So that luck follows you on your heels: all about lucky numbers, numbers and numbers

The great mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras said that the entire natural world around people is built from numbers. Numbers help every person gain happiness and financial success. To catch the long-awaited luck “by the tail”, you just need to be able to correctly determine your personal lucky numbers and their impact on life.

The number will help you

Day after day, a person is surrounded by numbers - signs with the help of which the Universe tries to speak to humanity.
Numerical values ​​are found everywhere, from the calendar on the wall to your own name. The question involuntarily arises - how to attract good luck with the help of numbers? The ancient science of numerology answers this intricate question. To bring the positive energy of the sun and good luck into your life, you need to repeat “twenty-one” to yourself.

Also, if there is an important meeting and transaction to be made, they should be scheduled for the 21st day of the month. This numerical combination will not allow you to deceive a person or harm him. Therefore, in the event of a failed contract or an unsuccessful date, you should not worry or be upset. The secret of 21 is that it is the numerical value of the word “happiness” and carries only positive energy.

A person who wants to increase success in his life should surround himself with objects with the number 21. To move away any unpleasant event, one should repeat “four”. As you know, the most stable geometric figure is a square, which consists of 4 corners. Therefore, only four can slow down an unfavorable or dangerous event.

Four will help push away an unfavorable event

On the contrary, if you need to speed up any process, you should silently say “twenty”. The goal of this combination is to minimize all possible resistance (0) and redouble efforts (2). When there is not enough time for anything and a person is always late, one should repeat “ninety-one” as often as possible. This number combines the beginning (1) and the end (9), forming a complete cycle of time.

To increase something, for example finances, the number of fans or groupies, you need to imagine it and say “seven plus one.” Seven has always been considered the number of mystery and complete success, and 1 carries the energy of the beginning of the cycle. The sum of these numbers is eight, which introduces the cycle to infinity.

Feng Shui numbers that will fulfill wishes and bring good luck:

  • 21. Fulfills wishes and protects from troubles. If a person is constantly surrounded by this combination of numbers, he can be considered truly lucky;
  • 23. The numerical combination will help turn any small business into a thriving business. 23 surrounds a person with success and increases his productivity;
  • 29. This numerical code will protect health, protect against illness and maintain good health. By surrounding himself with objects with this number, a person can be confident in his attractiveness and future longevity;
  • 39. Just like 29, it bestows good health of body and soul. Brings harmony and balance to everything that surrounds a person;
  • 76. The purpose of this number is to assist in achieving financial well-being. It will help its owner not to miss the opportunity to make a profitable investment and get rid of poverty and need.

If you want to reduce your failures, excess weight or pain, you should repeat “ten minus one” more often. As mentioned above, 1 gives energy, 0 removes obstacles, and 9, obtained as a result of subtraction, completes the cycle and brings change.

What password can't be guessed?

It is almost impossible to guess a password that is either too long or constantly changing. Since the length of the PIN code on a smartphone is limited to four or six characters, we will resort to the second option - besides, it is quite difficult to enter a too long password each time you unlock it.

We suggest setting a dynamic password that matches the current time as the PIN for your lock screen or specific app. For example, at 12:45 the code will be “1245”. When the time changes (for example, it becomes 12:4 6 ), the password will also change (it will be “124 6 ”). If you are afraid that someone will figure out this idea, then you can add a fixed number (for example, 23) to the dynamic PIN code - at 13:57 the password will be “231357”. A dynamic password can be assigned not only with reference to exact time (hours and minutes), but also with reference only to minutes, only to an hour, or only to a number.

You can set a dynamic PIN code on Android using several programs. We chose the free and most functional of them, Screen Lock - Time Password.

What's in a name…

One of the most famous ways to calculate your luck code is to add up all the numbers of the first name, last name and patronymic (each letter has its own digital value), for example:

  • the letters A, I, C and B correspond to 1;
  • B, J, T and S – 2;
  • B, K, U and L correspond to 3;
  • G, L, F and E – 4;
  • D, X, M and Yu – number 5;
  • E, N, C and Z – 6;
  • Yo, O and Ch correspond to the number 7;
  • F, P and W – 8;
  • Letters З, Р and Ш – 9.

