Compatibility of partners by year of birth in relationships and family life

The basis of the Chinese compatibility horoscope is the conviction of supporters of Chinese astrology that both in marriage and love, and in business and friendship, it is worth paying special attention to the year of birth of a potential partner. Based on this, the degree of compatibility of the couple will be determined. We are talking exclusively about compatibility according to the year of birth of the eastern horoscope, which includes 12 animal signs.

In the Chinese horoscope, animals are the personification of a particular year - Rat or Mouse, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit or Cat, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep or Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Boar or Pig. Compatibility according to the Chinese horoscope will help you understand how happy and successful the union will be, how relationships will be built and what difficulties may be encountered on the path to happiness.


Years of birth: (1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)
If the Rat really falls in love, she becomes not only very passionate, but also incredibly romantic. Can be very sentimental when it comes not only to things that may seem completely unimportant to many, but also during major family anniversaries and holidays.

The compatibility horoscope by year and zodiac sign warns that the other half of the Rat should prepare for the fact that at first she will show increased caution in everything. He can be very nervous, but as soon as the relationship moves to a new level, the Rat becomes incredibly generous, sometimes without even knowing boundaries, especially in relation to a loved one.

The main feature of representatives of the Rat sign is that they are very sensual individuals. They are ready to make serious sacrifices and restrictions just to ensure that their loved one is truly happy.

But the Rat also has one very unpleasant trait, which often manifests itself in relationships with a significant other. When the Rat realizes that it is completely safe, it can turn into a rather selfish person and becomes too demanding. This behavior often provokes the onset of severe and prolonged depression of the partner.

The Rat has the highest compatibility with representatives of such signs as Dragon, Ox and Monkey . Low compatibility with Horse.

How to Determine Compatibility

It is believed that animals according to the Chinese calendar are characterized by their own special energy flows that affect the Universe at certain times of the year. They can affect more than just compatibility. The cosmic elements affect all representatives of the year, giving them similar characteristics.

This way you can find out about:

  • character traits;
  • relationships with others;
  • compatibility with other people.

To calculate compatibility, you only need one thing: to know the year of birth of both people. Knowing the years, it is easy to determine their sign according to the eastern system and check it using the compatibility horoscope.

Compatibility table

It is important that perfectly compatible people simply do not exist. The following compatibility table is based on three principles of compatibility:

  1. good;
  2. average;
  3. low.


Years of birth: (1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)
Representatives of the Ox sign approach love with a slight note of wariness and apprehension. They are confident that romantic relationships can disrupt their usual routine of life, and bring a lot of not just new sensations, but emotions that they have never experienced before.

According to the compatibility horoscope for zodiac signs and years, the Ox almost never “loses his head” from love. At the same time, Oxen rarely decide to give their heart to another person. From the outside it may seem that representatives of this sign are very unromantic and not passionate individuals. However, this is a wrong opinion, because the Ox is capable of experiencing not just strong, but really deep feelings.

The Ox is capable of not just loving, but adoring and idolizing. If a representative of this sign truly falls in love, he will be completely devoted to his partner, body and soul. However, when a loved one betrays, the Ox is not able to start a new relationship for a long time, since he simply cannot decide to trust another person again.

Most often, the Ox forgets about various anniversaries, the date of the first date or the day when he opened his feelings. The fact is that this is not a very sentimental person. But at the same time, the Ox is ready to make every effort so that the other half does not suffer. It is very important for him to learn to respect the feelings and desires of his partner.

The Ox has the highest compatibility with representatives of such signs as Rooster, Snake, Pig, Monkey, Rabbit, Dragon, Ox and Rat . Low compatibility with Dog and Horse, and a very unsuccessful marriage develops with Goat.

Compatibility table

Assessing the compatibility of signs by year of birth is one of the most common ways to compare two people to build harmonious relationships. Chinese symbols - animals that characterize a certain year, are endowed with their own energy flows. These currents affect not only our compatibility, but also everything that surrounds us. Therefore, we can see all the features inherent in each animal in everything, and in those born this year, these features will be more pronounced. This system allows you to evaluate character traits, compatibility and interaction with other people in more detail.

General compatibility table by year of birth in love and marriage.

