Feng Shui to attract love: 5 effective ways

The teachings of Feng Shui can be used as one of the tools in love and marriage. Proper design of apartments can not only help attract positive energy, but also harmonize your personal life.

Each person exudes different energy, which can change depending on how his life goes. The teachings of Feng Shui show how to correctly distribute energy in order to improve relationships with loved ones.

What attracts marriage and love?

With the help of the right Feng Shui direction, you can change your internal energy, which directly affects your destiny. But you need to strictly follow all the recommendations in order to use all the elements of this movement to benefit yourself and your loved ones.

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The basic elements of Feng Shui will help bring back love and create harmony in relationships:

  • Earth;
  • water;
  • metal;
  • tree;
  • fire.

Despite the fact that it is necessary to approach the issue of marriage and love individually, Feng Shui has formed some general recommendations in this area.

By strictly adhering to the main points of Taoist philosophy, you will be able to qualitatively change your life for the better.

Magic elephant

Before you buy an elephant figurine, you should pay attention to the trunk. It must be curved upward. This is a talisman against various troubles and problems. Such a figurine is placed in a house where they want to find happiness and peace. The best place for such an elephant is the bedroom. If a person is just looking for his other half and wants to quickly plunge into the warmth and comfort of family happiness, then it is worth purchasing an elephant amulet figurine.

This will help you not to miss your love and speed up the long-awaited meeting.

Area in the room responsible for relationships

It is generally accepted that the southwestern part of the living space is responsible for marital relations, regardless of whether it is an apartment or a house. In this zone, the foundations of relationships are laid not only between two loving people, but also work colleagues, relatives and friends.

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Cardinal directions in the apartment

The main principle of harmonious design is the balance of the use of all available elements:

  1. water and fire are considered the strongest elements, so they should be present in every room in equal measure, but their quantity should be moderate if they do not become the main ones;
  2. You can choose more symbols of wood and metal, since these are calm matters;
  3. since the earth is a neutral element, this sign can be used everywhere.

Cleaning the apartment

Clearing the rubble

Whatever problems you are going to solve with the help of Feng Shui, you should start with some serious cleaning. Your home simply cannot help you if it is dirty and neglected. Dust, cobwebs, rust; Dirty, broken, and haphazardly piled or stuffed things in a closet bring clutter and confusion into your life as well. Without quality cleaning, all other actions will have no effect. So, let’s say goodbye to the usual mess and bring perfect cleanliness everywhere, even where you haven’t looked for many years. At the same time, we throw away everything that has not been used for a long time, cannot be repaired, or has any defect (cracks, chips, etc.).

Along the way, we get used to the idea that now all things have a suitable place where they should be. For example, clothes scattered around the apartment or chaos on the desktop make it difficult for Chi energy to flow freely throughout your apartment. Any habit, including maintaining order, is consolidated within a maximum of two weeks, so that soon this state of affairs will become natural for you.

Don't think of cleaning as hard work that must be done at any cost. Do everything in a good mood, because at the same time you are putting things in order in your life. After completing this stage, you can expect the first favorable changes.

Element of love and marriage

The energy of earth and fire in the southwestern zone of an apartment or house has a great influence on marriage and relationships according to Feng Shui, revealing and enhancing the following qualities:

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  • calm;
  • Adoption;
  • creation;
  • emotionality;
  • susceptibility.

To influence love and marriage, special attention must be paid to the bedroom. This room is associated with love, warmth, sensuality.

In the interior, it is best to use warm tones of yellow, orange or other shades of the earth symbol.

You need to be careful about the elements and shades that feed the element of water; it can bring not only discord into relationships, but also lead to betrayal. A large presence of metal is also undesirable.

The nuances of making a talisman yourself

It is believed that self-made talismans have stronger magical properties. Previously, amulets were made from:

  1. Klykov.
  2. Claws.
  3. Rogov.
  4. Stones with a hole.
  5. Wood.
  6. Bones.
  7. Feathers
  8. Dried fruits.

Now talismans are made from the following materials:

  • metals;
  • glass;
  • gems.

Color is also important: for example, love talismans are made in red, protective ones in black, and healing ones in green or light shades. To create your own amulet, you need to choose a day, place in advance, think over a sketch, spells and select materials.

