Which direction should you sleep with your head to get enough sleep: according to the cardinal directions, according to Feng Shui, Vastu, Christian style and is it possible to sleep with your head towards the door?

Have you ever heard the statement: “You should definitely place your bed with your head facing north, then you will sleep peacefully”? And some predictors recommend the east as a good “direction for sleep.” What is right?

Esoteric teachings say that a person sleeps better when the bed is facing the right direction. But they are not unanimous on this issue. According to ancient Indian teachings, you should sleep with your head facing south or east. If you believe in Chinese Feng Shui, the optimal direction is calculated in a complex way, and depends on the year of birth, gender also plays a role. Let's look at this issue from different angles.

Where to lay your head according to Feng Shui

It was impossible to solve the mystery of sleep before the advent of modern methods of analysis, but people found a unique method in the form of all kinds of philosophical and other teachings. Not all of them dealt exclusively with sleep, but they gave clear and partially effective instructions that were based on religious and philosophical trends and basic knowledge about the structure of the human body and its systems. It was mainly monks who studied such issues (who played the role of the best doctors in their time), so it makes sense to listen to them.

According to Feng Shui, each person has an individual magnetic field, like all living things. This magnetic field emits its own energy and also receives foreign energy from the environment and from other living beings. It is very important that this field is in a state of harmony, otherwise a person will suffer various misfortunes in the form of illnesses and failures.

Important! The most important correspondence of the fields is the coincidence with the magnetic field of our planet. To correspond to the fields of the Earth, it is necessary to correctly arrange important household items, according to the four cardinal directions, and try to maintain harmony yourself.

According to Feng Shui, there is no single correct “sleep direction”. This is due to the fact that Feng Shui divides humanity into “Eastern” and “Western” people. To determine your side, it is enough to calculate your Gua number, about which a little later. The optimal position for most people is considered to be the one that is most consonant with the position of the Earth's electromagnetic field - head to the north, and feet, respectively, to the south.

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to rearrange furniture whenever they want if the room was not originally planned according to the teachings. If you can’t turn the head of the bed to the north, then choose the east, or better yet the northeast - this is the direction experts consider the best alternative.

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Dream according to the Orthodox Christian tradition

Orthodox priests believe that dreams are of three types - from God, from the devil and from nature.

The dreams that the Lord sends often call for repentance of sins, to do good, to change bad and sinful habits for the salvation of the soul and for the good of God. The priests who brought gifts to the born Jesus received a revelation in a dream and went to their city

another way, in order to save the baby from Herod.

Devilish dreams, on the contrary, call us to quarrel with someone, to do bad things, to renounce God. Often the minions of darkness appear in the images of saints, but push them to commit harmful acts. Most often, lay people have natural dreams associated with everyday worries.

Determining your Gua number

The Gua number is a unique numerical algorithm invented by a Feng Shui guru so that everyone can determine for themselves whether they belong to the “Western” or “Eastern” side. It is very simple to calculate, although the methods differ for men and women.

Important! Calculate your number according to the Chinese Sun and Moon calendar - this way your results will be absolutely accurate.

To calculate your Gua number, you need to:

  1. To begin, write the year of your birth on a line, and then add the first two and last two numbers together. Add the resulting numbers together too - you need to do this until you end up with a number from 1 to 9 (except for the number 5!).
  2. The number 5 cannot possibly be a Gua number. Women should replace this result with the number 8, and men with 2.
  3. Now note that the calculations are different for men and women. A man should subtract the resulting number from 10 (if he was born in 2000 or later, he should subtract from 9). The situation with a woman is completely different - she needs to add her number to 5 (if the year of birth is 2000 and then add it to six).

So now look at the number you got. “Eastern” people belong to the numbers 1, 3, 4 and 9, and “Western” people – 2, 6, 7 and 8. Thanks to the fact that you now know your personal number amulet, you can significantly increase your standard of living due to harmony with environment.

“Eastern” people can sleep with their heads facing: south, east, southeast and north.

“Western” people can sleep with their heads facing: west, southwest, northwest, and also northeast.

Advice! "Western" and "Eastern" people are strictly advised to sleep according to their number.

