Research work “Why is the owl a symbol of science?” creative work of students (grade 3) on the topic

Owls are mysterious birds that inspire awe and fear in many people. They lead a mysterious nocturnal lifestyle, fly silently, and can scream sharply and frighteningly. These birds appear in the most unexpected places, catch mice and have had an aura of supernatural creatures since ancient times. For many peoples, the owl is a symbol of wisdom. Why the bird is perceived this way and whether it is connected with deep knowledge everywhere - we will look at it in the article.

The history of the appearance of the Owl symbol in different countries of the world

The first information about the importance of owls for people dates back to millennia BC. There were many opinions and signs. She was considered a mysterious bird that held a lot of knowledge.

Because of its nocturnal life, ability to fly, and its strength, the bird represented the patron saint of hunters and was therefore worshiped.

Basically, this is a symbol of wisdom, because before hunting, the owl watches the target for a long time, studies its habitat, behavior and habits in order to know how to attack correctly. She does this thoughtfully and shows rational thinking.

It was believed that if a bird flies over the warriors, the battle will be successful.

If a person was very sick for a long time, and they saw an owl nearby, then perhaps he will die. Some countries, peoples and empires in ancient times attached particular importance to owl symbolism.

  • In Greece, the owl accompanied the goddess of wisdom Athena and was her assistant. She constantly sat on her shoulder, watched everything that was happening behind her and reported on it. The bird was also the guardian of the Acropolis. She had a connection with the afterlife.
  • In Rome, the bird meant wisdom, femininity, fertility, the animal and plant worlds. Therefore, she was always close to the goddess of the hunt, Diana. The bird also symbolized the god of wisdom and curiosity, Maneuver.
  • Among the Celts, owls were a symbol of intelligence, cunning, patience and wisdom. People also believed that eagle owls were guides to the world of the dead.
  • In African tribes, owl symbolism was considered a bad omen, except among shamans and sorcerers. But people respected owls because they were good hunters. But white birds were a sign of wisdom and purity, harbingers of goodness, endurance, and prudence.

Variant of the amulet with an owl symbol.
The Slavs had a positive attitude towards these birds. They helped people find lost things.

Also, because of their nocturnal life, predators were considered secret messengers of the gods, because they had a connection with the other world.

In every community there were warriors who imitated them: they drew black circles around their eyes so that they could see well in the dark and attack at night.

Why the owl is the personification of wisdom

Scientists believe that one of the reasons for treating owls as wise birds is their mysterious night cry. There is no sound equal to it in its strength, depth and uniqueness. The bird is capable of not only hooting, but also laughing loudly, causing horror or awe. Her screams have a strange effect not only on people, but also on animals. The owls are answered by wolves, dogs, cows and jackals. Such a roll call excites the imagination and makes one attribute the owl to the divine clan.

According to biologists, the reason for the owl's special wisdom is that its brain mass is greater than that of other birds. The bird is able to hear the slightest rustle and see prey at a considerable distance in the dark. The owl is patient, does not fuss, hunts extremely deliberately, and does not simply rush at the target in the hope of luck.

The appearance of the bird also encourages it to be considered wise. Her head looks like the head of a person with a face reflecting meditation. Perhaps this fact was one of the reasons to consider the bird wise. It is impossible to specifically explain why this happens. People are accustomed to the fact that the owl is a symbol of knowledge, and do not think about the reasons. It is likely that in ancient times the bird somehow manifested itself in this regard. And today all that remains is to believe in the deep supernatural wisdom of the owl.

The meaning of the Owl symbol

The meaning of a symbol varies. It brings together good and bad news and is associated with secret knowledge and magic. The owl, thanks to its rational thinking, has become a symbol of intelligence, wisdom, patience and diligence.

Therefore, its symbolism is often used in many things:

  • publications, on books, textbooks and magazines (children's and school);
  • notebooks, calendars and postcards;
  • medals, figurines and sculptures.