Feng Shui to attract love and marriage

You can enhance the magical properties of the talisman by decorating it with the following symbols:

  1. Signs of the planets.
  2. Runes.
  3. Individual words or letters.
  4. Zodiac signs.

You should not put everything on the talisman at once.

The process of making a talisman:

  1. Prepare all the necessary materials and spells.
  2. Calm down and call on the strength that will help you create a talisman.
  3. Start making and don’t get distracted.
  4. When the amulet is ready, thank the forces that helped in its creation.
  5. Charge the amulet using spells.
  6. After completion, you need to clear the workplace and close the magical space. This could be a special gesture or sign.

When creating a talisman, you need to retire to the chosen place, tune in emotionally and not be distracted. A talisman tuned to a person will only help him.

Zone activation

In case of any problems related to your personal life, marriage or love affairs, it is enough to conduct several experiments with the interior or design of your home.
With the right changes and rearrangements, you will be able to improve your relationship with your soulmate, and return tenderness, passion, harmony and mutual understanding to your relationship.

There are several methods to bring joy into your life and improve your well-being, for example, moving your bed to the window. Before arranging the furniture correctly, you need to get rid of everything unnecessary and old.

Often it is these things that carry negative energy that lead to an imbalance of yin and yang. Old things evoke memories that make it difficult to tune in to a new life program. You need to make it clear to yourself and your new environment that you are ready for positive changes.

To achieve success in love, you need to create the right environment in the room.

Mandarin ducks

A pair of mandarin ducks, which you place in your bedroom, will definitely attract devotion and fidelity to your union. And also boundless love and happiness. The amulet helps not only family people improve relationships. Singles and those looking for love will be able to improve their personal lives. Pisces will protect families and unions from ill-wishers and envy.

There are many amulets. We talked only about the most basic animal figures that have Qi energy. Everyone can find a talisman for themselves that will preserve spiritual harmony and help them find limitless happiness.

How to activate it correctly?

Photo 5Before you start making changes, you first need to perform a small ritual, which is based on positive emotions, smells, sounds, etc.
Lighting aroma lamps, reading prayers, incense, pleasant emotions, and relaxing music are perfect for these purposes. These rituals are necessary to understand the beginning of a new chapter of life. As soon as the ceremony is completed, you can begin to change the interior of the room at your discretion.

During the rearrangement, it is important that the final interior matches the horoscope sign of each of the married couple.

Use of talismans

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Orange and red shades will be optimally combined with brown and green. If a couple in love already has enough passion in their relationship so that it does not burn out, it is important to add some neutral colors and calm shades. You should not use bright yellow color, as this contributes to depression.

Books will bring positive energy for both halves into the house. Several shelves with classics and modern literature will fill the room with stability. The bathroom should be dominated by blue shades that nourish the water element.

The element of water nourishes the earth, so you can use shells and sea stones in the interior to strengthen it, but not plastic ones, but made from natural materials. The kitchen area should be as abundant as possible in aphrodisiacs and spices. It is important to fill this area with the smells of cinnamon, nutmeg, coriander and other exotic spices.

A common mistake is to keep creeping plants or cacti in the kitchen, which will depress energy, which is why this area can provoke quarrels.

An element of metal should be present in the interior of the apartment, but in limited quantities. Using gold will help to best fuel intimate interest.

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To do this, you can use decorative stickers on the door in the form of gold stars or hang pictures in a gilded frame on the walls, but the main thing is not to overdo it. Paintings with red peonies or hearts will give a double effect.

If you have gold jewelry in the form of rings or chains, they can be placed or hung on bedside tables.

The use of gold is especially important if the passion is no longer what it used to be. You can place small figurines, souvenirs with two doves or swans.

The bedroom is the basis of relationships according to Feng Shui

Happy couple

The bedroom is a symbol of love, sensuality and partnership. Therefore, its arrangement should be given special importance. It is advisable to choose warm, “earthly” shades: yellow, orange.

You cannot use the element of Water in the bedroom, because this can lead to misunderstanding in relationships and betrayal. The elements of Wood and Metal are also undesirable in the bedroom, because they deplete the element of Earth.

The Metal element adds intense sensations in the intimate sphere to the relationships of partners. The element for nourishing the sexual sphere is gold. Therefore, at the entrance to the bedroom, on the door, you should stick gold stars or any paintings with gilding on the frame.

