Rejuvenating apple made of onyx: what will it bring to the owner

Eastern practitioners recommend purchasing an onyx apple for your home to bring harmony to all areas of life, advance your career, improve your health and get rid of depression, blues or apathy. It is better to install a stone talisman, adhering to the rules of Feng Shui. Onyx does not give negative side effects and has only a positive effect, and therefore it can be placed in the nursery. It is not necessary to charge the talisman, but you need to keep it clean.

What is onyx

We are talking about a natural layered mineral of different colors and shades. Durable and easy to maintain, the stone has properties similar to marble. It is classified as an ornamental stone, so it is often used for making souvenirs, dishes, inexpensive jewelry, rosaries and talismans.

The appearance of the stone can hardly be called special. Translucent, with parallel layers, the mineral can be light, dark and even golden. In nature, there are pebbles with stripes of pink, brown, yellow and green.

History and origin

The stone appears in myths and legends. They decorated royal chambers, tombs, robes and regalia of priests.


The Old Testament states that this ornamental stone (and not marble) was used to build Solomon's temple. The structure did not have windows, but was filled with light: the material transmitted it well. Onyx was in Eden and on the breastplate of the high priest of Judah.

The gem is mentioned in ancient Greek mythology. Onyxes are the petrified nails of Aphrodite. While the goddess was sleeping, her son Eros cut them off. Onyx translated from ancient Greek means “nail”. Externally, the pebble also resembles a marigold.

This is a sacred attribute of Islam: the stone in the main Muslim shrine of the Kaaba is black onyx.

The Aztecs valued above all others the influence of a pale green mineral with brown-orange layering. Temples were decorated with it, and sacrificial vessels were made from it. Religious and secular buildings were erected from the gem.

Modern architects also use onyx, but more artificial. The tiles are used to cover subway stations, official and private residences, chic restaurants, and clubs.

Apple - symbol meaning

It would seem like an ordinary fruit, but there are so many stories and legends around it! The apple is often mentioned in the mythology of different peoples, and its meaning is not always positive. Some believe in the power of the apple as a fruit for love and rebirth, while others consider it a forbidden fruit that brings despondency and discord to the home.

People are accustomed to considering an apple a symbol of a strong family. He is often remembered in folk songs and proverbs. One of them is about the forbidden fruit, which always seems sweet. The origins of the expression are in the Bible. We are talking about an apple from the Garden of Eden, with which Eve was tempted and which subsequently became the cause of the Fall and the expulsion of the first people from paradise. Despite the background, the fruit is still considered the personification of heavenly pleasure and love.

Do you remember what importance was attached to fruit in Russian folk tales? It was called there the “rejuvenating apple” and was considered a source of beauty, health and longevity. This is another meaning - a symbol of eternal life and unfading beauty.

The Slavs have a special relationship with the apple. Since ancient times, they have revered it as a symbol of a happy family life, health, and prosperity; they believe that the fruit allows one to comprehend the mystery of death and forever preserve in the soul the images of the departed. This is precisely what can explain the tradition of the ancient Slavs of leaving fresh apples at the graves of relatives.

They didn’t forget about the apple at the wedding feast. Particular importance was attached to the fruit itself and the branches of the tree. It was believed that the fetus is a symbol of the girl’s consent to the marriage proposal. It was customary to decorate the festive table at a wedding with apple blossoms.

Apple figurines completely replicate the outline of a real fruit. This is a large, life-size fruit with a branch and leaf made of silver, gold or the same onyx. The most popular apples are green, white, red and golden.

Physicochemical characteristics

Onyx is silicon dioxide, a chalcedony variety of quartz. The color of natural onyx is created by impurities.

The physical properties of onyx make it comparable to marble or granite. It surpasses them in frost resistance, water absorption or hardness.

ColorBrown with white and black patterns, red-brown, brown-yellow, honey, white with yellowish or pinkish layers.
TransparencyTranslucent to a depth of 3-4 cm
Density2.65—2.667 g/cm³

What does a souvenir apple mean?

There is no doubt that an apple brings happiness, especially if it is carved from onyx. In addition, stone fruit is believed to be able to change the owner’s life for the better. Everyone who receives or purchases an apple will become more decisive and purposeful, learn to be disciplined and firm. It is believed that onyx fruit attracts money, not random, but earned through honest labor.