This bird is a symbol of philosophy and science because it exhibits a mind similar to that of a human in its behavior. This opinion was formed not because of the ability to think and reason: to motionlessly stalk a prey at night, to quietly study its habitat and habits.

The bird is also associated with intuition, caution and vigilance, thanks to good hearing and keen eyesight. Therefore, psychics and soothsayers use this image to appeal to the world of the dead, making owl amulets for protection from evil spirits, deception and the evil eye.

The bird will help you understand the dark side of a person’s personality, get rid of prejudices, relieve nervous tension, give confidence and increase internal strength, and thus become a good assistant in doing business.

In Feng Shui philosophy, special attention is paid to the image of an owl. It is a symbol of wealth and a talisman.

Just like the toad, the owl will attract success, help you advance in business and improve your financial situation.

The owl figurine should be placed next to the toad holding coins. To increase income, you should plant the owl on a money tree (it should not be small). So she will also protect wealth.

To improve family relationships, you need a white or golden figurine; it should be placed in the living room or kitchen, depending on where family members are most often located. It is recommended to purchase new products in stores, not in pawn shops or antique shops, so that they do not contain foreign energy. If damage or the evil eye has recently been removed, then the figurine is necessary for protection.

It is better to choose a large figurine

Night assistant in gaining knowledge

Since ancient times, many peoples attribute to her the patronage of secret knowledge and closely associate her with wisdom, wealth of mind, success and well-being.

Important! It is believed that the owl helps scientists make discoveries. Therefore, even world-famous personalities place this amulet in their office or laboratory.

Students and schoolchildren prefer to place this symbol under their pillow to enhance mental abilities and develop intuitive abilities.

To pass exams easily, students place an image of an owl between the pages of the book they read, because they are sure that this way the information will be absorbed quickly and remembered for a long time.

If you place a symbolic figurine next to the place where the child does his homework , then learning will go uphill, and interest in classes will increase significantly.

Esotericists recommend performing a ritual for wisdom with an owl:

  • light a church wax candle;
  • squeeze your talisman tightly in your hands;
  • looking at the burning candle flame, say the phrase: “ Owl, give me knowledge, as the moon fills you with wisdom .”

Variants of Owl mascots and who it suits

The owl mascot has strong energy. The purpose of the amulet depends on its type, details and location.


The meaning of the owl symbol for women is intelligence and cunning without evil thoughts.

A white or golden figurine helps create a strong family. It will help a woman choose the right words in conversations with a man and reduce nervous tension. You can wear a pendant in the shape of an owl.

The bird will also help you make important decisions in life, for example, in work. The amulet must be made of wood, clay or stone.

A girl can use an owl in the form of pendants, jewelry and costume jewelry. For example, rings and bracelets made of gold or silver would be a good option.


To protect against the evil eye, you need to put the figurine in a stroller or crib. The light brown, blue and white owl will help in training.

It is recommended to purchase a figurine or figurine of a bird with open wings or glasses, or standing on a stack of books. It promotes perseverance, reasoning and mental development. A small figurine or symbol of an eagle owl can also be taken to the exam to ensure it is successful.

The owl symbol attracts wisdom

Symbol in the house

Many people do not know what the owl symbolizes in the house, or whether it can be used. This bird is a symbol of intelligence, caution and wisdom, therefore it protects home from evil spirits and accidents, helps to make the right decisions, not make mistakes, spend money rationally and thus save.

If there are constant quarrels in the house, then you cannot use the image and figurine.

For effect, you need to place the figurine in a visible place in the room where family members are often present. You can place it next to the closet or safe where valuables are stored. It is acceptable to place it on the desktop, but not in an empty and cold room, otherwise it may cause harm.

The amulet must be made of gold or silver. These materials increase strength and improve its action. The owl will not affect the energy of other magical figurines in any way and does not depend on them.

This is what a home figurine looks like

She needs constant attention, it is recommended to touch her often, stroke her and talk to her. Then the owl's amulet will correctly direct the energy and will not cause harm. You can give an owl symbol if you wish something good, to protect against the evil eye.

