An amulet in the form of a coin to attract money: how to choose a money talisman

Talismans or amulets in the form of coins were used by our ancestors. This money amulet is very powerful if it is properly made, activated and used. The amulet coin was first mentioned in ancient Mesopotamia. After which, other cultures around the world began to use this monetary artifact.

Money amulet is very powerful if used correctly

How a coin became a talisman

The coin has always been associated with monetary energy. Every country in the world has a talisman coin. Its main properties are:

  • attracting money luck;
  • opening the way to material flows;
  • protection from poverty and want;
  • debt recovery;
  • acceleration of getting rid of the credit yoke;
  • getting a job with a higher salary;
  • directing cash flows to the house, accumulation of wealth.

The talisman coin directs cash flows into the house and accumulates wealth.

It is believed that the creation of amulets began with the Mesopotamian shekel: it protected the owners from losing their grain in the common storage. In China, Nanbu coins attracted happiness and money luck. They were made of gold - a symbol of wealth.

The Romans were the first to mint a coin in honor of Juno. During the war with Pyrrhus, she protected the profits of the soldiers. Fortune holds a cornucopia of coins pouring in. The power of goddesses who bestow prosperity is a strong confirmation of the magic of the amulet.

General principles for conducting such rituals

The main rule: if you want to attract good luck to yourself, you must do everything yourself . You should not order a charmed coin from a sorcerer or psychic - the ritual should be completely saturated with your own energy.

And in general, do not involve even those closest to you in such magic. You can’t even tell them about the intention (or the ritual performed). If anyone finds out about the magic, it will not work. That is why a person must act when left alone at home, and even closes the curtains tightly so that neighbors do not accidentally peep.

In order for luck to go hand in hand with prosperity, it is necessary to read coin spells on a narrow (waxing) moon . The full moon is also suitable for you.

Each word must be spoken slowly and clearly. Read all conspiracies from memory .

After the ritual, prepare for the fact that you will soon become successful and rich. You must imagine this without feeling moral discomfort or disbelief. It is very important to be confident in yourself and the power of money magic.

Do not read conspiracies out of curiosity or for the sake of self-indulgence - money may be offended and take revenge. Also, such magic is prohibited for pregnant women.

Important: rituals with coins are considered white magic , therefore they are not dangerous.

“Coin” rules for the lives of successful superstitious people

  • To prevent money from “flying out” of your wallet, on payday the entire amount received must be brought home (down to the penny). Let the money “sleep at home” for at least one night.
  • You cannot leave your wallet completely empty - even if there are two days left until payday, let there be at least a small coin in it.
  • When hanging or folding out-of-season clothes in your closet, place at least one coin in each pocket (but the more, the better). At the same time, make sure that there are no holes in your pockets, otherwise superstition will not attract wealth, but will do harm. And in general, always sew up holes in the pockets of the clothes you wear in a timely manner.
  • When you move into a new home (whether your own or rented), when you cross the threshold for the first time, scatter coins on the floor . It is desirable that they be silver. This will help you live richly in this house.

Which coin is suitable for creating a talisman?

Before making a talisman, you need to familiarize yourself with which coin is suitable for this purpose. The following coins can be used:

  • those brought from other countries;
  • ancient antique artifacts;
  • found on the street at night during the waxing moon;
  • ordinary, it can be transformed with the help of a ritual into an irredeemable ruble.

It is very important to take only real money for the ritual. To make a money talisman, the following will not work:

It is very important to take only real money for the ritual.

  • chipped, damaged coins;
  • souvenir money;
  • those instances that you don't like.

If the purchased coin is not activated, it will not become a talisman.

Choosing a coin and the rules of the ceremony

Anyone can perform the ritual, but it is imperative that the person follows certain rules when performing it. If you receive money, you should spend it wisely, on good and truly important things. If a person uses material resources for something bad, material happiness will turn away from him.

If a person does not have enough money, it is not necessary that all the money be in the room. You don't have to be in a room full of dust and dirt.

You can choose any coin for the ritual, the size does not matter. Depending on the chosen coin, a spell is performed.

Rules for the ritual:

  1. The ritual will work if your thoughts are pure, so it is recommended to perform the ritual only when you really need money.
  2. Don't tell anyone about your plans. If someone tells you about your plans, the ritual will not work.
  3. To succeed, you need to be mentally prepared. As a rule, money spoils a person, and higher authorities don’t really like it.
  4. For the ritual to work, you must remember the words of the spell.
  5. You must not change the word order, e.g. reformulate the words of the spell, otherwise the ritual will not be performed.
  6. Do not use the ritual for pregnant women, as it will have a bad effect on the baby's health.
  7. If there is not enough money, the ritual should be performed silently and focus on your goal - attracting money into your life.
  8. On Saturday and Sunday, the likelihood of a successful ritual increases, since they are considered lucky days of the week.

