Feng Shui animal clocks (Monkey, Ox, Tiger, Dragon, Rooster, Goat and others)

Animal clock according to Feng Shui

Everyone knows that according to Eastern tradition, every year has its own patron animal. But few people know that there is a guardian animal for every hour. Meanwhile, this is very useful information for people who like to plan everything in advance. After all, the “character” of a time period is associated with the habits of its beast. For example, the hour of the Monkey is rich in surprises, the time of the Pig according to Feng Shui makes a person irritable, and the Dog helps to study.

Characteristics of the Snake woman according to the eastern calendar

The Snake Girl personifies all the mystery and mystical essence of this zodiac sign. One gets the feeling that she lives in certain cycles, each time shedding her skin on a new turn of the spiral, which becomes a springboard to further achievements. The lady of this sign always comes out of any troubles victorious and renewed.
She does not hesitate to fall to the bottom in order to push off from it and fly up to the stars, gaining enlightenment and harmony. The Snake woman is elegant, beautiful, well-mannered and has an attractive force that attracts all men without exception. The lady of this zodiac sign is easy to communicate, but she really doesn’t like noisy companies and prefers to spend her free time at home reading a book or other interesting activity.

The Snake woman values ​​comfort very much, so she spends the money she earns on creating comfort in her beloved home.

To achieve her goal, she is ready to resort to intrigue, deception and fraud , while it is difficult to predict in advance what means she will take. She always has a lot of plans, a huge number of options for the development of events and always one optimal and correct choice.

It is simply impossible to take a woman of this zodiac sign by surprise. One gets the feeling that she always looks perfect, even in the middle of the night . However, she makes great efforts to do this, constantly worrying about making appointments with all hairdressers, cosmetologists and for the next manicure.

An ideal and delightful Snake girl with her beloved man

In the East, a woman born in the year of the Snake is given the palm among the best, most faithful and reliable wives. She is able to share and support her husband’s interests and aspirations , devote herself entirely to her family and be an excellent housewife. However, not every man can conquer the Snake woman, because she is very picky and selective.

Goat (Sheep)

If you believe the Chinese sages, then this time period is best spent analyzing your own actions, summing up the intermediate result of everything you have done.

The Goat's wards are wonderful parents. They always take care of their children, try to give them the best and protect them from various blows of fate.

These people know how to appreciate everything they have. For them there is no shame in thanking a person for the help they provide. However, if the Sheep’s wards are lucky enough to live in abundance, then such a situation can develop capriciousness in them.

An excellent sign of the eastern horoscope, which is able to empathize and support, and provide assistance to everyone who needs it.

The disadvantages of the Sheep include indiscipline and lack of order.

Characteristics of the Snake man according to the Chinese horoscope

The Snake Guy is considered one of the most mysterious and mysterious men in the eastern horoscope. He is well- mannered, cultured, elegant and impressive. It is not difficult for him to captivate a woman even if he has serious physical disabilities. The Snake man belongs to those representatives of the strong half of humanity who will gladly wear a signet on their finger, a gold clip on their tie and cufflinks.

Gold cufflinks, Del'ta (price on the link)

A man of this zodiac sign can listen to outside advice, but bases his conclusions on his own thoughts and feelings. He does not recognize base instincts and feelings ; they disgust him. The Snake man has a wonderful sense of humor, feels sarcasm at the subconscious level, has a creative imagination and amazing intuition.

A man of this zodiac sign is incredibly attractive in the eyes of women. He is attentive and considerate to the ladies , and will never offend or offend. Relationships with such a person are never bright and intense; as a rule, they are smooth and calm.

Peace and mutual understanding are his life credo in relationships with women

The Snake Man, despite the fact that he is no stranger to everything new and innovative, cannot stand surprises and surprises. Very often he looks like a coward in the eyes of others, because he tries to escape conflicts and shocks. However, this is simply a reluctance to experience negative emotions. It is not in his nature to wave his arms, proving his point of view with shouts and scandals. But he is able to dominate souls, convincing opponents that he is right with the help of logical arguments and a calm timbre of his voice.

The Snake man maintains peace and understanding with a woman

The only thing the Snake man gives in to is failure. Absolutely unable to lose, he does not know how to behave with offenders, trying to act using their own methods

Therefore, it is always worth remembering that you need to behave extremely carefully with a man of this sign.

