The symbol of good luck is the ladybug. Ladybug in Slavic mythology and the mythology of the peoples of the world.

The Easter ladybug (scientific name: Coccinella septempunctata) belongs to the family of beetles. It is also called lambritsa and kokinel. It reaches a length of 6 mm, feeds on pests and is therefore considered a beneficial insect, mainly because it rids us of aphids.

Experts estimate that over the course of its life, one ladybug can eat up to 5,000 aphids! So the ladybug larvae or eggs are sold commercially and used in organic gardening and farming.

The ladybug lays many eggs. The larvae, like the insects themselves, can feed on other insects that harm agriculture.

The ladybug itself is not a preferred prey item, but when it feels threatened, it will secrete a liquid with a terrible odor or drop to the ground and appear dead before the danger has passed.

Ladybug: myths and traditions

This insect is a favorite and attracts attention, usually due to its red color and black spots.

In the Far East, they believe that if you take a ladybug and then set it free, it will fly to a person's true love and bring him a message. The number of spots on the ladybug's back is believed to symbolize the number of months it will take to complete the love prayer.

According to some traditions, the ladybug carries charm, and is one of the few insects that a person willingly holds in his or her hands.

In Italy, when a ladybug flies into the bedroom it is said to bring good luck, and in other places such as the United States of America, Denmark and Russia, the insect has been immortalized in children's books.

It is known to Christians as the "Bird of Our Lady" or "Ladybug".

In Muslim countries, the ladybug is said to be a symbol of good luck.

In many countries, including Greece, people make a wish when they see a ladybug - this is a sure sign that it will soon come true.

The colors associated with the Easter period are red eggs and mourning, hence its name can be considered as another possible option associated with these days.

In Greece, the ladybug is called the Easter egg.

Symbol: ladybug

In all traditions, the Ladybug acts as a symbol of good luck and good news, as well as a symbol of grace, kindness, and forgiveness. It is believed that the Ladybug acts as a messenger between people and God between the world of the living and the dead. That is why different nations have a custom of asking the most intimate questions about life and death, about the weather and the harvest, about marriage to this insect. Finding a ladybug was considered a good omen. This is probably why children all over the world, when they put a ladybug on their finger, say something like this:

Ladybug, fly to the sky, there your children are eating candy, everyone has one, but you don’t have one.

The ladybug was associated with the Great Goddess, and later was an attribute of the Mother of God. Hence its names in European languages: “bird of the Mother of God,” “God’s Maryushka,” “Mary’s beetle.” Many peoples associate the Ladybug with various myths. The main motive is the theme of the children of the Sun God: there are seven of them, like the days in the week and how many spots there are on the back of a ladybug. For example, in Baltic mythology seven children of the dominant God are mentioned, of which only the youngest, the seventh, was able to withstand the test of fire and water and becomes the legitimate son. The idea of ​​constant return, resurrection, wealth is associated with it; it corresponds to the seventh day of the week, called the day of the Sun. For the Dutch, a ladybug landing on a person is considered a good omen. The Czechs believe that a found ladybug brings good luck, and the French believe that a talisman with its image will protect children from misfortune and warn of danger.

Our ancestors believed that the ladybug lives in heaven and only from time to time descends from heaven in order to convey God’s will to man. There was also an opinion that the Gods feed on the milk of the Ladybug, so in no case should this insect be killed. It is believed that the ladybug was previously called “ladyblood”, since the back of this insect resembles a drop of blood. In Anglo-Saxon countries, from ancient times to the present day, the ladybug is called Ladybird, Ladybug or Lady Beetle. The word "Lady" implies the Virgin Mary, Catholics associate and link the Ladybug. In Bulgaria this insect is called “God’s beauty”; in Germany and Switzerland - “God's candle”, Mary's beetle, God's bird or horse, golden cockerel, solar bird, solar cockerel, solar calf, in France - God's hen, God's animal, St. Michael's chicken; in Lithuania - “God’s Maryushka”; in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Ukraine - the sun; in Argentina - St. Anthony's cow, and in Tajikistan - the red-bearded grandfather. In modern times, the Ladybug symbolizes love and sexuality. As some psychological works say, it is a symbol of the desire to lose virginity.