How to activate

It is recommended to purchase a coin from a numismatist or choose one that is used in everyday life. The amulet is made before the full moon or during the waxing moon. The algorithm for performing the work is as follows:

It is recommended to choose a coin that is used in everyday life

  1. All manipulations are performed during the day or at night, in complete solitude.
  2. Do not make when you are unwell or in a bad mood.
  3. Before the ritual, you need to take a shower or bath, loosen your hair, and remove jewelry.
  4. Cover the table with green or black cloth.
  5. Place a bowl of salt and water, light incense and three green candles.
  6. Take the amulet in your hands, ask it for help, dip it in water, then in salt, carry it over the flame of a candle and over the smoke from incense.
  7. Lay a piece of red fabric on the windowsill, put a coin on it, let it lie until the next morning.
  8. You will need to charge it with your energy, for this you hold it in your hands and ask for help.

It is important to remember that your talisman should not be seen by strangers. It's best to hide it under your pillow. You should always carry a money amulet with you in your wallet.

History and meaning of the money amulet

From time immemorial, the coin was a universal amulet for attracting money: enchanted in a special way, merchants of medieval Europe placed it in a wallet or wore it on a chain like a pendant. In different countries of the world, the first coin a person earned was considered the most powerful “money bait” - it was not spent, but carefully stored and even passed on by inheritance along with the family business.

However, the properties of an amulet in the form of a coin are not limited to ensuring financial well-being:

  • helps the owner achieve success in the professional field, ensures rapid advancement up the career ladder, and therefore a decent salary;
  • protects your wallet from pickpockets, your home from thieves, and your business from ruin;
  • helps repay debts.

How to clean

To cleanse the amulet, the energy of the moon and sun is used

To cleanse the amulet, the energy of the moon and sun is used. The coin is placed on the windowsill at night during the waxing moon. During the day, it should be left in a place that receives direct sunlight.

To cleanse with fire, you need to buy a green candle, thanks to it you will attract monetary well-being. Wax from a lit candle should be dripped onto the surface of a coin with the words:

“I won’t give it to anyone, I won’t lend it to anyone, I won’t exchange it. Send me money, good luck. Fill my pocket to boot.”

Hide it in your wallet so that it does not come into contact with other money. You cannot tell anyone that you have such a talisman. If you lose it, you need to replace the amulet with another. From time to time you need to pick him up, ask for help and thank him for his service.

Consequences of money magic

A money ritual usually does not harm the person performing it. However, if some job conditions are not met, the person faces financial crisis or financial instability. For example, a person tossed a coin during the waning moon. The negative consequence of this ritual would be the loss or waste of money.

In addition, it is not recommended to perform rituals more than once every six months. If a person abuses the magic of money, he will fail in other areas of life. For example, you may have heart problems or your partner will leave you. Money should be asked only when it is really needed and will be spent for the benefit of the cause. If someone asks for wealth out of greed, the ritual will not work.

Only a specialist in the field of magic, for example, a witch or a medium, can save you from negative consequences. It is recommended simply not to abuse money magic, then the negative consequences will not affect a person’s life in any way.

Where can you buy amulets-coins

There are many websites where you can buy or order an amulet coin. For example:

  1. // when making amulets, only real coins from royal times are used, which are donated by monasteries.
  2. // – another site with royal amulets.
  3. // – on this site you will find many Chinese amulets and coins with Slavic characters.
  4. // – here you can purchase amulets from the clairvoyant woman Nina.

Now you know everything you need. We can talk endlessly about amulet coins, but you have already learned the most important thing. Buy the necessary amulet or make your own, but remember that without faith, the energy of the amulet will not be able to have a beneficial effect on you. Choose an amulet wisely, treat it with care, and you will be happy!

An old hex for small change

How to dip a 1 ruble coin into money and happiness? Nothing could be simpler.

Take one ruble and three 10-copper coins. You will also need a small bag of green tissue and dried parsley. Place three candles on the table so that they form a triangle. Place a few small ones in the center of the triangle, sprinkle with herbs and say:

Spells and rituals with coins for wealth and luxury

Then it’s time to put the ruble in your wallet. Beggars should be given 10-kopeck coins. Otherwise, the spell for the ruble will not work.

Ritual for money from Vanga

Spells and Rituals for Wealth and Luxury Using Coins

A world-famous Bulgarian fortune teller left her spell on coins to make money. You will need a small piece of bread. Before performing a magical action, you need to feel slightly hungry. You will also need a coin, preferably made of precious metal.