(1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)
rat, dragon, monkeybull, tiger, snake, rooster, dog, boarrabbit, horse, goat
(1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)
rat, rooster, rabbit, monkeybull, tiger, snake, dog, boardragon, horse, goat
(1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)
dragon, horse, dograt, tiger, goat, rooster, boarbull, rabbit, snake, monkey
(1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)
dragon, goat, dog, boarbull, rabbit, snake, horse, monkeyrat, tiger, rooster
The Dragon
(1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)
rat, rooster, monkeyrabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, boarbull, tiger, dog
(1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)
bull, roosterrat, rabbit, dragon, horse, dogtiger, snake, boar
(1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)
tiger, goat, dograbbit, dragon, snake, rooster, boarrat, bull, horse, monkey
(1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)
rabbit, horse, boartiger, dragon, snake, goat, monkey, roosterrat, bull, dog
(1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)
rat, dragonbull, rabbit, snake, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, boartiger, horse
(1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)
bull, dragon, snakerat, tiger, horse, goat, monkey, boarrabbit, rooster, dog
(1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)
tiger, rabbit, horserat, bull, snake, monkey, dog, boardragon, goat, rooster
(1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)
rabbit, goatrat, bull, tiger, dragon, rooster, dog,snake, monkey

Advice. This table shows compatibility according to general principles: from good to poor. However, remember that these are only general principles, and perfect compatibility does not exist, since each person is individual and his efforts to build relationships are also important.

General principles of assessment

The eastern horoscope, unlike traditional astrology, consists of cycles, each of which lasts 12 years. Each year has its own animal. Thus, those born in a certain year are assigned their own patron animal: Rat, Horse, Dog, Rabbit, Dragon, Boar, Monkey, Snake, Sheep, Tiger, Bull, Rooster. Thus, unlike classical astrology, the eastern system is not a monthly, but an annual cycle.

Those born within one year correspond to one of the 12 patron animals, these are the symbols of the Chinese horoscope. So, knowing what year you were born, you can determine which animal is your patron, and knowing the year of birth of your partner, what is his patron. This symbol characterizes certain traits inherent in every person. Also, using this system you can find out about possible compatibility with a partner.

This data is shown in a table that you can use to check your compatibility. If you believe that these symbols have a certain meaning, you can study the eastern horoscope in more detail and learn more about it. Knowing about your purpose, destiny, character traits, you can decide whether to build a long-term relationship with a specific person. Also, this knowledge will help you delve deeper into yourself in order to understand in which direction you should develop personally.


To understand in more detail what the symbols of the Eastern horoscope mean, we give a brief description of each sign:

  • Rat. This symbol opens the twelve-year cycle of the Eastern horoscope. Rats are pioneers, leaders by nature, optimists and passionate individuals. They definitely have some talent. They can be overly emotional and also have a tendency to waste. In marriage they can take on the role of leader. Well compatible with Dragon, Rat and Monkey.
  • Bull. It is a symbol of hard work and perseverance. They can be touchy, but over time they move away and do not hold a grudge for long. They like to keep everything in order, they are thorough and wise in everyday affairs. A very loyal sign, bulls do not tolerate betrayal. Well compatible with Goat, Horse and Dragon.
  • Tiger. This is a sign of bright, courageous, independent people. They can be impulsive, capricious and hot-tempered. They like it to be the way they want it, and often “pull the blanket over themselves.” Good compatibility in marriage with Pig, Rooster and Tiger.
  • Rabbit. This symbol corresponds to people who are calm, kind, and reasonable. They are sincerely able to give attention to others. They are very caring and gentle by nature. Well compatible with Dragon, Dog or Goat.
  • The Dragon. Perhaps the most mysterious and contradictory sign. Such people are characterized by insight, good intuition, they are always confident in themselves and have a goal in life. In family relationships they are quite practical. Poorly compatible with Dog, Ox and Tiger.
  • Snake. These people are distinguished by their inconstancy and love of spending money. Positive qualities include diplomacy, emotionality, love of romance, and the ability to surprise. In family relationships they are looking for an equal partner, mutual understanding and support. Well compatible with Horse, Dog, Rat and Rabbit.
  • Horse. These are bright and decisive individuals. Adventurers: love adventure, travel, passionate and romantic relationships. They are very hardworking, but can be inconsistent. Among them there are often creative personalities. Horses can be endowed with remarkable talent. Compatible with Goat, Dog and Tiger.
  • Goat. This sign is a little indecisive, sometimes constrained, embarrassed, and irresponsible. But despite this, they are quite generous and caring people. A goat can become a good friend and partner in close relationships. Well compatible with Boar, Horse and Rabbit.
  • Monkey. Usually these are intellectually gifted people. Quick mind, leadership qualities, desire to win - these are their bright qualities. Monkeys may not pay enough attention to hygiene and appearance. Although in general, these are good partners, if you accept their shortcomings. But there may be problems in compatibility with Tiger and Horse.
  • Rooster. Just like the Dragon, this sign is contradictory; on the one hand, Roosters love noisy fun and being the center of attention; on the other hand, they are a hardworking and responsible partner. They are often straightforward and practical. But in family relationships they are demanding both of themselves and of others. Well compatible with Snake, Dragon, Ox.
  • Dog. This is perhaps the most loyal sign. Dogs love and appreciate sincerity and fairness in people, because they themselves possess these qualities. They are modest, do not like conflicts, and do not forgive betrayal. Not compatible with Rooster, Dragon or Goat
  • Boar. This good-natured man is a generous homebody and romantic. Pigs can be hot-tempered, but they don’t hold grudges for long. A very pleasant sign to communicate with. Quite hardworking, likes to work hard and relax. Well compatible with Goat and Rabbit.