The symbol of the owl is the gift of wisdom and protection from imprudence

The ancient Greeks identified the owl with Pallas Athena, the goddess of wisdom, patroness of art and witchcraft. The same tradition found its response in Russia, which is why the image of an owl on a stack of books is considered a symbol of knowledge, erudition and wisdom; the same meaning applies to an owl with an open book. Many educational institutions have chosen the owl as their emblem.

The natives of North America worshiped the totem of the owl - a wise and perspicacious creature; for its powerful beak and sharp claws, the bird was compared in strength even to an eagle. It was believed that owl feathers stuck into a headdress could protect its owner from harm.

In families where there are students, the owl is solemnly given a place on the desk or bookshelf; you can hang a drawing of the bird on the wall, thus ensuring in children a persistent thirst for knowledge, academic success and the desire for sound actions. By taking a small figurine of an owl to the exam or wearing jewelry with a picture of a bird, you can count on the amulet to help you concentrate at the right time.

For students

Mischievous people who do not want to study diligently or obey their parents will be put in the right mood by a figurine of a white owl with folded wings. It will help you develop perseverance, reveal the secrets of knowledge and bestow wisdom. A similar amulet in the form of a keychain, pendant or bracelet will have a beneficial effect on fidgets within the school.

For wisdom

If the whole family has already received an education, the symbol of an owl with an open book or on top of a stack of books will help consolidate knowledge and use it to their advantage.

Meaning in fortune telling, dreams and visions

The bird of wisdom and knowledge will help you foresee the future and reveal magical abilities. In fortune telling, there are different interpretations that describe the owl symbol and what it means. Basically, these are the difficulties ahead. If a person copes with them, then he will have success in future affairs.

Symbolism is mainly used in fortune telling on coffee grounds; it can mean different things depending on its location. For example, on:

  • day - a serious illness of the fortuneteller or his loved one;
  • bottom wall - quick death is most likely;
  • the wall above - a difficult financial situation.

The bird also portends possible mental health problems. Here a lot depends on the person himself. If he can muster the willpower, he can recover.

If a bird appears in a vision, then it thus reports urgent news: white symbolism means good, in plumage of a different color - it means trouble, if it attacks - it means bad.

Reading the results depends on many details and figures nearby:

  • an owl on a tree branch - good health;
  • a heart is depicted next to the bird - health is good, but you need to give up bad habits;
  • big owl - there is a high probability of an accident with serious injuries; you need to be attentive and careful on the road to avoid it.

In fortune telling about personal life, a bird can mean different things. A small image speaks of temporary loneliness. A large owl sitting on a branch portends pleasant changes in relationships and profits. But a bird hanging upside down speaks of possible unpleasant news and quarrels in the family.

The appearance of an owl in dreams means the resolution of difficult situations. She will tell you the answer to your question. To do this, you need to put her figurine or image under the pillow, and in the morning be sure to thank her for her help.

Owl tattoo

Symbol of career growth and good luck in business

Do you dream of career growth and successful business? whose wings are spread wide as a sign of determination and desire to move forward will help you . It is worth giving the same to your family and boss, as well as friends.

But in the meeting room and on the table in the office it is better to place a figurine of a bird whose wings are folded. This is a symbol of intelligence, attention, and restrained patience. And for a successful business, the most important thing is to always be focused, think through the decisions you make, and navigate correctly in any situation.

Advice! To establish a love relationship based on reciprocity, feel free to choose a red amulet made of stones or wood. It is better to buy it yourself, because a gifted talisman can attract trouble or a feeling of disappointment.

For happiness, a small amulet with you in your purse , or buy it in the form of a pendant or ring.

Image of an Owl in a tattoo

To ensure that the owl is always nearby, protects you from the evil eye and helps you in business, you can get tattoos with its image. A white bird with open eyes is best.

