Feng Shui money ship - a talisman of good luck and prosperity

According to Feng Shui, a ship is a symbol of wealth. It attracts all sorts of benefits, new things into the house, and also improves the financial condition of its owners. This talisman has an ancient history that goes back to the last millennium, that is, to the times when merchants transported goods on sailing ships. Sails inflated by the wind symbolize success and prosperity.

money ship - ancient feng shui talisman

In order for the money ship - a symbol of wealth and good luck according to Feng Shui, to begin to actively operate, it should be filled with precious stones (a fake is possible), gilded or gold items, paper bills and coins. Such a sailboat will definitely bring you material well-being!

What does this talisman mean?


People who revere the teachings of Feng Shui prefer to place a sailboat in their home as a talisman, because the image of a ship symbolizes and attracts wealth and well-being to the home. It not only increases the flow of income into the family, but also represents the possibility of successfully overcoming impending troubles. After all, since ancient times, sailing ships have been able to cope with formidable storms and storms, staying afloat and continuing their long journey.

However, it should be borne in mind that only a merchant ship that does not have weapons or military equipment on board is suitable for such purposes. The best option is considered to be a ship with sails inflated by the wind - a symbol of good luck and adding wealth to the family. Purchasing such a talisman into your home will help attract all the benefits, acquire new things, and also improve the financial condition of your owners.

The talisman must be made of metal (preferably noble) or wood. Due to the bulk of the design and difficulties with transportation, it is best to make a money ship with your own hands, investing your positive energy into it and conveying your dreams and desires. The finished vessel must be fully loaded with items that represent wealth: coins, precious stones, crystals, banknotes, etc.

What should a money ship look like according to Feng Shui?

When choosing a mascot, you do not need to give preference to models of warships or boats. You should buy a sailing ship - a real symbol of Feng Shui. Please note that military paraphernalia is not a favorable talisman. It is advisable that the money boat you choose be assembled without nails.

antique Chinese junk

The material that goes into making a Feng Shui souvenir is extremely important. It should bring powerful positive energy to your home. Ideally, a money sailboat should be metal, if possible gold. You can cover your ship with gold. As an option, the talisman can be made of wood, since this natural material has positive energy. However, let us remember that metal is the most effective.

Recommendations for choosing a suitable sailboat

When purchasing a ready-made sailboat in a store, it is recommended to choose a vessel that is not a model or copy of any famous ship. It will be bad if he became famous for military actions, victory in battles or the capture of the enemy and foreign territories.

Ship in the interior

The ideal option is a ship of wealth or its model, assembled without fasteners and nails, preferably wooden. After all, such material adds vitality and success to the owner in business. On sale you can always find various prefabricated models, when working with which they will additionally add not only energy, but also a particle of the human soul.

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Similar recommendations exist when choosing a painting with a ship. According to Feng Shui, a drawing of a sailboat or its pictorial representation acts in the same way as its model. Any painted sailboat or yacht is a symbol of prosperity in the family. In addition, purchasing a painting will save space in the apartment, because, located on the wall, it will become an excellent decorative element and decoration of the room.

The most effective symbol to help attract good luck and wealth is a ship made of gold or decorated with a dragon's head. Even in the absence of sails, the dragon carries with it strong energy, which will help attract good luck and prosperity to the house.

Under no circumstances should you put a ship in a bottle, because... with its inability to get out of there, it symbolizes the opposite action - hopelessness and leading the situation to a dead end.

How to use a sailboat in practice?

Today, in souvenir and esoteric goods stores you can see a huge variety of boats, boats and ships, but not all of them can be confidently called an eastern symbol of wealth. These do not include warships and other vessels that have guns or any other weapons on board.

According to history, only the ship that has many different masts and sails brings money with it, and the latter should not be lowered, but inflated, as if the wind were blowing through them.

