Feng Shui: the influence of pets on the energy of your apartment

Now almost every person in the world has a pet or even several at home. According to Feng Shui, not all pets have a good effect on the energy of your home. A larger number of our smaller brothers can not only bring joy to the owners, but also change the energy background of the apartment for the better.

All pets are special by their nature and the energy they bring into the home. They are so cute and fluffy that even just touching them brings us joy and improves our mood. Our pets feel everything: our sadness, worries and always know about what we don’t want to talk about and want to hide it.

An art such as Feng Shui wants to teach humanity how to take care of the energy in their home. According to this teaching, a pet also affects the energy of your apartment. Ancestors domesticated animals for the purposes they needed and always relied on their intuition. Now our pets help us not to go crazy alone and get rid of it. We get used to them as people and love and care for them every day. They probably also bring us a lot of benefit, you will learn about this right now.

How and how pets affect the energy of your apartment

Pets not only give you the best emotions and improve your mood, but also create comfort in your apartment and neutralize negative energy. Animals also relieve their owners from insomnia and take away the diseases of their mistresses and owners. But the most important thing is that they give you love without demanding anything in return. Now we need to find out which pet is best for you according to the teachings of Feng Shui.


The cat, unlike the others, has the strongest energy. She can cleanse the house of negative energy, protect it from evil spirits and other mystical creatures. Cats seem to be quite calm and even lazy animals, but they are always on the alert.

When they feel that their owners are in any danger, they turn into the best defenders. People who have cats at home have noticed many times that their beloved pet can quickly wake up and run to a certain room in the house. This means that mystical creatures and evil spirits have entered the house, and your pet is trying to drive them out and protect the owners from their influences.

Cats can take away trouble from their owners and save them from death. Cats have well-developed intuition, and they can sense danger long before it arises. If your cat is very restless all day and comes to you very often, do not ignore her. She is trying to notify you of impending danger.


The Rooster is an excellent activator of the Glory zone in the South. It is suitable for those who need not just a good reputation, but fame and notoriety in certain circles. However, not everyone knows that the Rooster is also an excellent talisman against infidelity. It is believed that the rooster figurine helps suppress debauchery, sexual promiscuity and infidelity. If you are afraid that someone may try to take your partner away from you, then in this case the rooster figurine should be placed in front of the main entrance or above the entrance. If you are afraid that your spouse is prone to cheating, then the rooster should be placed in his closet. It is optimal to place two figures of roosters - on the left and on the right.


It is not only a person’s faithful friend, but also a source of good energy. In a house where there is a dog, it is always joyful and everyone is happy, and the owners quarrel much less. Some types of breeds have a good effect on the home atmosphere and harmonize it. Just one touch to a puppy or an adult dog will increase your vitality and give you a little strength.

Just like cats, they know how to warn their owner about danger, but they do it differently. If your pet comes up to you and lies down next to you, do not ignore it, but be sure to pet it. This way you can find out what he wants to tell you.

Give dogs a little more time than other animals. An angry dog ​​is an accumulator of complex problems and negative energy. If your pet is a little aggressive, show him care and love, then he will be much kinder and more affectionate. When a dog is kind and cheerful, it can bring good luck and happiness to the house.

Mandarin ducks

Mandarin ducks are a classic talisman of fidelity in love and inseparability. Mandarin ducks, or as they are also called, imperial ducks, got their name for the extraordinary beauty of their plumage and superiority over other species. The figurine of ducks must be placed in pairs in the South-West, thereby activating the love zone. You can enhance the effect of mandarin ducks by placing indoor plants and a marriage certificate or a general photograph of you and your partner near them.

The talisman of mandarin ducks is especially good for unmarried couples - it strengthens the partners’ feelings for each other, makes them devoted to each other, and improves mutual understanding. For single people looking for a partner, this talisman will help attract worthy partners, and the search will certainly be crowned with success. The talisman is also suitable for long-married couples, but it is better to use tangerine trees of happiness, which enhance passion that fades over time and contribute to the ardor of relationships and sensuality.

Aquarium fish

People buy fish because they do not require special care. But this is not their main advantage. An aquarium, which is located in the money zone, attracts money and financial luck. Fish are a symbol of stability and create peace and general harmony in the home. If you often begin to conflict with members of your household, buy a small aquarium with fish. After a while, you will notice that the relationship has become much better. If you want only good energy in your home, then do not forget to feed and care for the fish.


