Balance of elements in the Bazi chart. Five categories.

Art of Bazi

One of the problems of modern society with its huge flow of information around is human depression and mental disorders. From the bazi point of view, the card can show a person’s tendency towards depression, mental disorders, a pessimistic view of the world, reluctance to do anything, since the person does not see any meaning in it for himself, etc. In this context, what is considered is the energetic state in the chart that leads to this, and not the qualities of character, worldview or environmental influences.

Depression can occur when there is a strong unhelpful resource in the bazi chart, without the ability to express oneself. For example, a person excessively consumes information that he cannot “digest,” especially under stress. There is an overload of the mind, psyche, excessive thinking. This condition is often found in strong cards. Imagine a kettle that was placed on the stove and all the holes were closed. Energy will accumulate without being able to escape. The situation is complicated by the fact that excess Resource (Seal) strongly controls or suppresses Self-Expression, which is an outlet for energy. Too much Printing also leads to fears and insecurities.

A resource consists of knowledge, thoughts, ideas and what comes from outside. When it is in excess, a person overthinks, becomes sensitive and overly sense-oriented. As a result, due to hypersensitivity, suspicion towards other people and situations around, as well as distance, is possible.

In general, Bazi does not welcome an excess of resource in a card, especially “Slant Seal” 偏印. Energetically, this leads to stagnation of qi, slowing down the movement of energy, as well as separation from reality and living in one’s own “virtual” world.

As an example, one woman with a tendency toward depression constantly read books, magazines, newspapers, and absorbed information. As soon as she had a free minute, she began to read, all indiscriminately. This is an example of how a person increases his useless resource and, accordingly, the burden on the psyche. The dominance of the Print can incline a person to constantly consume information and overanalyze everything.

On the other hand, the absence of a Seal for a weak card can also lead to mental problems, since the person does not have support, cannot withstand the increased pressure on him and “breaks down”.

This example shows a weak card of a woman with signs of schizophrenia, which developed as a result of prolonged stress with which the woman could not fully cope. In addition, the element of a woman’s personality is Wood, and the principle of wood is the expansion of energy outward, and if it is limited in anything or is under strong pressure or prolonged stress, then the person often breaks down mentally and is prone to mental and emotional disorders, which is what happened with a woman in an unfavorable period.

Of the daytime dominants, in particular this applies to the Yang Tree 甲, and in the bazi chart, problems with the head and psyche can be seen by the position and quality of this element, especially in the event of a collision. In addition, the imbalance of elements also reflects mental problems in the chart, for example, weak Water and a lot of Fire in the absence of Wood. Of the other elements, Kwei (Yin Water) 癸 personalities most often live in the head, and with an excess of the Wood element in the chart, severe mental overstrain can occur.

Although the syndromes of schizophrenia and depression differ from each other, in any case there is an overload of the psyche, a lot of energy “in the head.” Different people find different ways to unwind. Resources are thinking and intelligence, and self-expression is action.

One of the ways to unload is to devote excess energy to emotional (creativity, communication, increased emotionality) and physical activity (sports, movement, physical labor, emphasis on the body) by interacting in a group with other people. At the same time, limiting the flow of unnecessary information, observing the information post.

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