The influence of the location of interior doors according to Feng Shui

Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door and the door to the room according to Feng Shui: signs

The mirror has long been shrouded in a mystical aura. There are many superstitions associated with this integral attribute of the house. Many can remember how their grandmother said: “Don’t look in a broken mirror, there will be no happiness.” Or, for example, superstitious people were afraid to bring small children to the mirror. It is known that mirrors are used in magical rituals; some claim that a mirror is a connection to a parallel world.

Modern people treat mirrors without fear; it is difficult to imagine a home without this attribute. But when the question of placing mirrors arises, many are interested in the question of how to correctly place this attribute so as not to attract negativity into their lives.

Important: Masters of the art of Feng Shui are confident that a mirror can bring a favorable flow of qi energy to the owners of the house. But it needs to be placed correctly. At the same time, there are unfavorable spaces for mirrors.

According to Feng Shui, it is strictly forbidden to place mirrors in the following places:

  • opposite the entrance door in the corridor/hallway;
  • near the bed in the bedroom.
  • In the office, the work process should not be reflected in the mirror.

According to Feng Shui, a mirror repels flows of any energy, positive and negative. Many people, in fact, place a mirror parallel to the door in order to get rid of the negativity of guests entering the house and flows coming from outside. But along with negative energy, positive energy leaves. Favorable currents, not having time to penetrate the house, at the same time leave it. The absence of favorable energy leads to bad luck in business, physical and moral fatigue of the residents of the house, and discord in the family.

Mirrors are often placed in bedrooms. This is not the right place. Sleeping people should not be reflected in the mirror. If this rule is not followed, the married couple will face disagreements, quarrels, difficulties, and health problems.

A mirror reflecting the work process helps increase the volume of work. As a result, a person feels tired mentally and physically.

Feng Shui mirror

Incorrect mirror placement according to Feng Shui

Where should the canvas open?

It is considered best to open the sash towards the nearest wall. This helps create a feeling of open space. When opening in the opposite direction, it seems that you are entering a buried space, which causes a feeling of inconvenience.

If the front door is mounted directly opposite the back exit, then the Chi energy passes directly through the corridor and leaves the house.

To delay the beneficial flow, it is recommended to create a protective barrier on its path. For this purpose the following is used:

  • mirror;
  • screen;
  • decorative lattice.

Sometimes it is difficult to install a suitable obstacle. To prevent the passage of Qi energy, the second canvas (black entrance) is covered with a curtain. It is not at all necessary to hang a heavy velvet curtain; it will be replaced by an ordinary tulle curtain with an original pattern.

If the first thing you see when entering a room is the corner of the wall, this situation is unfavorable for both residents and guests of the house. The following will help to extinguish the negative influence:

  • plant;
  • beautiful ornament;
  • decorative screen.

Entrance to the bedroom
Excellent location of the entrance to the bedroom

Can a wardrobe with a mirror stand opposite the front door?

Many people have a logical question about where to place the mirror, if the space of the apartment/house is often very limited. Let's consider the possible options:

  1. In many hallways you can find cabinets with several halves of mirrors. This option is unsuccessful. Seeing himself in two halves, a person becomes fragmented and sees himself as not whole. At a subconscious level, such a vision of oneself accumulates and in the future can cause problems with self-esteem, depression and illness. This applies to mirror tiles that “cut” the image of a person.
  2. If space allows, rotate the closet so that the mirror is not facing the front door. A mirror in the hallway or hallway can be a good option for favorable chi flows, as long as it is not placed facing the door. Under such conditions, the energy will be easily distributed to other rooms.
  3. If it is impossible to place the mirror in any other way, you will have to find an option for the penetration of positive energy into the home. For this, Feng Shui masters advise placing the mirror at a slight angle. Even a slight angle, almost imperceptible, will redirect the flow of energy.
  4. It is unacceptable for mirrors to reflect each other. This is how a mirror corridor appears, the presence of which can provoke unfavorable phenomena in the house.