Rule #6: Choose the right outfit

Clothes made of golden fabric will attract financial flows into your life. The best outfit for meeting 2022 is not too flashy.
Of course, it should be spectacular, but it is better to use laconic decor and soft colors, as close as possible to natural shades. The pig loves silk, linen, satin, cotton, velvet textures with predominantly natural threads. She is quite democratic about decor and prints. However, she may not like the excessive metallic shine. Remember: it is best to buy yourself a new dress or suit. As a last resort, buy at least one new thing to delight yourself with purchases and acquisitions throughout the year. We have already outlined a list of the main shades of the year, but each of them has its own meaning for the Yellow Pig.

  • Do you want to improve your well-being and provide an influx of finances? Then all shades of the yellow spectrum and golden tones will suit you;
  • Do you want to hint to the Pig that your cherished dream is good health? Choose clothes in orange or ocher tones;
  • Do you strive with all your heart for peace and tranquility to reign in your family? Find your brown or coffee tone;
  • Individuals who were themselves born in one of the years of the reign of the Pig can choose an elegant black color. It is he who is the main one for this sign.

When choosing accessories, you can practically not limit yourself - the Pig will appreciate wooden jewelry, costume jewelry or jewelry with natural stones, gold and silver, because they are mined from the bowels of the earth, and 2022 is the period of the reign of the Earth Pig. The style of the chosen outfit and hairstyle should be flowing, so you should do light curls, messy braids or buns. In makeup, it is better to stick to the basic tones of 2022. It should look natural, highlighting your natural beauty.

Horoscope zodiac signs by year

Year of the Rat - 鼠年 (子)2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936, 1924
Year of the Ox - 牛年 (丑)2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937, 1925
Year of the Tiger - 虎年 (寅)2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938, 1926
Year of the Rabbit - 兔年 (卯)2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939, 1927
Year of the Dragon - 龙年 (辰)2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952, 1940, 1928
Year of the Snake - 蛇年 (巳)2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941, 1929
Year of the Horse - 马年 (午)2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942, 1930
Year of the Goat - 羊年 (未)2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955, 1943, 1931
Year of the Monkey - 猴年 (申)2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944, 1932
Year of the Rooster - 鸡年 (酉)2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957, 1945, 1933
Year of the Dog - 狗年 (戌)2018, 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934
Year of the Pig - 猪年 (亥)2019, 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959, 1947, 1935

Determine your zodiac sign

Enter your date of birth and find out who you are by zodiac sign

Infrontselmartelemayyuyulyulyavgstryoktyabryobryabryabryabrdechakabr 12345678911112131415161719202222224242627282930 19201921921927191919191919191919191919191919191919191919AR19 29193019311932193193193419351936193719381939194019411942194319419451946194USTOSEDED THEAR919191950195195219531951951956195719581919191919AR919191919191919191919ISEED 961196219631964196519666196719681969197019711972197319741975197EARENTSED THEAR97198198019819821983198419851987AR98719819199901911111AL 921993199419951996199719981992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201120122020142015201720172018201920192020

Chinese eastern calendar:

Your Sign:

  • Lucky numbers:
  • Lucky colors:
  • Job:
  • Wealth:
  • Love:
  • Health:

Zodiac signs - why in this order

The 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac are presented in a specific order according to the teachings of Yin and Yang.
The Yin and Yang of animals is determined by the number of their claws (paws, hooves). Even is pure for Yin and odd is pure for Yang. The animals in the zodiac are arranged in an alternating Yin-Yang order.

Animals usually have the same number of toes on their front and hind feet. However, the rat has four toes on its front paws and five on its hind paws. As they say in China: “Things are valued by their rarity . Therefore, the Rat comes first among the 12 animals of the zodiac. This unique animal combines both odd-numbered Yang and even-numbered Yin traits: 4+5=9, where Yang is dominant, and therefore the rats are ultimately classified as odd-numbered (Yang).

Symbolic meaning of the 12 zodiac signs

In Ancient China, each zodiac animal was endowed with a certain symbolic meaning - a sign. 12 animals were divided into 6 pairs in such a way that the characteristics of one animal in the pair were opposite to those of the other animal from this pair. This is how harmony was achieved - Yin and Yang .