  • Since onyx itself is a stone of a leader and speaker, a symbol of power, will and power, in combination with an apple it can work wonders. Having a stone fruit at home means avoiding neurological diseases, overcoming insomnia, and forgetting about worries and heart disease.
  • The onyx apple talisman has special magical properties. The fruit reveals the owner’s potential, helps him become more open, responsive, sociable and kind. Moreover, an apple of green, white or pink color reveals the desire and ability to learn, helps to properly accumulate energy and direct it in the right direction. It is believed that the onyx apple treats almost all diseases, literally “pulling” them out of the owner’s body, improves memory, helps get rid of tumors, and defeat inflammatory processes.
  • The ideal combination is onyx and silver. A green or pink apple with an elegant silver branch and leaf is not only beautiful. Such a symbol in the house is necessary to combat heart disease.
  • Since ancient times, onyx has been placed among special stones that improve eloquence. Put an apple in your pocket if you are going to speak in public.
  • The black onyx apple motivates and inspires to win, helps a person become more purposeful and enterprising.

Where to put

To enhance the effect of the onyx apple, place the souvenir in a visible place, for example, on your desk or bedside table. It is not forbidden to combine the fruit with other types of fruit, also made from ornamental stone. A beautiful element of decor and a source of positive energy will be an onyx dish with colored fruits of minerals of different colors.

An interesting solution is an apple above the bed on a beautiful chain or ribbon to enhance its properties. In this situation, an onyx fruit will help the owners remain young, energetic and happy.

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Use of the talisman

Practitioners recommend keeping a stone figurine in the shape of an apple in your home. It is better to place it according to the rules of Feng Shui. If a girl wants to get pregnant, then an onyx talisman is placed in the south of the bedroom. However, this position is contraindicated if the couple is not yet ready to have a baby. If you hang the figurine over the bed, for example, tie it with a red ribbon, then the household will feel a surge of strength, will get a good night's sleep and will retain beauty and youth for a long time.

To cure depression, neurosis or panic attacks, practitioners recommend applying a stone apple to the chest. 5-10 minutes is enough. per day, but the procedures must be regular.

If you place an apple made of stone on the table in your office, you will soon be able to move up the career ladder, expand your business, or receive a successful order. Practitioners advise, in order to improve the health of all family members, to place an onyx talisman in the center of the dining table. If there are fruits nearby - stone, glass or real, then the magical composition will cleanse the living space of negativity and transform it into warm energy. The owners of such a talisman note that dramatic positive changes will soon come.

How to wear and care

The beautiful gem, like most of its fellows, is picky about people. He needs to first “scan” the energy of the new owner and get used to it. Compatibility is checked as standard for precious minerals: the stone is held in the hands. The feeling of comfort means that you can wear jewelry as much as you want. Worry is a warning: you will have to pay an exorbitant price for the protection of the stone.

Black onyx bracelet

The magical mineral onyx works better when worn constantly. But even if it suits the horoscope, with long contact it can “whisper” to the owner a desire to get rich at any cost. If a person’s character has become tougher, the jewelry with the stone is temporarily removed.

  • To enhance the magic of the gem, it is worn in the solar plexus area or on the index finger of the main hand.
  • Onyx is a cold stone, so it is appropriate in winter, early spring or chilly autumn.
  • The effect of the mineral is strongest on people from middle age.

The gem is not picky when storing: a spacious box is enough so that the stones do not rub. Clean the stone with a medium-hard toothbrush in soapy water. If there is more than one onyx in the decoration, add baking soda. You can rub the insert with bread crumbs.

The mineral is not afraid of heat, but in bright light it discolors to gray.

The stone absorbs negativity, but only shares positive energy with the owner. Therefore, it is periodically cleaned under running cold water and recharged with moonlight.

Where is it used?

The attractive mineral is used in areas that decorate life - jewelry, design and arts and crafts.


Its strength has made the gem a material for jewelry of all types: bracelets, rings, necklaces, brooches, cufflinks.

Natural onyx stone is beautiful in its original form; jewelers put a minimum of effort into creating cabochon inserts.


Everything is made from stone: from figurines to facing panels.

Utilitarian and aesthetic functions in the interior combine:

  • tableware (wine glasses, dishes, bowls);
  • candlesticks;
  • caskets;
  • lampshades, lamps;
  • ashtrays;
  • stands for stationery sets;
  • countertops.

Chess made from dark and light varieties of the mineral is not a shame to present to the most discerning fan of the game.

Onyx chess

Residential, public, and office spaces become elegant with wall panels, mosaics, and stained glass windows made of stone. Especially if lighting is mounted behind the onyx slab. It can even be created in a bathhouse or swimming pool.