Which wardrobe is suitable for the hallway from a Feng Shui point of view
? Where mirrors must be placed :

  • In the hallway facing away from the front door is ideal.
  • On the door to the toilet. So that the energy that gets there does not flow into the sewer.
  • In the kitchen. Provided that a beautiful table with an abundance of food is displayed.
  • Another important condition is that there must be a full-length mirror in the house.

Important: The mirror should not reflect repair defects, old tattered furniture or clutter. Everything that is reflected is multiplied.

It would be great if in the mirror you can see a picture with a view of the sea, a waterfall, or talismans of love. The reflected beautiful view from the window has a positive meaning.

Correct position of the mirror

Distinctive features and features

Modern hallways are characterized by a shortage of free space, which is understandable; real estate prices are constantly rising. But you can level out the disadvantages by correctly highlighting the advantages. Modern style differs from most trends in that the overall atmosphere in it is not created by a decorative component. In it, the main role is given to comfort and functionality. The predominance of smooth and straight lines and pleasant shades is clearly visible.

Feng Shui hallway. Secrets of proper finishing
New trends and ideas in hallway design.

Modern style often refers to the successful fusion of new tools and design techniques that harmoniously complement each other. It does not adhere to certain strict boundaries, and you can safely manage various elements in order to make a separate room as comfortable and ergonomic as possible.

But what is the whole point of the modern trend? The following main principles must be followed:

It is necessary to use the features of the room in order to emphasize its strengths and make it as comfortable as possible; Use only those elements that are of practical use; If you play with colors correctly, you can succinctly divide the room into functional zones or focus attention on what you need; Zoning with furniture and paint will help maximize your stay in the home. Using decorative elements you can create a subtle balance in the most crowded and small space; Try to create space

This will increase the level of comfort for each person, because few people like to feel cramped; An excellent solution would be modular furniture for a hallway in a modern style, distinguished by its simplicity, harmony and simple design at first glance. Various transformers and folding sofas are ideal, combining several functions at once, or which, after use, can be assembled to miniature sizes.

Feng Shui hallway. Secrets of proper finishing
A hanger as an art object, interesting solutions in hallway design.

At first glance, strict rules do not allow a free-thinking designer to develop. But in fact, any room, even small corridors in the hallway designed in a modern style, can become a field for bold experiments.

Is it possible to hang a clock opposite the front door?

Important: In the art of Feng Shui, a clock is a powerful tool for accelerating favorable energy flows.

  • It is not recommended to place a clock opposite the front door. Looking at such a watch, a person will feel a lack of time, a rush, which in itself is not a component of a harmonious life.
  • According to Feng Shui, there should not be many clocks in the house; among all the clocks present in the house there should be a main clock. It is best placed in the living room, the shape should be round, and the size should be larger than all other clocks in the house.
  • There is no place for a clock in the bedroom. A person should listen to his biological clock, and not to the ticking of the clock. There must be a clock in the office. They remind a person that time is money and will bring success and financial well-being.
  • The most powerful tool is a mechanical watch. In second place is the hourglass. Electronic watches do not have the smallest power.

Where to place the clock in the house

Is it possible to hang a picture in front of the front door?

Important: A painting opposite the front door is a good decorative option.

The qi energy will increase if a picture depicting a waterfall, ocean, or distant sea hangs opposite the front door. In this case, luck will penetrate the house like an uncontrollable flow of water. But do not forget that paintings depicting sinking sailboats and ships have the opposite effect.

What paintings are not advisable to hang opposite the front door and in other rooms:

  1. Avoid posting pictures of predatory animals and birds in an aggressive pose.
  2. Pictures with natural disasters and other elements of aggression in any of its manifestations are unfavorable.
  3. Portraits of elderly people and destroyed buildings that evoke a feeling of doom are not helpful. Gloomy pictures that evoke sad feelings.
  4. Abstract paintings. According to Feng Shui, such paintings are not endowed with favorable or negative energy, they are neutral.
  5. But sometimes a hieroglyph we do not understand can mean an encrypted negative message, which will upset the balance and will not bring any good.