A talisman with the image of ladybugs brings good luck. And the more black spots on the back, the stronger the talisman. One spot - a ladybug will help in any new endeavor; two spots - a symbol of internal and external harmony; three - a person will learn to be reasonable and will be able to make the right decisions; four - protection from robbers and bandits (a talisman with such a ladybug is good to take on long trips); five - will increase the ability for creative work; six - will help in learning; seven is a divine sign; a ladybug with seven spots will bring its owner good luck in all matters and happiness. A tattoo with the image of a ladybug does not have a negative interpretation. It is a symbol of love and good luck.


The ladybug is a symbol of good luck in many countries (Fig. 49). There is a belief that she was previously connected with the divine world. Almost every nation has signs associated with ladybugs. Therefore, it is difficult to say where and when exactly this insect began to symbolize good luck and happiness.

Figure 49. Ladybug

The power of a ladybug talisman is directly proportional to the number of black spots on it. One spot - good luck in new business; two spots – harmony, spirituality; three spots - making good decisions; four – good luck on travel, protection from criminals; five – good luck in creation; six – good luck in studying, in acquiring new knowledge; seven spots - good luck in everything. As a rule, this symbol is used in the form of an amulet, which is always carried with you, be it a keychain or decoration.

The energy of the amulet can be enhanced by using various folk conspiracies or whispering your requests. Conspiracies can be different: from the childish “Ladybug, fly to heaven, bring us bread, black and white, just not burnt” to the serious one – “Ladybug, fly to heaven, come back with good luck.” After pronouncing such a spell, it is customary to blow on the amulet, as if seeing off the ladybug on its way. Previously, they blew on a real insect in this way and determined whether the wish would come true: if the ladybug “listened” to the plot to the end and immediately took off after the blow, the wish would come true; otherwise, it will not come true.

Ancient Palestinian amulet The amulet is round in shape and contains images of a fish (symbol of good luck and fertility), two triangles (symbol of creation, creativity, male power), a bowl (abundance), a crescent (feminine energy) and a flower (beauty) (Fig. 50) . In Ancient Palestine and Mesopotamia, fish were considered sacred animals of the god of water and wisdom. They are revered in Hinduism and the Feng Shui tradition. This is the main symbol of the talisman.

Figure 50. Ancient Palestinian amulet

Having created or acquired such an amulet, you should activate its power. To do this, you need to find a place on a clear night during a full moon where no one will disturb you, and put the talisman on a simple white saucer, place it on a windowsill illuminated by the Moon. Then you should mentally ask the amulet for help, concentrating on love and faith in the power of the symbol. You can ask for luck in the area of ​​life where you need it most. It's good to write out the text of the request in advance, but improvisation is also suitable. Feeling tired, you need to wish the talisman good night and leave it in that position until the morning. In the morning, it is important to get up before other family members, touch the amulet, concentrating on faith in its power.

1. I believe in the power of luck.

2. The energy of success permeates me.

3. The living force of luck, abundance and love fills me.

Exercise to release the energy of a symbol.

Stand under the full moon on a clear night, stretch your arms forward, palms up, exposing them to the light of the moon. Wait until your hands begin to feel the energy of the moonlight passing through them. Light fills you, warms you and gives you energy. The power of the flow increases, charging your body with positive thoughts. Mentally say any affirmations for this symbol. Thank the Moon for the gift of strength and faith in luck.

Key This simple symbol means that the person who possesses it has the key to good luck (Fig. 51). If a person wants, he can use it at any time. The symbol received this meaning many centuries ago in Italy, where merchants wore the keys to their vaults with money and jewelry around their necks. Gradually, the key began to be perceived as a talisman. This trend is reflected in the fairy tale of the golden key.

Figure 51. Key

The most powerful talisman can be a real apartment key. To do this, it needs to be properly charged with energy.

It is possible to activate the energy of the symbol using the following ritual.

Place the selected key on a white tablecloth. Light a candle nearby and place a bowl of water. Read the following plot 12 times: “Fire, water, and earth hear. I will stand (state my name), having been blessed, having prayed to God, I will walk between two pillars, to the other side of the world. There, in prison, my candle languishes. I will unlock the locks with this key and take my luck with me. As long as this key unlocks the bolt, the luck candle does not leave me!” Put the key in your key holder or bag (do not store the talisman in your pocket) and extinguish the candle. Each use of this key for its intended purpose will enhance its positive energy aimed at attracting good luck.

