Windows facing west, northeast, southwest, south, north and - pros and cons, feng shui

feng shui windows

The design and placement of windows in a house or apartment is of great importance in imparting integrity and harmony. This review examines windows according to Feng Shui, the rules and basic requirements for their selection and installation. These elements are of particular importance in the arrangement of a room. They not only fill the room with daylight, but can also affect human health and conduct energy into the house.

General provisions about windows

Located in a wall opening or on the roof, the window plays the role of:

  • communications with external space;
  • natural light;
  • ventilation;
  • protection from atmospheric and noise influences from the outside.

The lack of windows or their small size makes the room dark and gloomy. Overly large windows can sometimes make you feel like you're in an aquarium for everyone to see.

Windows of various sizes and shapes, but the most acceptable option: rectangular with a width equal to 55% of the width of the room. A spacious room with two windows and one terrace, filling its inhabitants with love of life and optimism is the best architectural solution.

picture of a room with windows and a terrace

The shape and location of windows in the house

Circle shape

The ideal window has a round shape - it is an “invitation” for positive energy and magical protection against negative energy. Since the layout does not always provide for such a solution, you can safely choose a window opening in the form of a rectangle. The main thing is that the lower part of the frame is located at a sufficient distance from the floor and does not resemble a door.


According to Feng Shui, a window behind the back in the office is not welcome. The rear should be protected with something stable, related to the energy of the Earth (it is best to have a blank wall behind). If the workroom is located correctly (in the northern sector), then it is advisable to close the existing windows with roller shutters, curtains, and blinds - this will smooth out the possible negative effect.

Doors and mirrors are prohibited

A door or mirror opposite a window is prohibited according to Feng Shui. This layout helps to “wash out” positive energy and mirror it. A window opposite another window has a similar effect - the resulting “energy draft” will not allow success, harmony and well-being to linger in the room for a long time.

Tips on window condition

According to Feng Shui practice, windows are the eyes of the house. They must be kept clean and tidy. Dirty or dusty openings can negatively affect your health and business success. They prevent life-giving energy from entering the house, attracting negative Sha energy.

Many home owners install large windows, believing that this way more air and sunlight will penetrate into their home. But the teachings of Feng Shui warn that large openings contribute to the leakage of Qi energy. This is especially true for those windows that are located close to the floor. Positive energy rushes towards them, leaving the house.

Absolute purity

Dirty and cloudy glass prevents the penetration of light and life-giving energy Qi into the apartment. A lack of it can cause a decline in vitality, deterioration of well-being, apathy and a decrease in the body’s resistance to various viruses and infections.

Location of windows in the house

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A dark room accumulates negative energy that can affect the health of residents. To avoid this situation, you should regularly clean the glass from dust and dirt.

Without knots

The presence of cracks in glass can also cause health problems for home owners, since through these cracks the destructive energy of Sha penetrates into the house, which provokes conflicts, illnesses and troubles in all areas of life. Cracked glass can lead to the development of eye diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma.

The glass in the frame must be firmly fixed. In no case should it move away or rattle during the wind: these sounds will attract a flow of negative energy.

Peeling paint on windows and the walls around them, as well as the presence of cracks and other defects can cause illness and failure.

Shape and size of windows according to Feng Shui

The size and number of windows in the house are of primary importance. It is recommended to install medium-sized windows, since high and long openings can release a large amount of positive energy outward. Small ones, in turn, prevent the penetration of sunlight, heat and air into the room.

It is believed that the most suitable for residential premises is the round shape of windows.

As for windows facing loggias and verandas, these rules do not apply to them, because they serve as a door. It is believed that when we go out onto the balcony, we leave the confines of our home.

Dependence of illumination on window position

Good light level:

  • the amount of serotonin increases, which increases tone;
  • surge of vital energy;
  • Plants develop perfectly.

Insufficient lighting has a bad effect on:

  • vision;
  • children's growth;
  • metabolism;
  • mood.

The sun moves across the sky along an elliptical path. The solstice depends on latitude and time of year. The closer to the equator, the higher it is. As the seasons change, the length of daylight hours changes. In summer, the sun rises high and its trajectory above the earth is greater than at the winter solstice. Accordingly, summer days are longer than winter ones.

picture of a woman near the window

Other factors influencing lighting in apartments in city houses:

  • on what floor is the home - the higher, the more time the sun is visible;
  • which houses are located opposite or next door - low ones are better;
  • the configuration of the building itself – the worst thing – is shaped like a “P”.

It is normal when the room is flooded with sunlight for at least 2 hours a day.

The degree of illumination directly depends on the orientation of the windows to the cardinal points.

General architectural standards

Before the construction of any residential building, authorized services carry out calculations of insolation (natural lighting) of the interior premises. According to current standards, regardless of the location of the openings, they must be illuminated by direct sunlight for at least 2 hours a day. At the same time, it is allowed to orient windows to the north only in cases where the apartment or house also has openings facing other sides of the world. As for the time of direct insolation, it does not depend on the region.

Windows facing west according to feng shui

Through the windows, light passes at a smaller angle than in the south and is therefore more intense. In the west, the sun shines in the afternoon and is suitable for the bedroom for those who like to sleep longer in the morning.