Such pictures can negatively affect the energy of the house and its inhabitants. It is also not recommended to place paintings in your home that are a gift from someone you don’t like.

Which paintings are suitable :

  • Paintings depicting water.
  • With bright colors.
  • Landscapes, still lifes.
  • Pictures with animals (for example, a pair of horses, an elephant).

Pictures that evoke positive emotions in you - a feeling of calm, joy, delight, lightness - will help the movement of qi energy.

Painting for the hallway

Color scheme in the interior

You can create an original atmosphere in your home without special education. To get a unique design, it is advisable to follow simple rules:

  • Colors should be selected based on the principle of opposites (yellow with blue, red with white) or mixing related shades (brown with orange).
  • In dark rooms, it is recommended to use light and bright colors that compensate for the lack of natural light.
  • A win-win option for a hallway will always be gray. In this case, a painting made in any, even very original, style is suitable.

Feng Shui hallway. Secrets of proper finishing

Bright, beautiful paintings in the hallway will contribute to a harmonious combination of elements that at first glance are incompatible.

Paintings by contemporary artists are very diverse, and their range is huge. Therefore, you should not worry that there is no suitable option. A work of art that is correctly selected in terms of plot and color scheme will harmoniously fit into the existing decor of the room.

Is it possible to hang photographs in front of the front door?

Important: It is better to place family photographs where you can slowly examine them and pay attention to the pictures. The wall opposite the front door and the corridor, hallway, in general, are not the best place for this. Guests do not linger here, so they will look at the pictures briefly.

Another reason is that the person in the photo should be looking at something pleasant and beautiful, and not at a door and an empty corridor.

It is forbidden to hang photographs of deceased relatives on the walls, no matter how well you treat them.

You can hang photographs in the corridor or hallway, even if they are pictures of beautiful places. Family photos with family members depicted are best placed in the living room. A marital photo will look harmonious in the bedroom.

How to decorate the wall, what to hang on the wall in the hallway opposite the front door?

Important: The front door is of great importance in the teachings of Feng Shui. It is the gateway for qi energy to enter the house.

It is favorable when the door opens inwards. This way, you let energy in rather than pushing it out, as is the case with a door that opens outward.

If there is a blank wall opposite the front door, it is necessary to hang something there so that the chi energy can move further. Do not forget that along with chi energy, unfavorable sha energy penetrates into the house. In order not only to slow down, but also to force the sha to turn into qi, suitable decorative elements are placed. It can be:

  • Lamps. The more warm lighting, the better.
  • Crystal pendant. Delays the flow of negative energy.
  • Pendants and bells, preferably with rounded edges.
  • Flowers. The main thing here is to choose plants that are not afraid of shade. Avoid climbing plants.
  • Beautiful artificial flowers are also suitable, but not dried ones.
  • Vase, figurine.
  • An aquarium can be placed not far from the door, but not directly parallel.
  • DIY craft.

According to Feng Shui, the corridor should not be cluttered; the presence of many pairs of shoes in sight, or excess clothes that are not worn, only harm the chi energy. It is recommended to place a few coins under the doormat to attract wealth.

It's up to you to believe in this theory or not. If you decide to create a harmonious atmosphere in your home that is conducive to positive energy, use our recommendations.

Accessories to match the style of the room

Feng Shui hallway. Secrets of proper finishing Room decor using: paintings, flowers in a vase and carpets.
Pendants can help you make your hallway brighter, more comfortable, and more spacious. Use lamps to direct lighting.

To make a room feel warm, rely on mirrors. They are effective in increasing visual space! Mirrors add a nice visual distraction when walking through a hallway, making it appear less long and narrow to the visitor.

You can install a library that will store your books and highlight some decorative objects. This will help unload the bookcases in the rooms and make the corridor more functional.

The best way to forget about the problems of arrangement is to simply add a variety of interior details. What's more effective than your favorite photos? A garland of photographs allows you to decorate the entire length of the corridor without even spending a significant amount.

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