Rune Teyvaz (Tyr): Meaning, description and interpretation in magic and fortune telling

Teyvaz (Tivaz) is the 17th rune of the elder and 12th rune of the younger Futharks, its name comes from the Etruscan-Old Italic letter. The symbol corresponds to the planet Mars, has true masculine energy and is the personification of power and strength.

Its element is Air, stone is stone, plant is sage and holly. In addition, it is one of the most controversial runes of the Scandinavian alphabet, meaning courage and bravery for the brave Vikings and victory and determination for the representatives of the Third Reich.

Basic meaning

The 17th rune represents military valor, justice and true courage. According to most researchers, this is a real symbol of the spirit of the warrior, filled with the energy of victories and glorious exploits.

Information: Teyvaz has a reversible and changeable essence, thanks to which the thirst for protecting her ideals and the desire to win coexist in her.

The main meaning of the symbol is conventionally divided into four directions:

  • The Warrior Rune is the personification of masculinity, perseverance, responsibility and a sense of duty, as well as the ability not to deviate from the chosen path, despite defeats. The symbol indicates a true leader who knows how to command and work equally with everyone, and at the same time represents the protection of the humiliated and weak.
  • Method of achieving the goal. Teyvaz is following the goal, despite any losses. At the same time, a person follows the established rules and laws and realizes his goal with great dignity. When choosing between two evils, he always chooses the one that causes fewer problems for others.
  • The quality of a fighter. The rune includes everything that a real warrior needs: from courage and recklessness to mercy and generosity.
  • Fight with yourself. The sign informs about a person’s eternal struggle with his inner “I” and the ability to achieve assigned tasks by suppressing personal negative qualities.

Attention! The influence of the Teyvaz rune does not imply a path to retreat, it is only a decisive movement forward!

Under the protection of the rune are fearless and brave individuals who are not characterized by doubts and hesitations. They have enormous energy potential, which they skillfully direct in the right direction, thanks to which they always achieve what they want.

Straight position

Direct Teyvaz speaks of struggle, of the ability to fight for one’s goals, even if those around you are opposed.

This is huge potential, hidden power and greatness. However, in order to put his abilities into practice, a person must have iron willpower and unshakable faith in himself. In addition, Teyvaz indicates awakening hidden talents and activation of internal potential.

Inverted position

In the reverse position, Teyvaz reports a person’s exhausted internal energy, the lack of opportunities to restore strength and resume flow. Also, an inverted rune can be a sign of a blocked energy channel.

In this case, there is a high probability that not a single planned event will be implemented. However, due diligence, strong desire and patience will help resolve the situation positively.

Interpretation of the Teyvaz rune in fortune telling

The main message of the 17th rune continues to be movement forward, but the creation of something new is added to it. The symbol helps to look at what is happening from the outside and give it an impartial assessment.

The direct position of the rune has a pronounced positive meaning and communicates victory, career growth, achieving a goal and making a profit. Also, a direct symbol can indicate love victories, recognition of the fortuneteller’s authority, excellent health, rapid healing, superiority over competitors, or a change of job to a more prestigious one.

Reversed Teyvaz speaks of possible conflicts with loved ones, the beginning of a difficult period in the professional or personal sphere, destruction of trusting relationships, pressure from management, personality degradation, lack of motivation and inspiration.

Important! The reverse rune Teyvaz can warn of betrayal, a crisis of self-determination and the presence of a chronic disease. Perhaps the fortuneteller is superficial about what is happening or evaluates it incorrectly. He should take a time out and rethink his actions.

To make a detailed prediction and determine the area of ​​a significant event, in the process of fortune telling it is necessary to take into account the nature of the request and the symbols surrounding Teyvaz.

For love and relationships

In this aspect, Teyvaz always has a positive interpretation, but only if it is in an upright position.

The symbol indicates a strong partnership, undying passion and a bright emotional coloring of the relationship. A person is on the verge of happy events that are about to happen.

For a man, the 17th rune points to himself, for a woman - to a specific person significant to her. In most cases, this is a new love interest. At the same time, there will be constant risk and emotional swings in the relationship, but they will present many different perspectives.