Now you need to perform all the necessary manipulations:

  • the girl wants to know her lucky number, her name is Anna Vitalievna Golovina;
  • substitute the digital values ​​of the letters – 1+6+6+1+3+1+2+1+4+3+6+3+6+1+4+7+4+7+3+1+6+1;
  • we add up the numbers and get the name number for Anna – 77;
  • after which we add the resulting numbers until we get a single-digit number - 7+7=14, 1+4=5.

So, the girl’s lucky number is 5. It is advisable that Annushka schedule all important meetings on the fifth or at five o’clock in the afternoon.

In addition, each name number carries certain qualities to its owner:

  • 1 – leadership . The unit helps its owner develop leadership qualities and determination. Lucky numbers for people-ones: 1 or 10, 19 or 91, 28 or 82, 37 or 73, 46 or 64, 55, 100 and 109;
  • 2 – partnership . For luck to follow two people, they need to start any business in the company. Lucky numbers: 2 or 20, 11, 29 or 92, 38 or 83, 47 or 74, 56 or 65, 101 and 109;
  • 3 – nepotism. Holders of three can always count on the support of family and higher powers. The following numbers will bring happiness to triplets: 3 or 30, 12 or 21, 39 or 93, 48 or 84, 57 or 75, 66, 102 and 111;
  • 4 – restraint and integrity . People-fours do not waste words and rarely deviate from their goal. To achieve good luck, the owner of a name with a value of 4 should get rid of tediousness and meticulousness. Lucky numbers for fours: 4 or 40, 13 or 31, 22, 49 or 94, 58 or 85, 67 or 76, 103 and 112;
  • 5 – love . As a rule, the owner of the five is lucky in love and study. On any Friday, five people can make a wish that will definitely come true. Lucky numbers: 5 or 50, 23 or 32, 41 or 14, 59 or 95, 104 and 113;
  • 6 – easy-going . Six people never get offended. Their lucky numbers are 6 or 60 or 51, 24 or 42, 33, 69 or 96, 105 and 114;
  • 7 – complete luck . Sevens are the happiest among other numbers. This is especially true for women. Sevens will not be betrayed by friends or lovers and will not be unfairly fired from work. Numbers that bring happiness to sevens: 7 or 70, 16 or 61, 25 or 52, 34 or 43, 79 or 97, 88, 106 and 115;
  • 8 – infinity . Eight people will always be lucky in everything related to the number 8, except conception. Lucky numbers: 8 or 80 or 71, 26 or 62, 35 or 53, 89 or 98, 107 and 116;
  • 9 – summing up . People whose name value is 9 will have good luck. But only if the owner of the nine will carry out all important and responsible events (except for “new” things, such as a first date, vacation, etc.) on the 9th, 18th or 27th. Good luck will come from: 9 or 90, 18 or 81, 27 or 72, 36 or 63, 45 or 54, 99, 108 and 117.

Online password generator

The password generator creates 9 variants of correct and difficult-to-crack passwords.
Passwords are generated online; created passwords are not stored anywhere. If you are not satisfied with the resulting passwords, simply click on the “Generate” button to update the list of passwords. By default, the password generator uses English letters, numbers and service characters. Thanks to simple and convenient settings, you can change the lists of characters, add your own, and change the password length. For more detailed instructions, see the “Password Generator Instructions” section below.

Numerical talisman by date of birth, or Luck is always nearby

A numerical talisman can help in making important decisions.
If a person in a difficult situation accidentally sees his lucky number (a passing bus, ticket or house number, and much more), a favorable combination of circumstances awaits him. Any dispute will be resolved, the envious person and the enemy will lose power. It is advisable to always keep your amulet with you in numerical form. You can draw a number on paper or embroider it on clothing.