Years of birth: (1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)
Representatives of this sign have an incredibly charismatic nature, which makes them not the best fans. The tiger constantly follows the call of his heart, so he easily falls in love and becomes not just a passionate, but also a very attentive lover.

According to the compatibility horoscope by year, Tigers are not only capable of quickly falling in love, but also easily losing interest in a person for whom they had tender feelings just yesterday. Most often this happens after the first period of falling in love has passed.

But it cannot be said that the Tigers’ personal life is very boring, because in this area they are often faced with not only rapid ups and downs, but also completely unexpected downfalls. Representatives of this sign can burn with passion or suffer from deep disappointment.

Only if there is an intelligent person next to the Tiger, will he be able to explain to his partner that he will be completely happy if left alone. In such a situation, the Tiger will begin to act immediately. An easy victory does not bring pleasure and joy to the Tiger.

The Tiger has the highest compatibility with representatives of such signs as Horse, Rabbit, Rat, Dog, Ox, Sheep, Tiger, Pig and Rooster . Low compatibility with Dragon and Snake.


Years of birth: (1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)
The Rabbit makes every effort to avoid any obligations, especially if they lead to the need to make important decisions and bring changes to the usual way of life. A rabbit is capable of becoming a participant in simply a huge number of love affairs until he finds his soul mate. But this does not mean that representatives of this sign are fickle, because they approach the issue of choosing a partner with all responsibility.

According to the horoscope of compatibility of zodiac signs by year, the Rabbit prefers to remain in splendid isolation than to start a relationship with a person who does not meet the criteria of his romantic image. For Rabbits, the most important role in life is played by their own peace of mind. If they start a romantic relationship, they make every effort to maintain it.

Representatives of this sign become gentle, loving and very attentive partners. However, even despite this, it can sometimes be very difficult for others to understand what exactly they are thinking and feeling. The fact is that by nature, Rabbits are quite secretive natures. They may be happy to listen to others, but they are in no hurry to talk about themselves.

For Rabbits, affection and attention in relationships are important. If they have a smart partner next to them, they will quickly realize that this will help them get everything they need to find happiness.

The Rabbit has the highest compatibility with representatives of such signs as Sheep, Pig and Dog . Low compatibility with Tiger, Rooster and Rat.

The Dragon

Years of birth: (1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)
Representatives of this sign have quite a lot of fans, but they will never experience unrequited love. Dragons have a passionate nature, but they do not give in to passion and always look at the situation soberly, not allowing their feelings to prevail over their reason.

Dragons are very independent individuals, and they know for sure that they can live well without their soulmate. Dragons are often loved, but they themselves rarely experience strong feelings and mental anguish. But if the Dragon really falls in love, he becomes an understanding, attentive and loyal partner.

Dragons in love are able to put their other half on a pedestal. However, if they are introduced to this sign and understand that the partner is not worthy of such attention and is simply taking advantage of their feelings, they will quickly and practically without regret break off any relationship. But even despite this, it is almost impossible to break the heart or cause emotional pain to the Dragons, because first you need to hurt their pride, which is very difficult to do.