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Symbols: Feng Shui animals
Feng Shui is primarily the science of space and energy. Feng Shui methods are aimed at creating a harmonious personal space necessary to attract favorable vital energy qi, in other words, good luck. You can improve your living space, for example, at home, at work, in the country, in the garden, in the car. One of the principles of Feng Shui is: “Like attracts like.” At the same time, the feng shui language is to a large extent a language of symbols, so you need to learn to decipher it and create your own messages to the Universe. The final result depends on the meaning of these messages. A Feng Shui talisman is a kind of well-being activator that attracts a certain type of energy into our lives. For example, some talisman contributes to the emergence of mutual love, another to the acquisition of wealth and abundance, a third to strengthen health, a fourth to attract success... We can say that talismans are a kind of magnets that attract favorable energies and harmonize them, creating a certain magnetic field . With the help of talismans, you express what exactly your soul strives for. In Feng Shui, there are two types of talismans. Firstly, these are traditional classical Chinese talismans. For example, figurines of gods representing love, wealth, health and longevity; images of some animals, fish and birds, all kinds of coins, vases, candles, crystal lamps, bells... Each of them is endowed with a certain symbolic meaning. Such talismans are very effective, because they have thousands of years of experience behind them. The second type of talismans is based on knowledge of the five main elements in the Chinese tradition (Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal) and their interaction. There is complete scope for your imagination here. Almost any object can become a talisman, even just a color or favorable shape, or features of the layout of your home. After all, it is the symbolic meaning of an object, color or shape that is important. Therefore, the effectiveness of such talismans depends only on your knowledge and imagination. All this is designed to increase the owner’s well-being and strengthen his position. The richer a person is and the more he respects himself, the more expensive his talismans are and the greater their number. In rich Chinese houses, special rooms or even houses are reserved for them. However, you should not turn your apartment into a museum of Feng Shui talismans. But well-chosen and correctly placed talismans can truly work wonders! Especially after you have carried out all the necessary preliminary procedures and prepared your home to activate the energy of luck: you have cleared the rubble, done general cleaning and carried out energetic cleansing of the space. And the last thing I want to say before you plunge into the symbolism of Feng Shui objects: when choosing talismans, buy exactly those figures that you like both in terms of symbolism and meaning, as well as in appearance. Never buy a talisman if you don't like it. The Dragon

A dragon holding a pearl of wisdom in its paws represents complete harmony, greatness and wisdom. It is considered one of the most powerful symbols in Feng Shui. It is the dragon, with its breath, that gives birth to the life-giving energy qi, which gives life to all living things. The dragon symbolizes power, wisdom and kindness, and also brings success in business. Promotes career growth, financial success, protects a person from unscrupulous partners, competitors and generally from unkind people. Being a symbol of pronounced Yang energy, the Dragon protects the strong half of humanity. The Guardian of the East represents the awakening of the forces of nature, growth and new beginnings. In China, a dragon with a pearl was considered a symbol of the emperor, his divine patron. It is recommended to place the dragon figurine in the East. It is advisable for the dragon figurine to stand on a pedestal, stand or just a small platform. However, you should not place it above the eye level of the head of the family, otherwise in this case it is believed that the dragon will dominate. The dragon is an exclusively Yang animal that creates active energy flows, so we also recommend refraining from keeping a dragon figurine in your bedroom, as the bedroom should promote relaxation, and Yang energies are not suitable for this. You can awaken a dragon to life, that is, activate the talisman, by “opening” its eyes using a simple ritual. Determine the day of the dragon according to the Chinese calendar and in the morning, between seven and nine o'clock in your local time (this is dragon time), using a new brush and black ink, put dots on the eyes of the figurine or image of the dragon. During the ritual, the dragon must face east. You can also symbolically consecrate the eyes of the dragon by burning an incense stick.

