completely obey.

Top line

When a person withdraws from the world, the inner turmoil becomes unbearable. There are a large number of people who, in noble pride, remain aloof from everything base and sharply reject if they encounter something similar. But when surrounded by such people they are not perceived, because they seem proud and distant. But they don’t care because they rarely have contact with the real world. They are calm about hostility from society.

Classic fortune telling method

In this method, only 50 objects are attracted.
Since one stem is removed at the first stage of the ritual, in fact the rituals are performed not with 50, but with 40 things. Trigrams can be placed in either a square or a round table. It all depends on what you are comfortable with. In the simplified version, the ritual itself ends after the construction of one hexagram, but the traditional version still has “young” and “old” features. Six is ​​old, seven is young, eight is old, nine is young. When even one “old” line falls out in the ritual, a new hexagram should be created, where the specified line experiences “rejuvenation”, being replaced by the opposite one. The first hexagram is current affairs, the second is future events.

In some cases, only those aphorisms that were associated with the “old” dash are taken into account, which undergoes the so-called “rejuvenation”. In such situations, the second hexagram is no longer built.

In addition to all of the above, the hexagram can be used to highlight the internal hexagram, which has the Chinese name “hu gua”. The name is not accidental, because such fortune telling occurs with the help of four internal features - from the second to the fifth, on the basis of which a completely new hexagram is built.

A very important point is to study how the various traits interact with each other in the hexagram.

Main types:

• “consonance” is the first and fourth, second and fifth (middle), third and sixth features, best when there is a combination of • “yin” and “yang”, this is the connection that is called consonant, but if two “yin” coincide or two “yang”, then this is not very good, such a connection is called “dissonant”;

• “neighborhood” - a combination of the first and second, second and third features, further by analogy, here also the best comparison is considered to be a combination of unlike features, which is called “convergence”;

• in the case when the “yang” line is above the “yin” - this is “support”;

• if the opposite happens, then this is “saddle”;

• there is a similar hieroglyph, which means that “yin” is under “yang”, but its meaning is different – ​​“acceptance”.

To correctly understand the meaning of all “yao” you need to count them from bottom to top, although this goes against the way the Chinese read in principle.

The first feature is called “initial”, while the last one is called “upper”. All other “yao” get their name in accordance with their number - 2, 3, 4.


“The Book of Changes” contains 64 graphic symbols, consisting of 6 horizontally drawn “yao” lines.
It is these features that are called hexagrams. Which is translated from Greek as “six features.” Each hexagram not only contains characteristics of various life situations, but also takes into account its further course. 64 characters of the Book of Changes:

Book of Changes 64 graphic symbols

The “yao” contained in the hexagram are of two types: interrupted - yin, whole - yang. Solid "yao" are designated by the number 9, and are white in color, symbolizing mobility, tension and clarity. Interrupted “yao” are designated by the number six and are black, symbolizing darkness, weakness, pliability and passivity.

When the necessary rituals have been carried out, consisting of complex actions with all kinds of objects, such as twigs, coins, yarrow stems, and many others, a special hexagram is constructed, according to which a further search for answers is carried out, written in special chapters of the book in poetic form. In some cases, in addition to the main hexagram, it is possible to construct one or two “yaos” arising from this hexagram.

What to pay attention to

Scripture calls to be humble, accept the situation and act immediately.

Neighbors are the environment. They won't help you, don't expect help from them. And we need to act right now. Activate all your resources and take action.

Further, the teaching calls to be humble, to go without stopping towards your goal. A completed task will become successful; you cannot abandon it.

Many philosophers and psychologists were ready to devote their lives to this folk talent, because the reliability and reality of predictions has been proven for centuries.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with other fortune telling. Fortune telling is very popular today. But you need to contact him only when absolutely necessary.

Many people trust Tarot cards. To use them yourself, you need to trust your intuition and be able to read the interpretation correctly.

Fortune telling with 36 cards is ideal for beginners. By their layout you can recognize your betrothed.

Have you had your own experience of fortune telling using the above method? Did the predictions come true? Share with us your reviews, observations about the relevance and veracity of any fortune telling.

Author of the publication

Coin fortune telling

Toss three coins of the same value and focus on the question. If two or more coats of arms (eagles) fall, draw a solid line. It will be the first one from the bottom on your sheet. If you get two or more heads, draw a dotted line.

Toss the coins six times, drawing lines on top of each other from bottom to top. Remember to focus on the question. Then divide the lines into three lower and three upper, find your number according to the table, read the interpretation.