  • For longevity, you need to apply an image of an owl next to the hour hands, right in the eye area. This symbolizes the transience of time and long life.
  • To improve your financial situation, you should apply an image of an owl with open wings. You can also choose a simple, non-colored tattoo, but with a minimal amount of black, such as a regular outline or a bird with feathers.

The owl is a powerful magical symbol with great power that can protect, help in different situations and provide answers to many questions. Since ancient times, birds have been treated with reverence and care. To use symbolism as a talisman, you should read about what the owl talisman means, where to place and store it correctly, and also how to correctly interpret fortune telling.

Wise dreams

Since ancient times, it has been believed that the wisest and most correct decisions come to a person in a dream on the wings of owls. It’s hard to disagree with this, because many, for example D.I. Mendeleev's insight came precisely in a dream.

The mysterious night cry of the bird, according to scientists, is one of the reasons why the owl is considered wise. The ability to make uniquely powerful sounds: sharply hoot and laugh loudly does not leave any animal around indifferent.

Another reason is the larger mass of the bird’s brain compared to other birds, which affects the behavior of the owl. Patience and thoughtful decisions are characteristic of this bird.

And of course the appearance: a big head with an intelligent look, wise eyes that understand everything.

Owl as a talisman, amulet: meaning

An owl is an excellent amulet that protects against the evil eye and negative energy.

Owl as a talisman, amulet, meaning:

  • It is for this purpose that you need to purchase brooches or pendants. For these purposes, it is best to choose a predator with wide open eyes and light plumage. It is best if the jewelry is made of precious metal, gold or silver.
  • It is believed that such metals enhance energy and improve the effect of the talisman. It is imperative to place such decoration in a visible place so that people can contemplate it. Often such a figurine is placed in a stroller for newborn children. This will also protect you from the evil eye.



Today, like many centuries ago, jewelry and costume jewelry with the image of an owl are popular. These products not only emphasize female attractiveness, but also serve as excellent talismans. For men, there are also jewelry amulets with the image of a wise bird. They are made from gold and silver, as well as from steel and other materials. However, it is worth emphasizing that silver talismans have the greatest power.

The most popular women's amulets are pendants and pendants with images of birds. They are worn on a chain around the neck, closer to the level of the heart. Bracelets, brooches and earrings with owls are also popular. As for rings and rings, they are recommended to be worn by confident people or those who want to develop this character trait. Children are recommended to wear special badges with the image of a wise bird to help them study.

How to find out your destiny?

The owner of the amulet acquires with it the gift of foresight and becomes very sensitive to lurking dangers . This will help him protect himself from many unpleasant incidents and troubles.

Advice! To find out the answer to a question that is tormenting you, place the amulet at the head of your head and ask it out loud . And the bird will answer you with a prophetic dream. Don't forget to thank her in the morning for her prediction.

In order not to offend the owl, constantly take care of it and pay attention. Place the talisman in a prominent place, constantly admire its beauty, pat it on the head and have regular conversations .


Saturday, September 06, 2014 20:22 + to quote book

Owls are probably one of the most mysterious and enigmatic birds. The secretive nocturnal lifestyle, the “intelligent” look, the silent flight, and the frightening voice struck the human imagination. Owls were revered, dedicated to gods and heroes, they became a symbol of wisdom. In many fairy tales and legends, owls act as advisors, insightful birds, messengers, and bearers of unusual knowledge. The Slavs credit the owl with the role of guardian of underground wealth. These birds have played a significant role in human beliefs and culture since ancient times. An image of a polar owl dating back to the early Paleolithic was discovered on the wall of a cave in France (Armstrong, 1958). Rock carvings of owls are found in various places around the world - in Europe, Australia, America.

For a long time, the owl has been considered a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. Among the ancient Greeks, it was the sacred bird of the goddess of wisdom Athena (namely, the little owl). According to one Christian tradition, the owl symbolizes the wisdom of Christ, which manifests itself in the midst of primordial darkness (Saunders, 1995). It was believed that owls have powers that are inaccessible to other animals. This is one of the reasons that they were integral companions of wizards and healers. Thus, the wizard Merlin, a character in the legends of King Arthur, was always depicted with an owl on his shoulder. Among many African peoples, the owl is also considered the bird of wizards and sorcerers. In Lorraine, old maids went into the forest and asked the owl to find a husband.