The order of the zodiac animals is presumably not chosen by chance: in China it is customary to start with the most important, and then put all the other signs in descending order. Just as in the beginning there is always a strong, dominant beginning of Yang, and then Yin gives harmony. .

Animal of the ZodiacSignProverb
RatWisdomWisdom without hard work leads to mediocrity.
BullHard workHard work without wisdom leads to meaninglessness.
TigerBraveryBravery without caution leads to recklessness.
RabbitCautionCaution without courage leads to cowardice.
The DragonForceStrength without flexibility leads to destruction.
SnakeFlexibilityFlexibility without strength leads to infringement.
HorseStriving forwardStriving forward without unity leads to loneliness.
GoatUnityUnity without striving forward leads to stagnation.
MonkeyChangeabilityChangeability without constancy leads to stupidity.
RoosterConstancyConstancy without changeability leads to stiffness.
DogLoyaltyLoyalty without a smile leads to rejection.
PigFriendlinessFriendliness without loyalty leads to immorality.


Calendar and fortune-telling symbol in ancient Mexican cultures, the 11th day sign (in Aztec - otsomati or ozomatli; in Maya - batz). The monkey was considered the god of play and dance, and those born under this sign were expected to become jesters, buffoons, dancers or singers.

A symbol of fun, jokes, joy of life, common sense and audacity. Among the Mayans, it is a symbol of rude feelings, barbarism and vices (laziness) characteristic of the third era.

The Mayan God of the North Star had the head of a monkey.

In Ancient Mexico, the monkey has an unclear symbolic connection with the wind.

Successive eras or “Suns” ended with periodic doomsdays: the period of the “Sun of Water,” for example, ended with a flood, and the second era or “Windy Sun” ended with devastating tornadoes. The people of this (???) era turned into monkeys.

Celebrities-Snakes according to the eastern horoscope

A self-confident, wise and insightful Snake man, having chosen a certain path, will definitely achieve success. He always purposefully and methodically goes towards his goal, without disdaining even less correct methods. among men born in the year of the Snake :

  • Muhammad Ali,
  • John Kennedy
  • Igor Moiseev,
  • Tigran Petrosyan,
  • Christian Dior,
  • Charles Darwin,
  • Giacomo Casanova,
  • Nicolaus Copernicus,
  • Dmitry Dostoevsky,
  • Nikolay Gogol.

No less stellar is the female half of humanity, born in the year of the Snake:

  • Indira Gandhi,
  • Nonna Gaprindashvili,
  • Lyudmila Zykina,
  • Alexandra Pakhmutova,
  • Anna Pavlova,
  • Jesse Jackson
  • Greta Garbo.

Greta Garbo is a famous woman born under the zodiac sign of Snake

People born in the year of the Snake usually achieve success in this life. Having initially set a goal for themselves, they strive for it and try any means to achieve the desired well-being and comfortable life. In a family, these are calm and balanced partners who cannot be accused of excessive tyranny, but also cannot be called faithful husbands and wives.


Mid-autumn is always accompanied by the rainy season. Along with the bad weather, people's hearts are overcome by melancholy. It is not without reason that the Boar was chosen to manage this time.

This animal, which is considered the king of the forest, is capable of endowing a person with powerful energy. Chinese sages believed that people under the protection of the Boar, like this wild animal, have a dual character. At one moment they can be peaceful, calm, enigmatic and mysterious. In another situation, such individuals are able to show all the bestial disposition of their patron.

Such people should not succumb to any temptations. Having once experienced one of the sins, they will not be able to stop, and this addiction will swallow them up completely.

The Chinese horoscope by month is able to show in more detail the character of each person born in a certain period of time. And if you compare the patronizing animals of the year, month and time of birth, you can imagine a complete picture of the life of a certain person.

Clock-helpers and clock-destroyers.

You can choose the ideal date for a particular event, taking into account both personal and common date selection tools, but not get the expected result.

The reason for this may be the incorrectly selected hour.

And vice versa, almost every day contains a watch that can at least double your luck.

In all predictive practices, be it Western astrology or Chinese metaphysics, the choice of an auspicious hour is given no less importance than the choice of a good day. . If you are a frequent visitor to this site and appreciate the usefulness of choosing favorable dates for important events, then you have a real opportunity to increase your success

If you are a frequent visitor to this site and appreciate the usefulness of choosing favorable dates for important events, then you have a real opportunity to increase your success.