Your personal lucky number is calculated by summing your date of birth and the birth dates of your parents, for example:

  1. Annushka was born on August 15, 1988;
  2. her mother - January 7, 1964;
  3. and father - September 29, 1962;
  4. add up all the numbers – 1+5+8+1+9+8+8+7+1+1+9+6+4+2+9+9+1+9+6+2=106;
  5. the result must be divided by three - 106/3 = 35.33;
  6. Fractional results should be rounded to the nearest whole number – 35.

With these simple calculations we got the talisman number for Anna. If you add these two numbers together, you can get the second important amulet number for a girl (3+5=8).

Popular and rare PIN codes: statistical analysis

Introduction to Assembler

It's no secret that users choose numeric passwords using characteristic patterns. In the case of a four-digit PIN, the birthday or year of birth is often indicated.

Until now, all research in this area has been fragmentary, based on relatively small data samples. The American company Data Genetics a few days ago published the most complete and large-scale statistical analysis of PIN codes, using all available password databases and filtering them by digital combinations from 0000 to 9999. The total database after applying the filter amounted to 3.4 million PIN codes.

The analysis revealed several interesting facts. The most popular PIN code is 1234, set by almost 11% of users. In second place is 1111 (6%).

The twenty most popular combinations cover 26.83% of all passwords, although in a normal statistical distribution it would be only 0.2%. The following chart shows the cumulative frequency of password usage.

It is also interesting to look at the list of the rarest PIN codes throughout the entire database.


Feng Shui numbers for vehicles

The topic of license plates occupies a special place in the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. According to experts, each number in the license plate of a car or motorcycle carries a certain energy for its owner. There are “white” (bringing light and prosperity) and “black” (taking away good luck) numbers.

The "white" ones include:

  • unit . The number is a symbol of beginning and complete unity. A car with this number will bring good luck to its owner and increase his well-being;
  • three . Brings good luck to its owner in any of his endeavors. Promotes a successful marriage, new job and career advancement. Gives the car owner spiritual strength;
  • five . Symbolizes balance and harmony. According to Feng Shui, five is a neutral symbol, but next to other positive numbers it can increase their strength;
  • six . A sign of material success, wealth. The figure will help the car enthusiast get out of a difficult financial situation;
  • seven . This figure conveys stability, confidence and calm. The number bestows the owner with secret, deep knowledge. If seven is in front of another “white” number, it enhances the actions of the second and fulfills wishes;
  • eight . A sign of complete abundance and triumphant success. This symbol includes everything that a person needs for happiness;
  • nine . The number represents spiritual wisdom. The owner of a car is blessed with good health, intelligence and creative abilities.

The ideal number for an iron friend is a combination of only light numbers. If an unfavorable number is placed in the vehicle license plate between two positive numeric symbols, then the negative impact on the driver can be reduced. A very good sign is that the license plate ends with one. In this case, the owner may not be afraid of serious danger on the roads. According to Feng Shui, the number 0 does not carry any energy and is emptiness.

Nursery rhymes

We take any children's rhyme or counting rhyme as the basis for the password. It is advisable that it be found only in your area and not be generally known. And better than your own composition! Although any children's rhymes will do, the main thing is that the lines are firmly stuck in your head from a young age.

The password will consist of the first letters of each word. Moreover, the letter will be written in uppercase if it is the first in the sentence. We replace some letters with numbers similar in spelling (for example, “h” with “4”, “o” with “0”, “z” with “3”). If you don’t want to get too confused with replacing letters with numbers, look for a counting rhyme that already contains numbers. Don't forget about punctuation marks that separate words and sentences - they will come in handy.


And she ran after the hare.

If you don't believe it, come out!

We replace the letters “h”, “z” and “o” with similar numbers. The second, third and fourth lines begin with capital letters and are therefore written in uppercase. Include four punctuation marks. Of course, we write in Russian letters, but on the English keyboard layout.