The owl is probably the most famous “soothsayer” among birds. And it does not necessarily portend bad things, as is often believed. In France they believed that if a pregnant woman heard the cry of an owl, she would give birth to a girl. Residents of South India, having heard an owl “concert,” counted the number of calls. If one foreshadowed approaching death, then two - success in a business that will soon be started, three - someone in the family is getting married, five - a person is about to travel, six - guests should be expected, etc. In Newfoundland (Canada), the cry of the Virginian An eagle owl predicted the approach of bad weather; in England, a change in weather was foreshadowed by the cry of a barn owl (Marcot, Johnson, 2003).

In the cultures of many American Indian tribes, the owl personified supernatural knowledge, prophecy, and magical power. Among the Pawnee it was a symbol of protection, among the Ojibwe it symbolized the high status of the spiritual leaders of the tribe, among the Pueblo it was associated with the deity of fertility. The Lenapes believed that an owl seen in a dream became a person’s protective spirit. In the sacred traditions of some tribes, the polar owl personified the north and the north wind.

Among the ancient Mayans, the owl was a symbol of power; its images are found on the bas-reliefs of rulers. The Oglala Sioux revered the snowy owl, and warriors who distinguished themselves in battle were awarded its feathers. In ancient times the Sioux had a special society called the Owl Lodge. Its members believed that the forces of nature would favor the one who deserved the most owl feathers. Some tribes considered the owl's feather a magical talisman. Among the Zuni Indians, mothers placed an owl feather near their child to make it easier for him to fall asleep. Among the Dakota, the rabbit owl was considered the protector spirit of brave warriors. Among the Yakama tribe, the owl was a totem. The Hopi Indians believed that the rabbit owl, being the deity of the underworld, looked after all underground things, including plant sprouts. According to them, the great eagle owl helped fruits grow. The Kwakiutl Indians believed that owls were the souls of people. If you kill an owl, the one to whom the soul belonged will also die. The Tlingit people revered owls very much. Their warriors rushed into battle, howling like owls. The Nevuks believed that brave and virtuous people became Virginia eagle owls after death. The Incas revered owls due to their beautiful eyes (Marcot and Johnson, 2003).

The owl was revered by the Iroquois. California Indians believe that the owl is a deity and guardian of large trees. In the myths of some peoples of Central America, Huitaka is a seductive woman, the patroness of female fertility and the fertility of the fields. For her excessive sensuality and drunken orgies, the gods turned Whitaka into an owl (Fedoseenko, 1998). One of the reasons people have a special relationship with owls is their mysterious night calls. “The voice of an eagle owl is one of the wonders of the night,” wrote ornithologist Yu.B. Pukinsky. “In terms of strength, depth and the impression it makes in the night forest, there is no sound equal to it” (Pukinsky, 1977). It is interesting that the calls of the eagle owl amaze not only people, but also animals. Scientists often heard how wolves, jackals and other animals began to howl in response to his voice. The names of many species of owls among various peoples of the world are onomatopoeic (Holmgren, 1988; Marcot and Johnson, 2003).

Many primitive peoples saw the owl as a revered, kind creature; its sinister reputation arose later. The Tungus believe in the protection of owls, consider the owl to be a protector from evil spirits and believe that it hunts for spirits and eats them. The white (polar) owl was considered a holy bird among the Kalmyks. She was called foreshadowing and was treated with great respect. On the island of Samoa, a member of the owl clan, upon finding a dead bird, cries and beats his forehead with a stone until blood flows, and then buries the owl as a fellow owl. In the former GDR, a stylized image of an eagle owl was on the “Nature Conservation” sign. Since the owl was the bird of Athena among the ancient Greeks, the night flight of owls meant the favor of this goddess. As D. Kaigorodov touchingly writes about the little owl: “In his gaze one can see something cunning, crafty, but not evil, but even attractive. “Whoever knows this scoop,” says Brem, “will understand that the Greeks could see in it the favorite bird of the goddess of wisdom, Pallas Athena.” Among the Italians, little owls are true house friends; they often walk around the house, yard and garden with clipped wings, and catch mice everywhere” (Kaigorodov, 1906).