Having mastered a few simple rules for choosing a favorable hour, you will add good luck and luck to yourself.

And many of your affairs and undertakings will be able to receive additional support from the energies of the Cosmos.

Every 2 hours corresponds to one of 12 animals.

23.00 – 01.00 – Rat hours

1.00 &? 3.00 – Ox hours

3.00 – 5.00 – Tiger hours

5.00 – 7.00 – Rabbit hours

7.00 – 9.00 – Dragon hours

9.00 – 11.00 – Snake hours

11.00 – 13.00 – Horse hours

13.00 – 15.00 – Goat hours

15.00 – 17.00 – Monkey hours

17.00 – 19.00 — Rooster hours

19.00 – 21.00 — Dog hours

21.00 – 23.00 – Pig hours

So, you have chosen a day for some event that is significant to you.

1. Now your first priority is to eliminate the most unfavorable hours of the day.

Every day has a so-called destroying hour.

On the day of the Tiger - the hour of destruction - Monkey

On the day of the Rabbit - the hour of destruction - the Rooster

On the day of the Dragon - the hour of destruction - Dog

On the day of the Snake - the hour of destruction - Pig

On the day of the Horse - the hour of destruction - Rat

On the day of the Goat - the hour of destruction - the Bull

On the day of the Monkey - the hour of destruction - Tiger

On the day of the Rooster - the hour of destruction - Rabbit

On the day of the Dog - the hour of destruction - the Dragon

On the day of the Pig - the hour of destruction - the Snake

On the day of the Rat - the hour of destruction - the Horse

On the day of the Ox - the hour of destruction - Goat

Thus, if an important event is scheduled on the day of the Ox, do not choose the hour of the Goat (from 13.00 to 15.00); if on the day of the Tiger, do not choose the hour of the Monkey (from 15.00 to 17.00).

2. There is one more rule to follow.

Don't choose a personal destructive hour.

The personal destroyer corresponds to the destroyer hour from the table above.

That is, if you were born in the year of the Ox, your personal destroyer is the Goat, in the year of the Tiger - the Monkey. Accordingly, do not choose the hour of your personal destroyer for important events.

However, this rule does not always work, since there are indicators in the Ba Tzu chart that this particular hour may be useful for you personally.

But if you do not know the details of your card, try to adhere to this rule. SOURCE: https://fanfenshui.ru

Series of messages “DAYS OF THE WEEK/3”:

Part 1 - 12 days after your birthday - the magic of good luck for the year. From a personal diary - how you spent 12 days of your birthday/Days of the week and month under the auspices of the planets. Part 2 - 12 MONTHS AFTER YOUR BIRTHDAY. 12 DAYS BEFORE!! your birthday... Part 16 — SATURN-URANUS-NEPTUNE: IN THE SOLAR HOUSES Part 17 — PLUTO IN THE SOLAR HOUSE. ALL PLANETS BRIEFLY IN THE FIRST HOUSE OF SOLAR Part 18 — Clock-helpers and clock-destroyers according to Feng Shui Part 19 —


Not only does each year have a zodiac patron in the eastern horoscope, but also the month, day and even hour. Depending on the nature of this patron, a certain period imposes certain obligations on us and dictates its own rules. By studying the characteristics of a particular period of time, we can make it play into our hands.

Hour of the Mouse 23:00-1:00

A restless, fussy, anxious time is the complete personification of its patron. Devote these hours to small matters and painstaking work - they will go with a bang. Not the best time to try to sleep. Those who woke up at this time are drawn to have something to snack on, to “gnaw” on something. It is better not to give in to temptation and instead of looking in the refrigerator, read a book or listen to calm music.

Hour of the Ox 1:00-3:00

An excellent time for sound sleep and, paradoxically, intellectual work! The patron of these night hours, the Ox, will share with you calmness, thoroughness and perseverance. The pleasure you get from writing or simply keeping a personal diary will be stronger than at other times of the day.