You can apply and enhance the energy of the symbol using affirmations:

1. The path to success in any field is open to me.

2. I am the master of my success.

3. The energy of luck accompanies me everywhere.

Rabbit's foot Rabbits and hares are animals of good luck, in ancient times people associated them with spring, fertility and productivity, and a happy occasion. The hind leg of a rabbit or hare is considered lucky because when running it touches the ground faster than the front leg (Fig. 52). It is difficult to say where this superstition originated first, but in one form or another it was present in Ancient China, medieval Europe, Africa, and both Americas. Africans probably brought the belief in the power of the rabbit's foot to America along with the magic of huddu.

In the United States, the symbol of good luck is the first dollar you earn on your own. They do not waste it, but constantly carry it with them as a talisman.

Figure 52. Rabbit's foot

The rabbit's foot was originally a talisman for hunters. Later they began to make artificial paws “for good luck.”

Different cultures have different requirements for making a talisman. According to some requirements, a rabbit or hare must be killed in a certain place (for example, in a cemetery) and at a certain time (for example, on the full moon or Friday the thirteenth), according to others, it must be killed by a cross-eyed hunter, according to others, only the left will bring good luck. hind paw, etc. Requirements about the full moon came from Africa, about the hunter's squint - from South America, mentions of the cemetery and Friday the thirteenth are later, they can be considered international, although they are closer to Western culture. It is not known where the tradition of believing in the strength of the left hind leg of a rabbit or hare came from. All these conditions are not relevant in modern society, with the possible exception of ethnic communities following the traditions of ancient magic. In addition, the loss of a talisman is considered fatal: troubles and failures should be expected.

When purchasing such a symbol, even if it is artificial, you need to charge it with your own words by sincerely asking the rabbit’s foot to bring good luck.

Scepter of Ruyi A Chinese symbol from the Feng Shui tradition, it represents power, luck, wealth and happiness (Fig. 53). The Ruyi Scepter is otherwise called the wish-fulfilling wand.

Figure 53. Ruyi's scepter

In Ancient China, this symbol, made in stone and metal, was considered a wonderful gift, signifying recognition of the authority of the emperor or favor towards his subordinates. Translated, the word “ruyi” means “at will.” The appearance of Ruyi scepters in China can be dated back to the 3rd–4th centuries. At that time they were made from metals, ceramics and stone. The symbol acquired its modern form by the 13th century, and became widespread in the 17th century.

The Ruyi scepter can be carried with you in the form of an amulet that brings good luck, or placed in the house on the table. Depending on which sector the symbol is placed in, it will bring good luck in a certain area of ​​life, but the Ruyi scepter takes on special significance in the career and power zone, as well as in the northern part of the desktop.

You can apply and enhance the energy of the symbol using affirmations:

1. I attract good luck.

2. My life is under my control.

3. I successfully control my destiny.

Lucky penny

Penny - British one penny coin, 0.01 pounds sterling (Fig. 54).

There is a belief that if you find such a coin on the street, a person will be lucky for the whole day, provided that he immediately gives it to the first needy person he meets.

We have seen this bug many times and heard about it and often wondered: why is it called a ladybug, and why does it have 7 spots? This little bug is very important in folklore, not only in Slavic, but also in English, German, Danish, and ancient times. It is also significant that the information is almost identical in different cultures. English-language sources say that the bug has had such strong and widespread symbolism since ancient times that it is impossible to find the moment and exact place where this symbol appeared. However, researchers believe that ladybugs are an ancient symbol of happiness, good luck and good news, a symbol of respect, grace, kindness, forgiveness and a symbol of divination.

In Slavic mythology, the Ladybug personified the bride of the Sun (St. Virgin Mary's beetle (Germany, Switzerland), lady beetle (England, Australia), St. Anthony's cow (Argentina), the sun (Czech Republic, Slovakia), red-bearded grandfather (Tajikistan)). On the day of Ivan Kupala, the girl was dressed in a red wedding veil, like the wings of a Ladybug. The girl was forbidden to be placed on the ground so that her solar essence would not burn the Earth. Why did they choose a girl? The female image was associated with a cow - the keeper of the hearth and the nurse. It was believed that the girl could predict. She was asked about weddings, harvests, livestock, life and death. Ladybugs were seen as intermediaries between the world of the living and the world of the dead. Apparently, this reflects the idea of ​​the ladybug as an ancestor. The ladybug was associated with the Great Goddess, and later was an attribute of the Mother of God. Hence its names in European languages: “bird of the Mother of God,” “God’s Maryushka,” “Mary’s beetle.”

