Love and creating a family. The influence of the 10 gods in the bazi chart.

The Ba Zi calculator exists in order to determine your destiny map, identify successful and unlucky life directions, and see life aspects. You can also find out everything about your personality element, which will help you make plans for the future. It is worth understanding that using a bazi calculator is recommended only if you have certain skills and abilities. If you doubt your strengths or skills, it is better to refrain from such analysis.

Using the Bazi method, you can predict events that will happen in the future based on the calendar and dates. And if some of the events are undesirable, you can even change them or insure yourself in case of failure. Thus, you can calculate all aspects of your life, control your destiny, make the right decisions at the right moment, and act according to the plan.

Ba Zi Calculator, or Four Pillars of Destiny

The ancient astrological tradition of Ba Zi is a complex of prophecies according to which our distant ancestors lived. The basis for predictions is the exact time, day, month and year of birth. Otherwise, this approach to astrological forecasts is called “Four Pillars of Destiny.” The main message is this: the outline of life for each of us has its own logic. And it is quite possible to identify what is laid down at the stage of our birth. In the knowledge of Ba Zi there are different ways to identify life purpose, and they allow you to make the right decisions in fateful moments and direct the course of life in a favorable direction.

Art of Bazi

In the method of reading the bazi card according to the 10 deity system, the leading structure, the deity in the card, is usually determined, for example, it could be “Direct Official” 正官 Zhen Guan or “Direct Wealth” 正財 Zheng Cai, “Spirit of Delight” 食神 Shi Shen and so on. The structure shows a person’s individual lifestyle and helps to understand the way of his thoughts and actions, the social masks that he uses when interacting in society and in particular in interpersonal relationships. The structures themselves can be correlated with the concept of Subpersonality, and some of them will appear only under certain circumstances and with certain people. In addition, it rarely happens that only one structure dominates in a person. Usually there are several of them, and the more there are, the more versatile the personality.

When assessing compatibility in personal relationships, you can take the leading structure in the map as a basis. In some cases, combinations of the structures of both cards can create minor problems and tension in the couple, which can be overcome through joint efforts. In other cases, incompatibility can leave a negative imprint on the relationship. This arises due to the fact that people interact while having different worldviews, values, feelings, and approaches to solving problems. And if you find yourself in such a relationship, it is up to you to decide whether you want to stay in the relationship or not.

Bazi helps diagnose the situation in personal relationships and gives certain prescriptions, similar to medicine. And then it depends on the patient how much he will adhere to the recommendations and regimen. Suppose in a marriage a person discovers that he has serious incompatibility with his partner. Or, as a result of a consultation on the cards, the spouses learned that they will have to solve problems of incompatibility throughout their lives, or end the relationship and start looking for a more suitable partner. If a person decides to stay in a relationship for certain reasons, for example, because of a high standard of living, security in marriage, he should be aware of the problems and not complain about a spouse who, for example, devotes little time to his family and spends more time in his own business.

If the structures are compatible, then fewer problems will arise when interacting as a couple. However, this does not exclude tensions and minor conflicts, irritations caused by stress, anger, external problems, due to the behavior of children or problems at work. All this is a natural part of family life.

But if there is a serious incompatibility, then the problems can become significant. For example, one loves freedom, constant change, change of environment, travel. The other in the couple prefers routine, a calm home environment and predictability. Will they be able to combine this? They say opposites attract, maybe. And in the long term?

Some people hope that a person in a marriage will change, but this usually does not happen radically. This is similar to the base map, where the configurations of energies and structures are laid down initially and do not change throughout life. And coming periods or people only weaken or strengthen certain aspects in the chart, but do not change the basis. If changes do occur, it will not happen quickly and when a person himself wishes it, using his human luck.

Combinations of heavenly trunks
甲 Yang Tree+己 Earth Yin
乙 Yin Tree+庚 Metal Yang
丙Fire Yang+辛 Metal Yin
丁 Fire Yin+壬 Yang Water
戊 Earth Yang+癸 Yin Water

When considering compatibility in Bazi, it makes sense to focus on the 10 deities rather than the daytime dominants. This is because structures can provide a more detailed picture of the relationship between two people. But if you want to take a quick look at compatibility, you can use the polarity factor of the daytime dominants. Dominants with Yang polarity are combined with Yin, and if these are the so-called harmonious combinations of celestial trunks (see table), then the compatibility is even higher.

In general, if a woman has a daytime dominant of Yin polarity, her chances of compatibility will be higher if the man has a Yang daytime dominant. For example, a Kwei (Yin Water) 癸 woman will pair well with a Wu (Yang Earth) 戊 man who is also the "Direct Official" 正官 Zhen Guan in her chart. Another example is a man with the Yang Metal 庚 personality element. A woman with a daytime dominant Yin Tree 乙 will have a good chance of being compatible with him as a wife, since in a man’s chart the Yin Tree 乙 is “Direct Wealth” 正財 Zheng Cai.