If a person lives alone, this will not cause any difficulties. However, if, for example, a husband and wife who share the same bed every day want to understand their energy, opposite Gua numbers can become a problem. Wise Chinese gurus at that time advised amazingly reasonable things - they suggested not paying attention to conformity so that the union between spouses would not be shaken. If the spouses insisted, then the choice was given to choose the middle position of the bed or to choose the spouse who brings more money and prosperity to the family.

From a common sense point of view

If you are a rational person, it makes sense to choose a sleeping position based on your own preferences and well-being. To do this, you can sit on the floor for a while, changing your position as you wish, and in the morning analyze where nature or intuition has turned you. Moreover, it has been noted that a person’s mood can influence the choice of sleeping position.

The desire of an Orthodox Christian to check each of his actions for compliance with church canons is very commendable. This helps to strengthen one’s faith and live righteously.

The fact that you need to pray before going to bed is firmly known to every church-going believer. But once the evening prayers are read, you can go to bed. And here the question arises: where should the head look? In the direction of the window or door, north or south, west or east? What happens if you sleep “wrongly”? Let us note that in Christianity in general and Orthodoxy in particular this aspect is not covered. The clergy call attempts to connect the direction of the head and legs in a dream with any benefits or, conversely, troubles and superstition. Let's consider where it came from and what scientists and holy fathers think about this.

Where to sleep with your head correctly: advice from yogis

Vastu is also a very ancient teaching, which at the most primitive, almost archaic levels concerns human health and, importantly, his mental and mental health. Vastu gurus were mostly yogis (almost all monks in some regions practiced yoga all their lives, preferring it to martial arts). The teaching is considered Hindu and completely contradicts Feng Shui in its main thesis. According to Vastu, you should sleep with your head facing east, sometimes south. The west is also suitable, but the north is categorically unacceptable - so, according to yogis, you will lose vitality from a discrepancy with the fields of the planet.

The basic working principle of Vastu teachings is the good and bad sides of every decision. That is, by laying your head towards one side of the world, you thereby choose a deity as your night patron, who will certainly help you not suffer from nightmares and overcome all tomorrow's undertakings.

According to Vastu, all the gods are located in a ring, and when you lay your head towards one god, you turn your legs towards the opposite god, and this can anger him. Taking all this into account, the average follower of the teaching has to very carefully choose which way to sleep with his head, based on his priorities in life.

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Important! Study the pros and cons of each direction more carefully. Hindus believed that the gods were treacherous and reluctant to help people, preferring to deceive them.

There are 8 gods in total and they correspond to the main, according to Hindus of that time, celestial bodies - the main planets along with the sun. The list is in some ways very similar to the pantheon of Roman and ancient gods, but this similarity is only external. In fact, Vastu gives each follower a real choice every time a person goes to sleep - let him decide which god to honor and which to put his feet on. Everything is in the best traditions of Hindu non-interference.

A detailed explanation from an esoteric specialist on how to choose the right side to sleep in accordance with the type of human activity, as well as what the wrong choice can lead to. Where to sleep with your head correctly?

Energy flows

Even scientists do not deny that we are constantly surrounded by invisible energy flows.
But modern discoveries only confirm what has been known in the East since time immemorial and was necessarily taken into account when designing a house and choosing a sleeping place. The orientation of the living space to the cardinal points takes into account the direction of movement of the Earth's magnetic and torsion fields, which affect the well-being of all living beings. And since we spend 6 to 10 hours a day sleeping, improperly oriented body position can actually worsen our well-being.

But, according to Eastern traditions, other energies also circulate in the world. The most important for us is the vital energy Qi, when depleted, a person gets sick and dies early.

However, it is not safe to be constantly in the path of Qi movement. If you do not disconnect a regular battery from charging, it will deteriorate very quickly. Likewise, a person, constantly being in an intense flow of Qi, will sooner or later get sick.

Folk signs and Orthodoxy

Oddly enough, our ancestors did not leave us anything specific or prohibiting. What’s strange is that the pagan pantheon was very diverse and you could find there a patron of anything, much less something as important as sleep. They spoke negatively only about the west and a little about the north - as if sleeping in such a position undermines the human connection with God.

