Why you can’t sleep with your feet facing the door and 4 more sleepy prohibitions

Why you can't sleep with your feet facing the door

The position of the bed affects the quality of your night's rest. No magic. There are several stages of sleep. In the deep, the human brain does not perceive surrounding signals. And half asleep, it reacts to the flickering of light, sounds, and air movements.

The body is affected by the temperature of the surrounding space and the presence of harmful elements. Many factors influence the body. And what’s dangerous is that during the period of deep sleep, we lose the ability to protect ourselves from threats. When we are awake and freezing, we wrap ourselves in a blanket or close the window. And when we sleep, we are exposed to hypothermia. The result is a cold.

But falling asleep with your heels towards the entrance opening is prohibited not only because of the danger of catching a runny nose. The spiritual component of the threat was also taken into account when determining the norm.

Slavic beliefs

The pagans endowed phenomena and objects with otherworldly powers. They believed that demons were able to sneak into the house. If they see him sleeping, they will grab him by the legs and drag him to the hellish caves.

The tradition and order of burial have not changed since pagan times. The deceased is carried out of the house feet first. Because of this, grandmothers do not recommend placing beds with the end facing the entrance. You sleep as if you were newly deceased. Creepy.

In Slavic mythology, a person sleeping with his feet towards the door invites death for himself. Body positioning is believed to contribute to premature death during sleep due to an unknown cause.

Why you can’t sleep with your feet facing the door and 4 more sleepy prohibitions

Scandinavian version

The northern peoples divided the world into three unrelated regions. One belongs to people and animals. The second is where souls go after death. And the third is inhabited by the most cruel entities who fiercely hate life. The areas are isolated from each other quite tightly. But there is a transition portal - these are ordinary doors.

If an embittered creature finds the gate, it will definitely attack the sleeping person. Either he will cripple you, or he will steal your soul, or he will drag you away to your terrible abode. Consequences of the meeting:

  1. Serious diseases, poisoning, intoxication, malignant tumors.
  2. Instant death, aggravated by the impossibility of the soul’s transition to the afterlife. This poor thing is becoming a ghost.
  3. Depression, nervous exhaustion.

Feng Shui

Eastern philosophy is built on the Taoist teaching about energy flows. The aura is created by the constant circulation of forces from the Universe to the center of the earth and back. An energy shell is formed around the body, violation of the integrity of which leads to ailments of various kinds.

A breakdown in the aura is easily formed due to improper positioning of the body during the rest period. If there is a door nearby, the energy flow is redirected in its direction. The process weakens the individual, depriving him of some of the necessary clean energy.

The nature of superstitions

In the distant past, our ancestors did not know the laws of physics, biology, or astronomy. But in order to survive, humanity had to understand the world around it. Therefore, people observed nature, everything that happened around them, tried to build patterns, understand causes and consequences. Facts intertwined with fiction, and thus signs and superstitions were born, in particular, whether it is possible to sleep with your feet against the door.

Superstitious folk signs

Attention to the position of the sleeping body relative to the door has been known for a long time. For ancient peoples, a dream had a mystical meaning, so the question arose of how to organize a place for it among different peoples. Sleep should bring rest and strength for the next day of life.

At night, man felt like a defenseless creature in the face of the incomprehensible forces of nature. The place where he spent the night was supposed to protect him. Different nationalities - Slavs, Scandinavians, Chinese - have developed a belief that a sleeping person should not stand with his feet towards the door.

Signs of the Slavs

The Slavs believed that it was on their feet that some evil forces carried the souls of people to the Kingdom of the Dead, to the underworld. And when a person sleeps with his feet stuck in the door, it is easy for the spirits of the underworld to steal his soul. Death in a dream happened often, and there was such a sign. You go to bed with your feet facing the exit; You may not wake up.

Among the Slavs, like other peoples, a door or entrance to a room was perceived as a kind of portal, a transition between worlds

4 more sleepy bans

Positioning the bed correctly means preserving your potential longevity. And also - the strength of family and friends, happiness, harmony of the soul.

People have created several important rules for healthy sleep. Believe it or not is a personal matter. But it doesn't hurt to check the rules.

Why is it forbidden to sleep next to a mirror?

Modern stylists decorate the bedroom with bright elements. Mirror is one of the most popular decorative factors. And the ancients treated reflective surfaces with great caution.

Sleeping in front of mirrors is in extreme danger:

  1. Egregors feed on his forces. These are energy-informational beings created by all those reflected in the mirror during its life. A person wakes up exhausted and eventually plunges into apathy.
  2. The spirits of the dead are able to observe our space through mirrors. And, if necessary, they punish and harm.
  3. A mirror magnifies everything it reflects. It's not just about things and furniture. Fear, resentment, worry, and doubt increase. As a result, you will not be able to get out of the tenacious clutches of your complexes, you will get bogged down in constant quarrels with your lover.

Prohibition on sleeping with your head towards the window

A completely rational belief. An open transom is a source of draft. And at night the air is colder than in the evenings. It’s no wonder you catch a cold and get meningitis.

Beliefs say that evil spirits look into the window. It will get into your head and make you do stupid things. Then you will have to remove the damage or evil eye.

Signs about indoor plants in the bedroom

Greenery indoors is only beneficial in sunlight. Leaves produce oxygen. And in the dark, on the contrary, they absorb. Therefore, they take away some of the vital air from the sleeping person. Waking up in a room filled with flowers, a person experiences nausea and a headache. All due to excess carbon dioxide.