The ideal place in the house to install a frigate of fortune

Ship on the table

When choosing a location, you should follow several rules:

  • the sailboat must be placed on a stand (shelf or coffee table), but not on the floor;
  • red color helps activate the talisman, so you can place it on top of a bright red napkin or tie a scarlet ribbon on the yard;
  • when the ship of fortune is installed near the front door, it helps to attract income to the family from the outside;
  • the bow of the sailboat must be directed towards the center or inside the room so that the long-awaited wealth does not “float away” from it, so you cannot turn it towards the window or doors;
  • in the house, it is better to place a money ship in the southeastern sector (in the zone of wealth) or northeast (zone of learning and knowledge);
  • It is recommended to install the talisman in a residential or office building, in the boss’s office (as a symbol of power) and even in a store - everywhere it will attract good luck and money;
  • It should be taken into account that the ship activates and attracts only a single financial source, therefore, if you want to receive income from different places, you need to place several sailboats in the house or its images in different rooms.

Read more: wealth zone according to Feng Shui.

Sailboat with a dragon's head

Another wonderful Feng Shui talisman is a sailboat with the head of a dragon. It has no sails, but in this case they are not needed, since the dragon itself has strong energy, which is enough to attract good luck. This feng shui talisman is depicted filled with gold bars and jewelry.

In the career field, sometimes there are so-called “ideal” monetary symbols of financial well-being - a ship in the form of a dragon with jewelry.

Such talismans have very powerful energy, and finding even their analogues is quite problematic.


Unlike an ordinary ship, they have decorations and valuable items located on the body of the dragon, which does not have sailboats - it is believed that the dragon itself is the embodiment of strength and wealth, and therefore it does not need “wings” at all.

How to activate the talisman ship

The original Chinese money ship, decorated with the head of a dragon, does not need to be activated additionally (this creature already attracts wealth into the house), especially when the talisman is covered with gold and filled with bullion. However, finding and purchasing such a dragon is quite difficult.

Stand for pens

Most often, a sailboat loaded with coins, jewelry or stones symbolizing prosperity is installed as a talisman. To enhance the effect, you can insert a banknote wrapped in a tube into the sail or attach notes to the deck with the words “money,” “well-being,” and “prosperity.” To activate the talisman, red color is used (scarlet sails, ribbons, etc.).

Some admirers of the teachings of Feng Shui, to quickly fulfill their desires, use photos or images of material things that they want to receive as a gift. They are placed on the deck of a ship, attracting good luck and believing that all dreams will come true.

In the 21st century, a passion for Chinese theory helps many people strive for their goal and achieve its fulfillment with the help of various talismans and symbols. It is not without reason that gilded ships flying with full sails or Chinese dragons sailing on the sea decorate the offices of the richest people in the world. Maybe they brought them multimillion-dollar income and brought them success in business?

Historical information about the mascot

Why was a sailboat, “soaring” on the waves of endless seas, chosen as a symbol of success and material wealth?

This talisman acquired associations at the beginning of the 8th century: at that time, merchants were considered the richest class, whose job was to transport precious cargo by water using merchant ships.

Returning from regular travels, ships and people brought various jewelry, clothes, silks and many other unique things, the beauty and luxury of which could only be envied.

Now, according to Feng Shui masters, decorated ships are still able to attract good luck and financial success in business. It doesn’t matter where exactly - in the office or in your home, the correct design, location and activation will help you achieve the necessary goals in a short time and get your “place in the sun”.

Painting as a tool for energy management

A painting in the interior of an apartment is not only decoration. With its help, you can increase or decrease the impact of Qi flows. The main thing is to determine in which room, in which zone and on which wall it is best to hang the picture. It is also very important to know what semantic meaning the image carries. When choosing paintings according to Feng Shui, you should even take into account the color and material of its frame.

Panel with voluminous flowers in the bedroom

An important rule when choosing a painting according to Feng Shui is that it should evoke exclusively positive emotions. There should not be negativity and a feeling of doom, but, on the contrary, a feeling of joy and happiness.

Beautiful abstraction in the office

It is worth abandoning paintings depicting aggression in any form, from gloomy and fading landscapes, from photographs of dead people. You should not use paintings depicting broken and broken objects, natural disasters, or cemeteries. Paintings with the meaning of “secret arrows” (pointed, directed objects, power lines) are also undesirable to hang in the house.

