Mirrors opposite each other: “yes” and “no” (22 photos)

A mirror is rightly considered one of the most mysterious objects a person needs. He is accompanied by signs, superstitions, and rumors. Mirrors placed opposite each other have a sinister reputation. What is this based on and is it possible to hang them this way? Let's try to figure it out.

Mirrors opposite each other in a classic interior

Mirrors opposite each other with decor

What causes the concerns?

Sorcerers, mystics and their other colleagues who operate with dimensions of space beyond the usual ones warn about the limitations. They are confident that this configuration creates a mirror tunnel with unusual properties that enhance the power of the looking glass. Mirrors opposite each other are conducive to fortune telling, calling astral entities, and entering another dimension. This is supposedly used by the inhabitants of a parallel world. For example, to bring a person’s mirror double into our reality.

Mirrors on the door

Mirror in the living room

The “corridor” takes away clarity of thinking, instills unreasonable fear, depression, and leads to rash actions. A split personality, even to the point of insanity, is possible.

Psychics say that two vis-a-vis mirrors are kind of energy vampires. In addition to loss of strength, a person may imagine something, and strange things will happen in the apartment at night.

From the point of view of bioenergy, such an arrangement prevents the free movement of energy throughout the living space. As a result, negativity accumulates.

Mirrors opposite each other in the hall

Mirrors opposite each other in the hallway

A vis-a-vis mirror is unnecessary for any room

To prevent a “corridor” from forming in a house or apartment, you can hang mirrors in any way, just not opposite each other. Otherwise, troubles are guaranteed for the owners.


Here you cannot place or hang mirrors not only opposite each other, but also in front of the front door. Such dislocation entails difficulties with personal life, career, and family disunity. Plus poor health, failure of electronics, robberies. This is because right from the threshold a window into the looking-glass world is created.

To protect your home from such “corridors” and “windows”, one full-length mirror is enough, without reflections of other rooms getting into it.

Mirror cabinet in the kitchen

Mirrors opposite each other in the interior of an apartment


It is not recommended to hang mirrors here, as they increase the light, which interferes with proper sleep. Mystics say that a sleeping person is not energetically protected; it is easy for immaterial entities to take energy away from him. Nightmares and bad dreams are cited as confirmation.

The weaker sex should be wary, especially pregnant women. The forces emerging from vis-a-vis mirrors in the bedroom at night complicate personal life, pregnancy, and childbirth. Men will face personal troubles, troubles with business or career, and a feeling that their strength is going nowhere.

Mirrors opposite each other in a modern interior

Floor mirrors opposite each other


A person is also helpless here, so mirrors hung opposite each other are contraindicated. They create such an astral background in the bathroom that the energy shield is easily washed away along with the physical dirt. But restoring it takes a long time and is problematic.

Young, physically strong men will show weakness and a craving for alcohol and drugs. Healthy young women dreaming of a child will not be able to get pregnant.


The specificity of the bad influence of two mirrors in this area is such that the likelihood of cuts, burns, and other injuries increases. Products deteriorate faster and lose their beneficial properties. Electrical appliances may fail: microwave, blender, kettle.

Wall mirrors opposite each other

Mirror panel

There were other signs:

  1. If you regularly stay next to a corridor of mirrors, then a dark streak in life will come with a bad outcome - a serious illness and even death.
  2. A person who looks into the mirror space will be constantly haunted by losses, fear, his strength will go away, and illness will occur.
  3. Mirrors placed opposite the entrance will attract uninvited guests into the house like a magnet. And the owners themselves will not rush home.
  4. The house will be subject to destruction, both physical and energetic.

In general, there are as many directions that study the properties of mirrors as there are opinions. In any case, when a dark streak occurs in life, it is necessary to check how and where reflective objects hang. If a corridor is created between them, separate them, casually, so that you feel comfortable and cozy at home.

What does Feng Shui say?

Popular Eastern teaching assesses the situation less categorically.

For the hallway, the situation is rather favorable: two mirrors hung opposite each other at the entrance can attract good luck for the home. And if they are edged with red frames, then cash flow is guaranteed. A mirror near the door on the side (not opposite) “pulls out” all negativity or evil intentions from those entering.

However, in relation to the bedroom, there is agreement with the general magical line: mirrors should not be hung here. It is believed that through them forces from the world of the dead enter the sleeper, making the person possessed.

Mirror in the hallway

In addition, during sleep, negative energy accumulated during the day is released from the body. But endlessly reflecting from the surface of two mirrors, becoming entangled, it returns to the sleeper. The result is an absolute loss of vital energy, loss of guidance in life, suffering, problems.