The 17-character password is ready! It may not be perfect because it contains repeated characters and consecutive lowercase letters and numbers. But to call it simple is certainly hard to come by.

Lucky phone numbers

To attract success into your life, you should take care of a “lucky” number for your cell phone.

Numbers in which the numbers are repeated are considered very successful:

  • 1 – is a symbol of victory, leadership and good luck;
  • 3 – gives creative success. The owner of the number will always move towards the intended goal and nothing will stop him;
  • 6 – attracts monetary benefits;
  • 7 - is a symbol of determination. Protects its owner from inconstancy and promotes successful negotiations;
  • 8 – guarantees complete prosperity. Suitable for bank employees and other financially responsible professions;
  • 9 – sharpens the intellect and gives wisdom.

In addition to the main numbers in the phone number, special attention should be paid to such numerical combinations as:

  • 11 – will give a person courage, determination, make him more responsible;
  • 22 – symbolizes reliability and stability. Two twos promote complete prosperity;
  • 33 – is a symbol of talent and sacrifice. 33 helps the owner rethink life. This combination is suitable for people whose profession is serving the people and nature;
  • 44 - this combination of numbers promises its owner strong will and steadfastness. The combination enhances all human efforts;
  • 1-6-8 and 7-8-9 – numerical codes of luck in any combination;
  • 2-8 and 7-8 - numerical combinations promise wealth without much effort;
  • 3-2-8 – the combination of these numbers guarantees easy and successful development of your own business;
  • 76 and 88 - symbolize financial profit.

The ideal number is the one that contains all nine digits. When buying a SIM card, you should also take into account the total sum of all numbers.

It is not advisable to purchase a number in which the total value refers to unfavorable numbers (2, 4 or neutral 5).

Password generator

List of passwords

Password generator settings
List of symbols used

Password generator instructions

The password generator creates passwords in real time. The created passwords are not saved anywhere and are displayed only on your device (PC, tablet or smartphone).

Each time you change settings, click the “Generate” button, or reload the page, new passwords are created.

By default, English lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers and some service characters are used to generate passwords. To change the list of characters, use “Password Generator Settings”

Password generator settings

Password Length The password generator creates passwords from 5 to 30 characters in length. Initially, passwords are generated with a length of 10 characters. In general, it is not recommended to use passwords less than 7 characters long. Using longer passwords is recommended for stronger protection against hacking, but will likely be difficult to save or remember.

English and Russian letters Traditionally, English (Latin) letters are used for passwords, however, Russian letters can also be used. Russian letters significantly increase the complexity of passwords when trying to crack them by brute force, but be careful, some systems may not support passwords that contain Cyrillic. It is recommended to check first.

Numbers Numbers must be included in the password. Having numbers in a password improves the quality of the password, and passwords with numbers are easier to remember.

Special characters Passwords that contain special characters that are most resistant to hacking. During registration, many systems require that the password must include service characters. We recommend that you do not neglect the use of such symbols and include them in the generated password.


Exclude vowels or exclude consonants Use these additional settings items if you want to exclude vowels or consonants when generating passwords.

Eliminate similar characters Look at the characters I, l, 1, | (ai, el, unit, vertical bar). Such letters, symbols and numbers are very similar when written, so errors may occur when saving and subsequently using the password. In order to eliminate such errors, use this settings item.

Other settings

Link to the password generator If you want to send a link to the “Password Generator” to a friend or publish it on social networks, copy the address from the special window located at the bottom of the generator body. The settings you select are also sent along with the link.


Jargon and terminology

This implies the use of professional jargon that is understandable to an extremely narrow number of people. These words are much more distant from the average person than the criminal sayings that are widely covered on television and the streets of any city.

For example, you can use a hospital discharge or a tricky medical definition.


Cyclopentaneperhydrophenanthrene is a 28-letter term. It turns out to be a bit long, so I propose to throw out the vowels and dilute the remaining consonants with upper case.

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