Hour of the Tiger 3:00-5:00

During this period we see the most colorful and memorable dreams. Largely due to the fact that this time of day is ruled by the brave, energetic and unpredictable Tiger. If, due to circumstances, you are still awake, try meditation if possible. Light breathing exercises will help those who suffer from insomnia to quickly go to the kingdom of Morpheus.

Hour of the Cat (Rabbit) 5:00-7:00

The Cat's laziness will make waking up at this time very difficult - you just want to snuggle under the covers! To finally wake up, eat something crunchy, such as a cracker or raw carrot. Another “gift” of the star patron is capriciousness. Control yourself so that it does not become a reason for quarrels with others.

Hour of the Dragon 7:00-9:00

This is the time for active action and decisive action. Be on the move, communicate, learn the news, argue, defend your opinion. Now fortune will turn its face to energetic and enterprising people. Sleep at this time will be restless, you may have nightmares.

Hour of the Snake 9:00-11:00

A period of active intellectual activity. Wisdom and insight will help solve pressing problems. During the hour of the Snake, Water signs should listen more to their sixth sense - their intuition at this time is sharper than ever. The Snake endows representatives of the element of Air with eloquence - they can safely plan to hold negotiations or speak in front of an audience at this time. Earth signs need to avoid conflict situations in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. Signs of the fire element should not rush into making important decisions and should not rush into decisions.

Hour of the Horse 11:00-13:00

The hour of the diligent, independent, persistent Horse will be an excellent time for any activity related to physical labor. This period is also very successful for doing fitness or visiting the gym. What you definitely shouldn’t do at the hour of the Horse is to sort things out - it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to find a common language with a business or romantic partner now.

Hour of the Goat 13:00-15:00

The impulsive and slightly capricious Goat makes this period of time very tempting for conversations - we are just drawn to chat with someone. If such a desire overtook you at work, then don’t be surprised that this time turned out to be unproductive. If possible, take a short break during the hour of the Goat and relax.

Monkey Hour 15:00-17:00

The restless, resourceful Monkey, as a rule, presents us with many surprises, and not always pleasant ones. Stay alert. Use dexterity and cunning to solve unexpected problems.

Hour of the Rooster 17:00-19:00

Time to remember your family and friends. Visit relatives, call them or just write a message. This will not be difficult for you, and they will be very pleased, since at the hour of the Rooster people subconsciously expect family support. Quite a good time for shopping.

Hour of the Dog 19:00-21:00

Peaceful and quiet time, which is best spent communicating with friends, since friendship, loyalty and devotion are the main values ​​of the zodiac patron of the period. The Dog also advises Water signs to delve into the study of something new (foreign languages, professional literature) - Air signs - to devote time to hobbies. Representatives of the earth element should devote themselves to creativity, and representatives of the fire element should, if possible, engage in vigorous activity - sports or dancing.

Pig Hour 21:00-23:00

Best time to go to bed. The boar endows us with not very pleasant traits: touchiness and irritability. Sudden changes in mood and inconsistency in actions can cause a lot of trouble. If possible, do not plan important things during this time - allow yourself to relax.

What year was the Snake born?

2025 marks the year of the Wood Snake.

When the year of the Snake comes, the 6th cycle of the eastern horoscope . According to China, everything on planet Earth consists of 5 basic elements:

  • water;
  • Earth;
  • tree;
  • fire;
  • metal.

Therefore, each of the subsequent periods of domination on the planet of one of the animals is endowed with the properties of a certain element.

Water1953, 2013A philosophical mindset, a lot of positive qualities, constant walking on the edge between excessive diplomacy and immorality
Wooden1965Good nature, gentleness, lack of conflict, loyalty, eloquence, ability to make decisions and go towards the intended goal
Fiery1977Activity, enterprise, self-confidence, pride, selfishness, lack of conflict
Zemlyannaya1989Tendency to bad habits, talent in everything, lack of conflict, willpower
Metal2001Secretiveness, belligerence, ruthlessness, cunning, lack of a sense of humor, vindictiveness

Each of the listed periods repeats once every 60 years.

The next year according to the eastern horoscope will be 2025 - the period of dominance of the Wood Snake

Children born in the year of the Snake

The Snake child becomes an adult very early. It seems that already from the cradle the baby of this sign knows exactly what he needs from the world around him. He is brave, strong, disciplined, attentive and extremely calculating. At school, these kids have every chance of becoming the teachers' favorites in the class.