Some plants also emit harmful substances and poisons. They are prohibited from being placed at the head of the bed, in the nursery and next to the bed of the sick.

Is it possible to sleep in the light

Some children ask to leave the night light on. It's not scary. But the serious level of lighting in the bedroom is the reason for the accumulation of stress. Lanterns, lamps, and illumination are an obstacle to the production of melatonin. The hormone is necessary for proper rest. Its absence in sufficient quantities provokes constant fatigue and, in the long term, loss of strength.

The flickering of illumination provokes the creation of frightening images - nightmares.

How to arrange a sleeping place for a baby

When choosing a place for a child’s crib, you should rely on the above rules, taking into account only that:

  1. If the baby has a separate room for sleeping, the protection provided by the walls should be doubled. Therefore, place the crib in a corner so that it is surrounded by two walls at once.
  2. Do not forget also that the entire room should be within the child’s field of vision. Otherwise, his sleep will be very restless.
  3. Just as you should not hang mirrors and other massive objects above the head of your parents’ bed, you should not hang various toys and rattles above your child’s crib. In this case, it would be best to place them on both sides of the crib, maintaining a distance of at least a meter.

To understand how comfortable it will be for your baby to sleep, take his place yourself and look around the room. Not forgetting that when waking up, the child should see something good.

Psychologists' opinion

Prejudice is a completely serious phenomenon. How to install a bed is an individual matter. But it is necessary to coordinate the position of the bed with beliefs, psychologists advise. The fact is that beliefs penetrate the subconscious. And this part of the personality is the least amenable to regulation.

Subconscious attitudes affect our well-being. In this case, continuous stress is formed. After all, the sleeper regularly faces discomfort caused by incorrect (according to the subconscious) arrangement of furniture. Whether energy leaks or not is unknown. But stress is guaranteed.

Psychology recommends checking your inner beliefs. If you are tuned to the traditional formation of everyday life, adhere to prohibitive beliefs. Prone to innovation and rebellion - throw away the signs.

Is it possible to be frightened by a doorway when you suddenly wake up? A person with a healthy psyche will not be intimidated by such a trifle. Rather, the constant bustle of the household will have an adverse effect on the nerves. We need to come to an agreement so as not to interfere with others’ rest.

Which way to place the head of the bed

When arranging furniture, you need to use common sense, and also know and remember about the energy and magnetic fields that envelop the Earth and affect us.
Surrounding objects redistribute or delay these flows. We feel it as a feeling of comfort or discomfort. To correctly position the bed in the space of the room, you need to think through several options.

What happens if you sleep with your head towards the window and your feet towards the door?

Adverse circumstances do not have an immediate effect. A wrong position for a few days will not lead to trouble. On a business trip or at a party, you don’t have to concentrate too much on the position of the sofa or other bed and ignore speculation.

Constantly ignoring prohibitions threatens nervous breakdowns. People don’t even notice how fatigue develops into critical stress. Outwardly this appears:

  1. Uncontrollable outbursts of aggressiveness, tears, increased sensitivity. Even an innocent remark or joke causes upset.
  2. The emergence of chronic diseases that are difficult to cure with conventional methods.
  3. Failure of plans, appearance of obstacles. Failures are pursued as if by the law of meanness.
  4. Loss of efficiency and subsequent troubles of an official nature.
  5. Increased conflict. Confrontation with household members does not stop. The couple, unable to pass the test, divorce.

But it’s easy to correct a bad situation. You need to listen to your ancestors and move the bed. Give it a try. Maybe such an inconspicuous thing will make your family happier.

Should you believe omens or not?

To believe or not to believe omens is a personal matter for everyone. It depends on a person’s education, level of knowledge and intelligence, upbringing, and environment. For those who still believe in legends, myths, who are strongly dominated by various superstitious fears, for those who are passionate about mysticism and esotericism, experts recommend performing all the necessary rituals that will calm you down, ensuring a good, restful sleep:

  • rearrange the bed correctly, if the room allows;
  • close the door before going to bed;
  • for believers, read the necessary prayer at night, sign the cross on the pillow;
  • fans of eastern teachings need to spend 10-15 minutes of meditation an hour or two before bedtime.

Is it possible to sleep with your head towards the door?Meditation before bed is a good way to calm your thoughts and not think about the superstitions associated with it.
A sleeping person is helpless and vulnerable. This is recognized by all theories and experts. In a dream, death often comes to the sick and old people. You can overcome the fear associated with superstitions about how you should not sleep in relation to the door only by following the listed recommendations of esotericists, priests, and psychologists. Then, thanks to a full night's sleep, you can get an excellent boost of vivacity, energy, and ability to work the next day.

The only condition is to always listen to your body. Perhaps what is forbidden according to some teachings or will take a sleeping position will turn out to be the most suitable for someone. Conversely, the correct location of the bed according to Feng Shui will ensure insomnia and nightmares.

Location according to cardinal directions

Photo 5It is generally accepted that the headboard should face north, but it is allowed to be located near the eastern wall. Each side of the world affects the sleeper in its own way.

If you point the head of the head to the south, your reputation will be given additional support. The southeast direction makes a person purposeful.

The northern direction awakens intuition, the northeast enhances the intellect, and the northwest promotes the development of strong friendships.

If a married couple is unable to have a child, it is best to place the bed in the western direction, and a girl who wants to find a life partner should place the bed in the southwest.

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