The afternoon strong sun makes the room very hot. In the summer heat, you need to take care of cooling: blackout curtains, a fan and, best of all, air conditioning. But in cold weather this is a plus - you can save a little on heating.

If the external view allows, it is nice to admire the sunset on the balcony in the evening.

picture on the balcony admiring the sunset

Rooms in the northwest are cooler during the day.

With windows facing southwest there is excellent illumination, the longest daylight hours, but in the summer the room will be hot.

Which is better to choose windows in an apartment - with a view of the sunset or a view of the sunrise?

For people who are freezing, regardless of the season and temperature in the room, and who are especially sensitive to cold, an apartment with windows facing south is ideal. I am sure that, for example, those pensioners who no longer warm their own blood will appreciate all the delights of such a choice and living on the sunny side of the house, besides, the heat and many pathogens are two things that are often incompatible. Another advantage of sunny apartments can be noted - natural light throughout the day will help to significantly save on payments to electricity suppliers. But in addition to the undeniable advantages, housing with windows facing south also has its negative aspects: owners of very bright apartments incur high financial costs and are forced to make cosmetic repairs and update interior items much more often compared to property owners whose windows face any other direction of the world. - in residential premises, under constant exposure to direct sunlight, planes quickly lose their rich colors: wallpaper and walls, furniture upholstery, plastic and even the screens of LCD monitors and TVs fade.

For people who are nocturnal, who like to sleep in the morning or just lie in bed longer, an apartment with windows facing west is best suited. Until noon, sunlight will not irritate or disturb owls and those residents who do not need to rush anywhere in the morning. Among other things, property owners with west-facing windows have a unique opportunity to admire picturesque landscapes with sunsets every day.

For potential clients who cannot stand the heat, an apartment with windows facing north is ideal. Twilight and invigorating, life-giving coolness are faithful companions of housing on the north side of the house. Interior designers recommend decorating shady rooms in light bed colors and wisely distributing sources of artificial lighting in them - it will not be so dark, and the rooms will visually increase in volume. However, there is also a flip side to the coin: due to poor natural light, dampness often appears in residential areas, which can ultimately develop into a more serious problem - fungus and mold on the walls.

For early risers, clients who are accustomed to getting up with the first rays of the sun, when nature awakens naturally, I recommend choosing an apartment with windows facing east. The soft morning sun raises the emotional state of the residents to the proper level and charges the tenants with positive energy for the whole day. How you start the day is how you will spend it!

In general, from my experience as a realtor, I can say that in reality, few clients on the market choose an apartment so one-sidedly - strictly on one side of the world. Still, more often than not, clients try to approach their choice more practically and try to combine several cardinal directions in their apartment.

Some of the most popular liquid options on the market are apartments with windows facing southwest and east. And yet, it is extremely difficult to provide uniform advice and general recommendations on choosing an apartment based on the location of the cardinal points. Some people like it hot, others love it cold. Each specific case of purchasing a home from the point of view of choosing cardinal directions must be considered individually, taking into account not only the personal wishes and preferences of the client, but also the physiological characteristics of his body - age, gender, ability to tolerate different temperature conditions and general medical contraindications .

Ideal location of windows when building a house

The ability to provide the maximum level of comfort and optimal illumination ensures individual design of the house, thanks to which the most suitable arrangement of rooms is selected:

1. South, southwest and southeast

- the lightest and warmest directions, which, however, cannot be considered optimal for many rooms. Due to prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, overheating is possible, so such premises are not suitable for arranging children's and playrooms, kitchens and work rooms. It is best to designate such rooms as a living room or dining room, but you need to carefully consider the ventilation system and methods for darkening the windows.

2. East and northeast

– these directions are considered optimal for placing a bedroom. However, for those who do not like to get up early, windows facing strictly east are not suitable - in the summer months, direct sunlight begins to disturb sleep too early. At the same time, the bedroom should still face the sunny side so that you can quickly wake up in the morning.

3. West

– the side where the sun will only shine in the afternoon, so it is recommended to allocate these areas to the office and kitchen. Sometimes some property owners prefer to make a living room in such rooms, but in this case it is necessary to take into account that in the summer evening hours it will be extremely hot in such a room.

4. North

- the darkest and coldest zone in the house, so it is reserved for plumbing rooms, hallway, pantry, kitchen and sometimes a work or study room. The lack of natural light and heat today can be easily eliminated with the help of modern building technologies.

At the same time, the correct location of windows in the house in itself does not guarantee absolute comfort, since it is necessary to take a number of additional measures and choose the right ones:

  • double glazed windows;
  • accessories;
  • auxiliary systems.

Read about how to do this correctly in special thematic articles on OknaTrade. The modern construction market today is able to offer models for all occasions, so even a not entirely successful location of windows in the house can be compensated for by the correct selection of components.

Windows facing east - pros and cons

With an eastern direction, the sun illuminates the room in the first half of the day - from sunrise to lunch.

It would be appropriate to place a bedroom or nursery there. The dawn will illuminate the room and charge you with energy, creating a working mood for the whole day. In summer, after lunch it is a good place to take a break from the bright sun.