You cannot place a mirror so that the marital bed falls into it. Feng Shui calls this a “double bed”, regarding it as a direct provocation of betrayal.

Aged mirror in the interior

When and how did you come up with the idea of ​​making mirrors in metal frames with a floral pattern?

Mirrors opposite each other: “yes” and “no” (22 photos)I don’t have any problems with ideas at all.
On the contrary, there are a lot of them and my family laughs that they are hostages of my endless creativity in life and the fact that I force them to also participate in the implementation of my ideas. But seriously, I considered myself an absolutely city dweller: my whole life was spent in the city center and I never had any relationship with nature, the earth, the forest, either as a child, or especially as an adult. But one day, completely spontaneously, we moved to live outside the city. We inherited from the previous owners a completely sad plot. I don’t know how to exist in despondency at all, so I started digging holes, laying out a garden and bringing our site into adequate shape. That’s when, in fact, this idea was born to create mirrors in frames with a floral pattern, inspired by nature itself.

Well, also taking into account the fact that I was born in a family where there were architects, musicians, designers, and I was surrounded by creative people from early childhood - I was taught at home how to draw, knit, design, and encouraged my imagination. I was constantly sculpting, gluing, cutting, knitting, etc. Creativity skills were instilled in childhood and this also left a certain imprint on what I do now.

This is interesting: Curtains on one side: stylish asymmetry in the interior (24 photos)

Dangerous curiosity

Mirrors facing each other have been used in mystical practices for centuries. There is a well-known example when in Rus' girls tried to see their future husband in this way. This was done on the eve of the holidays (especially on Christmastide, that is, from Christmas to Epiphany, from January 7 to 20). The fortuneteller sat down between two mirrors, placed a candle in front of her, intensely examining the glossy surface. The betrothed could appear on her. Rumor claims, however, that sometimes something worse was generated instead of the groom.

Mirrors placed in a special way help to communicate with spirits, see the past, future, and get into a parallel world. This is possible due to the ability of a mirror corridor to distort reflected objects and the distance to them. Another thing is that the journey is only one way.

Mirrors opposite each other in the bedroom

Frequently being between two mirrors, especially ritual magic with this space, can put life on a bad track. It is looped, so it is endless. Stable failures, illnesses, losses leave no other choice but to part with life on Earth.

So it’s worth carefully considering whether you can do such things before you set foot on this path.

Mirrors opposite each other in the bedroom interior

Mirror - friend or foe? Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door?

Hello, dear listeners! There are many signs associated with mirrors. Even in ancient times, people understood that reflections have some special meaning. For example, during mourning, mirrors must be covered to prevent evil spirits from entering the house. It is believed that decoration should not be placed opposite the entrance. Healers noticed that in such conditions people get sick more often. What do modern experts say? Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door according to Feng Shui?

Reflection value

A mirror is a kind of magnet. It is able to attract both positive and negative energy. The smooth surface can even double its strength! Such a powerful weapon must be used wisely, otherwise there will be trouble. For example, if the surface “cuts” the image of a person, he begins to get sick. The integrity of the energy shell is lost. You must be reflected in full height. It is especially important not to “lose” your head.

Feng Shui masters advise purchasing an oval or round surface. It is not recommended to buy cabinets with reflective doors, mirrored ceilings or tiles. You will end up with jumbled images that will attract more negativity than positivity. In addition, the reflections will be “cut”.

Keep the surface clean. Any stains and dust will bring bad luck. Only a pure “reflector” works well. When you kill dirt, you cleanse it of negativity. If you do not clean it, then over time the mirror will turn into a source of negative force.

A beautiful frame will help focus Qi in the right direction. If it is not there, then the energy will simply dissipate throughout the room. This is also not bad, but using force for its intended purpose is much better. Take this into account when organizing zones.

The main rule is that you can only look at yourself in a good mood. The surface remembers our image, so we need to appear before it accordingly. Associate only positive associations with your appearance.

The front door is a portal from which energy comes. Then it spreads throughout the room. Portals are also, for example, windows, a bathtub, a toilet, etc. You cannot hang mirrors in front of such places, otherwise they will return power to the external environment. Qi is unstable and flows like fog. Over time they drift apart. If new energy does not enter the home, it becomes “empty”. And that's the best case scenario. At worst, dark entities are attracted.

How does lack of power manifest itself? Problems. These could be family conflicts, failures in your personal life, poor health, exhaustion... If you place the surface in front of the sink, shower or bathtub, do not expect material well-being. Water symbolizes prosperity, so all finances will “flow away” along with it.

Which is correct?

And yet there should be a mirror surface in the hallway. If you use it correctly, you will increase positive energy. Where to hang the “reflector”? The only correct place is near the entrance, on the side of it.