Toad of wealth

A three-legged toad of wealth with a coin in its mouth is a symbol of great luck and monetary abundance. It is best to place the wealth toad at the door of the entrance to the home as if it were jumping into the house or similarly at the window. You can also place one toad in each room in the Southeast sector, thus activating the wealth zone, however, it is believed that in the Southeast sector, toads may not be as active. Toads are afraid of heights, so it is not recommended to place them on high shelves. The best place for a toad is the floor or a low shelf or stool. Some sources write that it is better not to place the toad directly on the floor, but to place it on a small pedestal. We believe that since most of the toad figures are depicted sitting on a high pile of money, this is a symbolic toad pedestal. If you decide to place the toad of wealth on your desktop, then do not place it directly in front of you, but move it a little to the side, and make sure that the toad is not turned with its muzzle towards the front door or window, otherwise it will symbolically jump out of the house with all its acquired goods , taking with you monetary well-being. Another way to place a toad is in a vessel with water. Moreover, it is desirable that it be Yang water, that is, water in motion, for example, a home fountain or waterfall. Please note that the coin should be inserted into the mouth of the wealth toad with the hieroglyphs facing up. If a coin falls out of the toad’s mouth, it means money. Phoenix

Phoenix or Fen Huang in China is considered a magical animal, the patron saint of all winged creatures. The Phoenix bird has such powerful energy that it can rise from fire and ashes and rise above the most terrifying circumstances. The Phoenix bird figurine very effectively activates the energy of prosperity, fame and success. It is recommended to place her figurine in the South, since Feng Huang symbolizes the warmth of the sun, summer and fire. Together with the dragon, he embodies a fruitful union (Feng Huang is the Dragon's consort). In Feng Shui, a red, fire talisman brings happiness, the opportunity to avoid defeat and win, receive unexpected help, wisdom, prosperity and beauty. The Phoenix bird promotes the development of your creative aspirations and helps your dreams come true. He needs free space to freely rise into the sky, looking out for danger in the distance and learning about news. To activate the Phoenix, it is recommended to place his figurine in the South. It is advisable that in the southern part of your house there is a fireplace that attracts Fen Huang to the house, and it is warm and spacious. Since this is not always possible in a city environment, you can simply keep the area brightly lit at all times by lighting candles and lamps. However, a talisman that is not balanced by the other three celestial animals - a turtle, a tiger or a dragon - can make your character hot-tempered, because intemperance and ardor are also properties of the Phoenix. Eagle

An eagle soaring proudly in the skies is one of the best images for the glory sector. If you have great ambitions and you need to very powerfully activate the South zone, then it is recommended to place an eagle figurine there - this will strengthen your good reputation, bring fame and success in business. Rooster

The Rooster is an excellent activator of the Glory zone in the South. It is suitable for those who need not just a good reputation, but fame and notoriety in certain circles. However, not everyone knows that the Rooster is also an excellent talisman against infidelity. It is believed that the rooster figurine helps suppress debauchery, sexual promiscuity and infidelity. If you are afraid that someone may try to take your partner away from you, then in this case the rooster figurine should be placed in front of the main entrance or above the entrance. If you are afraid that your spouse is prone to cheating, then the rooster should be placed in his closet. It is optimal to place two figures of roosters - on the left and on the right. Horse

The horse figurine is considered a classic mascot for the glory zone. A horse directed upward is especially good. In the South, a horse figurine will activate glory, personifying endurance, swiftness, good reputation, and also be a symbol of undying optimism. The horse brings with it the wind of change and favorable changes in life. Sometimes a horse is depicted with a cicada on its back. Many people avoid this symbol when they see a fly on the back of a horse. However, the cicada is an insect that symbolizes liveliness of thought and fresh ideas. Elephant

In China, the elephant is believed to attract good luck. It is a symbol of stability and resilience. It is recommended to place the elephant figurine on the windowsill, with its trunk towards the auspicious flying star, then it will attract good luck into the house from the street through the window. An elephant whose trunk is raised up is considered a symbol of wealth. The elephant can be placed both in the South-East, in the zone of wealth and prosperity, and in the North-West, since the elephant embodies the power and invincible strength of the North-West sector of assistants and patrons. It is also believed that the elephant helps to reduce unnecessary material waste; its stability and stability can influence the extravagance of home owners, curbing their thirst for spending money on unnecessary things. An elephant with a lowered trunk is the patron saint of women, it gives motherhood. Therefore, women who are trying in vain to have a child should pay attention to the figure of an elephant with a lowered trunk. Often such elephants are depicted next to their offspring - one or even several baby elephants. Fish

Pisces is a very popular feng shui talisman. The goldfish is very well suited for the wealth zone in the Southeast and symbolizes success in financial matters. Also, fish figurines are great for activating the North - the career zone, since the element of the North is water. The best fish for wealth activation are live goldfish, which you can keep in an aquarium at home. Just don’t worry if the fish suddenly dies. It is believed that in this way she prevented misfortune. It is best to keep 9 fish in the aquarium: 8 gold and 1 black - for protection. Try not to place either live fish or figurines in the bedroom, as water symbols provoke infidelity in one of the partners, and refrain from placing them in the kitchen during pregnancy.