Sometimes there are mentions of the benefits of the southern side of the world - if you sleep with your head facing south, a person gains wisdom and longevity. What exactly gave rise to these signs is unknown.

However, many people have heard signs regarding the correct position of the bed, or which side of the world you should sleep with your head on.

Other directions

The southern direction, according to eastern teachings, promotes healthy sleep, longevity and financial well-being. Other cardinal directions have their own characteristics. General conclusions for each of them are given in the table:

NorthThe direction will allow weak, fearful and insecure people to get rid of shortcomings and improve their financial situation. A clear disadvantage of the north side is considered to be a strong influence on the sleeper’s self-esteem. A person becomes overly arrogant and self-confident, which leads to conflicts. The qualities of the north are useful for people whose line of work involves being in life-threatening situations.
EastWaiting from sleep, turning to the east, can increase spirituality and improve health. According to ancient teachings, a person becomes closer to God. Scientists explain the benefit of direction by matching the trajectory of the Earth's rotation.
WestBy turning his head to the west, the sleeper runs the risk of becoming overly selfish. Internal energy flows collide, which causes physical and psycho-emotional imbalance. Only married couples will like this side due to the increase in sexual energy.

How is it really going?

Modern man is also concerned about his position during sleep, but his reasons are completely different. All people want comfort while sleeping. From the point of view of official medicine, it makes no difference which side of the world you sleep with your head on.

Don't take recommendations on head position while sleeping too seriously. If for some reason you cannot move your bed to the optimal position, there is no need to be upset about it or radically change the layout of your apartment.

Many people are concerned about where to sleep with their heads, but some don’t care. And even common sense tells us: we are all different and unique! And therefore, we do not all react the same way in the same environment, and, therefore, have different attitudes towards which way to sleep with our heads. Therefore, everyone has their own celestial or sleeping directions that suit them. For healthy sleep, first of all, you need a positive attitude, remember this.

Bedroom decor

It is important not only where you should sleep with your head according to Feng Shui, but also the situation in the bedroom - you need to pay attention to the smallest details. The walls should be painted in calm pastel colors; it is better to avoid bright and flashy shades, especially red, bright orange, and yellow. These colors are good for stimulating brain activity, and before going to bed, thoughts, on the contrary, should come to the most calm state

These colors are good for stimulating brain activity, and before going to bed, thoughts, on the contrary, should come to the most calm state

The walls should be painted in calm pastel colors; it is better to avoid bright and flashy shades, especially red, bright orange, and yellow. These colors are good for stimulating brain activity, and before going to bed, thoughts, on the contrary, should come to the most calm state.

Gloomy and dark tones absorb vital energy qi and do not allow it to move freely in space; they are best avoided. Interior colors such as black, burgundy, and deep purple can provoke nightmares and cause insomnia.

Do not clutter the space with unnecessary furniture and other objects; ideally, you should strive for functional minimalism.

The bed must be placed with its back to the wall, otherwise discomfort may be felt

You should not use a bed without a backrest - this reduces the level of security, which is extremely important for healthy sleep. To decide once and for all where to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui and not have to wonder about this question in the future, it is recommended to find out your individual correct sleep direction and place the bed according to it

A few more rules for choosing a bed:

  1. The legs must be stable - wheels or wobbly legs adversely affect sleep.
  2. You must be the first and only owner of the bed - this eliminates the influence of outside energy.
  3. The mattress in a bed for a married couple must be integral - it cannot be divided into two halves.

The most important thing is that you should feel safe and at peace in your own bed; if this does not happen, then something is going wrong.

It is also worth paying attention to the material from which the bed is made. So, a wooden headboard, especially a rectangular or square shape with right corners, will help you focus on work and career growth

The metal back, rounded and smooth, is recommended for those who want to achieve prosperity in business. But a headboard with an uneven, wave-like shape accumulates creative energy and is perfect for those who are used to living by inspiration.

If there is a mirror in the bedroom, you need to make sure that it does not reflect the bed.

In cases where there is no other option than to place the head of the bed directly to the window, Feng Shui experts recommend neutralizing active flows of energy: placing fresh flowers, covering the window with wavy draperies, or hanging dream catchers on the cornice.