Combinations of specific elements have their own characteristics, and for example, if a man of Yang metal 庚 can interact well with a woman of Yin fire 丁, then a man of Yin earth 己 will be less harmoniously combined with a woman of Yang water 壬 (“Direct Wealth” 正財 Zheng Cai in his chart ) due to the properties of these elements. But this is a topic for a separate article.

Celestial compatibility is just a starting point, which is why it is necessary to analyze the structures in the charts to evaluate a potential partner for a personal relationship. Returning to the structures or 10 deities, we can identify more or less harmonious combinations. Conflict or “tense” ones include: Direct seal - Oblique wealth, Challenge of power - Killer in the seventh position, Oblique wealth - Spirit of pleasure, Killer in the seventh position - Direct seal and Direct official - Challenge of power. More harmonious or compatible structures include: Brotherhood (Wealth Robber) - Challenge of Power (Spirit of Pleasure), Direct (Oblique) Wealth - Direct Official (7 kills), Direct Seal - Direct Official and Direct Seal - Brotherhood. Of all 10 deities, the Brotherhood and Wealth Robber structures are the most easily combined and adapted with all other structures in the sphere of personal relationships, with a few exceptions.

Let us now consider the compatibility of daytime dominants and leading deities using the example of this pair*:

From the example it is clear that there is a harmonious combination of daytime dominants Yang water 壬 - Yin fire 丁, the so-called “loyalty” combination. In terms of structures, the male chart is dominated by “Right Authority” (Direct Official) 正官 Zhen Guan, and the female chart is dominated by “Challenging Authority” 傷官 Shang Guan. Despite the combination in the heavenly trunks, there may be tension and conflicts in the pair. According to the structure, a man prefers to adhere to rules and routines, is attentive to what others think of him and tries to maintain harmonious relationships and diplomacy. A woman likes to attract attention to herself, does not tend to adhere to rules, is a more creative person who does not like to limit herself to boundaries. A challenge to authority may criticize others, but the Direct Official avoids criticism and does not like it towards himself. Officials prefer not to “rock the boat” in family relationships, and people with the Challenge of Authority 傷官 Shang Guan can add arguments in family disputes and go into conflict to add spice to the relationship. Official 正官 Zhen Guan may be silent about the problem, and Challenge to Authority 傷官 Shang Guan may not realize that something is bothering the Official and think that everything is fine. This can lead to a certain number of unresolved problems in the long term. If you look further, the also manifested “Wealth Robber” 劫財 Jie Cai in a man and “Propensity for Wealth” 偏財 Pian Cai in a woman will add additional nuances to the interpretation of the couple’s compatibility. The combination Jie Cai - Pian Cai is also not easy for the sphere of romance. Accordingly, the better you know the psychological characteristics of the 10 deities, the more accurately you can assess how they fit together in a pair.

Poor compatibility does not mean that a couple should break up. This suggests that partners need to take into account each other’s personality traits, find ways to compromise, and a flexible approach in order to make the relationship more harmonious even with tense aspects.

*- In this example, the analysis of compatibility is only based on structures without taking into account other factors in the map, useful elements, the Palace of Marriage, qi phases, etc.

Ba Zi calculator with decoding: simple, accessible, practical

Until recently, the Map was built based on special calculations and methods manually: tables were created on paper, then certain hieroglyphs were added there. This required a lot of work and effort. Today everything has become much faster and easier. The online Bazi calculator automatically builds the Map . You just need to enter the exact birth details and wait a couple of seconds.

What is included in the Ba Zi Card?

After the calculator has created it for free, you can safely begin the analysis. In a few clicks you will get an idea of ​​a number of aspects:

• elements of personality; • potential of celestial trunks; • individual Gua number; • desirable and undesirable directions; • pillars of Luck.

First, let's figure out what exactly is included in the Card. It was mentioned above that an alternative designation for the complex of prophecies is “The Four Pillars of Destiny,” and this is the main thing. What does this mean? The year, month, day and hour of your appearance into the world. Let's take into account that these data are ranked by importance not in the usual way: but starting from the end - from the hour of birth. Each pillar has an Earthly Branch and a Heavenly Trunk. The core of meaning is Birthday, because its basic concept is the element of personality, in which the fundamental characterological traits, psychotype, abilities and potential of the individual are hidden.

The second most important is the Pillar of Luck. This concept includes everything innate that influences the outline of life. In addition, the Ba Zi Calculator with decoding shows the Gua number and those areas that are recommended or contraindicated for a particular person. By hovering your cursor over a Star, you can find out its characteristics and meaning in order to adequately interpret the Map.

You can run the bazi calculator for free and understand how the Map is read and what the essence of the Four Pillars of Destiny is. We invite you to the Knowledge Library, which contains detailed information about this unique tradition of prophecy.

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