The Dragon has the highest compatibility with representatives of such signs as Rooster, Monkey, Snake and Rat . Low compatibility with Dog.

Fire Sign Compatibility

Fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. These signs go quite well with the others, considering their nature. They love emotions and are bright leaders. Don't put out their flames.

  • Fire and Air. Well compatible. If the Air partner supports them in their endeavors. Remember that it is important for fire signs to know that they are valued and loved.
  • Fire and Water. They can compete with each other. Both partners need to learn how to build communications. Be wiser, don't run into trouble.
  • Fire and Fire. A dangerous combination. Usually such people do not get along together. If you want to save your relationship, try to control your emotions.
  • Fire and Earth. They combine favorably with each other. The main thing is to be attentive to your partner and learn something new, so you will never get bored.


Years of birth: (1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)
Snakes are incredibly passionate and impressionable people. It is very important for them not only to understand, but also to feel that they are the center of their own romantic relationships. Representatives of this sign want to think that they are loved much more than they are loved by their partner. It is this desire that often leads to a break in relations with a partner.

Even with high compatibility according to the Chinese horoscope, if the Snake begins a serious romantic relationship, she does not give up the habit of constantly flirting and flirting. It is thanks to the response to this behavior that Snakes understand how attractive they are to members of the opposite sex.

Before the Snakes finally decide to settle down, they have numerous but short-lived love affairs and affairs, which they did not attach any seriousness to. There are cases when Snakes do not give up this lifestyle even after marriage. At the same time, the Snakes expect sincerity and devotion from their other half, although they themselves can change.

To earn the full respect of the Snakes, the other half must show independence from them. However, the Snakes may not like this behavior very much, but only in such a situation will they respect and remain faithful to their partner.

The Snake has the highest compatibility with representatives of such signs as Rooster and Tiger . Low compatibility with Tiger, Monkey and Pig.

Feng Shui love horoscope (check compatibility by date of birth)

To do this, it is enough to compare the values ​​obtained when checking birth dates and find out what the Universe has in store.

Tree - Tree

Harmony reigns in this union. And what others may find tedious and boring here contributes to prosperity. People of the Wood element work a lot, often they are real workaholics. They are simple-minded and have simply angelic patience. In the union of two Trees, their positive qualities are doubled.

Water - Water

The relationship has been going great since day one. They understand each other perfectly. And if individually each representative of the element of Water often suffers from his own timidity, then, united, they make each other stronger. They don’t need anyone, they often withdraw into their quiet happiness.

Water - Wood

A wonderful union where each partner significantly strengthens the other. Water gives the Tree life-giving juices, helps it grow, rise spiritually and even professionally. Wood gives Water a feeling of stability, self-confidence, courage in words and deeds.

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Metal - Metal

It is very difficult to get along with an independent and decisive representative of the Metal element. But when two wards of this element unite their destinies, relationships can develop quite harmoniously. Partners feel each other well at the level of intuition and, despite temporary crises, this is a stable union.

Metal - Water

This is a very happy combination of strength and weakness. Determined and unbending Metal finds emotional support in gentle, sensitive Water. Water, for its part, sees in Metal protection from outside influences. Both are very intuitive and understand each other without words.

Metal - Wood

Relationships are very difficult. Both are strong, self-sufficient personalities, leaders by nature, and do not tolerate pressure, although they themselves are often overly persistent. Another reason for possible conflicts is the excessive sociability of Wood and the fundamental isolation of Metal.

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Earth - Earth

This is a very practical union, which to some from the outside may seem bland and everyday. However, the spouses themselves, as a rule, are very satisfied with their intimate life, since nature has not deprived them of anything but sensuality. They care about each other touchingly. If anything interferes with the seed idyll, it is their incorrigible stubbornness.

Earth - Metal

Everyone admires this couple and calls it ideal. Indeed, the element of the Earth provides its wards with financial well-being, which means self-confidence and confidence in the future. And the courage and creativity of Metal helps spouses not to focus only on material matters.

Earth - Water

Here conflicts are inevitable. Moreover, problems will appear after the wedding, when they have to get used to each other in everyday life. Earth's stubbornness and excessive pragmatism can irritate emotional Water. For its part, the representative of the element Earth cannot tolerate omissions and “second plans”, and Water knows how to talk about the most important things only in this language.

