Do not think that your life is absolutely transparent, it has many faces. Stop hiding yours
Harmony of the House of Marriage The days of Harmony of the House of Marriage (合夫妻宫) in Bazi are determined by the Earthly branch
The meaning of the card in a broad sense For a newcomer to tarology, it is not difficult to understand the symbolism and meaning of the card.
Time and place for catching butterflies We already mentioned above that for
The expression “Whatever you name a yacht, so it will sail” is true in many respects not only
The Art of Bazi One of the problems of modern society with its huge flow of information around is
The philosophy of Feng Shui is a very useful Eastern practice that helps you choose the right gifts.
Why do you put a copper coin under the rug? There is a belief that if you put a copper coin under the rug
What is a Bazi card? Each of us has a personal code embedded in the card
One of the symbols of the harmony of the universe, which is professed by the teachings of Feng Shui, is the Dragon Turtle talisman. He imagines