Universal window exit to the northeast. Illumination in winter is similar to summer in the north, but daylight hours are longer.

With a southeastern location, the sun warms from dawn until almost evening.

Choosing a room for a children's room

Finding the perfect room for a nursery is not an easy task. On the one hand, the room should be as bright as possible, but on the other, the child must be protected from overheating during the daytime. Children should not be awakened too early by the rays of the rising sun, but at the same time they need to wake up quickly. Most often, when choosing a place for a nursery, parents give preference to rooms with windows facing northeast or southwest. Moreover, in the first case, the room must be well insulated and sources of artificial lighting must be added for comfort in the evening hours, and in the second, care must be taken about ventilation and air conditioning of the room.

Windows facing south

The sun shines from morning to evening. This is the sunniest window arrangement. Even in winter, the sun consistently illuminates the room, although to a lesser extent than in summer. For northern latitudes, the south side is the best option, but for southern latitudes, not really. In summer, the scorching sun, which shines all day long, creates an uncomfortable environment. In this case, an air conditioner is required.

In the southern rooms it is good to set up a living room or office, because... Lots of light is most conducive to creative activity.

picture of living room

Light requirements prevent the emergence of a “concrete jungle”

From time to time, the authorities raise the issue of revising existing lighting requirements for residential premises. The last such discussion was in February 2015, when the Moscow Government planned, as part of the anti-crisis plan, to review the permissible lighting standards for residential projects in order to reduce restrictions when planning development areas. On the one hand, this will greatly facilitate the developer’s work, says Maria Litinetskaya (Metrium Group) , since construction sites are often surrounded by something or have irregular geometry, which greatly limits apartment planning. However, this will certainly lead to an even greater increase in building density, which will make life less comfortable.

Windows facing north and northeast: pros and cons

On the north side there is no sun, so very little solar energy comes in. In winter, daylight hours are shortest here. Only in the summer, early in the morning and at sunset, is it possible for the sun's rays to penetrate inside. It’s better to give this place to the kitchen - it’s already hot when cooking. It is advisable to arrange a pantry or dressing room - you can do without natural light.

If the room matches the direction of the windows correctly, no problems arise. If the purpose of the room is inappropriate, it is easy to compensate with the help of design. For example, “cool down” the southern children’s room or “warm up” the northern living room.

It is possible to correct deficiencies with suitable design using:

  • color finishing;
  • different textures;
  • modern form;
  • Sveta.

The designer will suggest the correct option.

How to determine Feng Shui zones in an apartment

To change your life for the better, Feng Shui advises activating certain zones (sectors) in your home. But in order to activate them, they must first be found. And will help you with this

There are three approaches to this process, they are all simple, but Feng Shui experts prefer to create fog and present this action as something extremely tedious and confusing. Moreover, it is believed that ordinary people cannot cope with searching for sectors in their home, and therefore it is worth paying a specialist.

Feng Shui sectors

To begin with, let us recall where the sectors are located and what each of them is “responsible for”.

  • the career sector is in the north;
  • south – sector of fame and self-realization;
  • children and creativity sector - West;
  • east – family and health sector;
  • northwest – sector of assistants and travel;
  • in the northeast is the sector of wisdom and knowledge;
  • southwest – sector of love and marriage;
  • the southeast is the wealth sector.

Some of these sectors may be on doors and windows, in which case they need to be given special attention.

Now let's move on to the calculations.

Method 1: Ba Gua

This is perhaps the easiest way to determine how the sectors are located in your home. Simply draw the Ba Gua grid on construction paper and cut it out. It looks like this:

How to determine Feng Shui zones in an apartment

Then, on the same scale as the grid, draw a plan of your apartment with all the actual rooms. Don't forget about the bathroom, toilet and storage room. Balconies and loggias do not count.

Now remember which side of the world your windows face. And turn Ba Gua as if in a mirror image: that is, if your windows face east, connect the wall with windows on the house plan with the west on the Ba Gua grid. Actually, that's all. Now you know which sector is located.

Method 2: compass and protractor

This method is suitable for distrustful people and for those who love accuracy in everything. If you cannot say with complete certainty where your windows face, that is, if you, for example, doubt whether it is south or southeast (southwest), use measuring instruments.

As in the first method, draw an accurate and detailed plan of your home and cut it out along the contour. Now you need to find the center of your house. To do this, take a sharpened pencil and place your plan on the tip. You need to ensure that the paper does not fall off the pencil. As soon as complete balance is established, consider that the center has been found. Tag it.

For the next step you will need a compass. Find a place in the room where there is nothing “phonic”, that is, there is no TV, refrigerator, computer, and there is no forgotten magnet lying around - all these objects affect the accuracy of measurements.

In principle, for the purity of the experiment, you can go outside. And there you can get the data you need. Just don’t stand under the wires, otherwise the effect may be unpredictable - your compass can easily confuse north with south.

Determine the cardinal directions and plot them on your plan. Just remember that mirror reflection works, that is, where the real south is, you write north, where east is west, and so on. It is difficult to say with certainty what the Chinese meant by shifting the cardinal directions on the Ba Gua diagram, but if you paid attention, then on it the south is at the top, and on all real geographical maps it is at the bottom.