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Teyvaz paired with another symbol means:

  • Laguz - this combination warns a woman that with the chosen man she will not be able to solve her life problems and will cope with everything alone.
  • Mannaz - an influential person will appear in the life of the fortuneteller who will provide some assistance. It is quite possible that a love relationship will begin with him.

Teyvaz in the reverse position carries a negative message. For a more accurate interpretation, you need to refer to the neighboring signs:

  • Perth – there is no spiritual kinship between the partners; their relationship is based only on sexual interest.
  • Isa is a hopeless union with a high probability of separation, the cause of which may be misunderstanding or cooling of feelings.

For business and work

In layouts of this nature, the direct position of the rune speaks of endless prospects opening up to the fortuneteller. He has power and material independence.

If this is not the case at the time of fortune telling, favorable changes will happen in the very near future, and getting what you want will happen thanks to your own internal strengths and talents. In addition, Teyvaz indicates an appetite for risk, passion and confidence in one’s luck.

Teyvaz next to another symbol:

  • Soulu - the fortuneteller has a certain leadership talent and innate leadership qualities. He needs to throw all his energy into forming a working team.
  • Fehu - indicates the ability to properly manage finances, invest profitably and make successful deals.

Attention! If the Teyvaz straight line is surrounded by negative symbols, it is necessary to carefully analyze the current situation and only then take active action. Someone or something interferes with plans. Alternative solutions should be sought and workarounds prepared.

Reverse Teyvaz and Hagalaz - to trouble. Circumstances are on the side of the opponents, so they have a much greater chance of winning. Also, this combination may indicate problems with the law.

To your health

The direct position of the rune warns a person against worrying too much about his health. There is no need to run to doctors: if the fortuneteller is sick with something, then recovery is not far off.

In the reverse position, Teyvaz can warn a man about the presence of problems with the genitourinary system, and a woman - about diseases associated with overwork and hormonal disorders.

Combination with other runes

Wyrd - symbolizes courage bordering on recklessness. It means a daring undertaking that promises only trouble. Fehu - indicates petty fraud or foul play. Uruz - predicts success and discoveries in medicine and pharmacology. Turisaz is associated with good intentions that will not lead to anything good. Ansuz - foretells an imminent engagement, which will turn into an unexpected marriage. Raido - indicates a loss of support points and landmarks. Perhaps you have lost your way. Try to look at the situation from a different angle. Kanyo - speaks of a delicate situation, an interesting situation. Perhaps we are talking about an unplanned pregnancy. Gebo is a symbol of true wisdom. Indicates that you will make a brilliant decision and come to victory. Vunyo - testifies to repentance, torment of conscience for committed actions. Hagalaz - associated with violence, harsh power or tyranny. Nautiz - speaks of exposing ill-wishers, of loss of trust in loved ones. Isa - indicates competitors and rivals. Perhaps they decided to take you out of the game by dishonest means. Yera - promises dramatic life changes, the beginning of a new interesting period. Eyvaz - portends deceit in love. Love intrigues and intrigues await you. Perth promises a stage of proceedings, clarification of relationships and resolution of complicated issues. Algiz - indicates harm to the body and health. Perhaps we are talking about injury. Soulu - indicates secret ill-wishers. Berkana - speaks of family reunification after separation. A new stage of joy and happiness will begin in your life. Evaz - portends a slight injury, hospitalization. Mannaz is associated with bloody irreconcilable enmity. Laguz - indicates that everything secret will become clear. The machinations of your enemies will be revealed. Inguz - indicates that you are on the path to victory. Dagaz - portends a long-term conflict or quarrel. Odal - promises success in trading activities.

Rune Teyvaz in mythology

The 17th rune got its name in honor of the one-armed Scandinavian warrior god Tyr (Tyr sacrificed his hands in order to deceive the wolf Fenrir). He was also called the lord of swords, the patron of the Althing, and the deity of heroic glory.