Myths and facts about sleep. What you need to know to sleep properly and be healthy

One third of a person's life is spent sleeping. In order for a person to be alert and well-rested in the morning, his sleep should be about 7-8 hours. The concept of “healthy sleep” does not always evoke the right associations in people.

There are some myths and facts that refute them. Unfortunately, many people only follow myths, which is why they never get enough sleep. So what are the myths and facts regarding sleep? Let's figure it out.

The first myth and the first fact:

  • 1 myth - a person should sleep only to rest. Of course, when a person falls asleep, he gets the opportunity to rest. But rest is not the only purpose for which sleep is intended.
  • 1 fact - sleep improves human memory. All information received during the day is distributed into its own “departments” and goes into long-term memory. Neither consciousness nor memory of a person rests in sleep. At night they work just as fully as during the day.

The combination of negative factors affecting the quality of sleep can lead to serious illnesses.

Second myth and second fact:

  • Myth 2 – you need to go to bed before 12 o’clock at night – this way your sleep will be more valuable.
  • Fact 2 – both the daily routine and the biological clock of people are absolutely individual. Forcing your body to forcibly go to bed while it is still awake is to your detriment.

The third myth and the third fact:

  • Myth 3: If you take sleeping pills, your sleep will be stronger and better.
  • Fact 3 - yes, sleeping pills help in the fight against insomnia, but constantly taking medications is not recommended. It is no secret that they have side effects and help the body get used to taking them.

Attention! It will be better if the body itself fights these kinds of problems. Doctors advise using sleep pills only if it has been prescribed by a specialist

As a rule, doctors prescribe mild homeopathic or herbal remedies that do not have severe side effects.

The fourth myth and the fourth fact:

  • Myth 4: You can’t even take a nap during the day.
  • Fact 4 - a short sleep during the working day is very useful if a person is engaged in intellectual activity. However, those who have insomnia at night are not advised to nap during the day.

The most effective hours of sleep.

Fifth myth and fifth fact:

  • Myth 5: An alarm clock helps you stick to a certain sleep schedule.
  • 5 fact – the function of an alarm clock is to wake a person at the right time. But the time for healthy sleep can only be determined by the body itself. To develop a certain sleep pattern, you need to go to bed when you want and wake up on your own without the influence of external objects, such as an alarm clock.

Sixth myth and sixth fact:

Myth 6: It’s best to sleep in silence and darkness.

Fact 6 – these 2 factors only help you fall asleep. But they do not have a special effect on the sleep process. Good sleep will be facilitated by good health and well-being, as well as the natural schedule discussed earlier. If a person goes to bed according to his schedule, then he will sleep without problems even if the sun is shining

Such people can sleep without paying attention to extraneous sounds.

The most suitable body postures that promote proper rest. The side position is only beneficial if you sleep on the left side of the body.

Seventh myth and seventh fact:

  • Myth 7: Working night shifts is harmful because... the body does not rest.
  • Fact 7 – the issue here is not at all about the night shift, but about how often a person has to change his routine. Since the body did not sleep at night, the next day you must sleep in order to restore the balance between waking time and sleep time. Very often, those who work at night do something during the day instead of getting the necessary sleep. This later has a detrimental effect on their well-being.

Eighth myth and eighth fact:

  • Myth 8: You need to wake up at sunrise.
  • Fact 8 – the body itself decides when it’s time to wake up. In this case, everything again depends on the person’s natural daily routine: if he is used to getting up at 6 am, the body gets used to waking up at this time and adjusts its biological rhythm of wakefulness. If he gets up at 11, then the alarm clock that wakes him up will only make him sleep-deprived and irritable.

Popular article in the category: 35th anniversary wedding - what kind of wedding it is, what they give, congratulations. Anniversary 35 years. By studying the facts about sleep and other useful information, a person will be able to analyze how healthy his sleep is, and what needs to be done to improve the quality of sleep in order to be alert, feel rested and healthy.

For those who are wondering which side of the world you should sleep with your head on, it is advisable to watch the videos below, from which you will learn a lot of useful and informative information regarding the topic of the article:

Have a refreshing sleep and have a good day every time you wake up!


What do famous doctors advise regarding sleep?