For the third step, you will need a protractor. Connect its center with the center on your plan. And just divide your apartment into 8 sectors (each of them is equal to 45 degrees). Now you know absolutely exactly where the sectors are.

How to determine cardinal directions without a compass

The primary task of any person who finds himself in a place unknown to him is to find his way around where he is.

To do this, he needs to know how to determine the cardinal directions without a compass:

  1. You can find the North Star in the sky, which will indicate where North is;
  2. In the southern hemisphere, the reference point for where the South is is the Southern Cross;
  3. The southern direction will also be shown by the Sun and any clock;
  4. The moon can also become a wayfinder if it is clearly visible in the sky;
  5. Natural clues include lichens and mosses, resin from coniferous trees, growing mushrooms and anthills.

Let's consider a simple algorithm for determining the cardinal directions by the clock:

  1. It should be remembered that in the northern hemisphere at 7 am the Sun is in the east, at one o'clock in the afternoon - in the south and at 7 o'clock in the evening - in the west;
  2. By analogy with a compass, the clock is placed in a horizontal position and rotated so that the hour hand is directed towards the sun;
  3. The resulting angle between the hour hand and the number one is divided in half, the result is a line that faces the South, the opposite of which will be North (Figure 4);
  4. Please note that before noon the arc that the arrow must pass before 13.00 is divided in half, and after that - the one that it passed after this mark.

At sunrise and sunset

The method for determining the cardinal directions by the sun is based on the fact that:

  1. The celestial body rises in the east and sets in the west (Figure 5);
  2. Next, you need to face yourself as if you were in front of a geographical map;
  3. So that the right hand points to the sunrise, where the East is located;
  4. The left one was directed towards the sunset, to where we have the West;
  5. Then the North will be in front of you, and the South will be behind you, respectively.

By shadow length

This method of how to find out the location of the cardinal directions is based on observations of the sun:

  1. When it is at its highest point, zenith, it points due south;
  2. This means that at the opposite end there will be north, on the sides - east and west (Figure 6);
  3. You can find out when the sun is at its zenith by the shadows cast by objects;
  4. If it is at its peak, then those will be as short as possible;
  5. To do this, you will need to measure them throughout the day using a tree or stick;
  6. Identify the smallest shadow and its end will show you where the north direction is.

With a needle

If you know what a compass is and it is not available, a magnetized needle will come to the rescue. It’s very easy to make one - just quickly click on it with ordinary metal scissors. You will also need auxiliary items - a container of water and a piece of foam or cork. If there are none, lubricate the needle with vegetable oil so that it can stay on the water surface.

Determining the cardinal directions using this method has one significant drawback - with its help you can only find out the noon line.

Determine the cardinal direction using a needle:

  1. Place a needle inserted into the cork or greased onto the water (Figure 7);
  2. It will almost immediately take the desired position in the north-south direction;
  3. To understand exactly where the South is and where the North is, additional measures will be needed.

According to the location of the North Star

When the Earth rotates, Polarissima is always motionless in the sky, therefore it is one of the best landmarks. It is almost always located at the North Pole.

Let's look at how to determine the location of the cardinal points using it:

  1. First, find the Big Dipper in the sky;
  2. Mentally draw a line through the two stars that form the side of the bucket farthest from you;
  3. If you carry it further, it will clearly rest on the alpha of Ursa Minor;
  4. This is the North Star, which means the north direction is there;
  5. Stand facing it, behind your back will be the south, on the right - the east and the west - on the left (Figure 8). Figure 8. Cardinal directions according to the polar star

Using natural objects

This determination of cardinal directions is considered the most unreliable, but when there are no other options, you will have to use the one that is available.

Cardinal directions by natural objects:

  1. Even at school, we were told that on the northern part of lonely stones and trees more moss and lichen grow, the slope of the anthill from this position is steeper (Figure 9);
  2. In practice, these external signs can be influenced by various factors - wind, the presence of water sources, darkness and terrain features;
  3. As for the forest objects - redder barrels of lingonberries and strawberries in the southern part, the corollas of the row turned towards the sun - this is only true statically;
  4. It is better to use orientation based on these objects in combination with some other methods. Figure 9. An example of determining cardinal directions using natural objects

Indoor lighting standards

Before construction of a new house begins, the architectural agency must necessarily calculate the level of natural lighting of future apartments (insolation).

For each building, the coefficient is calculated individually, depending on the following factors:

  • location of the future home;
  • geographic latitude, or angle of incidence of sunlight;
  • size and shape of window openings.

Experts must ensure that the apartment receives direct sunlight for at least a certain time per day, depending on the region in which the house is being built.

Regardless of whether the apartment is on the north side or the windows face northwest, the rooms should be illuminated by direct sunlight for at least 2 hours a day. Placing windows on only one side, for example, all windows facing southeast, is prohibited by architectural and building codes.

The north side is considered darker and colder; almost no sunlight reaches it. Such rooms may be in the house.

Particular attention should be paid to the arrangement of rooms with windows facing north, namely:

  • insulate well;
  • install high-quality artificial lighting;
  • the decoration should be in light colors.

Other rooms with windows facing east, west or north also need to be arranged according to their natural light.