Onyx is a semi-precious or ornamental stone. Even jewelry pieces are valued in grams (not carats); ornamental materials are counted in kilograms.

The price is determined by the type of stone, but is always available.

The most expensive black and white onyx: rare because they are mined only in Arab countries. They go for jewelry. Variegated stones are valuable: the brighter and more varied the palette, the finer the stripes, the better.

The cost of onyx jewelry is more influenced by the precious setting or expensive gems:

  • with white or yellow metal – up to 1 thousand rubles;
  • 925 silver – 3–5 thousand rubles;
  • premium segment (gold, diamonds, black onyx) - 13–17 thousand rubles.

The material for cladding is assessed according to the dimensions of the product and the type of stone:

  • slab 18 mm thick - $400/m2;
  • agate raw materials - from 100 rubles/kg;
  • marble material - from 50 rub./kg.

Onyx tabletop
For a tabletop they ask from 10 thousand rubles. The average price of onyx tumbling is 10 rubles. per gram.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

According to astrologers, the stone is suitable for strong personalities of the entire zodiac circle.

This is a universal mineral that improves positivity or nullifies negativity for any zodiac sign.

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

(“+++” – fits perfectly, “+” – can be worn, “-” – is strictly contraindicated)

Magic properties

All varieties have magical properties. The stone helps strong people who are not afraid to take responsibility. The best option for a talisman and amulet for commanders, emergency workers, teachers or leaders in other areas.

To attract good luck, find a way out of a hopeless situation or strengthen willpower, it is enough to wear a ring.

Overall Impact

The meaning of a stone for a person is multifaceted:

  • improves memory, develops logic, intelligence;
  • helps to complete the task;
  • activates or develops talents;
  • helps to become a speaker (beads on the neck or a small stone under the tongue);
  • strengthens self-confidence;
  • helps to gain the authority of others.

The stone makes the owner wise, purposeful, resilient and courageous. Suitable for young, hot-headed people: they will assess the situation and act calmly.

Natural blue onyx beads

For older people, the stone gives peace, health, and does not allow them to become despondent.

Color Specialization

The magical properties of natural onyx are determined by the variety.


Protects the family hearth, prevents domestic quarrels or conflicts. The gem is useful for newlyweds or those who have been in a long marriage. The most powerful family guards are rings or beads. The mineral restores mental balance and tranquility. A pyramid or ball is an attribute of fans of esotericism. It is an energy accumulator or an activator of the owner’s dormant capabilities.


The gem is the patron saint of people prone to depression. A beautiful thing in the color of the sun will make the atmosphere of the room bright and cozy.


Guardian of marital fidelity, an appropriate wedding gift. The mineral is suitable for choleric people as a stabilizer of the nervous system.


The most powerful energy drink of the “family”, it protects against all negativity and allows you to achieve success.

White onyx earrings

The stone makes the owner “invisible” to unpleasant or dangerous people. A suitable talisman for people with low self-esteem. Worn as a pendant at the level of the solar plexus or as a ring. A good gift for women before appointment to a high position.


Amulet number one against witchcraft and a magic shield. Helps to survive loss or overcome fear (including death).

Due to its aggressive energy, the black mineral can become a strong amulet only for strong-willed individuals. For example, entrepreneurs or those wishing to become one. However, he will not allow you to drown in greed, maintaining sober thinking.

Traditionally, black onyx is considered a “masculine” stone, but it is also suitable for strong-willed ladies.

During the session, the gem will help students cope with anxiety and answer without hesitation. A useful gift for graduation from school: the child will go to university, study well, and make a career.

Compatibility with other stones

Combining magically powerful onyx with other gems requires caution. Current or potential leaders do not need amethyst, ruby ​​or pearl. Gems will calm and relax the owner. But it is dangerous for a leader to “rest on his laurels.”

Silver ring with onyx

The Earth element stone is incompatible with fire minerals. Pavel Globa believes that energetically it conflicts with citrine.

Place of extraction

Onyx is widespread on the planet. The most beautiful specimens are mined in Uruguay, Brazil, India, and Arabia. Australia and the USA have rich deposits. In Russia there are many gems in Chukotka, Kolyma, and Primorye. Raw materials for industrial purposes are mined in Turkey, Mexico, Iran, Afghanistan, Egypt, and Pakistan.

The most famous are the Karlyuk and Kap-Kotan cave deposits in Turkmenistan. The halls and galleries are lined with mineral. Onyx stalactites and stalagmites formed in Cap Cotan.

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