Dr. Komarovsky's recommendations on how to sleep properly apply mainly to children. His observations make it clear that babies sleep best on their stomachs. This pose is useful for them:

  • the child begins to hold his head up on his own and relatively early;
  • additional “self-massage” of the abdomen is provided, which has a beneficial effect on digestion and the release of gases.

But it is important to comply with certain conditions:

  • lack of pillow;
  • optimal microclimate in the nursery (temperature – 22-24ºС, air humidity – from 60);
  • dense and smooth mattress;
  • absence of smokers in the house.

Many parents are afraid that in this position the baby will suffocate and break his neck, but this fear is unfounded. For those who still want to play it safe, it is recommended to place a diaper folded 3-4 times under the child’s side so that he takes an average position between “on his stomach” and “on his side” during sleep.

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However, there is a weighty argument against it, the supporter of which is Dr. A.L. Myasnikov. There is a conditional connection between sudden infant death syndrome and this position. Therefore, children under one year of age are recommended to sleep exclusively on their back.

Elena Malysheva also speaks out about proper sleep. She advises:

  • Avoid the “lying on your stomach” position, especially for older people, citing possible disturbances in the functioning of the lungs and compression of blood flow in the arteries in the presence of atherosclerosis.
  • Getting rid of a high soft pillow is dangerous by stopping breathing and squeezing the vertebral arteries.

She considers the optimal option to be on the side in a position close to the fetal position. It is recommended to place a pillow between your knees to relax your leg muscles.

Let's sum it up

By analyzing and combining the recommendations and statements of various teachings, it is possible to determine the meaning of each direction of the world, and the influence of sleep in the chosen direction on human health and life.

  1. North. You can improve your health, increase your material well-being, attract good luck, find inner harmony and strengthen family relationships. This sleep direction is best chosen by adults and married couples.
  2. South. This direction is ideal for people seeking to climb the career ladder. The south side gives confidence in one's strengths and capabilities, gives a positive energy charge, and attracts good luck.
  3. West. Reveals hidden creative potential, brings a feeling of deep satisfaction to life, and gives a positive charge. The direction is ideal for creative individuals - musicians, artists. Also, the Western direction is often chosen by people whose profession is related to magic.
  4. East. Develops determination and gives confidence before starting a new business. Suitable for active people, those who have to work and communicate a lot.
  5. Northeast. Sleeping with your head directed towards the northeast helps restore strength and reduces depression. It is believed that it is especially useful for older people to sleep in this position.
  6. Southeast. People sleeping in this direction cope more easily with internal fears and complexes. However, this position is not suitable for everyone. If you feel discomfort in the morning after sleeping, the southeast side is not for you.

Somnologists advise sleeping with your head facing east to receive energy from the rising sun. Most often, people choose the best location for themselves by trial and error. If you are comfortable and comfortable sleeping the way you sleep, don’t rush to change anything. Perhaps a busy location is ideal for you.

But if you feel uncomfortable, try to listen to our tips to help you get the perfect sleep. Determining which direction to sleep with your head is better is quite simple. In a suitable position, your sleep will be sound, your dreams will be bright and pleasant, and your morning will be cheerful and positive.

To learn how to improve your sleep and get enough sleep, read our article - How to sleep correctly?

What does science offer?

German scientist Werner Heisenberg insists that the Earth's magnetic field must resonate with the biological field of our body. According to his findings, you should sleep with your head facing north.

It has been noticed that people subconsciously choose this position when they have health problems and a high level of anxiety. Energy flows emanating from the Earth act like magnetotherapy: they normalize metabolism, improve well-being and increase immunity.

The Earth also has ring magnetic fields, so choosing a bed location is a personal matter.

To improve your health, somnologists advise taking care of sleep hygiene:

  • Before going to sleep, you should ventilate the room well.
  • It is recommended to take a leisurely walk two hours before bedtime.
  • Choose high-quality bed linen (especially a mattress and pillows, orthopedic ones are best).
  • A child should not run, jump, or play games before going to bed. It is best to put your baby to bed when he shows the first signs of fatigue - he starts rubbing his eyes and yawning.

You should organize your sleep schedule: go to bed and wake up at the same time. In this case, the body will work like a clock.

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