The Greeks depicted the little owl on silver coins of 4 drachmas - tetradrachms, minted in Athens back in the 5th century. BC e., on various measuring vessels as the bird of Athena, the patroness of the city. She used to be the goddess of darkness, which is probably why the connection with night birds arose. Hence, by the way, the modern scientific name of the genus of little owls is Athene. Athena helped in work and battles, personifying wisdom. Her sacred bird was endowed with the same power. The joy of a Greek is understandable; if he met an owl, it means that an intelligent thought will come to him. Little owls were strictly protected; they inhabited the Acropolis in large numbers. It was believed that a magical "inner light" gave the bird night vision. If an owl flew over the Greek army before a battle, it was taken as an omen of victory. Among the Etruscans, the owl was also an attribute of the god of darkness (Marcot, Johnson, 2003). The Romans considered Minerva the goddess of wisdom. The owl was most often depicted sitting at her feet. “The owl of Minerva flies at night,” the Romans said. This meant that good ideas often came at night.

An owl often acts as an assistant to a shaman, helps him establish a connection with the world of spirits, gives him the power to see at night, find lost objects, etc. On the northwest coast of Alaska, the Yupik tribe held a special magical ceremony at the end of winter. For her, under the guidance of a shaman, special masks were made, through which the spirits of animals, both dangerous and friendly, manifested themselves. The helping spirit often acted as an owl. Most masks contained snowy owl feathers (Marcot and Johnson, 2003).

In Afghanistan, it was believed that the owl gave man flint and iron to make fire. In the Avesta, the Owl is patronized by Mach, the Moon. This means that Owls are related to the occult sciences and secret knowledge is revealed to them. In India, it was believed that Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, flies on an owl. Therefore, some Indian peoples, primarily Bengalis, still believe that if a white owl flies into a house, this is a good sign, and it means prosperity will come to the house. In China, owls were associated with thunder and the summer solstice. It was believed that images of owls placed in each corner of the house protected it from lightning strikes. The owl was one of the symbols of the yang masculine principle (Marcot, Johnson, 2003). The Chinese considered the owl a symbol of prosperity. Ethnographer A.V. Gura (1997) believes that among the Slavs, a positive assessment of birds of the owl family in folk beliefs is characteristic only of a part of the southern Slavs and is apparently associated with later Muslim influence. This is the idea of ​​the eagle owl as a kind, “holy” bird among the Muslims of Herzegovina, and the sympathetic attitude towards the owl, punished by separation from its cuckoo sister, among the Kyustendil Bulgarians, and the relationship of the owl or owl with a fallen angel in some Serbian and Bulgarian legends. In folklore texts of Herzegovina, the owl appears as the king of birds. There is also a well-known Muslim legend about how an owl saved all the birds from extermination, for which she received divine encouragement from the wise Suleiman. In many areas of Russia, the owl was treated cordially. In fairy tales she was called the “widow owl”, the blond, intelligent little head, the Zalessk lady Ulyana Stepanovna.