If things are bad, don't be upset. Remember that a lot depends only on you, your choice. While reading, do not take everything literally, remember those words that will hurt your ears - they are the key to the solution. Listen to your intuition, it will tell you the correct decoding. After working with the writing, be sure to thank for the help and tips.

Table "I Ching"

fortune telling using the book of changes, interpretation of hexagrams

What do hexagrams say?

How to perform the ritual correctly

The traditional ritual begins with covering a small table with silk cloth, as well as 50 plant stems 25-50 cm long. After laying out the objects, you should light incense, sit facing south, bow three times and sit in a special position on your heels.
Then you need to squeeze fifty stems in your hands and carry them over the incense burner 3 times. Next, the stems are randomly divided into two bundles. In this case, they should all be held in both hands and taken out from the right hand with the same hand, one stem at a time, and then secured on the left hand in the area of ​​​​the little finger and ring finger.

Fortune telling on stems 1
The original source containing a description of the technique of fortune telling according to the I Ching, Xi Qi Zhuani (I, 9), refers to yarrow stems.

To implement this ancient mantic technique (achilleomancy), you need 50 yarrow stems, which can be replaced with similar objects, for example, counting sticks or matches.

Fortune telling on stems 2
They are placed in a bunch on a table covered with a cloth, preferably silk, and one stem is immediately put aside with the right hand, no longer used, and the remaining 49 are divided in the center with both hands into two bunches. The left one is clamped in the left hand, and one stem is taken from the right one with the right hand and placed between the little finger and ring finger of the left hand.

Fortune telling on stems

Then, with the right hand, four stems are taken out from the left bunch. The remainder (1, 2, 3 or 4 stems) is placed between the ring and middle fingers of the left hand.

The stems counted out in fours are returned with the right hand to the left, and the right bunch is taken and four stems are removed from it with the left hand.

The remainder is placed between the middle and index fingers of the left hand.

In total, between the fingers of the left hand there can be 5 or 9 stems in the following combinations: 1 + 1 + 3, 1 + 2 + 2, 1 + 3 + 1, 1 + 4 + 4.

They are put aside

All remaining stems are tied back together with both hands into one bundle of 44 or 40 stems. The entire operation described above, called “change,” is repeated with it. As a result, between the fingers of the left hand there are 4 or 8 stems in the combinations: 1+1+2, 1+2+1, 1+3+4, 1+4+3. After they are laid, the remaining bunch may consist of 40, 36 or 32 stems.

Fortune telling on stems 8

This is followed by exactly the same third “change”, as a result of which the same combinations of stems are formed between the fingers of the left hand as in the second “change”.

After this three-step procedure, the remaining bunch may consist of 36, 32, 28 or 24 stems.

Fortune telling on stems 9

When divided by 4, the indicated amounts give respectively the numbers 9, 8, 7, 6, symbolizing the features of the hexagrams: 9 – “old yang”, 8 – “young yin”, 7 – “young yang”, 6 – “old yin”.

Fortune telling on stems 10

Having fixed the resulting trait, you should similarly make three more “changes” that will allow you to get a second trait, located above the first (lower). The entire six-stage construction of the hexagram involves 18 “changes.”

Fortune telling on stems 11

If the resulting hexagram consists of only “young” features, then only it and the text associated with it are considered further.

Fortune telling on stems 12

If among its features there is one or more “old” ones, then they are transformed into their opposite (yin - into yang, yang - into yin) and, in addition to the first, the secondary hexagram derived from it is considered in a similar way as expressing the tendency of the subsequent development of the situation, predicted in the first hexagram.

Fortune telling on stems 13

After the fortune telling has been completed, you need to bow to the ground three times again and collect all the equipment in a box.

What secrets are encrypted in the I Ching?

The Primary Structure of the Universe
So, in the I-Ching Hexagrams, created several thousand years ago, we see a certain universal “formula of the Universe”, applicable not only to biochemistry, but also to physics, mathematics and many other areas of human knowledge. What modern science approached only a few decades ago, it turns out, was accessible to the people who inhabited the Chinese plain thousands of years ago.

In fact, the hypothesis about the paradoxical coincidence of hexagrams and the DNA-RNA structure was born only after the discovery of the human genetic structure itself. Therefore, we can assume that in the I-Ching Hexagrams there is also such knowledge that we are simply not yet able to realize today...

It is quite possible that there are still undiscovered depths, for example, in the physics of the microcosm, the atomic nucleus, and elementary particles, which are also “encrypted” in the I Ching.

Article. Logic of Applied Interactions in the I-Ching

Sinology.Ru: history and culture of ancient China

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