Painting with a cat in a children's room

With the help of a painting, you can correct the situation with the lack of separate zones in the house. To do this, you need to hang it in the place where the sector is supposed to be located. It is best if the picture depicts the horizon, sunset, endless field or the vast expanse of the sea.

Calming abstraction in the dining room

To activate the required zone in the apartment, you need to know which paintings have an image suitable for this sector. It is desirable that the color of the picture frame be one of the colors preferred for this sector.

Bright abstraction in the living room to tone up Landscape in the bedroom according to Feng Shui

Black and white painting with the sea in the bedroom Abstraction in soothing colors in the living room

Painting with flamingos in the bedroom according to Feng Shui Painting with a calm sea in the bedroom according to Feng Shui

Mountains and landscapes for the bedroom

In the bedroom you should only place paintings with images of quiet places that radiate peace and serenity. A mountain, a lying stone or a boulder are symbols of constancy. And the design of a waterfall with its swiftness and sparkling splashes is best installed in the hall or living room. A quiet river and lake are indispensable companions of forests and mountains. Such paintings create an atmosphere of comfort and beauty. Bridges connecting two banks are not always appropriate in a family bedroom. It is better not to bring the painting into the apartment at all, which depicts a raised bridge.

Sea in feng shui

It is difficult to find identical images of the sea in artists' paintings. This huge mass of water moves, makes noise and rages, fascinating with its rapid changes in the color of the waves, danger, and incredible energy. The sea (depending on its condition) can cause irrepressible passion, excitement, or fill the lives of people around with peace and clarity. A painting in which azure waves barely splash, the air is permeated with light, and somewhere above the wings of a white seagull glide, can be hung in the bedroom. And the stormy sea, throwing furious waves onto the shore, should be placed in the hallway, so that before going to work, just a glance at this canvas will accelerate and make a person much more cheerful.

Forest and trees according to the feng shui system

Each tree has its own purpose (for example, red rowan has very strong energy, it is a warrior tree, it perfectly protects against any type of dirt). The forest is friendly to the element of water, so their joint image in the picture is perceived very positively by people. Drawings with flowering plants are placed in the southeast, this is a place of good luck and prosperity. According to Feng Shui, shades of green should predominate in the kitchen. Therefore, images of trees will come in handy here.

Sectors and zones of the premises

Focusing on the cardinal directions, we will determine the sectors in the apartment according to Feng Shui:

  • In the north is the career sector. You need to pay attention to this sector in the house if there are problems with work. Activation colors: blue, cyan, white, black.
  • In the south is the sector of fame and aspiration. Harmonization of this zone will help in achieving fame, recognition and success. Colors: red and green.
  • In the west there is the sector of children and creativity. This area in the house requires attention when there are problems with children, with their conception and upbringing. This zone is also activated to realize creative ideas. Colors: grey, white, yellow.
  • In the east is the family sector. Disagreements with spouses, parents and children are a reason to pay attention to this zone. Colors: blue, green, brown, black, a little red.
  • In the northwest there is the sector of travel, intuition and patrons. You can activate this zone in difficult moments of life, when outside help is needed. Colors: grey, white, yellow, silver, gold.
  • In the northeast there is the sector of knowledge and wisdom. It is necessary to control the movement of energy in this zone so that there are no problems in studying. This is also the best place in the house to practice yoga and meditation. Colors: yellow, beige, terracotta, orange.
  • In the southwest there is the sector of love and relationships. It is worth harmonizing this sector in the house when problems arise in love, in marriage, in communication with loved ones. Colors: red, pink, brown and all shades of these colors.
  • In the southeast is the wealth sector. Prosperity, material well-being, life satisfaction. Colors: green, violet, lilac, moderately red.
  • In the center of the apartment is the health sector. Being in the center, this zone has an impact not only on the physical health of all family members, but also affects all sectors in the house. It is imperative to maintain a state of harmony in the health sector. Colors: yellow, orange, terracotta and beige.