Astrologers believe that children of this zodiac sign are extremely contradictory personalities. They always listen a lot and talk little, drawing conclusions that no one even knows about. An important feature of these kids is the ability to think logically , set priorities and perceive the world philosophically, looking at it more meaningfully than many of their peers.

From an early age, these kids have a keen sense of justice, so they will never allow themselves to offend the weak

They will not tolerate criticism not only from strangers, but also from close people.

Parents should not spoil their child of this zodiac sign too much, because he may well grow into a melancholy, unadapted, infantile person.

Child-Snake according to the eastern zodiac sign

Rule No. 1: Preparing your home

Chinese sages believe that life can only be filled with new events when there is free space for them. That is why, a few weeks before the celebration, you need to clean your home. In addition, it is worth spending time on a couple of important things.

General cleaning of the house will clear the way for energy flows

Conduct a thorough audit of your home - review all the things you have accumulated over the year and throw away everything that is outright garbage. The first in line to be thrown away are broken toys, broken and chipped dishes, torn items, faulty equipment, old receipts and papers that litter cabinet shelves and desk drawers. Don’t forget about gadgets - delete unnecessary files from your laptop and phone, clear your email of spam and irrelevant letters. Give away things you simply don't use to people in need. All these blockages impede the normal circulation of cosmic energy flows, preventing you from making new purchases and receiving good news. Old anchors hold you back on the path forward, and sewn clothes are considered a serious drain on vitality; Make way for energy flows - the Chinese say that they penetrate into our homes along with the rays of the sun, so you need to make sure that there are as few unnecessary objects on the windowsills as possible, cluttering up the space. It is recommended to remove even indoor flowers for a couple of weeks before and after the New Year, moving them to shelves, tables and stands; Now you need to “accelerate” the energy flows, giving them additional acceleration - for this you need to do some minor repairs, refreshing the wallpaper and changing the curtains. However, you can limit yourself to rearranging a couple of tables, bedside tables and cabinets, or new decor in the form of a tablecloth and sofa cushions

Alas, in the current economic climate, annual renovations are a luxury; At the end, do some general cleaning of the premises - you should pay attention to literally every item in the house. Dust the top shelves and tops of cabinets, look under sofas and armchairs, wash curtains, organize books and clothes, wash windows and be sure to wipe down mirrors and glass surfaces, including dishes

These items are especially important for accumulating positive energy.

Unfavorable hours of the day

So, when the day of the day on which you are going to commit some significant event for you comes, your first priority will be to eliminate the negative hours of the day. Every day contains an hour responsible for destruction.

  • on the day of the Tiger - the hour of destruction is the Monkey;
  • on the days of the Rabbit - the hours of destruction of the Rooster;
  • on the days of the Dragon - the hours of destruction of the Dog;
  • by day Snakes - clock-destroyers - Pigs;
  • on the days of the Horse - the clock-destroyer of the Rat;
  • on the days of the Goat - the watch-destroyer of the Ox;
  • on the days of the Monkey - the Tiger's destroyer clock;
  • on the days of the Rooster - the Rabbit's destroyer clock;
  • by day, Dogs are the watch-destroyers of the Dragon;
  • on the days of the Pig - the clock-destroyer of the Snake;
  • by day the Rats are the hours-destroyers of the Horse;
  • on the days of the Ox - the Goat's destroyer watch.

It turns out that if some important event is to take place on the day of the Ox, under no circumstances should it be held during the hour of the Goat (from one to five o'clock in the afternoon); if on the day of the Tiger, the hour of the Monkey (from three to five o'clock in the afternoon) should be avoided. ). By acting in this way, you will increase the effectiveness of your endeavors and will be able to independently determine whether success awaits you in some business and when you should not take on new endeavors

Finally, it’s worth watching an interesting thematic video:


Compatibility of people born under the sign of the Snake

People born in the year of the Snake are insightful, lucky and insightful. For the most part, they are lucky in this life, but they know how to empathize and help those who are not so lucky. They do not waste time on trifles, devoting themselves and their lives to the cause and person they love with all their hearts.

Despite the fact that the Snake woman has special charisma and charm, she is rarely lucky in love. As a rule, she chooses the wrong men .