As for figurines, it is best to buy a carp or arowana figurine. The carp or sacred fish "Tai" is a symbol of good luck and spiritual achievement. Its placement in the wealth sector in the Southeast promotes material well-being and wealth accumulation. Two carps symbolize the harmony of relations between a man and a woman, and nine carps symbolize prosperity and enrichment. Carp also symbolizes determination and perseverance in one's motives, because the carp reaches the mouth of the river, persistently overcoming the river rapids.

However, the most successful way to activate the wealth zone is to purchase a fish called arowana or dragon fish. In nature, this is a very rare and expensive fish; some species can cost tens of thousands of dollars. Arowana in Feng Shui is synonymous with enormous, simply fabulous wealth. She is characterized by fascinating plastic movements, amazingly beautiful colors and a proud appearance. Arowana is a great wealth magnet that always works. The only difference is that it brings different amounts of material benefits to different people. It should be noted that just one arowana is enough to activate wealth in your home. If you want to have more of these beautiful fish, then you should buy only an odd number of them, otherwise the arowanas will create friction between you and your friends, and you may start quarreling over money. Lion and dogs Fu

Fu Dogs, or as they are also called, Heavenly Lions, as well as ordinary lions, are a symbol of protecting the well-being of the home. They personify courage, selflessness and justice. Fu Dogs are good in pairs, as they combine the harmony of Yin and Yang energies.

Leo, on the contrary, is better to keep alone. As the leader of the pack, he does not tolerate competition. It is recommended to place figurines of fu dogs and lions opposite the front door or near a window if buildings or structures that have adverse effects are visible from it (pipes, highways, building spiers, a large lonely tree, a lamppost, etc.). In this case, the figurines you choose will serve the well-being of the family and the stability of relationships, as well as protect each family member from troubles and failures. If there is a place in the room with destructive energy, then you can also put a figurine of a lion or fu dogs there - this will weaken the negative impact. In addition, lions strengthen the authority of the leader or head of the family. Pi Yao

Pi Yao is a very powerful talisman of protection, has one horn, the face of a lion dog, hooves, small wings and a tail. Known for having the ability to keep unfavorable energies and evil people out of the house. It does not harm anyone. It is placed where the source of destructive energy of sha qi can come from, that is, opposite cemeteries, sharp corners, towers, peaks, always facing outward. You can place it on the window, opposite the front door or in the center of your home, or anywhere in the house, since Pi Yao loves his owners and is loyal by nature. Pi Yao is also used to strengthen sources of wealth and increase income. Pi Yao love their owners very much, are obedient to them and very loyal. Like the dragon turtle, Pi Yao is considered one of the few animals capable of pacifying the Prince of the Year Jupiter (or Tai Sui), who is in the North in 2008. If you are doing business, then Pi Yao will undoubtedly suit you, since according to legend, Pi Yao has an immense appetite. Pi Yao should be placed below the eye level of the head of the family, and also refrain from placing it in the bedroom. If you often leave the house unattended and travel long distances, then you should place the Pi Yao near the front door or in the hallway. The Chinese are very fond of this figurine and prefer to place not one, but a pair of Pi Yaos. To keep the talisman's power from running out, you need to ring it with a bell once a week (or hang a bell next to it) or burn a large candle next to the Pi Yao once a month. Mandarin ducks

Mandarin ducks are a classic talisman of fidelity in love and inseparability. Mandarin ducks, or as they are also called, imperial ducks, got their name for the extraordinary beauty of their plumage and superiority over other species. The figurine of ducks must be placed in pairs in the South-West, thereby activating the love zone. You can enhance the effect of mandarin ducks by placing indoor plants and a marriage certificate or a general photograph of you and your partner near them. The talisman of mandarin ducks is especially good for unmarried couples - it strengthens the partners’ feelings for each other, makes them devoted to each other, and improves mutual understanding. For single people looking for a partner, this talisman will help attract worthy partners, and the search will certainly be crowned with success. The talisman is also suitable for long-married couples, but it is better to use tangerine trees of happiness, which enhance passion that fades over time and contribute to the ardor of relationships and sensuality. dragon turtle