Let's find out together how to plan the arrangement of your own home for the most comfortable stay in accordance with the location of the windows in the house on the cardinal directions.

Can curtains be used?

Curtains serve the function of protecting the home. They prevent unwanted light and prying eyes from entering. Curtains decorate your home and create a cozy atmosphere in it.

It is recommended to use curtains made of lightweight material in light shades, since dark colors make the room gloomy and contribute to the accumulation of negative energy in it.

The color of the curtains is selected depending on the location of the glazing of the house. The southern side corresponds to red shades, the northern – blue. The eastern and southeastern colors are green, and the northwestern and western ones are white. Shades of yellow are preferable to use on the southwest and northeast sides.

Little tricks

You should not sit with your back to the window. This blocks the energy flow, resulting in energy not being able to circulate freely in space. If the workplace is arranged in this way, it can negatively affect one's career and relationships with colleagues and superiors.

Window device

A mirror located opposite a window opening can reflect both positive and negative energy. Among other things, the light reflected in the mirror will illuminate the reflection, distorting it.

In old buildings you can often find arched openings, rounded at the top. Such window designs will maximize the penetration of positive energy into the room. Having a large opening area, you can experiment with its shape. Rounded lines will have a beneficial effect on energy flows.

We install windows and doors according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a science that has been known in China for four thousand years. Translated, Feng Shui means wind and water, that is, wind is a source of energy that moves water, and without it nothing grows and there is no life. Feng Shui is also a determining factor in human life, studying his needs for environmental harmony, especially in relation to housing, in which he spends most of his time.

Windows, doors

Accordingly, each apartment, as well as the various rooms included in it, is greatly influenced by their designs. Therefore, the size, shape and color of windows and doors are also of great practical importance, and even affect human health.

How to arrange windows in a private house, taking into account the orientation of the building

The intensity of lighting depends not only on the time of day. Much is determined by the orientation of the building relative to the cardinal directions. Due to this:

  1. Rooms that require more natural light are located on the south side. This is a living room, dining room, office.
  2. In rooms facing south, the windows are large. To prevent them from heating up too much in the summer, they are covered with roller blinds or blinds are hung.
  3. Rooms that do not require good natural light are located on the north side. For example, utility rooms, a boiler room, and a bathroom do not need a lot of light. The area of ​​window openings in this case may be smaller. In some cases, glazing can be abandoned. For example, it is not necessary to install windows in bathrooms and storage rooms.
  4. West-facing windows are a good option in terms of energy savings.
  5. Windows facing east do not save heat.

Important! When designing, it is taken into account that at different times of the year the angle of incidence of the rays will be different. In summer it is larger than in winter, and the rooms will have more warmth and light. In order to save energy during the cold season, windows should be placed on the most illuminated areas of the wall.

Windows facing north.
Windows facing north.

What to do in case of incorrect windows

If, nevertheless, the window openings face the “wrong” side, from the point of view of Feng Shui, such a negative influence can be neutralized by using various techniques.

If the window opening and the door are located opposite each other, this adversely affects the energy of the home. Positive energy, entering through the doors, will immediately go out the window opening. You can place a screen or a large vase, a tree in a pot, etc. on the path between them. You can place crystals or hang a bell on the windowsill. This will help keep the Qi energy in the house and keep the Sha energy out.

For the same reason, placing windows opposite each other is considered unfavorable.

Chinese teachings emphasize that small window openings should be present in the toilet and bathroom. Often in multi-apartment developments they are not provided for by building codes. Their absence can be compensated for by hanging bells in these rooms that emit a pleasant sound. With their help, it will be possible to harmonize the energy in these rooms.

A large accumulation of fiery energy from the south side can provoke family quarrels. It is not recommended for a married couple to sleep in a room whose windows face south. In such rooms, it is recommended to hang a wide canopy over the opening to delay the excess penetration of solar energy.

The ugly view behind the walls of the house can be hidden with the help of stained glass, colored double-glazed windows, miniature toys and other types of decor. Care should be taken to ensure that such techniques do not affect the illumination of the premises.

Apartments with east windows

The most versatile window arrangement. The rising sun puts you in a good mood in the morning. In the evening the sun no longer bothers you. An ideal indoor climate is created - not hot in summer, not cold in winter.

With eastern windows, there may be a lack of sunlight in the afternoon, but for a bedroom where people relax after work, solar lighting is not relevant.

An apartment with eastern windows will be appreciated by flower growers - the plants will grow well, because... There will be enough sunlight for them.

How to use a compass in an apartment?

Answer: You are inside the apartment with a compass in your hands - stand facing the door. Watch the compass, wait for the needle to shake, move, but eventually stop (pointing north). Next, you draw a mental perpendicular from the door to the compass. Whichever direction is superimposed on, this will be the direction of the door.

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Where should the apartment windows face: north, south, west, east?

Previously, we didn’t think at all about how important it is to choose correctly on which side the windows in an apartment or house should be located, since no one had a special opportunity to “sort out grub.”

This way of life, when they rejoiced at the very fact of getting housing, inevitably left an imprint on the psyche, and only now, decades later, the new generation began to figure out how much better it is to have windows in an apartment, house, private estate or country house in order to provide themselves with the maximum level of comfort.