If she is unhappy in her marriage, she will definitely seek consolation on the side. It should be noted that she manages to keep all the intrigues secret

The Snake man is sentimental, very pleasant to talk to and has a sparkling sense of humor. A calm and balanced woman with whom the relationship will develop gradually is suitable for him.

The Snake can have an excellent alliance with the Rat if the latter moderates its ambitions and stops looking “to the left.” With the Ox, the Snake will be sincerely happy; she will gladly give her partner the reins of power and will retire from equipping the family nest or raising offspring.

Ideal relationship between a Rat man and a Snake woman

A relationship with a Tiger is undesirable due to the fact that these two simply have nothing in common. The Snake exposes its quiet and cozy little world to serious danger when it allows the Tiger to cross the threshold of its own life. The Snake and the Rabbit are a wonderful couple who equally value comfort and entertainment, complementing each other in every possible way.

With the fire-breathing and bright Dragon, the calm and wise Snake is not on the same path. Even in exchange for admiration for an impressive partner, she will not receive the desired freedom.

Two Snakes will never find peace in each other. Both will look for adventures on the side, while trying to control their partner

A balanced and faithful Horse will under no circumstances understand or accept the Snake’s constant betrayals. If the Snake is wealthy and has weight in society, then the artistic and loyal Goat will gladly become her mate.

The Snake and the Monkey are a particularly explosive mixture. The latter will cause conflict, while the Snake’s patience is also not endless . Despite the fact that the Rooster evokes a sense of competition in the Snake, these relationships will always be more creative than destructive.

Incompatibility between the Monkey woman and the Snake man

a neutral and stable relationship with a Dog , which is completely absorbed in love for its partner and simply does not notice his second life. This is probably the ideal for the loving and secretive Snake. A good alliance is also possible with the Pig, but the witty Snake will in every possible way demonstrate its superiority over the slow-witted Pig.

Compatibility table for the Snake with other signs of the eastern zodiac:

Maximum compatibilityModerate compatibilityNot compatible
SnakeMonkey, Rooster, Bull, DragonRabbit, Horse, Tiger, Goat, Snake, Dog, RatBoar
HorseGoat, Dog, TigerDragon, Monkey, Rooster, Boar, Rabbit, Snake, HorseRat, Ox
SheepHorse, Rabbit, Boar, DragonMonkey, Goat, Snake, Rooster, Rat, Dog, TigerBull
MonkeySnake, Rat, DragonHorse, Goat, Bull, Boar, Rooster, Monkey, Rabbit, DogTiger
RoosterDragon, Ox, Tiger, Boar, PigRooster, Dog, Goat, Monkey, HorseRabbit, Rat
DogRabbit, Tiger, Horse, BoarRat, Snake, Dog, Goat, Monkey, RoosterDragon, Bull
PigTiger, Rabbit, Rooster, Goat, Bull, DogBoar, Monkey, Dragon, Rat, HorseSnake
RatOx, Dragon, MonkeyDog, Rat, Goat, Snake, Pig, TigerHorse, Rabbit, Rooster
OxRat, Rooster, Pig, SnakeOx, Tiger, Monkey, Dragon, RabbitGoat, Horse, Dog
TigerBoar, Dog, Rabbit, Horse, RoosterGoat, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Dragon, SnakeMonkey
RabbitDog, Pig, Tiger, GoatSnake, Monkey, Ox, Dragon, Horse, RabbitRooster, Rat
Rooster, Monkey, Rat, Goat, SnakeTiger, Boar, Bull, Rabbit, Horse, DragonDog


An elephant made of bronze, stone or ivory looks simply magnificent. It gives the owner strength, wisdom, and makes him invulnerable. It can help get a good harvest, bring long-awaited rain and increase soil fertility. The white talisman is a symbol of chastity.

It helps close people appreciate each other, maintains an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house, and makes household members of different ages more tolerant of each other.

For some people, luck enters the house right through the door, perhaps this happens as a result of the light of a favorable star illuminating its path, or maybe for another reason. But this doesn’t happen to everyone; an elephant figurine will help you bring good luck into your home. Many people believe that no matter how far away your luck is, the elephant will reach out to it with its long trunk and pull it in. To do this, you just need to place the figurine on the windowsill so that the trunk is towards the star, and that’s it.

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