It’s good if there is a passage to the toilet or kitchen right there. Craftsmen recommend hanging the doors to such rooms on both sides and keeping them closed. This way you will not let negativity from the “drain” into the house and will not allow good Qi to escape. True, in apartments the toilet and sinks are often located directly opposite the entrance, so this point also needs to be taken into account.

The ideal option is to transform a place with a “reflector” into a personal zone of wealth. Place water paraphernalia so that it is visible. Fountains, seascapes, posters, and stork figurines attract money well.

Unfortunately, hallways are often quite cramped. Lack of space limits the family's capabilities and prevents it from growing. The ideal room is wide and bright. This is why you should place a mirror surface. It will visually expand the space. And, of course, monitor the use of the space yourself. Avoid clutter! The extra Qi items make it difficult to move on.

If you do not have the opportunity to place the “reflector” in another place, then try to make sure that it does not catch the door. Let the surface look at the plant or poster, but not at the exit from the house. At the very least, it’s better to look at yourself in another room.


What do psychologists say about the “reflectors” opposite the front door? Dry fact: when you walk into a house and see a moving reflection, your subconscious will decide that you are not alone here. If the hallway is dark, you may feel scared. This will result in a hidden reluctance to return home, obsessive fears, etc. Eliminating the cause is easy, but calculating it is difficult.

Monitor the condition of the mirrors in the house! Let them attract and double only positive energy. Do not leave trash, keep order and cleanliness.

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Special decoration

A mirror is not just an interior item or a designer’s delight that is needed every day. When installing it, it is advisable to take into account several rules.

  • A mosaic mirror is dangerous: by splitting the reflection into fragments, it can also shatter life.
  • The mirror must be placed so that a person sees himself completely, at least up to the waist or chest. “Circumcision” of arms, legs, head, and shoulders is unacceptable.
  • Mirrors hung in any combination will not bring negativity into the house if they reflect everything that is pleasant to the owners, as well as the table set for the meal. They should not contain cluttered or densely packed spaces or beds.

But is it possible to destroy the unfavorable mirror corridor, and with it the problems? Yes, to do this you need to rehang the second mirror. In the bedroom it is better to mount it on the inside of the wardrobe door. It is worth remembering that mirrors hung in a small space make it more spacious.

Mirror wall in the living room

Mirrors opposite each other in the bathroom

Opinions of magicians

Is it possible to sleep in front of a mirror or walk along a mirrored corridor? Magicians can best answer all these questions. These people living among us understand very well what a mirror is, how it works and how it affects our lives. Magicians and psychics do not recommend adding extra mirrors. According to them, these are portals through which the human soul is drawn into another world by low-energy entities. As a consequence - various misfortunes and troubles, which end in alcoholism and other problems. According to magicians, you shouldn’t even look in a single mirror if you are currently in a state of hysteria, depression, or even just upset. Fate can change for the worse. Some enemy will definitely appear who will jinx or curse you.

Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite a mirror?

Physics of the mirror tunnel

This phenomenon is based on the completely earthly physical property of a glossy surface to reflect incident light, and with it other energy flows. Passing through mirrors placed opposite each other, the flow becomes looped. The process is endless and can intensify or weaken.

Mirror in the dining room

Mirror dressing table

Scientists agree: such corridors distort reality, a person’s appearance, and create portals that lead to unknown destinations. For example, into parallel dimensions, which, by the way, are recognized by official academic science.

However, the mirror entrance does not open on its own; effort and knowledge are required. Otherwise, the flow will weaken and the portal will remain closed. Not every magician can do this, not to mention ordinary people.

Mirrors opposite each other in the bathroom

Mirrors opposite each other in the bathroom interior

Therefore, there is no reason to be afraid of two mirrors hanging opposite each other. There are any number of them in shopping centers, beauty salons, dance or ballet classes. In ordinary houses you rarely see mirrors opposite each other, but their owners have plenty of problems.

How to hang mirrors in the interior, whether to trust rumors, everyone decides for themselves. Just listen to yourself, your feelings.

Christian point of view

Can I place a wardrobe with a mirror, a dressing table or something similar opposite the bed? If you want to know, turn to Christian wisdom. The fact is that the mirror is an instrument of such a sinful act as narcissism. Thus, he is considered an instrument of the devil.

Why should a person see his reflection while lying in bed? To make sure your hair is in order and your pajamas are not wrinkled? Hardly. Most likely, the reason is narcissism. It's even worse when it comes to the marital bed. And in general, from the point of view of Christianity, there should be nothing superfluous in the bedroom. You can do without a mirror.

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