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Earth - Tree

Such a marriage can be very passionate, but mutually devastating. Partners inevitably “vampire” each other. The tree drinks all the juices from the Earth, exploiting the responsibility of its partner. And the conservative and domestic Earth is trying to limit the sociability of the Tree, to tie it to the family and everyday life.

Fire - Fire

This is a continuous struggle, a sea of ​​energy, outbursts of emotion, stormy quarrels and no less stormy reconciliations. Despite all the external conflict, this is a very harmonious union. The spouses understand each other's motives and actions perfectly and are never seriously offended. The only thing they will not forgive is betrayal.

Fire - Earth

Sensuality reigns here. Great sex that others can only dream about. Partners inspire each other and remain desirable to each other for many years. Fire has a rich imagination, Earth is endowed with natural sexuality. This helps them forgive each other a lot.

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Fire - Metal

The whole life of this couple is a struggle. A passionate and temperamental Fire can flare up and literally burn all relationships with one careless scandal. Metal will insist on its own and try to subjugate the will of its partner. The only thing that can save this marriage from collapse is the wonderful sense of humor that both have.

Fire water

A very complex combination. The most common problem: indecisive and touchy Water extinguishes Fire’s initiative and stops many of its bold undertakings. Sooner or later, Fire may get tired of this, it will flare up and leave. Therefore, Water needs to learn to feed its partner with ideas and support.

Fire - Wood

These are two incorrigible optimists. The tree slightly holds back the impulsive representative of the element of Fire and warns against irreparable mistakes. And the irrepressible imagination and energy of Fire helps the Tree to grow and strive forward. It is good for such spouses to do one thing together - they will definitely achieve success.


Years of birth: (1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)
Representatives of this sign simply love to be in love. In fact, Horses are much more likely to get carried away by the very idea of ​​falling in love, rather than by the fact that they have strong and real feelings for their partner.

According to the compatibility horoscope by year and zodiac sign, it becomes clear that Horses belong to the category of people who can literally fall in love at first sight. If they fall in love, they immediately direct all their strength and energy to conquering the person they like.

Horses are very interesting, but at the same time difficult personalities, they can be very capricious, they love their own freedom and want to constantly receive moral support from their partner. Horses have very romantic natures and are happy to obey their own emotions.

Representatives of this sign are ready for serious changes in life for the sake of love - they can not only change jobs, but also move to another country. But even despite this, Horses in love can be superficial and fickle. They can forget about their feelings just as quickly as they fell in love.

In order to keep a Horse close to you, you need to constantly ignore such individuals, then their interest will be stronger and more stable. Long-term relationships with a Horse are often accompanied by various incidents and crises. Only dramatic situations make the Horse literally bloom and glow with happiness.

The Horse has the highest compatibility with representatives of such signs as Sheep, Tiger, Dog, Rooster, Snake and Dragon . Low compatibility with the Rat.

Recommendations of the Chinese horoscope for compatibility of the Rooster, Dog, Pig and Rat


The year for the Rooster is lucky in the field of finance. Moreover, if the Rooster is hardworking, then he will have excellent results in any field of activity. The best partners in a love relationship with the Rooster will be Snakes, Dragons or Bulls.


Those representatives of the sign who love to travel, maintain harmonious relationships and always find a common language with others will have excellent prospects. For love relationships, the Dog should choose Tigers, Monkeys, Rabbits or Horses.


For the Pig, the year will be happy and successful. And it will be even more successful for those representatives of the sign who get married, move to another place of residence or have children. The best love partners for Pig include Tigers, Goats and Rabbits.


Years of birth: (1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)
People who were born in the year of the Sheep (Goat) very often lack objectivity, since they are completely sure that the world revolves only around them. Sheep are very sensitive and emotional individuals, so they expect a lot from romantic relationships. In a sensual sense, they give a lot to their partner, but they also receive enough from them in return.

The compatibility horoscope by zodiac sign and year predicts that Goats are ready to literally adapt to their loved one just to please him. If a crisis arises in a relationship, in order not to lose a loved one, serious concessions may be made.

Sheep are very gentle and devoted lovers, attractive in appearance. But even despite this, they cannot be called too passionate people. They are used to expressing their feelings quite impulsively. They do not like to be in a dependent position and strive to ensure that their partner is not only always faithful, but also constantly nearby. At the same time, the other half must learn to accept Goats as they are and not try to change them.