The cult of Tyr was inextricably linked with the cult of the supreme god Odin: they both sacrificed hanged people. Presumably, Tyr was originally the god of the sky, but then his powers passed to Thor and Odin.

Despite Tyr's widespread fame, his origins are shrouded in mystery. According to one version, he is the son of Odin (while his mother is unknown), according to another, he is the child of the Jotuns, who took the side of the Aesir. Interestingly, both of these assumptions have a right to exist, because after leaving his blood parents, Tyr could well have become the adopted son of Odin.

In addition, in the Anglo-Saxon rune poem, Tyr is associated with the northern polar star, which was the center for other stars and a guide for sailors.

The emergence of a symbol

Teyvaz (Tir, Tiv) is the 17th letter of the runic alphabet. It is believed that the English letter “T” originated from this rune. Translated from ancient German, Teyvaz means “belonging to Tyr.”

The Scandinavian god Tyr patronized the art of war, in contrast to Odin and Thor, who were responsible for the very course of the battle. Tyr's specialty was war. It was believed that prayers to this god helped to obtain the necessary knowledge to achieve success in a bloody and difficult war. The rune was considered the personification of victory and fortitude.

Externally, Teyvaz resembles an arrow or a spear with the tip pointing upward, as can be seen in the photo. Also, its appearance can be interpreted as a vector aimed at achieving a result.

The rune represents fearlessness. This interpretation is associated with an ancient legend. According to the ancient grimoires, the god Tyr was one-armed. He lost his second hand when, in order to save his brothers, he put it into the mouth of the giant wolf Fenrir as proof of his good intentions. But the other gods angered the monster; it clenched its jaws and bit off Tyr’s hand. But God did not fall into despair; on the contrary, he continued to participate in battles with greater determination.

Tyr was also responsible for the ability to concentrate power and give it the desired vector in order to achieve success. He did not go ahead, but looked for the optimal path to the top.

The use of the Teyvaz rune in magic

The main magical effect of the rune is protection. It can protect you from aggression and negative thoughts, guide you on the right path and overcome obstacles, unite your work team and prevent conflict situations.

Information: people resort to Teyvaz’s help when they want to win a tournament, recover from illnesses and improve their health. For women, the symbol helps to conquer a man, but not with the help of a love spell, and for men - to strengthen masculine strength, win victories and fight bad habits.

In addition, Teyvaz can help a person in the following issues:

  • increased attentiveness;
  • overcoming obstacles;
  • concentration on the work process;
  • strengthening self-confidence;
  • gaining dignity;
  • awareness of responsibility.

In ancient times, warriors believed that Teyvaz would help them win, and on the eve of the battle they applied this symbol to their bodies and weapons.

Nowadays the 17th rune is used extremely rarely by magicians. As a rule, it is turned to when eliminating rivals or compiling runescripts to work with masculine energy.

Use in magical practice

Runa Teyvaz photo: how to draw correctly.

Teyvaz is the rune of Victory, as Sigrdriva called it in the Elder Edda. Before a battle in ancient times, this sign was applied to the hilts of swords and shields by wars. If a person wants to conquer certain properties or traits in himself, strengthen his determination and get help in battle, the Teyvaz rune will help.

In difficult situations, it can be used as a sign, drawn mentally or in the air, to make a “breakthrough”, gain protection and a small temporary victory. This rune gives strength, the will to win, and provides assistance in any struggle, most often with the forces of Chaos of one’s own “I”.

Analogue of the rune in Slavic culture

The Slavic analogue of Teyvaz is the Treba rune, also called the sacrifice rune, because among the ancients the word “treba” meant “sacrifice in the name of the gods.”

The image of Treba is similar to an arrow, but in fact it is a spear, which is the main weapon of Slavic warriors. The rune symbolizes perseverance, spirit and courage and represents the true spiritual war that unfolds in the soul of each of us.

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Treba calls for active action and reminds that the strong and brave are the arbiters of their own destinies. It is necessary, putting aside fears and doubts, to listen to your inner voice, evaluate what is happening and imagine the possible consequences.

In an inverted position, Treba asks you to slow down and take a time out in order to calmly wait out the storm.