The dragon turtle is a mythical Chinese animal that protects your home from misfortunes and problems. The dragon-headed turtle is a powerful combination of two creatures that radiate life-giving chi like dragons and protective chi like turtles. It is believed that one of the main dangers of the year - the Grand Duke of Tai-Sui, who is in the North in 2008, likes it when the dragon turtle looks at him, and the prince does not show his anger at people. Therefore, this year the dragon turtle should be placed with its muzzle clearly facing the North. Just like the dragon turtle, Pi Yao copes well with Tai Sui. The power of the talisman is increased by everything that symbolizes wisdom and knowledge: volumes of books, manuscripts, office equipment (computers, typewriters, fountain pens, pencils, etc.). You should definitely put one of these objects next to the Dragon Turtle, but in no case should you keep broken pencils and blank paper next to the talisman - the Dragon Turtle will try his best to make sure that notes appear on the sheets of paper, and the pencils take on a working appearance, and will stop protect the owner's home. Turtle

The turtle is a symbol of heavenly support and protection; it is a symbol of longevity, wisdom and steady movement forward. In Feng Shui, the black turtle talisman brings good luck and support in business, a smooth and stable increase in income and standard of living. The help of a turtle is especially important for the owner of the house and the breadwinner of the family. The one who has a turtle behind him is safe because his rear is protected from attack. The turtle is a symbol of hard work that will be rewarded. Three turtles on top of each other symbolize the well-being of three generations. The mascot of three turtles is especially good for families who live with their parents or children under the same roof. The turtle is the guardian of the North, and, by the way, this is why it is recommended to place work rooms in the north of the home. It is best to purchase a turtle made of metal or a metallic shade - bronze, gold or silver, since in the circle of the generation of elements, metal supports the element of water. Black is also a great color for a turtle. To activate the talisman, it is recommended to place it next to vegetation or a container with still water, but do not forget to take into account that the bedroom is a ban for water talismans. Water symbols in the bedroom destroy romantic luck. https://www.vodaiveter.ru/luck15.php


The bird symbolizes wisdom. They are often used in magical rituals. It is recommended to own a bird for people who suffer from a lack of information in their heads. These creatures will strengthen the information field of your home. However, the energy of birds will be in conflict with a cat or dog; it is impossible to keep them in the same house together.

By keeping a bird together with other animals, you can destroy the harmony of the home aura.

It is especially important to place the cage correctly. According to Feng Shui, the most convenient place for it is on the eastern side of your apartment, since all the good energy of your home accumulates there. The bird will enhance it several times.


Phoenix or Fen Huang in China is considered a magical animal, the patron saint of all winged creatures. The Phoenix bird has such powerful energy that it can rise from fire and ashes and rise above the most terrifying circumstances. The Phoenix bird figurine very effectively activates the energy of prosperity, fame and success. It is recommended to place her figurine in the South, since Feng Huang symbolizes the warmth of the sun, summer and fire. Together with the dragon, he embodies a fruitful union (Feng Huang is the Dragon's consort). In Feng Shui, a red, fire talisman brings happiness, the opportunity to avoid defeat and win, receive unexpected help, wisdom, prosperity and beauty. The Phoenix bird promotes the development of your creative aspirations and helps your dreams come true. He needs free space to freely rise into the sky, looking out for danger in the distance and learning about news.

To activate the Phoenix, it is recommended to place his figurine in the South. It is advisable that in the southern part of your house there is a fireplace that attracts Fen Huang to the house, and it is warm and spacious. Since this is not always possible in a city environment, you can simply keep the area brightly lit at all times by lighting candles and lamps. However, a talisman that is not balanced by the other three celestial animals - a turtle, a tiger or a dragon - can make your character hot-tempered, because intemperance and ardor are also properties of the Phoenix.