In the evening, before going to bed, go to a room where no one will disturb you. Place the coin on the bread and say the following words:

“May I always have money for bread and butter, may the wealth in my house grow like dough grows with yeast. May my family and I know neither poverty nor grief. So be it, I call upon the powers above as witnesses.

You need to eat bread, chewing it thoroughly and without drinking water. The coin should be carried in your bag. As a rule, the effect of this spell on a coin is noticeable within two to three days. You might get a big bonus, win the lottery, or someone might give you money.

Ritual with yellow coins for good luck in finance

Spells and rituals for wealth and luxury with coins

To perform a money spell on a coin, you will need seven yellow metal coins. You should do this on a sunny day when the Sun reaches its highest point in the sky.

Place the coins on your palm so that the sunlight falls on them and say the following words:

Spells and rituals with coins for wealth and luxury

Put coins in your wallet and carry them with you always. When you realize that the ritual has brought the desired results, you should thank the coins and spend them.

Spell to increase silver

This ritual is performed in the morning. Get up as early as possible, preferably half an hour before sunrise. Take a piece of paper and write the following spell words on it:

Spells and rituals with coins for wealth and luxury

Also write down on a piece of paper the amount of money you need and your name. Wrap the silver coin in paper and hide the roll in the east corner of the house so no one will find it.

Perception of found money

Most often, such conflicting thoughts arise due to the fact that there are certain beliefs that this money will take away all financial resources from your home.

If this is true, then your fears will be completely justified, because with the money you find, you can bring the problems of its owner into your home and bring the misfortunes of other people upon yourself.

At the same time, it is argued that we ourselves create our own internal attitudes, and their further development depends on how we interpret events in our lives.

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Juicy roll made from simple ingredients: potatoes, cheese and ham

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Therefore, if you find money on the road, you should accept it as a gift from fate, and it certainly will be.

To avoid trouble, do not think about the bad!

Do coin spells help?

Conspiracies help where the rules are followed, where thoughts are pure and there are no attempts to harm others. According to magicians, any thing, including money, has a soul, otherwise known as an egregor. When you are overwhelmed by envy of the rich, or when your soul is tormented by the torment of lack of finances, then you feed the dark side of the egregor.

You received a certain amount and are incredibly happy that you can finally afford to buy what you have long dreamed of. In this case, by giving money with joy, you fill the bright part of your soul with money.

The law applies to coins, banknotes, and bank cards.

Powerful ritual with coins on the full moon

The ritual of reading a silver coin on a full moon is considered one of the most powerful. Before performing it, you must prepare thoroughly. Collect all the metal money you have at home. Check the pockets of winter clothes, wallets and bags of all family members. You will also need cinnamon and natural white fabric.

Wrap all the collected coins and cinnamon in a cloth, while saying the following words:

“Grow, my wealth, increase, my prosperity. I will not know poverty, I will not know suffering. All my gold, all my silver. Let it be so".

Then place the cushion under your pillow and go to bed. In the morning, the coins may return to their original places. One coin is placed in the corner of the kitchen or hallway. It will become a money talisman that attracts financial well-being. If the coin is missing, the ritual should be repeated. Usually the effect becomes noticeable within a few days after its implementation.

Coins from China, fastened with a thread of luck

The coins were tied into bundles with thread. Their number could not be equal to 100. Therefore, there were usually 108 or 98 of them. Coins with a square hole in the center received sacred significance. They became a talisman that people kept at home to attract good luck.

In Feng Shui philosophy, it was customary to tie coins with a red thread. But instead of thread, other items were often used:

  • ribbons;
  • braid;
  • ropes.

Even a single coin had to be tied with red cloth. Any thread of purple or any other red shade could activate the energy of Chinese copper money. Techniques for tying Chinese money are a subtle art that only Feng Shui masters possess. If you secure money correctly, you can activate Qi energy, which will attract financial well-being.

Now you can knit coins yourself. There are various ways to combine them into bracelets, pendants and even swords. Important condition: images of dragons and flowers must be on the yang side.

Powerful ritual with a candle for prosperity

Spells and Rituals for Wealth and Luxury Using Coins

For this coin spell you will need a candle, a copper coin and a mirror. Before going to bed, place the mirror on the table. Place a lit candle on it. If you want to treat a person well, you need to know how to do it:

Spells and rituals with coins for wealth and luxury

The candle should burn out completely. The coin is immersed in wax and remains there until the morning. In the morning it should be put in your wallet.

Attracting wealth with water

How to conjure a coin using water? Nothing could be simpler. In fact, you will need clean spring water. You will also need two buckets. Pour water into one bucket and put a coin in another bucket. Pour water from one bucket to another, saying: “The water in the bucket flows clear:

Spells and rituals with coins for wealth and luxury

Now take out the coin with your right hand, rub it and put it in your wallet. Use water from a bucket to water the plant immediately.

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