After all, if you make the wrong decision, then windows to the north in the living room will turn it into a gloomy crypt where the sun’s rays never peek, and windows to the southeast in the bedroom will turn the summer period, and especially the morning hours, into a pitch-hot hell where it is impossible get some sleep. Therefore, it makes sense to take the issue seriously, consider the recommendations of professional designers, as well as Feng Shui specialists, especially since it has long been proven that this science has some practical meaning.

The location of windows in the house according to the cardinal directions

In any business, you should definitely start to understand it with completely pragmatic things. In exactly the same way, it is necessary to determine where the windows of the apartment should go, not according to some grandmother’s signs, but according to modern indicators of the level of necessary illumination in a particular room.

In the modern apartments of most average citizens, there are not enough rooms to choose where the windows of the bedroom, kitchen, hallway or living room should go, but it doesn’t hurt to try to figure it out.

After all, it may happen that you will be able to make your life much more pleasant and comfortable when you just swap the bedroom with the office.

Indoor lighting standards

Before building a new house, the architectural agency must make a calculation of the insolation of future apartments, that is, the level of their natural light.

The original coefficient is calculated for each building separately, depending on the location, angle of incidence of sunlight (geographic latitude), as well as the size and shape of window openings.

It must be provided that direct insolation occurs for at least a certain period of time per day, depending on the region.

We can cite the example of Moscow with its buildings, where windows facing the sunny side, as well as those located in other directions, must be illuminated by direct sunlight for at least two hours a day.

There is also a special rule: it is not very possible to evaluate the pros and cons of all north-facing windows in an apartment, since placing them all at once in this direction is prohibited by architectural and building codes.

That is, windows can be oriented to the north only if the apartment has other openings facing other directions of the world, for example, to the south, west or east.

The north side is the darkest, therefore also cold. If there are such rooms in the house, then you need to devote as much time and attention as possible to their artificial lighting, insulation and give preference to finishing in light colors.

For all other rooms, the windows of which are directed in different directions of the world, there are also special guidelines, which would not hurt to learn and use for planning your own home.

Let's figure out which rooms are best placed in the available premises according to their intended purpose.

The windows face east: pros and cons

If the windows face east, it makes sense to place the bedroom in this room, since it will have the best lighting for such a functional purpose.

It is difficult to underestimate the pros and cons of east-facing windows, since the rays of the rising sun will penetrate the room early in the morning, raising all the inhabitants from their beds, ensuring a working mood for the whole day.

True, windows facing east mean a lack of daylight after lunch, but in a sleeping area where people come to rest after a hard day, it is not really needed. Therefore, such little things will no longer play a role, and the evening lack of light can be easily compensated for by a variety of lamps.

Windows facing northeast have exactly the same pros and cons, so in this case you can safely place a bedroom in the room. That is, when the windows face east or northeast, it is best to make sleeping quarters in these rooms. In addition, if the windows face northeast, then you can organize a kitchen, living room or dining room in the room.

According to the requirements of ancient Chinese science about the proper organization of living space, known as Feng Shui, windows to the northeast mean good energy in the room for love relationships, that is, a bedroom in such a room is quite appropriate according to these criteria. Thus, these cardinal directions can be safely called family directions, for ease of memorization and understanding.

Pros and cons of windows facing west

You need to calculate and choose differently which room to place in one or another part of the apartment if the windows face west. The light in such rooms falls more intensely and at a much smaller angle than in those with window openings to the south. It is best to place it in a room with windows facing west, where the sun peeks only in the afternoon, in a living room or office, dining room or kitchen.

It wouldn’t hurt to equip large panoramic windows facing west, then you can admire the sunset, of course, if the floor allows, as well as the location of neighboring buildings.

If we talk about the notorious Feng Shui, then it makes sense to place a room for children when the windows are to the north-west, and the pros and cons are obvious.

Orientation of the apartment to the cardinal points - how to achieve the desired results

The layout of an apartment is not always exactly what we need in order to correctly distribute the rooms in it. In this case, you can hide the disadvantages of one or another side of the world and, at the same time, use all its advantages. This can be done using various design ideas.

Color spectrum

Everyone knows that some shades are warm and others are cool. With their help, you can visually change your apartment. If, for example, your room has a very cold and restrained atmosphere - the north side, then you can smooth out its shortcomings with warm colors and bright accents.

The main thing is not to overdo it. You can bring bright colors into the interior only if they look appropriate with the overall design of the room.

The rooms located on the south side are the brightest and warmest. In order to at least visually “cool them down,” you can use, for example, dark wallpaper or furniture. Just make sure they don't burn out. Blinds or blackout curtains are suitable for this.


Imagine glossy surfaces - they are undoubtedly associated with cold. At a time when soft decorative elements are warm and cozy. With their help, you can also profitably beat a particular room. For example, if the windows face south, you can try to make a glossy floor in the room. Visually, it will “cool” the room a little and will look appropriate there.

And vice versa, if the room is located, for example, on the north side, soft and even fluffy textures are suitable for it. The same fleecy and “naughty” rug will make a northern room warmer and more comfortable. Try experimenting and you will be surprised by the results.