According to popular belief, an owl guards treasures. The owl, the “owl’s brother-in-law,” is Leshy’s constant companion, the owls are his messengers, and the wise owl is the forest owner’s advisor. The owl has extraordinary properties. If the heart of this bird is placed, together with its left leg or at least one claw, on a soundly sleeping person, he will immediately begin to tell what he plans to do in the future, and will reveal all his innermost secrets. The claws and bones of eagle owls and owls were used to ward off evil spirits: they were burned and incensed with this smoke in the yard and in the house. The prophetic birds eagle owl and owl mainly predict misfortune - especially if they sit on the corner of a house and start screaming. D. Kaigorodov (1906) told how at the beginning of the 20th century “poultry factories” began to send their procurers to the region of the Don Army to procure owls. For the first two years, no one bothered the agents, the owls were shot, and in the third year the Don people greeted them almost with blows: due to the strong decrease in the number of owls, many mice bred. In Ukraine there is a belief that an owl screeches when a child is born. An affectionate attitude towards the eagle owl can be heard in the Ukrainian folk song “Oh, don’t scare, little scare.” The scarecrow in it says: “How can you not frighten me: even if you want to virubati, call me a nest somewhere, keep the little children warm.”

The following sayings about the owl are known: blind during the day, sighted at night, it is the cat who catches mice; flies all night - catches mice, and when it becomes light - flies into a hollow to sleep; if there are a lot of owls, the harvest will be good; an owl screams at night before rain and cold; an eagle owl screams at the thaw; an owl in a hollow - to the wind, in a dry forest - to rain; the owl screams - to the cold.

Owl, who looked into your round yellow eye, knows the great secret of miracles. Didn't you reign in Heaven? In their silent failures, there, high, In the blue abysses, your sign has not disappeared to this day. Who at midnight read under the flawed Moon The yellowed chronicle of days, He understands me without words, and now he is with me, Above one line, In my song, In one string, which rattles for the glory of the Universe. Oh, wise bird, whose gaze penetrates the darkness, In the night, where those of the day see nothing, You sat on the terrible hut of Yaga, You looked into the eyes of noble Athena, You were behind the shoulders of all the sorcerers, You cut through the night valleys with your wing, Bringing up visions broadcast dreams On the witch's stems of midnight flowers, From which the darkness, having received a breath, communicates your sign to Our dreams, - I know, someday in the abysses, far away, The luminary of the whirling days will go out, But in the new primeval nights, in the mixing of darkness and lights, Before Through Chaos, the immeasurable yellow eye will be lit with new creativity. Konstantin Balmont

Categories:the natural world in the animal world myths, legends, fairy tales Slavic mythology Animals in Slavic mythology

myths about animals owls and eagle owls

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Owl is a symbol of intelligence

It is believed that such animals see well only at night, while during the day they are practically blind.

Owl is a symbol of intelligence:

  • This does not apply to the owl at all, since during the day its vision is much better than that of a person.
  • However, thanks to its echolocation abilities and ability to pick up the quietest sounds, the owl hunts best at night.
  • At night there are fewer extraneous sounds and noise that can lead the animal astray. These features made it a symbol of intelligence.

White Owl Mascot

There are many superstitions associated with the white polar owl, especially among northern peoples . It is believed that this totem gives people the gift of clairvoyance and improves intuition .

If you place such a talisman made of transparent materials inside the house, or simply a claw or a drawing of a white beauty, then harmony and peace of mind will come in the personal lives of its inhabitants. And the one who saw this bird during the mating season will find happiness and good luck in everything.

What does an owl mean as a symbol in the house?

Owl figurines are often purchased for the home in order to attract money and financial well-being. However, such talismans are purchased not only for this purpose. An owl figurine will help you save money, allocate money correctly, and spend much less.

What does an owl mean as a symbol in the house:

  • For these purposes, the figurine is usually installed in the place where money is stored, or in the office, on the desktop. The owl represents a symbol of wisdom, intelligence and philosophy. It is believed that this figurine in the house can make the owner’s mind clearer and not make mistakes.
  • Such souvenirs are placed in the children's room so that the child learns how to spend money correctly and has good performance in school. Often such figurines are taken with them to the exam in order to get good grades. An owl will help protect the house from evil forces, as well as sorcerers.
  • A person who is engaged in business and is quite successful will receive protection if he acquires such a talisman. Typically, figurines with eyes wide open are purchased for protection. If you don’t want your child to be jinxed, put a similar figurine in your newborn’s stroller.


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