Our ancestors believed that the ladybug lives in heaven and only from time to time descends from heaven in order to convey God’s will to man. There was also an opinion that the Gods feed on the milk of the Ladybug, so in no case should this insect be killed. It is believed that the ladybug was previously called “ladyblood”, since the back of this insect resembles a drop of blood. In Rus', people traditionally addressed a cow with the question: “Lady cow, will there be bad weather tomorrow?” If she flew away, it means the weather will be good; if not, it means rain. The Slavs “fortified” with the help of a cow, asking: “Lady cow, should I live, should I die, or should I fly to heaven?” The English call it the "lady bird". This epithet was used in honor of the Virgin Mary, aka “Lady of all Christians”, “Mistress”. The red color of the ladybug is associated with the color of the Virgin Mary's cloak. In addition, according to medieval iconographic tradition, the Mother of God was depicted in red robes. The Bulgarians have a fortune telling: if under the stone under which the removed martenitsa was placed - a small amulet made of threads or wool, which is tied on the first day of March in order to be healthy and happy throughout the year - there are Ladybugs, this means that they will breed well cows.

In Slavic mythology there is a plot of the struggle of the Thunderer with his opponent, the mythical serpent, victory over which leads to the ordering of the world. Among the stories about Perun’s pursuit of the enemy, the one dedicated to the kidnapping of the wife of a formidable deity is of particular interest. Sometimes her name is indicated - Perynya. In these stories, more attention is paid to the wife, who for treason was turned into a ladybug, scorched by punitive fire - lightning. Her children are also punished by fire. There are seven of them, just like there are days in the week; there are the same number of spots on the back of a ladybug (in many languages ​​there are such names for ladybug as “seven-spotted”, “seven-spotted”). Eh, dear Perynya - everything is a serpent tempter. I forgot the “half”, both my debt and my children. There are seven on benches and a thunderous husband, and here there is steppe grass and a beloved snake. I was tormented by the worry of being one of the herd, and having to carry everything on myself until I worked my ass off. Into freedom without looking back - at least for an hour, yes! but gray-haired Perun stepped on his heels with fire. Your clothes are charred, burned by an arrow - you will not be what you were before - a young beauty. From now on you must become a Ladybug, a dexterous mediator, and your role is complex. Between heaven and earth, Perun's herds - always be connected with the influence on the weather. Another legend is known, according to which the ladybug belongs to the heavenly flock of Perun. She mediates the connection between heaven and earth, between a powerful god and people, and is a symbol of this connection. Therefore, she was credited with magical powers and the ability to influence the weather. People tried not to kill ladybugs so as not to incur God's wrath. We are separated by a whole abyss (700×466, 100Kb) In the Baltic tradition, for example, there is an idea of ​​seven children of the Thunderer, of whom only the youngest, the seventh, withstands the test of fire and water and turns out to be the legitimate son. The idea of ​​eternal return, resurrection, wealth is associated with it; it corresponds to the seventh day of the week, marked as the day of the Sun.

It was believed that the ladybug lives in heaven and only from time to time descends from heaven to convey the will of God to man. Many peoples believed that the gods themselves fed on its milk, so the ladybug could not be killed under any pretext. According to another version, it allegedly came from little people. Killing a cow is a great sin. In Galicia it was believed that whoever crushes it with his foot will die.

For the Dutch, a ladybug landing on a person is considered a good omen. Czechs believe that finding a ladybug brings good luck. Asians believe that if you release a cow that has been caught, it will fly to the love of your life and whisper your name in her/his ear, after which he/she will immediately rush out to find you. Among the Irish, the ladybug is a symbol of protection. The French believe that a talisman with her image will protect children from misfortune and warn of danger. A talisman with the image of ladybugs brings good luck. And the more black spots on the back, the stronger the talisman.

One spot - a ladybug will help in any new endeavor; two spots - a symbol of internal and external harmony; three - a person will learn to be reasonable and will be able to make the right decisions; four – protection from robbers and bandits (a talisman with such a ladybug is good to take on long trips); five – will increase the ability for creative work; six – will help in learning; seven is a divine sign; a ladybug with seven spots will bring its owner good luck in all matters and happiness.