Oddly enough, but the shape also has an impact on the overall perception of the room. For example, strict, clear forms can visually “cool” a room. Unexpected and dynamic, in turn, “warm” the room.

In order to turn a cold room into a warm and cozy one, it is enough to add chairs and beds with high backs or even unusually shaped elements.

If you have a southern room, it is better to give preference to furniture with clear geometric shapes. It will cool the room a little, add contrast to it and help create a comfortable environment.


Of course, artificial lighting also plays a role in the overall perception of the room. With its help, you can adapt absolutely any room to your needs.

Look, for example, natural lighting is suitable for absolutely any room. It can be safely used in the bedroom, living room, or kitchen.

For a visually cold room, “warm light” sources are an excellent option. Even small floor lamps or floor lamps are suitable for this.

But please note that in warm rooms you should not use “cold light”, as it will look repulsive. The best option for a bright room is natural lighting.

Smart lamps are a great option for any apartment, which is gaining more and more popularity. Such lamps can produce light of any temperature and can be adjusted depending on your own mood, time of year and even weather conditions.

In addition, they are even capable of creating colored lighting, which is why they are increasingly used in interior design.

Penthouse - an apartment with windows on all four sides of the world

It is not difficult to guess that the most ideal housing option in terms of uniformity of lighting would be an apartment or apartment whose windows face all four cardinal directions at once. A penthouse on the upper floors of buildings fully meets these requirements. Apartments with all-round lighting are a one-piece, exclusive product and belong to the highest division of the real estate market. An elite penthouse, often with a terrace, can be found both in modern premium residential complexes and in façade buildings.

“It’s better to choose a vest - an apartment where the windows face two sides of the world”

And yet, if we consider housing available to the general public, then the best layout on the real estate market is considered to be a vest - an apartment with windows on two diametrically opposite sides of the world, where there is the potential for variability in living space in terms of functionality, or simply - there is the opportunity, if necessary, swap rooms around the cardinal directions depending on the purpose. “Ruler”, in this regard, loses to the vest, of course.

Which side of the world does your dream apartment face? Choosing a bright apartment in a new building

The windows of one-room apartments cannot face north, and in an apartment with windows facing southwest you can overheat. Will I have to pay extra for good lighting?

Image source: Lori Photobank

A truly bright apartment has a whole bunch of advantages. Firstly, such housing visually appears larger, and secondly, energy bills are reduced. Plants also grow better in such a house, and mold almost never grows. The amount of sunlight in an apartment is an important issue, so when choosing housing in modern new buildings, you should pay attention to this factor.

Which rooms do not steal light?

And yet it is worth noting that insolation and illumination are different concepts, says Vyacheslav Kazunin (“MONE Residence”). Insolation relates directly to direct sunlight and depends on the orientation of the apartment, while lighting requirements relate specifically to the proportions of the rooms and the size of the windows. Thus, a number of other factors influence how bright your apartment will be.

First of all, we are talking about the floor. The lower the apartment, the less light it gets. The shape of the rooms is also important, experts say: the most illuminated ones are square ones, while “pencil cases” rooms are most often dark, especially if they also have a balcony or loggia. And, of course, the number of windows has a big impact. “For example, in the Fili Grad multifunctional complex they sell two-room apartments, where the room has three windows at once. This not only increases illumination, but also allows you to install a partition and divide the space, says Maria Litinetskaya (Metrium Group).

Developers often increase the illumination of apartments in their complexes using solutions such as panoramic windows. Bay windows - parts of the room that protrude beyond the plane of the facade - also help make your home brighter.

Light is "in law"

At the stage of designing a house, the architect faces one rather important task: he needs to think through the building so that each apartment receives a sufficient amount of light. Achieving this in the densely built environment of modern cities can be very difficult, experts say. However, developers have no choice - new housing must necessarily comply with insolation standards, otherwise the project will not receive a positive conclusion from the state examination. The requirements for insolation, recorded in SanPiNs, largely limit the implementation of one or another concept of a residential complex. “For example, one-room apartments and studios cannot face north. If we talk about multi-room apartments, then at least one of the rooms must be bright,” says Maria Litinetskaya, managing partner of Metrium Group.

Thus, when buying an apartment in a modern residential complex, you don’t have to be afraid that you will come across housing with violations of insolation standards - this is now strictly monitored. However, this only applies to housing. These SanPiNs do not apply to apartments that are not legally residential premises. That is, when designing apartments, a developer can position the building in such a way that the premises face the north side or a blank wall.

Indeed, apartment developers are free from strict regulatory requirements for insolation, confirms Vyacheslav Kazunin, senior project manager for the MONE Residences, a premium-class building in the center of Moscow. This, in particular, makes it possible to design apartment spaces with a smaller ratio of façade area to interior area, that is, to make them deeper. However, insolation is an important factor that has a beneficial effect on the human environment, so apartment builders sometimes take into account the standards, although they are not required. “The standard duration of insolation (continuous direct sunlight for 2 hours) in residential buildings must be provided in at least one living room for 1-3-room apartments and at least in two living rooms for 4-room and large apartments,” – the expert clarifies.