Such animals live on their own. They are very calm and quiet, so they do not require attention from their owners. If you are getting a rodent, you first need to put the cage in the right place. Just like a cage with birds, so with rodents, it should be placed on the southeast side of the apartment or house.

It is prohibited to place the cage on the east side. It is there that a lot of negative energy accumulates, and from it your pet can get sick or even die.

Feng Shui does not recommend having rodents in your home. They attract failures, hinder the financial and spiritual development of household members, and can also easily weaken the energy of your home. If you want to buy a pet, but don’t have time to take care of cats or dogs, it’s better to buy fish or turtles.

Toad of wealth

A three-legged toad of wealth with a coin in its mouth is a symbol of great luck and monetary abundance.

It is best to place the wealth toad at the door of the entrance to the home as if it were jumping into the house or similarly at the window. You can also place one toad in each room in the Southeast sector, thus activating the wealth zone, however, it is believed that in the Southeast sector, toads may not be as active.

Toads are afraid of heights, so it is not recommended to place them on high shelves. The best place for a toad is the floor or a low shelf or stool. Some sources write that it is better not to place the toad directly on the floor, but to place it on a small pedestal. We believe that since most of the toad figures are depicted sitting on a high pile of money, this is the symbolic toad pedestal.

If you decide to place the toad of wealth on your desktop, then do not place it directly in front of you, but move it a little to the side, and make sure that the toad is not turned with its muzzle towards the front door or window, otherwise it will symbolically jump out of the house with all its acquired goods , taking with you monetary well-being.

Another way to place a toad is in a vessel with water. Moreover, it is desirable that it be Yang water, that is, water in motion, for example, a home fountain or waterfall.

Please note that the coin should be inserted into the mouth of the wealth toad with the hieroglyphs facing up. If a coin falls out of the toad’s mouth, it means money.


Although turtles are slow and clumsy, they symbolize movement. It is recommended to keep turtles for those people who strive for new achievements and victories. According to Feng Shui, the turtle is a talisman of good luck. They will give confidence and bring success in any endeavor.

Turtles are long-lived, they promise their owners longevity and wisdom.

Turtles emit exceptionally good energy, but as with other pets, you need to place the aquarium in the right and correct place. Turtles have strong energy and thanks to it they can improve any area in your home: where you place the aquarium is influenced by what you want to achieve. Feng Shui experts say that most turtles live on the north side of the house.


The horse figurine is considered a classic mascot for the glory zone. A horse directed upward is especially good. In the South, a horse figurine will activate glory, personifying endurance, swiftness, good reputation, and also be a symbol of undying optimism. The horse brings with it the wind of change and favorable changes in life. Sometimes a horse is depicted with a cicada on its back. Many people avoid this symbol when they see a fly on the back of a horse. However, the cicada is an insect that symbolizes liveliness of thought and fresh ideas.

Exotic animals

Nowadays, exotic animals are most often tamed; Feng Shui experts do not recommend doing this. Since they are vampires who feed on energy. While in the house, they will drink the energy of the inhabitants of the house. Their effect on other animals is especially negative; their biofield is much weaker than that of humans. Exotic pets require a special climate and care, in the absence of which the pet’s health may deteriorate.

A house is not just a fortress, but a place with strong energy. But whether there will be positive energy in the house depends on you. Thanks to Feng Shui, you can cleanse your home of negative energy and make it positive. We wish you good health and success in all your endeavors.

dragon turtle

The dragon turtle is a mythical Chinese animal that protects your home from misfortunes and problems. The dragon-headed turtle is a powerful combination of two creatures that radiate life-giving chi like dragons and protective chi like turtles. It is believed that one of the main dangers of the year - the Grand Duke of Tai-Sui, who is in the North in 2008, likes it when the dragon turtle looks at him, and the prince does not show his anger at people. Therefore, this year the dragon turtle should be placed with its muzzle clearly facing the North. Just like the dragon turtle, Pi Yao copes well with Tai Sui.

The power of the talisman is increased by everything that symbolizes wisdom and knowledge: volumes of books, manuscripts, office equipment (computers, typewriters, fountain pens, pencils, etc.). You should definitely put one of these objects next to the Dragon Turtle, but in no case should you keep broken pencils and blank paper next to the talisman - the Dragon Turtle will try his best to make sure that notes appear on the sheets of paper, and the pencils take on a working appearance, and will stop protect the owner's home.

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