A tattoo with the image of a ladybug does not have a negative interpretation. It is a symbol of love and good luck. \ Various spells, conspiracies and lamentations have still been preserved, where the ladybug acts as a creature capable of flying to God and conveying people’s requests to him. Children's nursery rhymes, chants:

Ladybug, Fly to heaven, Bring milk: The children are sitting at home, They want milk!

Ladybug, Fly to the sky, There your children eat candy, They give it to all the children, But they don’t give it to Vanyushka.

Ladybug, Fly to the sky, There your children eat sweets, drink tea, and are waiting for you. Before us is the magic of fertility and the symbolism of the coming spring. The motif of heavenly children allows researchers - supporters of the “main myth” about the Thunderer, outlined above, to associate the cow with the scorched lightning (hence the color) wife of the Thunder God. \ Ladybug, Fly to the sky, I will give you bread.

Ladybug, Fly to the sky, There your children are crying, They are jumping on the benches.

Ladybug, Fly to the sky, There your children eat cutlets, But they don’t give them to the dogs, They just get them themselves. \ Ladybug, fly to the sky, bring us bread, crackers and buns, sweet cheesecakes.

Ladybug, fly up deftly. Bring us from the sky: A replacement for bread, a change for mushrooms, growth for berries, a long tail for the radish.

Ladybug, Black Head, Fly overseas! It's warm there, it's cold here.

- Ladybug, fly to the cloud. - If it’s dry, I’ll fly, if it’s damp, I’ll sit.

In Denmark, children use a ladybug to convey a request to God for good weather. Norwegians ask her for help in finding their soulmate: “Golden cow, fly east, fly west, fly north, fly south, find my love.” In the Lviv region, they put a bug on their hand and ask them to show the way: “Che to heaven, chi to hell?”, or they sing: “Verunko, fly to heaven, bring me a golden crown.” The Estonian kids put her in their arms, but she doesn’t fly away. The guys tell her: “Alder bird, alder bird, show me where the sea is and where the war is coming from.” The bug will show you that it is flying in that direction.

In England, the poem about the Ladybug served in 1559-1662 as a relatively safe way of warning Catholics about the approach of Protestants. Farmers in England know that the ladybug is beneficial and therefore, when they set fire to their fields to clear them in favor of the future harvest, they chanted -

Lady bug, lady bug, fly away home. Your house is on fire, and your children alone, They will burn, they will burn

Ladybird, ladybird fly away home, Your house in on fire and your children are gone.

A very interesting fact is that in Russian folklore there is also a similar verse: Ladybug, fly to the sky, there is a fire in my house, my children are alone!

More names by which the Ladybug is affectionately called: Bulgarians call it “Lady's beauty”; Germans - “God’s candle”, Mary’s beetle, God’s bird/horse, golden cockerel, heavenly little animal, solar bird, solar cockerel, solar calf; French - chicken of God, animal of God, chicken of St. Michael, little dove, St. Nicholas; Lithuanians - “God’s Maryushka”.

Since luck is a flighty, capricious and fickle lady, people have developed many methods to attract and retain it. symbols that bring good luck on your body, in your home and in your workplace.

. The most famous among which are:

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The history of the appearance of the talisman

The red-backed insect has always been considered as something magical, magical, close to God. For example, ancient confessions say that the insect lives in the sky and only occasionally descends to earth with messages. But such messages always have a joyful basis. While the insect is crawling along the lucky person’s hand, you can tell her about secret desires and dreams. After all, she will definitely pass them on to God.


She brings news about the upcoming birth of a child, unexpected money, happiness, and good luck. It was believed that something good would certainly happen to the person who met her. People also believed that the insect bestowed a portion of luck on those who met it. Therefore, in the near future a person can make serious vital decisions, because now God’s luck is with him. You should never hurt an insect, much less kill it. This was considered a sin.

Killing the Ladybug will definitely bring grief, misfortune, and sadness to the whole family. Killing an insect was equated to committing evil to God himself, because the insect was his messenger, a harbinger.

There are many legends about the origin of the messenger of God. According to one of the Slavic legends, Perun’s wife turned into a Ladybug. The girl was unfaithful to her husband, for which she paid. Since then, the woman has worked for her husband. She descended to earth and gave mortals pleasant, joyful messages on Perun’s instructions.

According to another legend, she is a messenger of God. Insects live in the sky, raise children, communicate with God. Only occasionally do they descend into the world of people and give them their luck, luck and love.