We attract love with the help of gold jewelry this way: we place them on the bedside tables.

There should be no mirror in the bedroom that reflects the bed. This can take away luck in romantic affairs between spouses.

How to attract a man?

The symbolism of yin and yang is perfect for strengthening the zone of love and marriage, because their concept is not in opposition, but in complementing each other.

The yin-yang symbol is a black and white circle, which implies ancient Chinese teachings. Each half contains a piece of the other half. This speaks of their inseparable beginning.

To find your soulmate, it is very important to balance the forces of yin and yang, learn to love yourself first and thus strengthen your relationships with people around you and the world as a whole.

Activating the zone to attract a man

Despite the fact that attracting a man is not a difficult task, this process should be daily.
We must not forget about a friendly attitude towards all people around us, regardless of whether they are familiar to you or not.

It is imperative to rid your thoughts of negativity, manifestations of anger and selfishness . Bad thoughts and especially bad deeds will come back like a boomerang.

Even if a woman lives alone, the number of objects that carry male energy should be equal to those that represent female energy. It is unlikely that a male representative will appear in an apartment where everything is dominated by pink, with a large number of soft toys, cats, etc.

Figurines that attract good luck and success into the life of every person

Figurine of Hotei

It has a positive effect on happiness in family life and can attract happiness and prosperity.

The Dragon

A symbol of wisdom, faith and positive mood. It is recommended to place it in an office where people often work. Attracts good luck, happiness and wealth. Thanks to this figurine, you can solve financial problems.

Bull and cow

They are symbols of confidence, family happiness, prosperity and finance. Figurines feel good in the living room, improve well-being, attract good luck, happiness, and help you advance up the career ladder.


It means devotion and fidelity and will be a good protector for home and family. Helps protect the home from negativity and failure.

Animal figurines with a pot of coins

They are a symbol of wealth and good luck, helping to find the right path in life. They attract career growth and success in all endeavors.


A talisman for attracting money and a talisman against failures in life. Positively influence the future, as well as good luck. It is best to place the figurine in the south-eastern part of the house; it gives peace and gives faith in a good future.


There are several of the most popular and effective (according to a large number of people) tips for attracting a man:

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  • during the full moon, you need to float lighted candles, preferably aromatic ones, across the water;
  • to enhance chi energy, you need to wear red clothes or some red wardrobe items on a date;
  • It is very important to get rid of reminders from the past and gifts from former partners, because only in this case will you be able to open yourself to a new life.

An important element is the visualization of the partner. You need to describe your partner as accurately as possible. This is necessary in order to find a life partner, and not to connect your life with the first person you meet.

When sending a request to the Universe, it is important to mention not only the positive qualities of the desired chosen one, but also to use formulations with the word “not”, for example: “not rude”, “not evil”, etc.

After you have limited the set of desired qualities of your future life partner, you need to take red or pink paper and carefully write everything down in beautiful handwriting. Now the message needs to be rolled up and secured with a red ribbon. After this, the note must be placed in the love zone.

Feng Shui: Tips for strengthening your family

Everything in the world vibrates, at different levels and at different frequencies. Each item has its own unique wave. This “individuality” can be traced both on the physical plane and on the subtle, invisible one. Take a pencil, spoon or wooden stick in your hands. Lightly hit all the objects that surround you. You will hear a variety of sounds - each thing will have its own tone, a unique timbre. In life, we inevitably interact on a subtle level with everyday objects. And without a doubt we are exposed to invisible energy.

The sages of ancient China observed astral and etheric connections between objects, events, people, numbers, symbols and developed a unique Feng Shui system. Success or failure in a particular area depends on where, how and what is located in our apartment. Today we will talk about how Feng Shui helps strengthen family ties, maintain warm relationships, love, respect and mutual understanding. If you learn the simple rules of this system and begin to adhere to them, then your family life will find harmony, and single people will inevitably meet their soulmate.

Most of us dream of a cozy family nest, of our home becoming a place where we are cared for and understood. But sometimes you cross the threshold of an apartment and immediately quarrels and squabbles begin, problems with children arise...

First of all, take a close look at your home. According to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the well-being of any home rests on “three pillars”: the layout of rooms, furniture and decor.