Why do you need an amulet with the Teyvaz rune?

Thanks to its powerful energy essence, Teyvaz is especially popular when creating amulets and talismans. The rune is mainly used to achieve goals, complete projects, and fight bad habits. The symbol ensures that all decisions made are honest, legal and fair.

Teyvaz is recommended to be used only by those who strive for victory, despite the difficulties, and by those who actually require a lot of effort to receive a reward.

Important! Teyvaz gives a person courage, helps to overcome fears and get rid of anxiety. But, resorting to the help of an amulet with Teyvaz, a person must realize that he will have to pay a considerable price for his success.

The amulet also helps to strengthen one’s own influence and expand one’s power. When using a talisman for this purpose, you must remember: by granting protection and healing, Teyvaz develops the ability to kill, break through defenses and deliver crushing blows.

Amulets and talismans

Teyvaz runes adorn many talismans - wearing them regularly will increase the owner’s resilience in difficult situations, give purposefulness in work and courage in making important decisions.

For sick people, an amulet with the image of Teyvaz will help improve the functioning of the immune system and give strength to fight the disease.

Note! This rune is not used to create protective amulets - its power is aimed at regular struggle and advancement in all areas of life, it will not help in creating a measured lifestyle.

Is it worth getting a tattoo with the Teyvaz rune?

Periods of influence of runic symbols indicate that a tattoo with the Teyvaz rune is most suitable for those born between November 24 and December 7. However, it is worth considering that applying this symbol to the body is not the best choice even for the most courageous, desperate and self-confident people.

Competition is always a test and a struggle, and a tattoo with Teyvaz will attract not just victory, but the circumstances in which a person will have to fight and only then win. To illustrate this, here is an example: a man returns home late at night and is attacked by hooligans.

Without being at all confused, the man fights them back, and the bandits retreat. In such a situation, one can make the erroneous conclusion that the Teyvaz tattoo helped to win. In fact, if it weren't for her, the hooligans would calmly pass by.

Symbolic and archetypal correspondences

  • Name: TEIWAZ, TIR or TYR - warrior (warrior god Tyr);
  • Action of Teyvaz: protection;
  • Astrological archetype: Mars active
  • Wood: Oak;
  • Character: magnetic rune;
  • Essence: reversible rune.

Images of the Teyvaz rune

  • A warrior defends his homeland;
  • A man protects a woman from punks;
  • Athletes defending the honor of the team;
  • A judge who dispenses justice;
  • A lioness protecting her cubs;
  • Thorns protecting the rose;
  • A bull defending his meadow and herd of cows;
  • Poison that protects tropical frogs;
  • Immunity that protects the body;
  • Strong walls enclosing the fortress;
  • Antivirus that protects your computer;
  • Anti-corrosion coating that protects the car from rust;
  • Shield and armor protecting the knight;
  • An army that protects the state and its own homes.

Rune advice and warning

Teyvaz recommends putting aside all fears and being more persistent on the path to your goal. Fate gives the go-ahead for all actions taken; you just need to be patient and not waste your energy. In difficult situations, you should not despair: thanks to courage and self-development, a person will be able to turn circumstances in his favor. You need to believe in yourself and have a clear and cool head.

Attention! Teyvaz warns: you should always be able to take responsibility for your actions. Having gotten rid of excessive conceit, you should take into account the interests of others. In any life situation, you need to remain honest and under no circumstances lose your dignity.

Questions for meditation on the Teyvaz rune

Meditation on the image of Teyvaz is a great way to immerse yourself in the symbolic field of this magical rune. By meditating, you can get answers to the following questions:

  • How should you work on yourself for self-development?
  • Am I aware of my inner strength?
  • What should you do to overcome your own weaknesses?
  • How strong is my spirit?
  • Am I ready to step on the warrior's path without hesitation?
  • Do I know how to boldly look my enemies, including internal ones, in the eyes?
  • What are my true fears?
  • Am I ready to enter into mortal combat for the sake of the desired victory?
  • Am I using my true masculine qualities?
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