Ladybug is a symbol of love

Symbol meaning

The meaning of the symbol depends on the number of “beads” on the insect’s body. Therefore, it is recommended to approach the choice of a small amulet carefully and seriously. Analyze before purchasing what you want more of.

Amulet meaning:

  • One bead is an assistant in all endeavors. It doesn't matter what area the new case concerns. It will help overcome difficulties and give the “carrier” additional strength. A talisman with one point will also help to put a point where previously there was a lack of fortitude.
  • Two beads will give you peace of mind and spiritual harmony. Problems will bother you less. The feeling of happiness and satisfaction will not take long to arrive. It will also help cope with stress and unnecessary worries.
  • Three beads . Suitable for people who always doubt. Those who cannot decide which path to take. A talisman with three dots will help you make the right decisions and not hesitate when making a choice.
  • Four beads have protective properties. They protect and save their “master” from damage and the evil eye. Protect from evil people and stressful situations.
  • Five beads. A talisman with five beads is suitable for careerists or people who want to achieve success in their work. An insect with five dots on its back will help a person achieve career heights and feel more confident. Also leads to unexpected money.
  • Six beads - suitable for schoolchildren, students, people who are going through the learning process. Helps with studies. By the way, this particular amulet can help a schoolchild copy and learn a given paragraph. For some students, the talisman calms them down and their handwriting improves significantly.
  • Seven beads bring good luck and fortune. An amulet with seven spots is a sign of unexpected luck. The person will feel much more confident and better.
  • Eight beads - suitable for people who have lost their way in life, or do not know which path is best to take. The amulet will guide the “owner” to the true path. He will be his faithful assistant throughout the entire journey.

Ladybug amulet with eight beads

The meaning of the Ladybug talisman depends entirely on the number of beads on the back. But this only applies to small amulets and figurines. And, for example, paintings, photographs and images will, in a way, be a combination of all the meanings indicated above.

Ladybug lived in a sunny clearing in the forest with her mother . In truth, she was not a cow. It was a beautiful red beetle with black dots on its back. Ladybug really loved warm summer mornings. Waking up, she looked into the water of the spring as if in a mirror, was proud of her beauty, bathed in a drop of dew and fluttered over the beautiful flowers. She fed on their nectar in the morning. One day her mother asked her to fly to the silkworm caterpillars for silk. Mom wanted to sew curtains for the windows from it. The daughter flew away. Along the way she met a large and scary rhinoceros beetle. He sat on a rotting fallen tree and deliciously ate wood dust. “Ugh, what a nasty bug! - thought the cow. “And his food is disgusting!” And she flew on. Her path ran over a huge wheat field, from the edge of which blue cornflowers grew. The traveler looked at them in fascination. The flowers swayed in the light breeze. She landed on a flower and was swinging on it, when suddenly she heard someone whisper: “Uuuuuu, you won’t fly away - I’ll catch up with her!” Oooh, don’t fly away - play!” Then someone picked her up and carried her. It was the wind! He either carried her over the field, or fell silent among the ears of wheat. Then they spun in a fiery dance. Little Ladybug felt incredibly happy! The wind died down. There is only a short distance left to reach the silkworms. Suddenly, a strange and very loud sound was heard from the forest. It seemed that a brass band of incompetent musicians was trying to play some kind of piece. Curiosity made the cow fly towards the cacaphony of sound. And she saw a swamp, in the center of which there were many fat frogs sitting on the leaves of water lilies. They all croaked heart-rendingly in different voices. “Kwa-kwa-kwa,” one of them began. “Kuwaaa, kuwaaa,” echoed the other. “Ky-va-va-va, ky-va-va-va,” picked up the third. Such yelling sent shivers down the listener’s body. She immediately felt hungry and tired. Taking off, she turned towards the house. Mom was very upset that her daughter once again did not fulfill a simple request. Her husband, the cow's father, was killed by a stupid boy in the meadow, and there was nowhere for the woman to wait for help. All hope was for my daughter, and she grew up as a carefree lazy person... There was no sleep. Going out into the street, she saw a blue bright spot quickly approaching her. This Night Fairy flew to visit her old friend. The cow's mother told how irresponsible her daughter is growing up. And the fairy proposed a plan to help train the cow to work. As soon as she again does not fulfill the request to help with something, the fairy will change the sloth's beautiful outfit to black. Every time she helps her mother, a little red will appear instead of black. Gradually, the whole back will turn red, and if the daughter herself begins to offer her help, then the black spots will gradually return to their place. And again Ladybug will conquer everyone with her beauty. That's what they decided on. The next morning, mom sent the cow to get nectar for breakfast. She flew away and returned only at lunchtime, leaving my mother without morning food. The poor woman's stomach growled with hunger as she prepared delicious aphid soup and caterpillar larvae stew for the naughty girl. And she, having had lunch, fell asleep sweetly in an embrace with her friend - a furry caterpillar. In the evening, they both went to the lawn, where they danced with other beetles until the fireflies arrived on night duty and sent everyone home. In the morning, Ladybug, looking into the waters of the stream, discovered that her luxurious outfit had disappeared, and her entire back was black, like that of a click beetle. She ran home in tears: “Mom, where is my beautiful outfit? What's happened? Why am I now a black ugly thing?!” - she shouted. Her mother explained to her that inattention to close people, indifference to them and laziness make the soul and body black. And in order to become beautiful again, you must first make your soul beautiful. Then your body will become more beautiful. From that day on, the cow began to change for the better. She helped her mother and the neighbor's bugs every day. Collected nectar; She brought silk from the silkworms and helped sew curtains. She even hung out with the neighbor's children and cleaned the houses of the elderly. Every morning she ran to the spring to check if her back was turning red. And then a few days later it happened! Ladybug and everyone around rejoiced at such changes! The red color became more and more, and one morning the black color disappeared completely. Hooray! The cow liked to work and help everyone who needed it. And she herself began to look for who to help, where and what to do. And suddenly two black spots appeared on her back. The girl cried with happiness. Mom also cried with joy and pride for her daughter! But these were pleasant tears... The day came when our heroine returned to her old outfit. She was beautiful and happy! And the habit of helping someone has become so firmly entrenched in her that she now helps people too: she eats aphids in gardens and vegetable gardens, larvae of insect pests, and Colorado beetle eggs. Our children love Ladybug and sing a song to her: Ladybug, fly to heaven! Your kids eat candy there. Everyone gets one, but you don’t get one. The cow doesn't even eat candy. It's just such a song. And you be like a cow and help your parents and those who need your help. But do and help only in good deeds, and never participate in bad deeds.