A strong, friendly family is the dream of each of us. These feng shui tips will help you improve the emotional atmosphere in your home, minimize negativity, and most importantly, fill your home with positive energy and become one of the factors in strengthening your family.

Maintaining a delicate balance of family harmony is the main key to the door to family happiness and well-being. With the help of simple Feng Shui tips, we can easily improve harmony in the family, which will lead to attracting good luck for each family member. Here are three simple tips to ensure balance in your family:

Stairs in the center of the house are not good

If you are building your own house, then try not to place the stairs in the center of it. The worst Feng Shui option is a spiral staircase, which seems to “cut” into the heart of the house. If this cannot be avoided, then such a staircase should under no circumstances be made in red or green.

Separate mattresses according to Feng Shui lead to disharmony

This advice applies to a double bed with two mattresses or separate beds for a couple. According to Feng Shui, this leads to the “separation” of a married couple. Be sure to buy a double bed if you are going to live with your partner.

You need to buy a figurine that will strengthen your family

In China they believe that there is a family god Cao Wan, where his statuette is in almost every home. It is believed that Cao Wan protects the family and watches how the household behaves; every year he writes what he saw and heard in his book, and then sends this message to the sky, reporting to the Almighty what exactly happened in the family during the year.


You can place elephant figurines or paintings or drawings depicting this animal in all sectors of the house - on the table, on shelves or in any other place convenient for you. According to Feng Shui, an elephant awakens the energy of family happiness and strengthens the relationship between spouses.

Playing carps are a symbol of family happiness

According to Feng Shui, you can also place a figurine of playing carp in any sector. Carps symbolize hardy and purposeful spouses who can overcome any difficulties. In China, some families even set up a small outdoor aquarium with live carp, as they saturate the life of their household with favorable energy.

Get a family dragon

Another of the most powerful symbols of strengthening the family is the Dragon, next to which the Phoenix bird (the Dragon’s wife) is placed. The Dragon figurine not only protects the family from evil, envy, and poverty, but also helps to normalize relationships between loving people.

Tree in the house

Choose a day and plant a pear, apple or plum tree under the windows of your house with your family (according to Feng Shui, these trees are considered the most “family”, as they bear fruit - good luck, offspring and health). Take on this task if you are sure that no one from your neighbors will attack your tree; ideally, of course, plant a tree at your dacha or near a country house in the eastern part of the yard. The tree reflects the relationships and life of the family; if it gets sick, it’s not good, one of the spouses will get sick too, but if the “family” tree gives new fruits, you should expect success and happiness in family life.


The family area should have good lighting. If you want the relationship between you and your husband to be harmonious, then one of the factors will be... good lighting. In order to activate the family area, you need to place beautiful lamps, floor lamps, and candles in it.


Do not focus on red in the interior, as its abundance often acts as an irritant, prefer blue, yellow and green. According to Feng Shui, these natural colors are believed to relieve fatigue, symbolize purity, harmony, peace, tranquility and happiness, as well as the absence of worries and adversity.

Don't decorate the toilet area

In the modern world, the toilet should be small and inconspicuous. Avoid decorating the toilet with bright colors, colorful designs, etc. We also do not recommend using expressive flowers or symbols in this part of the apartment.


How many living rooms do you have in your apartment? If 1, 5, 7 or 9 is fortunate, 2 - there will be no harm, but happiness too, 3, 4 or 8 - nothing good awaits you.

If your house or apartment has a room with an area of ​​8 sq. m, this can lead to discord in the family, and children will become lazy. The worst thing is if this room is located in the center of the apartment.

It’s good if there is a living room or other living room in the center of the house. It is best if the main entrance and the bedroom are on the same line. If the bedroom is next to the kitchen, this is bad for the residents.

If the number or location of rooms is “unsuccessful,” you can think about redevelopment: move walls, make one from several rooms, make several from one, etc.


If, while in it, you experience incomprehensible irritation and discomfort, especially in the presence of your spouse, it’s time to sound the alarm!

It is quite possible that completely opposite energy directions are favorable for you and your spouse. In this case, you need to place the bed in the bedroom in a neutral way. It is not for nothing that domestic bioenergy experts advise sleeping with your head to the north and your feet to the south.