Sectors according to Feng Shui Sectors of an apartment according to Feng Shui Cute paintings in the nursery Painting of a calm sea in the dining room Bright landscape in the dining room Unusual abstraction in the interior of the living room according to Feng Shui

The semantic meaning of the image

Where and what kind of painting can be hung in a particular area? When deciding on a choice, you must take into account the semantic meaning of each image.

For example, in the north, in the career sector, you can use images related to water - the sea, a sailboat, a landscape with fish. A special role in activating the career sector can be played by a painting depicting a waterfall - a symbol of purification, attracting good luck, love and prosperity. All images associated with clear water in motion serve as the personification of prosperity and happiness. The “waterfall” painting is good to hang in your office, bedroom or living room. This symbol has powerful energy. Therefore, you should never place a landscape with a waterfall behind you - above your desk, above the sofa in the living room, above the bed in the bedroom. There is a high probability of a negative result - it can simply be “flooded” with a powerful flow of energy. The “waterfall” painting should always be located opposite the table in the study and opposite the bed in the bedroom. You should not hang a picture with water in the southern sector. The meeting of two polar energies can lead to conflict.

Feng Shui painting with a waterfall in the living room

In the south, in the glory sector, it is good to use paintings depicting mountains, trees, fire, and pointed shapes. Rocky mountains with a river at the foot, a landscape with poppies, images of strong animals, such as horses, are the best options for designing the glory sector. In addition, the image of a horse is a powerful talisman for attracting good luck. The picture of “horses” symbolizes success, achievement and glory in all areas of life. And horses in a pair also mean a favorable marital relationship. A special symbol of rise and growth is the image of a horse rearing up. In addition, a picture of a horse can be hung opposite the entrance to the nursery, as it patronizes children.

A large painting with a horse in the interior of the living and dining room according to Feng Shui

In the northwestern sector you can hang a picture depicting mountains. Mountains are a symbol of stability, protection and support. It’s good to hang a picture of mountains in your office, above the table. The mountains adorning the northwestern sector (intuition sector) should have no sharp peaks.

Painting with mountains in the living room according to Feng Shui

Elephants are animals that have a beneficial effect on many sectors in the house. Elephants protect against unreasonable spending, stimulate creativity, attract good luck and protect children. The painting “elephants” can be placed in a nursery, a study, or a bedroom. It can be used to decorate both the corridor and the western wall in the living room.

Feng Shui painting with an elephant in the living room

A sailboat is one of the most powerful symbols of material well-being and happiness. A painting depicting a sailboat can be placed in any sector of the house. You can hang it on the wall in the bedroom, living room and kitchen. But it’s best to hang the painting “sailboat” in the hallway. The sailboat must have spread sails, and it is also very important where it goes. The bow of a sailboat should be pointed towards the apartment, and not towards the window or front door. It is important that the picture depicts a sunrise or its zenith. Sunset is associated with the end of a period of prosperity, and therefore it is not at all advisable to use the sunset depicted in the picture in home decoration in order to activate zones. Paintings depicting a sunset are best for blocking negative energy.

Painting with sailboats in the living room according to Feng Shui

Fish as a symbol

In Chinese, the word “fish” means abundance and happiness, which in itself says a lot. Two carp are a symbol of harmony between a woman and a man, and nine give prosperity. An aquarium with live fish - one black and 8 gold - improves your financial condition. Two orange aquarium pets are called “double fish”; they bring independence and emancipation, making you highly value your own opinion.

Urbanism and Feng Shui

The growth of cities, their transformation into huge megacities with developed systems of motor transport and ecology, the relationship between all the main structures is very difficult to regulate. But some city departments still organize their work taking into account the Feng Shui system. The location of squares and parks, green urban areas, the choice of flowers, tree species and shrubs in our technological age is built on the basis of knowledge about natural landscapes developed over thousands of years by the peoples of the East.

The Feng Shui system is inextricably linked with them, capable of regulating the designs of cities and small settlements based on the observations of many generations of people. Images in paintings of high-rise buildings, plants and factories are not always appropriate for placement in an apartment, but for public places they can serve as decoration and original decor. If the living space is decorated in a loft style, then you can hang a large panel in the hall or living room.

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