Marina Kedrova


With a carp figurine, good luck will help you and you will grow spiritually. If a man and a woman lack harmony, place two figures in the room. Nine carps will increase wealth and bring stability in solving financial issues. Golden carp can swim in a large aquarium, but not everyone has this opportunity, but a picture or panel with their image can be hung on the wall.

A talisman in the northern part of the house will help you advance your career; if you place it in the southeast, your financial problems will be solved by themselves.

What does the ladybug symbol look like?

The symbol may look different. It all depends on the imagination of the person making the amulet. You can either buy a talisman in a store or make it yourself. It is believed that an amulet made with one’s own hands will bring more happiness than the same one bought. This is due to the fact that the creator puts his soul, a part of himself, into such a symbol.

Variations of the amulet:

  • small figurines (key chains, figurines for decorating shelves);
  • images (paintings, photographs, printed images);
  • pendants;

Many people like to decorate their apartments with ladybugs. For example, a painting with an insect would ideally complement the interior. To complement the interior, the painting will have protective properties. Protect the family living in this house.

Parents often decorate the interior of children's rooms with ladybugs. An insect in the nursery will help protect the baby from the evil eye, damage, and will help in business. It will relieve tension and bring more bright moments into the baby’s life. In addition, a Ladybug in a children's room is a protective amulet and a beautiful original decoration.


An elephant made of bronze, stone or ivory looks simply magnificent. It gives the owner strength, wisdom, and makes him invulnerable. It can help get a good harvest, bring long-awaited rain and increase soil fertility. The white talisman is a symbol of chastity.

It helps close people appreciate each other, maintains an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house, and makes household members of different ages more tolerant of each other.

For some people, luck enters the house right through the door, perhaps this happens as a result of the light of a favorable star illuminating its path, or maybe for another reason. But this doesn’t happen to everyone; an elephant figurine will help you bring good luck into your home. Many people believe that no matter how far away your luck is, the elephant will reach out to it with its long trunk and pull it in. To do this, you just need to place the figurine on the windowsill so that the trunk is towards the star, and that’s it.

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