Sheep have the highest compatibility with representatives of such signs as Rabbit, Pig, Horse, Dragon and Tiger . Low compatibility with Rat, Dog and Ox.

Eastern calendar compatibility: Chinese zodiac hours

In addition to the fact that each year of the 12-year cycle was associated with an animal of the Chinese zodiac, in traditional Eastern culture the same animals were lined up in accordance with the hours of the day. To tell time, the ancient Chinese divided the 24-hour day into twelve two-hour periods, also known as the 12 Shichen or earth branches, and assigned an animal to each period.

Eastern calendar compatibility: Chinese zodiac hours

In Chinese astrology they say that a person’s character traits and his destiny are influenced not just by the year of birth, but also by time. In the system of earthly branches of the daily hours of the Chinese zodiac, animals appear in the same order as in the twelve-year cycle: Rat, Ox, Tiger, etc. Therefore, if you want to thoroughly check compatibility according to the Eastern (Chinese) horoscope, it is better to know not only the year, but also the exact time of birth of yourself and your intended partner.


Years of birth: (1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)
Monkeys have a rather ambiguous attitude towards love. Those born under the auspices of this sign often fall in love, after which they begin to look at life more optimistically. In the first stages, when they are deeply in love, they dive into the relationship headlong, plunging into a sea of ​​passion.

But gradually love becomes weaker, and sometimes disappears altogether. And such relationships lose all their attractiveness and interest. During this period, Monkeys stop giving compliments and begin to tirelessly criticize their partner, noticing all his shortcomings and mistakes.

According to the horoscope, they are compatible by year, only as long as the Monkey is interested in the company of his partner, the relationship will be joyful and happy. Only if the Monkey is truly happy can he show understanding and patience towards his chosen one. Representatives of this sign are unpredictable and excitable creatures, so they can cause not only tears, but also laughter.

Monkeys are incredibly charming and interesting personalities; they are happy to give joy to other people. But in return from their significant other, Monkeys also want to receive a lot of attention, which they desperately need.

Monkeys have the highest compatibility with representatives of such signs as Rat and Dragon . Low compatibility with Pig, Snake and Tiger.


Years of birth: (1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)
For Roosters, love is not just a great responsibility, but also a certain challenge. But a romantic relationship will never be just an accident. They have an analytical and strictly organized approach to love, because in this way they try to deceive disappointment, which they also do not exclude.

If representatives of this sign encounter a failure in love, they will never plan a romantic relationship in advance again. People born under the auspices of this sign are very devoted and passionate natures, loving their partner with all their hearts.

The compatibility horoscope of zodiac signs by year predicts that in relationships the Rooster will always strive to take a dominant position. There may be situations in which it cannot be said that these are caring and attentive partners. Sometimes the Rooster simply hopes that his other half will be able to predict his action or mood.

Often representatives of this sign do not tolerate declarations of love, as they are sure that this can interfere with the real rapprochement of people. It is important for Roosters that they solve all their problems on their own.

Roosters have the highest compatibility with representatives of such signs as Ox, Dragon, Snake, Tiger, Sheep, Horse, Pig and Monkey . Low compatibility with Rabbit.

Pythagorean square compatibility

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Years of birth: (1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)
Representatives of this sign are very kind, friendly and generous, and therefore deserve sincere love. These qualities cannot go unnoticed by others, so many people begin to develop warm feelings towards them. But representatives of the sign themselves do not fall in love too often.

When meeting a person for the first time, the Dog becomes very suspicious and is in no hurry to immediately tell all his secrets. But if she understands that this is the person with whom she will spend her whole life, she begins to gradually fall in love and open up. Gradually getting used to it, the Dog begins to share all its problems with its partner.

In relation to a loved one, the Dog shows a lot of tenderness and care. In addition, Dogs want their partner to become not only a life partner, but also their best friend and confidant.

Sometimes Dogs have quite high demands on their soulmate, which is why they rarely become truly happy in love. In addition, they are constantly preoccupied with something and want to receive evidence of love from their partner every day.

Representatives of this sign are fairly balanced individuals; they are characterized not only by pessimism, but also by a feeling of constant anxiety over various little things. This can be transmitted to the partner, which leads to a feeling of insecurity when he is near the Dog.

Dogs have the highest compatibility with representatives of such signs as Dragon, Snake, Tiger, Pig, Monkey, Sheep and Horse . Low compatibility with the Rooster.

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