It is not recommended to sleep with your feet facing the front door of your apartment - this is the “dead man’s pose.” After all, it is the dead who are carried out feet first. Is it any wonder if after some time one of the spouses wants to leave?

At the same time, lying in bed, you should see the door to the room. If this is not possible, then you need to hang the mirror so that the door is reflected in it. But in no case is it allowed for spouses to see their reflection in it from the bed.

Sometimes a husband and wife sleep in two beds put together. This can lead to constant quarrels and betrayals. The bed should not be divided. It is also better to have one mattress, not two. In China in past centuries, it was customary to even put one pillow between two people.

Nowadays, people often sleep on folding sofa beds. It's not very useful. If possible, buy a real, non-folding bed with a solid mattress for the bedroom. If this is not possible, cover the pull-out sofa with a thick blanket before going to bed.

It is advisable not to clutter the bedroom with various pieces of furniture, turning it into a dressing room or toilet room. The bedroom is, first of all, the place where you sleep!


Try, at least from the age of three, to give your child, if not his own room, then a corner in the common room. If you have several children, then it is advisable to provide each with some “personal territory”. The child should feel like a sovereign master within its boundaries.

It is best if the nursery is located in the eastern part of the home (east is the growth zone). To harmonize the energy of the room, place a crystal globe in its northeastern part (these are sold in esoteric goods stores). Until the child becomes a teenager, there should be no mirrors in the room. Let him use a mirror in another room, hallway or bathroom - mirrors in the house should hang in accessible places, but not in the nursery!

Like the entire house as a whole, the children's room or corner is divided into two functional zones - Yin and Yang. The first is intended for rest and sleep, the second is for work, games or activities. If the child lives alone in the room, then try to place a desk with a computer as far as possible from the bed.

It is recommended to cover the “Yin” zone with a carpet. Teach your child not to throw his toys there. The “yang” part of the room should be lighter than the “yin” part. The best option is when the “working” area is located near the window.

As for the color scheme, it is better to use light, muted colors for the nursery. By the way, you can cover different areas with wallpaper of different colors. Just remember that overly aggressive colors can cause excessive excitement in a child - for example, he will be very naughty, capricious, and have difficulty falling asleep at night.

Children love to make a mess - for example, throwing their books and toys around the room. You shouldn’t scold for this; it’s better to invite your child to work together to clean up his “kingdom.”


It is better to choose furniture with rounded corners, and doors in bookcases should be closed. The bedroom should not have closets with old clothes that no one has worn for a long time - it is better to throw them away.

Try to place chairs, armchairs and sofas with their backs to the wall and not to the window. If there is no other way to arrange them, place an ornamental plant nearby - this will soften the situation. It is advisable to place pieces of furniture on which people sit or sleep at an angle to each other. This will encourage relaxed communication.


Be sure to decorate your home with plants, this will improve the circulation of positive qi energy. To select suitable plants, use special guides on Feng Shui or astrology, which are easily found in a bookstore or on the Internet.

The walls should not be empty; place wall lamps, paintings or photographs on them. Use candles more often - this will also significantly improve your energy.

Yes, and don’t forget about electrical wiring and communications! Everything should be in order with them; incorrectly laid wiring can cause major problems, and not only with electricity.

Feng Shui for love and family: what you need to give up to preserve your feelings

But what should not be in the bedroom. TV – it should be removed immediately. He is the third wheel. There should be no things depicting water (lakes, rivers, seas, oceans), real aquariums or vessels with water. All these items can neutralize and “wash out” the feeling of love. It is also not recommended to keep flowers in the bedroom, especially climbing or artificial ones.

Bed linen with images of sharp leaves or arrows is not suitable for maintaining close and harmonious relationships. Otherwise, your heart will always be broken. For the same reason, it is strongly recommended not to keep knives, forks, axes, swords, sabers, scissors and other sharp objects in the “temple of love”. The fact is that they create tense energy, and this can lead to outbursts of anger, rage and scandals.

Paintings for the bedroom

To increase your desire to attract your soulmate, you need to hang paintings around the bedroom, but not your portraits.

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Painting for the bedroom

It is best to use roses, photographs of happy Hollywood or domestic couples, and the full moon for this. There is no need to hang portraits of lonely men or women, because in this case the opposite effect may occur.

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