Apartment arrangement depending on orientation

Those who are just about to buy an apartment are in a more advantageous position - they can choose the most convenient orientation to the cardinal points. The windows of the apartment can face one side or different ones - adjacent or, more often, opposite. You can determine at first glance how the house is generally oriented by looking at the satellite dishes on the roof. Most of them face south if the house is in the northern hemisphere, because... The satellites' trajectory passes over the equator.

Orientation of housing to cardinal directions and interior
Thus, if you turn your face towards the front side of the plates, then north will be in front, south behind, east on your right hand, and west on your left.

● Windows facing south Many people think that the apartment is sunny, i.e. south side is an advantage. But it is not so. Of course, the south side receives the most sunlight - this is a plus. However, this part of the house also receives the maximum amount of solar heat. This means the following. In summer, in sunny weather, the room will be very hot. It will be necessary to think about protection from scorching rays: thick curtains, blinds. You may need to get an air conditioner.

Orientation of housing to cardinal directions and interior

In winter, the sunny side can also become a source of problems. The apartment will also warm up excessively, and if you take into account the good performance of the heating devices, it will be uncomfortable to be at home. But even if you love the heat, interior parts made from natural wood will suffer from dry hot air: parquet and parquet boards, solid wood furniture and doors can crack.

● Windows facing north The disadvantages of the north side are also often overestimated. In hot climates, rooms facing north will be cool, and you can comfortably rest from the bright and hot rays of the sun.

If the apartment is located in northern latitudes, the gloominess of the interior will be smoothed out by finishing in warm colors, bright textiles and accessories, and additional artificial lighting. By the way, orange and yellow curtains on the windows will create a feeling of sunny weather even in the gloomiest autumn.

Orientation of housing to cardinal directions and interior
If the residential area is dense enough, pay attention to the houses opposite. Even if the windows of your apartment are on the north side, there will be a lot of sun in the rooms: the light will be reflected from the windows of the house opposite - you will receive fairly intense natural light without unwanted additional heating of the rooms.

Western and eastern sides Larks will like a bedroom with windows facing east - you can get up with the first rays of the sun, waking up will be especially easy and joyful. Curtains made of blackout fabric will help owls sleep longer.

On the western side it is good to arrange work spaces - an office, a schoolchild or student's room. It’s not bad if the kitchen windows also face west or southwest. These rooms will remain lit in the afternoon longer than others.

Wealth Zone: Southeast

Many people begin to get acquainted with the principles of Feng Shui by arranging a money or wealth zone.

The material of this sector is Wood. It’s good if the furniture is made of natural wood. The colors of the zone are purple, green.

Water enhances the flow of finance, so fountains and aquariums will be very useful in this area.

Talismans for the wealth sector are goldfish, a three-toed frog, a figurine of Hotteya, a money tree (crassula). It is customary to place a coin under a pot with a living plant to increase income in the family.

although feng shui

Important! Artificial flowers attract negative energy.

It’s great when the money sector coincides with the kitchen. The dining table is a symbol of family wealth. Place a mirror in front of it to multiply the benefits with the help of reflection.

It’s great when the front door is located in the southeast: this means that wealth will easily enter the house. Keep the hallway clear of clutter to allow Chi energy to flow freely.

dinner table

If the zone is on the toilet

And proximity to sewerage is a big problem. In order to neutralize negative energy and not scare money away from life, you will have to follow these rules:

  1. The toilet lid is always kept closed.
  2. Dirt and leaking plumbing are not allowed.
  3. Tie red ribbons onto the pipes.
  4. Place pots of fresh flowers in the bathroom.
  5. Enhance the wealth angle in a single room or desk.

And if the wealth zone is located in the bedroom, then you should use water with caution to attract money. She is a symbol of marital inconstancy.

What you need to pay attention to when buying an apartment

Many buyers, when searching for an apartment, are more concerned with the view from the window than with other equally important characteristics. At the same time, experienced realtors try to show real estate at an “advantageous time.” That is, an apartment with windows facing south will not be shown during the daytime, but will attract buyers in the morning or evening, and, conversely, apartments with windows facing north will be shown during the daylight hours. This factor must be taken into account and when inspecting real estate, attention must be paid to such points as the location of windows in the room and the apartment as a whole. Recommendations for selecting the best option are identical to the advice that relates to the construction of private houses.



"Vest" is best

Good lighting of the apartment is a big plus, but, oddly enough, this characteristic has no direct connection with the price tag. “If you compare apartments in which most of the windows face the bright side and housing with windows facing north, the prices in them may differ,” says Maria Litinetskaya . – For example, in the Fili Grad residential complex, the difference in cost between apartments of the same area on the first and last floors can reach 600 thousand rubles. However, it is important to understand that such a price premium is influenced not only by the level of insolation, but also, first of all, by the species characteristics. Therefore, it is quite difficult to isolate the share of the illumination level directly.”

In the case of apartments, the situation is similar. According to Vyacheslav Kazunin , senior manager of the MONE Residences project, illumination and window directions are not key factors in their pricing. But the cost of an apartment increases provided that it faces two or more cardinal directions. “Housing on three and even four sides of the world is the most prestigious, but it is worth noting that such lots often have a large area, which is also one of the key factors in pricing,” says the expert.

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